GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 2 1 , 1032. .round the ! Milting her «on Wayne Hyde at Jamie son. Mrs. Hyde is the mother of Mrs. Roy Scott of Nyssa and will come here for a Melt seen. herein; that »aid premises be sold as seven hundred twenty-seven and for- provided by statute and the rules of ty-nir.e hundredths (727.49) acres, ¡this Court, and that the right title. In- To satisfy said judgment in the sum Real Estate Transfers Recorded I terest and equity of the defendant», of four hundred seventy-two thousand L in A. Chapin. Trustee, to X. M ! and each of them, be forever fcrecl.sod, one hundred fifty-cne a r i 63-128 dcl- Or Ar. and, cne-half mt. in ar.i vc uatt said defendants, and each of j ,rs n h mtere . James Rice has been traiuferred to thereon from the the Ontario yard of the Standard OU Several Vale Boy Scouts, Louis Bean 3E1' 4iiE1"4, NEl-<SEl-4, ^ 1 and aU them, be forever barred of. In and to! n th day of July. 1932. at the rate of 6 « j m . vt , , i . n i . -»„„I t i . ri— that portion of the SW1 4SE1..4 lying Sill right, title, equity or interest In and n per e r e cent m t n er a n n u m Hni( k )iir w m p n t, pany from Vale. per annum, and H disbursements Oordon Nichol. Carl Voyen. Jr, u Winston east 1' of -W of OSLRR Section 33-19- to the Premlses described, except the to be taxed. Quisenberry and Raymond Walker a r e '™ “1 R ' v~." spending the week at the Payette Lake ’ ' *** 33-19-47. 5. statutory right of redemption, and for Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 12th day Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kllbourne have Boy Scout camp 4’ 32' ®100' such other and further relief as to the of July, 1932. Oregon and Western Colonization Co. Court may seem Just and equ: n visiting their daughter Mrs. R. to Ben Bramley et al. Metes and bounds C. W. GLENN. You will take notice that this Sum tiler in Big Bend. Kllbourne is em- in SW1-4SE1-4, eSc. 19-19-44, contain mons is served on you, under and by yed on the P. L. 8. ranch near the Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon Mrs. C. E. Howell, wife of the deputy ing 1 acre. 6, 13. 32. 31. virtue of, and pursuant to an Order of ncy but has been ill and unable to Herbert Bramley et al to U. S. A. the Hon. W. W. Wood, Judge of the Date of first publication. July 14. 1932. county clerk, hus returned from five rk. v . eks visit at her old home in Valen SW1-4SE1-4, Section 19-1-44 6. 21, 32. above-entitled Court, which Order was Date of last publication. August 11. 1932 tine, Nebraska She accompanied. Mrs. $11.50. made and entered on the 12th day of Date of sale, August 13. 1932, at 11:00 July, 1932, and directing that the Sum A. M. Mrs Jean Burrell, deputy in the of- J. P. Jenness and son of Nampa on the mons herein be published for six sue- : ce of Assessor Andrew M. Graham. trip. Marriage Licenses Issued cessive weeks, including »even pubiica- 1 returned to work after two weeks NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Harry Thurman Bolvln and Violet tions, in the Gate City Journal. The cation in Vaughn, Montana. date of the first publication is July 14th, < ACCOUNT W. C. Higgins, former Smith-Hughes Minnie Perfect. 7, 9, 32. Charles Robert Love and Irene Mary 1932, and the date o f j h e last public«- |IN ^ COUNTY COURT o p ^ teacher In Ontario who taak an active Mrs. Louis Hyde of Prairie City Is part in county grange and fair work, is Sherman. 7, 9, 32. tion Is August 25th, 1932. STATE OF OREGON, FOR MAL Burt Pease and Alice Anderson. 7, 9, located in Hot Springs, Ark., where he ROBT. D. LYTLE HEUR COUNTY. 