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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1932)
H g r ■ rr LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA a 1 1 -i-'r-ai- *fter p f j £ A Mia* Naomi Evans is ohw Mr and Mr*- Donald M. Graham weir .everal weeks visit at owvlie* Uam. I Boise visitors today 1 ¿iaiMT Bordali ■» drtvx» e r.sw E rri ci*t: abno;«. MADE FOR black c a n y o n WHKAT ON ■« - Mr. «a d U n ; Ted îîewrtl rere i-jhîag . ' f — * r-T-lrle lutt 1“ Cea »hU. - i « ia* '»«ue 'Wr.PAKK CO HOLD .K W COOP z¡ ° ä S Z T S S ï S fives» 'Si- Mead t » < fregón. Tmatllla annera Mr .,nd Mrs C. A. Batts end famllv j - >Jwln Johnson. . ountv mrtneer L T t t e £ £ £ M o t fhe ! "aid- bann* a l m a « 'aken ¡mp. to -rgam s. - ecureiand aold their wheat for a worthwhile of Owvhee Dam spent the week end in 1 tlM bewl sunmytn* {or the new -tretch I of ’ommerce to price. A drive nas bsen carted to pre- - of road near McDermitt the ; oat week./well i 'hamper J. T LaPnnd of K F X D Nampa, was I E. B Butler Jr., returned to Hot Lake B o is e che ompletion of the Black Canyon vent armera rom onsignlng thelr i here on business Monday. Sunday after a few days at home Leroy and Bobbv Duffv of Adrian are1 Mr. and Mrs. .Max .Johnson of Owy- prelect. An .ooeal vas nade to t3*n- wheat on he (intention that consign . ¡siting their randparents Mr. ,nd I hee c omo rent undav vermut lnjator IVllliam E. lornh Monday to i ur- ment ends to reduce Hires. Recon Miss Peggy Sills returned home last i Engineer P A. Banks and famllv were Mrs .Sumner Jones. 'own. ther tlier che the effort to ottain lederai funde struction Inance corporation money i w <v«k from Rupert STter a month's visit I visitors in Boise and Nampa lust week Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams of Owvhee t ! from the roconstnictlon lornoratlon tor is .vallable ander he relief aet tori with her grandparents end. orderly marketing, it is nom ted out, and I have urchased a new DeLuxe Ford I vIrg Tom N>wbv ind ,nM vfton I:lew ‘Tlgation protects. >«<*"■ .lnk _ _ _ m ,ila , arbon , ome i Th* government alreedv lias a sub- ■ .. . , . ,r tantlal investment which an no* belli Is planned to make thla money avail John A. Ward returned to his mine ‘ Mrs. Eulah Kelly and Mrs Glen : unds for I ible to fanners who near Prairie City Saturday after a few 'Rose of Ontario returned esterdav Miss Uelmar McKee ‘turned home iH New Plymouth Tueedav »maid until .he rolect, i uiiuhed — — We consider i Harvesting expenses. days at home from a few days outing at Payette lake Tuesday from a visit In Boise with hart . ....—a » , .n norah aimt Mrs Elm. fiimpson. ' ™ t h « lorn« be per- | MT and Mrs. George McKee and I Mrs. L. E Bachman daughter of Mr ocifti «,iv^n bT in i)r«ron .