Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1932)
_a. .gU r^ g lT Y .J Q U R H ^ THURS., .AUGUST 13, 1.93,2. kohl. Misses Charlena and Claudena invited to the lunch room. Tables were Y ounger S et Crawford and Mae Keizer gave a de arranged in a semi-circle and were dec dancing party at the Eagles orated In a color scheme of pink and Enjoys D ance lightful Lodge hall Tuesday night for about yellow. Ice cream and Individual cakes were served, Mrs. Ethel Crawford and forty members of the high school and Mrs Keizer assisting the young hostess set. Several card tables were ar es. For Nyssa Miss college ranged for those who preferred cards Snap It, FREE! In our Special Sampling Offer we give you three for two. FREE TEST ROLL of films with the purchase of two. See our window display. YOU WILL LIKE OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE Nyssa Pharmacy The Rexall Store BIRTHDAY PARTY With a number of little friends, Shir ley Barker celebrated her seventh birth day alst Friday. After unwrapping pres ents and playing games, the youngsters enjoyed the birthday cake and lunch eon. COUNTY 4-H CLUB PICNIC ON SATURDAY The 4-H clubs of this vicinity will hold their annual picnic next Saturday, August 13, at the Butler grove between Nyssa and Ontario. Club members and leaders will be In attendance. The day will be spent In playing games, having a picnic lunch and arranging for club exhibits for the coming county fair. OREGON NYSSA Court House Filings Now Open For Business WHEAT GROWERS ATTENTION g È = s - Why store yuor wheat on farms when y o u can obtain Storage from us in our large Grain Ele vator at a very low rate, thereby avoiding extra handling, shrinkage, and have insurance pro tection. See us for further information THE NYSSA ELEVATOR Nyssa, Oregon. Real Estate Transfers Recorded Emil Gunderson et ux to Julia Gun derson. S1-2NE1-4, and N1-2SE1..4, Sec. 11, 27, 39. 7, 20, 32. $10. Elva K. Oakes to State of Oregon. I Roard R-W in Section 21.17-47. 5, 26, j 32. $120. E. J. Hoyt et ux to Donald McDonald Graham. S. 50 ft., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 block 30, Teutschs Add. Nyssa. 6, 10 32. $ 1 . Thomas A. Cox to Wayne B. Cox. SW1-4 Section 14-18-46. 7, 19, 32. $1. A. A. Schramm, Supt. to John Nor wood, SE1..4SW1..4, Sec. 10-16. 43. ex cept one acre tract. 6, 18, 32. $443.68. W. T. Smith et ux to Hazel Silkett. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 281 Ontario. 4, 6, 32. $10. D. J. Joseph et ux to Howard Gordon et al. Metes and bounds In Sections 15 and 16, R. 47. 6, 2, 32. $1. Howard Gordon et ux to A. H. O’Leary. Metes and bounds In Sections 15 and 10, Twps. 16 and 19, R. 47. 7, 9. 32. $1. Pacific Live Stock Co. to Warm- ! springs Irri. Dlst., Lot 4. Sec. 30. SW1-4 j SE1-4, Sec. 31-22-37. Lot 5, 6, and 7, ! SW1-4NE1 4, 8E1..4NW1 4, E1..2SW1..4 j NW1-4 and NE1-4, Sec. 7, SW1-4NW14 i W1 2SE1..4, 8E1 4SE1..4, Sec. 6, El-2 | Sec. 8, Twp. 23, R. 37. 7, 20, 32. $1. Clifford J Lommis et ux to Robert Q. Wallace W1-28E1-4, Sec. 24-17-44. 7, 25, 31. $1. Marriage Licenses Issued George Martin Lucht and Pansey Mae Prater 8, 1, 32. Woodrow Gibson and Flora Fay Shel ton. 8, 2, 32. Leslie Amos Allred and Thelma May Marsh. 8. 2, 32. Dan Dymoke and Kathryn Marie Hepp. 8, 3, 32. Harold Sanford Kopenhaver and Agnes Louise Amen. 8, 3, 32. Frank L. Brady and Ruth Storer. 8, 4, 32. George T. Speros and Marguerite Agnes Hartnett. 8, 5. 32. Arthur Andrew Elliott and Jessie An na Hamilton. 