32. will teach vocational education in the Attorney for Plaintiffs. Vern Jack Gardner and Ruby Mar viriiiiiiirnriiiiiriwiiiiiMiMMMMMMMMj high school and also have charge of re In the Matter of the Estate or OEO- Residing at Vale, Oregon. RGE L. PHILLIPS. Deceased. creational work at a summer camp. Mr. garet Redsull 7, 11, 32 Willard Vernon Robinson and Agnes Higgins wrote that he would glady NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that trade mosquitoes for Arkansas chiggers. Alice Goodwin. 7, 12, 32. the undersigned. Lotta E. Phillips, Ex NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Frank Edwin Gilbert and Eunice ecutrix of the estate of George L. Phil Mabel Horn. 7, 1. 32. By virtue of an execution in fore lips, deceased, has filed with the above Robert Wayne Boone and Laura Na- closure duly issued out of the Circuit entitled court her final account and re GUARANTEED dine Trimble 7, 13, 32. I Court of the State of Oregon, for the port in the matter of the administra Jiles Dennis Dinger and Theta Hazel County of Malheur, on the 12th day of ODORLESS tion of said estate of George L. Phillips, Rea. 7, 13, 32. DRY CLEANING | !°„ ' " ^ d ^ e d , a n d T h l^ h e Co‘urt~h£ fix£i Alfred M. Gupton and Dorothy Lois tiered ^ “ * ¿ 2 1 * ^turclay, the 30th day of July. 1932, at Wyatt. 7, 13, 32. July, 1932, in a suit wherein Portland At Reasonable Prices | the hour of two o ’clock P. M. of said William Craig and Lola Emma Ford. Cattle Loan Company, Inc., a corpora day as the time and the County Court TRUCKING 7, 13, 3. tion, is plaintiff, and S. E. Ross, Flor- . „„„„ MEN’S S U IT S $ 1 .0 0 1 _ . _ _ Room of the County Court House at Otto William Olson and Josephine ence M. Ross, Agnes Ross, Columbia Va, Q as the place when and and TOPCOATS ....... $ 1 .0 0 | Hayden.. 7, 14, 32. Basin Wool Warehouse Company a where said final account and report Walter Alford Struthers and Laura corporation, Earl F. Cranston, doing I . ... . . „ LADIES DRESSES..... 1 TRANSFERRING . , , ,, . * ! and any and all objections thereto will Mae McCarter. 7, 16, 32. business under the assumed name and ... w__ . ... . . . . _ . ................... $ 1 .0 0 U p | . . . . be heard by said Court style of Cranston & Co., are defendants, Phone 15 and Phone 2 8 said writ being directed to me and com All persons having any objections to I NYSSA TAILOR SHOP | manding me to sell the real property the approval of said final account or to Legal Advertisement C. KLINKENBERG Roy Scott, Prop. hereinafter described. I will on Satur the discharge of said executrix are day, the 13th day of August. 1932. at 11 | hereby required to present the same to EQUITY NO. 4373 :.ii.m m 11 ii 11 i.i uuii i ii nt i iiii;ii;iiii.iniMiiii rmiiiir? o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the above entitled Court at the time SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION the north main entrance door of the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE County Court House at Vale, Malheur and place above mentioned. Dated this 25th day of June, 1932. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE County. Oregon, sell to the highest and COUNTY OF MALHEUR. LOTTA E. PHILLIPS, best bidder for cash, subject to the stat NILE G. MICHAEL and MARY E. utory right of redemption, all of the Executrix of the Estate of George Before That MICHAEL, husband and wife, right, title and interest of the above L. Phillips, deceased. Plaintiffs, named defendants in and to the follow vs. ing described real property, to-wit: First Publication June 30, 1932. All that certain lot, piece or parcel Last Publication July 28, 1932. MARY E. DORSETT and C. M. DOR- of land situated, lying and being in SETT, her husband, ANNA C. DARK. the County of Malheur and State of JOHN DOE DARK. MYRTLE BEAR Oregon, and particularly described DSLEY, JOHN DOE BEARDSLEY, Stop at Powell Service Station for Gas and Oil, A. L. FLETCHER