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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1932)
ftAte CITY JótmNAl- THURSDAY, JUi.V à i ÌSM ÌIIIHI!l!.i;i!lilil!l:lil!li«lli>l>>’>!l>ii;illil>li'i , l>llll:,illlllil>111 UilH'i'il'llillillJlillil.llllillililiiiiiniiliMiuutMn Open )Vi For Business WHEAT GROWERS TTENTION iy store yuor wheat on farms when y o u can Ltain Storage from us in our large Grain Ele- ^tor at a very low rate, thereby avoiding extra ►ndling, shrinkage, and have insurance pro- See us for further information THE NYSSA ELEVATOR Nyssa, Oregon. ¡HI 11 mi 1,1 m ilt III |,| || ll|:|llilll:lli;illil!l!l!N!!l!!lllllllllllllllillliill!lll!M I n o t g o in g tigs this scene. . . ” matter where summer calls you, carry a cam- ,1 and extra film s along. A few snapshots will Ip you live the happy moments, the thrills and ines of your vacation over and over again. You W ill Like Our Fountain Service yssa Pharmacy The Rexall Store OREGON t You Enjoy! IE tastiest we can get for you . . . preferred kts from the best of stock. Full flavored . . ten- h * and Health Reserve V ONTARIO FRIENDS ENTERTAINED I Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flegel of Ontario, Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kline and their house guest, o ,.„ Beatty, sister of Mrs. Kline, from Sioux City, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. Mor ton were hosts at dinner and bridge Tuesday night. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Schlapkohl, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. | W. F. McLlng, who first enjoyed a din ner at the McCoy home. Bridge prizes went to Mrs. Flegel and W. F. McLing for high scores. Mrs. Beatty received a framed picture of the Owyhee Dam as a guest token with which she was de lighted. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the evening. Vocal selec tions by Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. McCoy and Mrs Morton were enjoyed. • • • • • VISITORS HONORED Miss M artha Schlapkohl entertained guests for two tables of bridge last Fri day afternoon In honor of Miss Dar lene Dunaway of Spokane, former Nys sa girl who was the guest of Miss Ethel Graham last week. Miss Dunaway re ceived a guest prize. Other favors fell to Miss Claudena Crawford and Miss Betty Tensen. ROONEY-JONES Mrs. Alma Jones, niece of Mrs. John D. Lackey of Nyssa, was married to Howard Rooney of Parma at Vale Sun day. Wm. English accompanied them to J YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTY A the regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the country home of Mrs. H. R. Sherwood Tuesday, plans were made for a young people's party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Abbott August 2. The young people of all church denom- onatlons will be invited. Committees follow; entertainment, Mrs. Charles Marshall. Mrs. David McLafferty, Mrs. Donald M. Graham; refreshments; Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. C. W. Reberger, Mrs. W. T. Posey; invitations, Mrs. L. A. Hlgby, Mrs. Josie Douglas. Honor guests will be the Benjaminltes and Josephites. fresh. W hat’s more, always ECONOM- 5ALLY Priced! Real Estate Transfers Recorded Frances H. Hollenshead et vir to Florence Görden. N1-2NE1-4SE1-4, Sec tion 17-18 .47. 7, 16, 32. $1.00. Frances H. Hollenshead, Guardian, to Florence Gordon, N12NE1-4SE1-4, Sec tion 17-18-47. 7, 16, 32. $629.88. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Martha Ar- rien. Block 2, Madden Add. to Town of Westfall. 7, 19, 32.. $6.40. Pacific Livestock Co. to Fred J. Wal ters, 8W1-4NE1-4, Sec. 36-18-37; All of Sertion 3, E1-2E1..2 Section 4, All of Section 10; NW1-4SE1-4SE1-4 Sec. 15; E1-2E1-2, W1 2NW1. 4, Sec. 16; NE1-4- NE1-4 and NI .2SE1..4 of Sec. 21; NW1-4NW1-4 of Sec. 23; SW1-4NE1-4 Iowa. Dr. Daniels found that children in particu ua th e n e x t tim e You wish any p rin t- in g .O u rcq u ip m en t enables ua to turn o u t f i r s t q u a lit y work— o u r ex p eri ence enables us to i n t e l l i g e n t l y a id y o u in p la n n in g your circu la r,letter or w hatever print ing you wish done. The results you get w ill p r o v e t h a t lar who suffered from respiratory infections were low in Vitamin A. Butter is the richest food fat source of this vitamin. Butter Costs Less— Eat More Sunshine Butter ’There Is No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products” The Gate City Journal IDAHO OREGON PRINTERS „ . / WANTED H01ISES-T0 RENT! = The Journal FOR RENT COLUMN Classified Ads Only One Cent Per Word 1IME RIB ROAST .............................................18c -AN PORK C H O P S ........................................ 