8, 6, 32. FOR SALE—Muskmelons, cantaloupes and vegetables. John Prati, Nyssa. FOR RENT-----Three small houses and one large one. OWYHEE REALTY! COMPANY. FILMS, FREE DEVELOPING AND PRINTING at Wilson Bros. Drygoods by H. L. Weidemann. Aug ll.pd R. F. WALTER PROMISES BROGAN -------------------------------------- | PROJECT EARLY SURVEY IF Fl$>R SALE—Hay, cows, automobiles STATE WILL COOPERATE; SET etc. OWYHEE REALTY COMPANY,, TLERS ARE HAPPY. R. J. DAVIS, Phone 72F5. Nyssa. Legal Advertisement NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given th at the un dersigned by an order of the County Court of Malheur County, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 30th day of July, 1932, was duly ap pointed Administrator of the estate of Edson Stansell, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law, to the under signed administrator whose post office address Is Parma, Idaho, route 3, or at the office of A. L. Fletcher in Vale, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, to wit: August 11th, 1932. P. B. ANDERSON, Administrator of the Estate of Edson Stansell. A. L. Fletcher, Vale, Oregon Attorney for said Estate. COOKIES SPECIAL ON SATURDAY 10c DOZEN Any Kind You Like Sugar, Cocoanut, Oat Meal .Scotch Cookies, Fruit Bars, Date-Walnut, Chocolate, Cocoanut Macaroons —Shop At— SWAN BAKERY The Five Sacred Rights Of Childhood The Right— To An Education. The Right— To Supervised Play and Recreation. The Right— To Moral Training. The Right— To a Decent Daily Life. B. W. MULKEY Vale, Oregon The Right— To Military Knowledge and Training. Homesteads, Desert Land Entries, Final Proofs. All matters relating What School is More Qualified Than to public lands. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Rocky Butte East Bound Leaves Nyssa 11:30 a. m., 3:20 p. m. 8:35 p. m. Leaves Nyssa 10:35 a. m., 2:20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. Independently owned and operated—Not controlled by any railroad. ALL CARS RADIO EQUIPPED See Nyssa Depot at Powell Service Station for tickets and information Portland, Oregon Leuck Blacksmith Shop F. L. Edwards, Prop. O f th e 6 o r 8 la y er« o f S u p e r tw is t C o rd i n th i s G o o d y ear, tw o d o n o t r u n fro m bead to b ead — th e y a r e r e a lly c o rd b r e a k e r s tr ip s a n d t h a t 's w h a t w e c a ll th e m al th o u g h s o m e ti r e m a k e r s c a ll th e m e x tr a p ile s . F a m o u s L ife tim e G u a ra n te e d GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Is Headquarters For The I. O. N. MOTOR STAGES S u p e rtw iit C o rd T ire s CASH PRICES providing daily service between Boise and Weiser. Purchase tickets here and make our gar age your stopping place while in Nyssa. * i3 t NYSSA Open Day and Night Heavy D uty Truck 8 n n d 10 F u ll P ile s a n d tw o c o rd b re a k e rs.______ * » M ilk is Safe Food Dr. R. L. Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior, said: “Nutrition is the most basic of all human respon sibilities and the human race depends upon the good dairy cow for its permanence. Milk is a safe food. r «« a . *3M OREG. O l h y r . . . . . p r o p o r lio n m t y ly la m West Bound OREGON NYSSA We repair all kinds of farming Implements and automobiles. EXPERT WORK Prices Reasonable Nyssa, Oregon Three Schedules Daily Each Direction At Convenient Hours Rooms, Board and Bath $2.50 per day Rheumatism and Nervous Cases Dr. D. A. SEXTON VALE, OREGON REPAIR POWELL’S SERVICE STATION Between Weiser and Boise via Nyssa-Parma-Notus SAMARIUM rit!ElilBIIHIIII3in Peach orchards that have perished RADIO SERVICE AT Wilson Bros Drygoods by H. L. Weidemann. AUp through lack of water may thrive again in Brogan valley. A survey to determine the cost of de PLAY SAFE—Insure your bam and veloping storage on Burnt river for hay, home and furniture, automoible. diversion Into Willow creek for the ir OWYHEE REALTY CO. rigation of land in the Brogan com munity will be recommended by R. F. Walter, chief engineer of the bureau of FOR SALE—1929 1 1-2 ton Chevrolet1 reclamation. This Information was re truck, 1 truck trailor, capacity 11-2 I ceived by Chas. E. Stricklin, state en tons, 2 car trailors, 1924 Chevrolet tour gineer, and Arden A. Reed, orchardist ing, portable electric sewing machine, I of Brogan, with the proposition that 35 New Zealand