as follows: MALHEUR COUNTY, a Municipal plus Powell service. The northeast quarter of the Corporation, A. W. GLENN, SAXON I. O, O. F. Building northwest quarter, the southwest HUMPHREY, M. E. THAYER, H. R. If in need of a spare get our prices on Kelly Lotta quarter of the northwest quarter, the Attorney-at-Law DUNLOP and J. E. LAWRENCE, Miles. northwest quarter of the northeast Defendants. Vale, Oregon quarter, of Section 10, the northwest To Mary E. Dorsett and C. M. Dor- quarter of the southeast quarter, the sett, her husband. Anna C. Dark, John northeast quarter of the southeast Doe Dark, Myrtle Beardsley, and John quarter, the southwest quarter of the Doe Beardsley, of the above-named de southeast quarter of Section 9, the fendants : west half of the southeast quarter, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF NYSSA Open Day and Night OREG. the southeast quarter of the south OREGON, you and each of you. are Anna B. Pritcbett, D. O. east quarter of Section 3, all in Town are hereby commanded to appear in the ship No. 35 south Range No. 45 east above entitled Court and cause, within Willamette Meridian. six weeks after the first publication of Also the southeast quarter of Sec i iiriii i i rii:i«iiii!i:iiiiiin;i.i!i iii;i{i!i:i m lit in i j u u m t i n i i « a w a m u u w » ihimm 111 : 1111111:1 «1 this Summons, which date of first pub tion 32, Township No. 35 south Range lication is July 14th, 1932, then and No. 46 east Willamette Meridian, to there to answer or otherwise plead to Osteopathy and Electrotherapy gether with all water rights, rights of the Complaint filed herein, and If you way, canals, ditches and reservoirs fail so to do. and for want thereof, PHONE 201 thereunto belonging, and more par plaintiffs will take judgment and decree ticularly the water right covered by against you, foreclosing plaintiffs’ ‘Certificates of Water Right’ issued mortgage, made and delivered by the Vale, Oregon. by the State Water Board of Oregon, defendants, Mary E. Dorsett and C. M. and recorded in Volume 1, page 818 Dorsett, her husband, to the plaintiffs, n and Volume 2, page 1046 of State and recorded in Book 11, of the Record Record of Water Right Certificates. of Mortgages, on page 521 thereof, In Also, the northeast quarter of the the office of the Clerk of the County Clean! Nicely Ironed! Wholesome southwest quarter, the northwest Liai laaBi and State aforesaid; and for the sale quarter of the southeast quarter of of the lands described, situated in Mal Three things to think about, and assuring our | heur County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Section 35, Township No. 36 south Range No. 48 east Willamette Meri The West One-half (W l-2) of the patrons entire satisfaction. dian, together with all water rights Southwest One Quarter (8W1-4) and thereunto belonging. Southwest One Quarter (8W1-4) We give shirts, dresses, fancy work and fine | the And also, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Section • Rooms, Board and Bath j o f t h e Southeast One Quarter linens special care. 1, Township No. 37 south Range No. (SEl-4) o f Section Tw enty-tw o m $2.50 per day 48 east of Willamette Meridian, and (22); the North One-half (Nl-2) of Lot 1 of Section 6, Township No. 37 2 the Northwest On# Quarter (NW1-4) Rheumatism and You W ill Like Our Service south Range No. 49 east Willamette and the West One-half of the North Nervous Cases Meridian, together with all water *■ east One Quarter (NE1-4), and the rights, privileges and rights of way THE UNITED LAUNDRY Northwest One Quarter (NW1-4) of Dr. D. A. SEXTON thereunto belonging or appertaining $1 the Southeast One Quarter (SEl-4) or to appertain, and together with all of Section Twenty-seven (27), in VALE, OREGON T. R. Pashley, Prop. Phone 