20c 1YING C H IC K EN S..........................................20c •BONE STEAK .................................................20c ..................................................20c THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Nyssa Packing Co. IONE 6 [R em em b er Good P rin t- ♦ ing P a y s ♦ Court House Filings There is a demand for modern houses in partic ular. If you have such a house to rent, or an apartment, list it in M B CHOPS searches by Dr. Amy Daniels of the University of ... THEY’RE ALW AYS FRESH— e a Vale Mr. and Mrs. Rooney will live in of Sec. 26; BW1-48E1 4 of Sec. SO; 8W Knowlton. 7, 22, 33. Mrs. Sally Robertson has moved to Parma. jl-4NE1..4 of Sec. 32; SE1..4NW1.4 of Robert John Sloan and Delpha Stein- the Swan Apartments. * __ * * See. 33; ail in Township 18. Range 47. bach. 7, 23, 32. Park Savage is spending his vacation ^ p v j t i i i s Ai O w l f t i i SAM I 3e»le Auamus Reed to Enr-a Faimer. from work at Boulder dam with rela Sunday evening itc. ur.i :«£s Rohe:; s;-;j7.T -4 8 m . iS-13-43' 7. 21 32 $1. Canplalnta Fllel In Circuit Court « d a gave a bridge party at their home Lot 5. Sec. 6-20-37 3 11, 32 |10. Thecra Ercwn vs. Eiwln T - i lls tives at ITanpa He was here Sunday, at Owyhee Dam as a farewell for W renewing the acquaintance of friends Brown. 7, 20, 32. Divorce. Marriage Licenses Issued Sanford, government engineer, who has The Eastern Oregon Bldg, and Loan he made during the years he was em completed his work here. Sanford left Carrol S. Gardiner and Luclle C J. Assn. v*. Minnie Oeorge et a. 7, 21, 32. ployed on the Owyhee. Complimentary to the reclamation for the Olympic games at Los Angeles Hagler. 7 ,16, 32. Foreclosure of mtg. $1500. women of Owyhee Dam and Nyssa, sev-j M°”day' Francisco Legarrita and Golda Reid. The Eastern Oregon Bldg, and Loan eral of whom will be leaving soon on . , ' a n d . *®r#- Eftrl Harman were 7, 18, 32. Assn. vs. Lydia A. Elliott. 7, 21, 32. Fore account of the completion of the dam,i I?0615 at a deli8htful lawn party at their Charley Sherman Fisher and Vern- closure of mortgage. $ 2000 . Ontario-Nyssa Irrlg. Co vs Frank L. Mrs. Howard J. Larsen, Mrs. J. J. S a r-! , me a* the dam last week- Guests for essa Eeldredge. 7, 18, 32. Stelnhaus et al. 7, 22, 32. Foreclosure of azin and Mrs. W. P. McLlng entertained nlne tabl€s ot bridge were Invited. AUTOMOBILE Richard C. Elliott and Zola Goold. 7, Lien. $573.68. with a bridge party of six tables at the 18. 32. Complaints Filed In County Court PULLEN - ANDERSON Larsen home last Friday afternoon. REPAIRING Lyle Stanley Prindle and Ruby E. R. Baldwin vs. Armstrong Ice Most of the guests were from Owyhee Mrs. Mary Anderson of Arco, Ida., Esther. Coleman. 7, 19, 32. Machine Co., 7, 19. 32. Recovery of Dam. The basement of the L a rse n 1 end D. P. Pullen, Nyssa rancher, Amos A. Rodabaugh and Melba Beck- money, $151.78. home was beautifully decorated for the • the principals of a quiet wedding in with. 7, 19, 3. Ignltlon Generator and Starter event. Large baskets, hanging vases, Ontario Monday, That evening the Nolen Paul Brown and Blanche Work ferns and flowers made It a veritable many friends of Mr. Pullen gathered Moulton. 7,2 0, 32 Attorney Freehafer of Payette was a garden. A three-course luncheon was to give him and his bride a charivari at Clayne Robison and Helen Wilson. 7, visitor In the office of District Attorney Just East from Depot served. Favors went to Mrs. F A. Banks, the Pullen ranch on the Owyhee. 20, 32. E. M. Blodgett Monday. NYSSA. OREGON Mrs. R. B. Smith and Mrs. O. G. Boden. William H. Guerin and Ella Shep R. H. DeArmond, Vale rancher, and Flowers were from the Boyer Floral herd. 7, 21, 32. BIRTHDAY PARTY 3. M. Robertson R. A. Conant H. R. Dunlop were here from Vale company, Mrs. Boyer having arranged Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Wm. Clair Weeks and Constance McLeod. Saturday. ï the pretty centers for each table. Schlreman gave a Jolly party for nine 7, 22, 32. children In honor of the seventh birth Kenneth Ellis Wymer and Genevieve Ë BRIDGE BREAKFAST day of her daughter Phyllis. After Kent. 7, 22, 32. games, Mrs. Schlreman served a two- Robert Paul Quirmbach and Irm a A delightful midsummer affair was \ I the bridge breakfast glpen last Thurs- course luncheon on the lawn. Candy : day by Mrs. J. Boydell and her daugh- bouquets and dolls were favors. . . . . . 