White Rabbits, 2 young the state or “other parties” bear 50 per milk goats. Inquire Journal office. cent of the cost of the survey. If the ------------------------------------------------ -- state agrees, it is expected that the SOLD—1000 acres of the best land un- I survey will begin this fall. der the Owyhee project to buyers ' Attorney R. D. Lytle of Vale is co operating with Mr. Reed and others from Virgina, Texas, California, O re-1 in the effort to secure the survey. They gon and Idaho. See us for land. OWY presented the plan to Commissioner, HEE REALTY Co., City. Mead when he was here for the recent Owyhee dam dedication. CALLING CARDS Printed in any print The plan is to divert flood waters you like at Gate City Journal. Box from Burnt river through a long tun of 100 cards $1.25, panel or plain. nel and into a reservoir. Several sites have been located and the plan was HAY FOR SALE—H. R. Quinby, Nyssa. found feasible In a preliminary survey July 14*. made last spring by Carl Jungqulst. Mr. Reed and others of the Brogan FOR SALE—ONE GOOD USED re community are rejoicing in this frigerator. See It today. BALDRIDGE promise of success for their efforts. If IMPLEMENT CO., NYSSA. water is secured for Brogan, thous ands of acres of orchards which have SEE THE SMALL RANGES AT Nor- been allowed to die will be replanted. dale Furniture Co., Nyssa. They’re as Everyone acquainted with Brogan useful and dependable as the large peaches knows th at some of the finest kitchen ranges. Priced at $34 and $39.50. quality fruit ever produced is grown at EXPERT RADIO SERVICING. H. C. Brogan. Hoxie, City. Mr. Reed Is among a few orchardlsts at Brogan who have irrigated tttcir farms by pumping. “Our peach crop is WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Print coming through in fine shape,” he said, ed at Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Ore. but the red spider has dealt our apple orchards another hard blow.” I H M MOTOR I - U " n STAGES LOCAL SERVICE New, Extracted HONEY 7c Lb. (While We Extract) Bring your own containers. W. W. “Honey” Foster Nyssa, Oregon *14»7 $ 1 6 60 E a ch In P air« E a ch In P a ira • 1 7 < • E a ch T ube M .ts S t tib i l e l I 1 K .M srh Rxk *28*° E a ch In P a irs • 1 * f 7 E a ch T u h ? 43. * • E a ch In P air« 17 * • * * d i T ube t i l l Each In Pairs • V M la c fe P e r S et * 14 . 1 « Tub« M e 4.75-19 •4 » 4 54-27 4.54-21 E ach In P a ir s n n R«ch P er S et I t f . l k Tube t i c Each in Pairs • 1 .4 4 Each P er S et 4 l f . l l Tub« f i e 4.75-27 $4 7* •3 7f S4 57 Each In Pairs • 4 * » X«eh Per S«t * 1 > .M T ub* M e Each in Pairs • 4 7 1 K eeh Per.Set f t 9 .1 4 Tub« t i c 5 44-24 5.47-21 *4" Each in Pairs •4 « f Per Set | 1 | . M T u b a Of 14 *4" Each in Pairs M M X«eta Per S et 414.91 Tuba I I I » *3” 5.44-19 Each in Paira • 4 - 4 4 Kaeb Per Set 7 1 4 .M Tuba i t — 5 25-18 $Ç3I Each In Paira • 4 M Kach Per S et M l . l t Tub« « I M U*e More Of It There is No Substitute for Shelton Milk Lawrence Service Station S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA, OREGON liilBBlia» to dancing. Punch was served thruout W. C. T. U. PICNIC the evening and confetti added to the Complimenting Miss Martha Schlap- festivities. At 12 o'clock guests were The next regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. Is slated for Tuesday, August 16, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Abbott. It will be an all day meeting with a picnic lunch served by the hostess at noon. The day will be spent In sewing for little Hazel Leavitt, who Is retum - |ing to school in Salem soon. Everyone is invited. • • • • • THERON GILDEA POUR On August 4th, Theron Olldea was four years old. Celebrating the occasion with a party, he and four little friends enjoyed a birthday cake at four o’clock. Theron received remembrances which numbered four times four. U. S. B. S. WILL COOPERATE IN V S8Ï WANT ADS