«ill * ®r* . «•_- i»»«e. family attended the funeral services for'and Mrs W A McNall. met her hus- Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson uid I(.nt-Tcacher association at the .Sumner i t<L K1“Uh ,art,* “ V. " " ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ J Mre Fred Tagus, cousin of Mrs McKee band at Pocatello Friday. They motored Mr. and Mrs. F e t u s , Mb ,nd l }aam h a a t rM r town Friday .wenni«. ;3ro’erts' Vor* c“ b# ' or tIWeh ,ess tilan ,n ,tl* ”*** ,ind lf lfl® "ropw i In Meridian Tuesday. to Los Angeles for the Olympic game* •laughter Peggy -nloved an outing m l j'ikJge W W Wond U in Condcrv oüt circuit court work. >ir «n<ä MM. K irrt Covhert of £m- ,-aert sperrt Sunday with relatives here the pine, near John Day Sunday Rev J. Lester Vatl of the county seat Frank Reberger Is doing relief work Robert Cams and famllv of Caldwell and his parents from Mt. Vernon i in the Ontario freight depot (luring the W A. A. McNall McNall Wash , were visitors In Nvssa Saturday absence of George Gilham who Is I pent Pundav at the W home. Other quests were Mr. and Mrs. Rev vail is pastor of thd Christian1 spending his acatlon in he Mountains. church In Vale L. L. Patterson. m Mr *ìm m Pi i w . . . and W. Mrs A. w H w r Boydell and Dr S 2 . 1* ^ * ¿ ¡* ¿ 2 L/g* CUfford , e tu n -d « S S a ^ S S Z Z ^ ROGER :,ad not seen for 28 tears are of Mrs. Geo R. Swan today FOR SATURDAY, JULY Wth 3»iC 89c LARD, 4 lb. pekff..................... PtJRITY FLOUR. 49-lb sack V A N C A M P S PORK and BEANS, med. fiz e , -I c a n s PTNK SALMON, No. 1, 3>ans 29c CATSTJP, larpe size, 2 bottles 2 * )C CERTO, 2 bottles COFFEE, Chase & Sanbome's, 1 lb. can COFFEE, Chase & .Sanbome’s, 2 lb. can 55c 32c 62c M p Wilson Brothers GROCERY Trade Here NYSSA I-O-N OREGON MOTOR STAGES irogan Sew System Gives C. O. Journalists Real Experience ti-fneh ELECTRIC F-AN (A Dandy)._ THERMOS JUG, one liallon. kToat for pic THERMOS BOTTLE, quart, always useful I([E CREAM FREEZER. 2-ijuait. make it yourself_____________ _______ __ _ 3-Piece REFRKÏERATO R S E T ______ No. 2 G A LV A N IZ E D TUB .......... . 14-quart GALVANIZED PAIL Ail Kinds it Kitchen Hardware Baldridge Imp. Co. We Appreciate Your Trade Wesley J. Browne, .Manager OREG NYSSA I John Banks. Allen and Bob Johan- • . „ ______ — nesen of Owvhee Dam have been visit-. '■««* ^««hiertte ,nd Ruth nmlth iors at , he Boy Scout camn at Payette I ®^®*®** ' -ho tn Tuscon- itu> : f ' I lake this week Mr Banks will go after i nPRr Anee!M « • ' °enditig their a- • 3 1 them Sunday and will he accnmnanled 1catlon 'nr lwo = ■ by Howard and Warren Larsen, vho j ha'vi‘ !>wr‘ wests of Mrs. J. B. Hmlth. M I also spend a week at amp. remaining t .11 ' esterdav. Tuesday even- ■ | mg. relatives of ; he Smith t amllv tal.h- • d ered at the tiome of Mrs. Franklin Fry t 3 | James B Lowery, dnigglst of Poea-• ham an nformal arewell 5 tello and Mrs 1 owerv, laughter of I , rv |> MM "hm "Tinmnsnn -ere • MtOVS era ' until yesterday. Mrs Thompson accnm- • J >anled them as tar as Caldwell, where I thev pent (he (lav with Mrs. T. P.f »» v <3 * • V tinmans, another daughter of Mrs. r la v e OU iM l t il l OUT j Thompson. On Dieaday they all en- _ _ _ = ' joved a visit at Owvhee Dam. | R e n e w a l to T n * » o u m a l . We Will Save You iMonev Phone 2A ,U p p in g U ie rtJ ^ b s 1 ,om 11» uerts. 