1 ters Miss Eva and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin at - : the Boydell home. Guests were Invited GUILD PLANS PICNIC [ for seven tables. Shasta daisies decor- Mrs. E. D. Norcott and Mr.s Frank D. ] ? ated the rooms. A three-course chicken Hall were hosts for sixteen members of j breakfast was served. Mrs. C. L. Mc- i : Coy won first prize; Mrs. Ernest“ C. St. Paul s Episcopal guild at the home of Mrs. Hall yesterday afternoon. Mrs. ¿ Wilson, second; and Mrs. Charles M. Jess Ward of Baker had sent sweet : Paradis, consolation. Other favors fell 1 l to Mrs. Farnham Sills and Mrs. Leo D. peas for bouquets and favors. Mrs. Fred Marshall read an Interesting paper on i Hollenberg. Guests from out of town "Home Missions in the South." Mem E included Mrs. Harlen Dlven of Cald- bers made plans for the annual Guild That the amount of butterfat eaten is directly E well, Mrs. Glen Brown and Mrs. Marian picnic which will be held in Caldwell Ward of Payette, Mrs. Harry Goshert of related to rsepiratory diseases was found in re next month. Refreshments were served Emmett. at the close of the afternoon. . . . . . BUTTER BUILDS ction. rssA Owyhee Ladies A re Guests At Garden P a r t y NYSSA All Kinds of Printing PHONE 19 NYSSA, OREGON l i l l l l liti 11H 111111H 11 11 IJ IJ 11 11111111111111111H I i I H111 i 111111111111 il 1111 ! 11 fl 1111111111 ( 111II f> 11 • DESSERT has to do something to justify its existence besides being sweet. It’s an integral part of the meal, after all, and ought to contribute its quota of well-being to the partaker. That’s just what the following desserts do because they all contain H a waiian pineapple, a fruit the acids of which turn alkaline in the body, and which contains an enzyme called bromelin which is a power ful aid to digestion. All of which would not be very interesting to a dinner just wanting a tempting dessert, if it didn’t taste so good. But, whether you eat It hot or cold, it does. This Is a Hot One Steamed Pineapple Pudding: Sift together one and one-half cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder and one-fourth teaspoon salt. Add three-fourths cup liquid consisting of the syrup from an 8-ounce ca.i of pineapple tidbits and sufficient water to make the required amount. Add two tablespoons melted butter. Beat two egg whites stiff, add three tablespoons sugar and fold into the batter. Fill individual buttered molds half full of the batter, add two or three tidbits from the can to each, and cover with the remaining Steam ainmg batter. b akes thirty minutes. This recipe makes ding from six to eight molds, depending on their size. Serve with the fol- lowing Sauce: Mix one-half cup sugar with two teaspoons flour, and add one and one-third cups water. fUse part canned pineapple syrup U you have any on hand). Roil about five minutes, stirring until smooth. Pour slowly over two slightly-beaten egg yolks, and cook a minute or two longer. Serve hot. This One is Cool Pineapple Maple Tapioca Souffli: Turn the contents of a No. 2 can of crushed Hawaiian pine apple and one-half cup maple syrup into a double boiler, and bring to scalding. Add one-third cup minute tapioca, and cook un til transparent. Cool slightly, fold in three stiffly-beaten egg whites, and bake in a slow—325*—oven for twenty minutes, or until set. Cool. This serves eight Serve with the following sauce: Maple Cuttard: Beat two egg yolks slightly, and add one and one-half cups diluted evaporated milk and one-third cup maple syrup. Cook in double boifer, stirring constantly, until the mix ture coats a spoon. Cool. Both pudding and sauce can be flavored and colored with maple flavoring, if desired. This One is Froztd Frozen Fruit Delight i Bring one-half cup water and one-eightn teaspoon salt to boiling, add two tablespoons minute tapioca, and cook in a double boiler until clear and thick. Add one-third cup sugar and one-fourth cup mint jelly, and continue cooking until the jelly Is melted- Cool. Add the contents, both syrup and fruit, of an 8-ounce can of crushed Ha waiian pineapple, and the thor oughly mashed contents of an 8- ounce can of peaches. Including the syrup, Aid one-half teaspoon almond flavoring. Freeze to a mush in refrigerator trays or in ice and salt. Stir occasionally. Fold in one cup of beaten cream, and continue freezing. This serves eight. This One is Whipped Pineapple Prune Whip: Dis solve one package lemon gelatin in one cup boiling water, then cool. Add the contents of an 8-ounce can of crushed pineapple and one cup chopped stewed prunes, and chill. When the mixture starts to set, fold in four stiffly-beaten egg whites, and pile lightly in glass dessert dishes. Chill. Serves eight. Serve either with cream or with the following Sauce: Bring one and one-half cups of liquor in which the prunes were cooked (add water if there Is not enough of this juice) and one-third cup sugar to boiling, and our slowly over three slightly- jeaten egg yolks. Cook in a . double boiler until the mixture coats a spoon. Flavor with vanilla, and serve cold. This One’s a Caks Pineapple Runet Shortcake t Place a can of condensed milk in sufficient water to cover it in a closed vessel, and boil steadily for two hours. Put sway until ready to use. This can be done days in advance, and always kept on hand. Split pieces of sponge cake, making two layers. Spread the condensed milk mixture thickly between and on top. Then cover with canned crushed pineapple, and garnish with fresh strawber ries or maraschino cherries to give it color.* e