3612 | Township Sixteen (16) South of buildings, premises, and improve v ments thereon; containing in all Range Forty (40) E W. M„ and the Southwest One Quarter (SW1-4) of H iiii»M ii»ii«««iii« iii«iaiBiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiirw M ii«iiiiiii«iW iii«iiniiiiiriiiiiiiiirrnrnrr,,‘ i," ,'““'“ ‘,“ ," ', ''g: the Northeast One Quarter (NE1-4) of Section Twenty-six (26) In Town ship Sixteen (16), South of Range Forty, E. W. M. To satisfy the lien of plaintiffs mort gage in the principal sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00), with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, since the 3rd day of Aug ust, 1931, and for the further sum of Seventeen Dollars and eighty-five cents ($17.85), for taxes paid by the plaintiffs, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum, from the 6th day of June, 1928, until paid, and for the further sum of One Hundred a * '3 Dollars ($100.00) attorneys fees, and That the amount of butterfat eaten is directly for plaintiffs’ costs and disbursements Court House Filings TRY O U R ! City Transfer R O B T . D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building O n th e O ld Job Phene 60 H. D. Holmes Vale Oregon TRANSFER AND BAOOAO* I________________ All Kinds of Hauling In City Limits NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS Town patrons. 2:30 to 8:30. NYSSA, OR. PHONE 5 Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. M i l k is Safe Food Dr. R. L. Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior, said: “ Nutrition is the most basic o f all human respon sibilities and the human race depends upon the good dairy cow for its permanence. Milk is a safe food. Use More O f It There is No Substitute for Shelton Milk SHELTON’S DAIRY NYSSA, OREGON Welcome to ___ *t|V H E £ - SUMMER TRIP - IIthand MAIN-BOISE.IDAHO POWELL’S SERVICE STATION I LAUNDRY - -1 [SANITARIUM L o ck O ver Ycw r C c m m u n it ij BUTTER BUILDS Health Reserve related to rsepiratory diseases was found in re POPULAR PRICED RESTAU RAN T R O O M S F R O M ÍI5P UP BUSINESS DIRECTORY The following firms of Ontario will aerve yon with honest values: Cut Out This A d— It Is Worth 5 0 Cents On any repair work over $1. Guaranteed work at lowest prices. Have your watch and clock re paired now and save money. Full selection o f watches, silverware and jewelry “ The Small Store With the Little Prices” HAROLD E. GINZEL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER ONTARIO, OREOON Dr. HARRIET SEARS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ontario, Oregon Dr. C. A. Abbott, D. C. Iowa. Dr. Daniels found that children in particu Chiropractic respiratory infections Phone 29— Re*. 25 were low in Vitamin A. NYSSA, OREGON Butter it the richest food fat source of this vitamin. Butter Costs Less— Eat More Sunshine Butter Dr. J. A. McFall Evesight Specialist FARMERS COOPERATIVE CREAMERY Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes ‘There Is No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products” ID A H O LARGE COMFORTABLE M O D E R N ROOMS Wilson Building, Over Postoffloa Phone No. 40 searches by Dr. Amy Daniels of the University of lar who suffered from C O P .D I A L H O SPITALITY O R EG O N O n tario , I* - O re go n J /T ew your ow n property, judge its value, consider its relation to adjacent properties. T h in k how quickly a disaster may cause you financial loss. Let us tell you about complete stock fire insurance protection. Your properly deserves it. Say It With Flowers . . . . No more expressive gift BOYER FLORAL COMPANY WX WILL BE 0LAD TO 8TRVE YOU ONTARIO, OREOON MR. and MRS. HARRY PETERSON Funeral Directors Ontario, Oregon Don M . Graham THE INSURANCE MAN Modern Equipment and Personal Sendee