'tat,on t,us WT* * - ^ ie !'un‘JS ,lftVe l,8en ' ;rMln* lear IroMlde Mrs. H. H Shumaker and on Jack i vfr. iin<| Mrs. Edward Odegard of I of Portland are \ lsiting Mrs. Wendell Seattle quests of Mr. and Mrs. John r’ mversitv of Oregon, 'ugene. — Pogue, daughter of Mrs .Shumaker and I Andrews tor several davs. .eft Tuesday A r.ewsnaoer without ubsenbers ;amlIy for their liome on the Sound. would eem to be of ’ ittle us# in the Mr and Mrs Aden Wilson Mrs. I world, yet such .ewsnapers are of Klaas Tensen and Mr and Mrs. Nick i Miss Doris Hinshaw Mident mirse I vital interest to student* at the Nni- Rudllrk returned Sunday night from a l at St. Luke’s hospital in Boise, was a I versitv of Oregon school of journal week's outing In the mountains. ;uest of Mrs. Howard Fetter Sunday ism. Four omnlete daily papers are and Monday when en route to Twin , planned, written and made-up by stu Mrs. C. W Wood of Owvhee Dam was I Falls to visit relatives. dents of the school, and earned a guest of Mrs. F. P. Greene from Fri through all normal procedure to the day until Sunday. Mrs. Wood plans to i "here n move to Nvssa soon if a desirable rest- ' Mr. and Mrs. on ver "hambers. Mr. point and Mr*, t t P. Ashbv ,nd Mrs Harry | th# pap(r , ton3 and , (M t <vnrK . , dence ran be found. ‘ Shelton of Boise were guests last Sun discus* the naner and bear criticisms Bvrd Glenn of Vale called at the W. day at the country home of Mr md from the instructor. F McLing and Glenn Frizzell homes/ Mrs. . ohn D. Lackev. ___________ This re-orgamzation of the jurnal- Friday night He 1s returning to Bnuld- • j i-m work, which has been put into vf- er clam where he is emoloved iw the j Miss Marie Hunter .ad 1 er onsils i feet recently by Dean iCric W. Allen, government, he end of his 'week. removed at the office of Dr. J. J. Bar- ) is expected to give the students much more practical experience than ever Mrs Preston of Bevette mother of Huater vtl1 I Mrs Frank Ravis, and other relative* | 1« her beauty shoo the f irrt of the ! before, since work is now lone under the shadow of an impending headline, were guests of the Raids and Joe Arre I •vw*lt- «’lasses are now held only for the pur families Sunday. Little Betty Ravis oc- i pose of discussion and criticism of the comDanied her randmother home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost left Sat- • actual laboratory work >n *he four j urdav on their vacation tin to Twin! papers, named for the days on which L. A. Hlgbv received word of he Falls and Yellowstone nark While Frost 1 they ire vrrtten. he Monday Mail. death of his sister Mrs Anthony Gross- 1 is awav. Troy sitton of Pavette Is tom- • Tuesday Tribune. Wednesdav World man In Portland Sunday night follow urarv agent lor 'he Idaho Power om- • and Thursday Times. ing an operation tor appendicitis In pany here. terment was 111 a Boise remeterv. Wire and syndicate services are sup plied to the students through the cour T. J. Whitman of Rupert lias associa tesy of the Eugene ilegister-Guard. Otis Foglesong and family of Moll- , ilia. Or., friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. : ted with the Nvssa Gram i omnanv in Further details of the plan will be nut I extended trip to Oklahoma vhlo.n .rhi-h in- n Mhe purchase . of sture. Dean __ a r. nare of he arge: into . . . effect in . 'he , _____ Vilen __ .. nave returned nome .nmn after an _ notato cron ¡.ere He , nd .1rs. Vhite-• tated. , ,ia at he resent ime t . vaa I 1 Elliott __ ,, ..... at . tu# . w. cJUott p,,,... man are at the Hotel Western. Thev -ossihle >nlv to . utilize I I eluded a lew davs visit . .. . . . uch . . portions . ■ .. pient he veek -nd .shing on Jear1 of it a* ud :ot eed mbmission to j creek. the - tate board of higher - fincati, ju . Specials WATERBAGS, 2 gallon size C. M. Zink. Un,F SPECIA Mrs. Howard J. Larsen with Mrs. Leo D. I ‘ : siti ni? ! Hollenberg íolI*‘nber£r assistant - salslahc hostess. osiess. Ownnr .iav .avp .imp v )ftvini? out of tdvprtlsin* .rnd :eed bill. MERL Ju28* LINDER. NYSSA. Reed of Hunt- J « - F rtu * W f art I Mr. .end Mr* Cna. • ngton Park. Cal. friends whom When m MID SUMMER - . S T w S S ! iirom I’» vette ljke 'Sundav (,n thelr b1' ' be ! irgelv solved." I, >'clc,,• aIter a * '« * ' * nu « » » a ' the Bov! ________________________________________ I____ STRAY T A M —Came to »Ieri Linder iSeoul 'bmmer camo. rh* im it u n i,_M . .anon 1 1-2 miles west of Nvssa. One will hold a pectal I __________ night at the home oil 'rm k carding, mnnerlv '.fRs .„eeting‘.Monday ‘..eht r, me onk^of Ibr0WB ®j*** ,rli ’ " 'ft nmiUler - - — i or., ttw forepart < r ha Sunday. Dr. Norcott wound up the out- tng trip on Wood river and other TJaho ng by frying porcupine. streams. lia . _ *■•*'*> » . IA,,9>Mt i >"***• 01tfajüN 1 Frank McKnight. veil known I heep- • One !!Uii!i!|iin:tii! i;m untiti i iiT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiM iiM [iw M M ~ ''iiiiw iim iiiiiiiiiirin m iiii Dry Cleaning Year ................ «1.3011 iere sturdav. fe ,ow ves i ’e rk- ~ r .i' i ' .... ................. ............ . ■lev. Cal., but is making a visit with his I * ] brother George W McKnight at Vale ti He ha* many friends in Nyssa who were ! 1 “ ’ little vou can’t af- ■ | I glad to see him and he is well <nown I here a* he made this section hi* winter i ford to De without vour I headquarters while in the sheep ,u *l-' I lies*. laner. P E C I A STAUUNG AUGUST 75c 73c 75c 75c LOCAL SERVICE Between WtMspr and Boise via Nysaa-Parma-Notua Three Schedule« Dnilg Eech Direction At Convenient Hour« OVERCOATS CLEANED and PRESSED MEN’S HATS CLEANED and BLOCKED PLAIN DRESSES (no sleeves, plaits etc.) MEN’S SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED "P toe M id c 75c 75c OTHER SPECIAL PRICES / Men's Suita pressed o n ly ................—.......................... Bound East Bound [»eaves Nyssa leaves Nyssa |11 :i0 a. if»., 3:20 p. m. 10:35 a. m.. 2:20 p. m. 8:35 p. m. 7 :45 p . Pants oieaned and pressed ............................- .......... J m. Pants pressed o n ly......................................................- 20c “ WANDERLUST . GRIPS rio*t everybody At hit time of year. A Independently owned and operated— Not long vacation trip through the country’s “beauty spots’’ . . . invites you. controlled by any railroad. Get your car in tiptop ihape at— ALL CARS RADIO EQUIPPED See Nyssa Depot at Powell Sendee Station for tickets and information '■ m M * ' » 1 * Larsen Motor Co. PHONE 16 Powell Garage NYSSA Oregon ] t* Have Your Fall Cleaning done No* And Save Money. Ontario Pressary (Division Ontario Laundry) We have the 0N£.Y dry-cleaning plant in Maiheur ,;'mlU' Keep Your Dry-Cleaning Dollar in Oregon where it ^ help pay ’axes, build highways, etc. If you send it to .aa* it w ill never come back.