GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 21,1902. Mrs. John Boswell and daughter Katherine and Mrs, A. Johnston of Vale were visiting in the J. E. Holly home Sunday. Mrs. Johnston remained to spend a few a . , 5 in the W. ? Shultz Klciiox feii u u isr the truck and his home lr. Big Bend. head was crushed when the truck car­ Quite a number of Adrian folk at­ eened Into a ditch and overturned. tended the Owyhee Dam dedication Madden had turned out to pass a car Sunday. c E Winters and Silas and William Adrian—Eugene Hickox, 21, of Green- coming from an intersecting road. 1 Ashcraft left Wednesday morning for leaf. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennle Hickox Young Hickox is survived by his mlnes npar SUver c lty Winters and formerly of Big Bend, was Instantly parents one brother, two aunts Mrs Ashcraft will prospect while Mr killed and his companion Dwight Mad- Clrarr-.e of Ontario and Mrs Williams Ashcraft wlU work for Andy and Jim dm, 21. of Houston, received injuries and hr; uncle V V Hickox of Ontario. Swan of Nyssa ln their mlne. to his back when the truck in which I Char let McConnell and family re­ turned home Friday after a two weeks vacation in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan left Sun day for a weeks' outing at McCall and THEY’RE ALWAYS FRESH— Council K i l l e d Sunday In Truck Crash RELATIVES VISIT AT OWYHEE RANCH e a Owyhee—Mrs. Carl Quackenbush daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe, and her husband came from Spokane Friday .for a week's visit at their Mitch"ll butte ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Schwelzer took their niece Rose Miller to her home in Arco, Ida., last week. Mrs. Schweizer's mother accompanied them home for an indefinite sojourn, j Mrs. Henry Slippy and son Gerald and daughter Arlene and her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McGinnis are va cationing on Elk creek. Miss Mildred Hite gave the children J of her Sunday School class a party ! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback spent the week end at Payette lake. Their daughter Doris, who attended the Friends' Christian Endeavor conference at the lake last week, accompanied them home. Margaret and Louise Klingback sepnt the week end at the Frank DeBord home ln Payette. You Enjoy! THE tastiest we can get for you . . . preferred cuts from the best of stock. Full flavored . . ten­ der and fresh. W hat’s more, always ECONOM­ ICALLY Priced! PRIME RIB ROAST . , .... 18c LEAN PORK CHOPS 20c FRYING CHICKENS 20c T-BONE STEAK 20c LAMB CHOPS 20c Big Bend Park T o Be Scene of Pioneer Picnic Be C a r e fu l W h en Moving H ay Derrick Big Bend—'The Lower Boise Valley , , Pioneer association will hold Ur, annual Hay (lprr‘' l:s o p en ted in those sec- picnic Sunday. July 24, at the 1 " nd tlons oi thc country wh-re ef trlc park. Dr. W. J. Boone of CaUi..... will are strlm° t,ave be,n contributing fac- have charge of the morning service at tors ln a larGe numbcr ot £erious acel’ 11:30 o’clock. Dr. H. H Havman of dents- Caldwell will be the principal speaker Many of the accidents were due to on the afternoon program and C. W. (errors in judgment of the space or dis- Albertson of Parma will have charge of tanee between the derrlc! doom or the music. mast and the wires; others to an un- Everyone of 15 years residence in tnic expected sideswing of thc boon when territory is cordially invited to attend, turning a corner or rounding a curve; Those attending are urged to bring pic- still others to tilting of the boom. nlc baskets and the dinner will be sen - ; Both the hay derrick and the electric ed cafeteria style. Coffee and lemonade line, each in its way, arc necessary to will be furnished by the association the material welfare of the interested Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sweet and Rob­ public, and in many sections of the ert and Mrs Leta Brown left Sunday country they must exist together. for their home in Tacoma. Wash., after Eiher one can be eliminated, and both a month’s visit with relatives and should be so operated as not to inter­ friends. file with the purposes of either. A number*of Bend pcop’e amended the dedication of Owyhee Dam .Sunday, i The principles of safe operation when Mrs. F. A. Miller Friday with Mrs. E H. ; metric wires are simple; Brumbach and Mrs. R. L. Haworth as­ I Ee sure the mast of the derrick Is not sistant hostesses. too high to go under the electric wires Mrs. Luit Stam was reported on the and that there will be ample clearance. sick list last week. Do net let the boom swing. First n d Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan left for the boom, then tie it down at both Payette Lake Sunday Miss Miriam Colwell of Fruitland is rncIs- a guest of Mrs. Grover Lee. Do not hold or touch either the chain Another sudden death caused much or cabie and keep away from all metal grief among the many friends of thc D. parts. Hickox family when they learned of (he Do not under any circumstances, at- : accident Sunday which resulted in the tempt to raise or move the electric j death of their son Eugene. Several wires. years ago the Hickox family were red- Where there is any doubt of safety in dents of the Bend and the youth was a student in Wade school. Mr. and Mrs. moving near electric wires call the MALHEUR MOTORISTS 11 K y’s cgs' apportionment KcrK3rynt ,tatc- Ma!hf',r " un; i lor the pen .u FAY ABOUT $13,0C0 April 1 to June 30, is $4,312.47. cne-thud IN 2ND Q U A R T F R or the to ml •mount ot icceipts paid in — by tr.U ahe i.iyr.7 . * j «iepzzi' Motor vehicle registration receipts n en t receives two-thirds or $8.624 32 were apportioned Thursday by Hal Lorn Malheur county. LIBERTY THEATRE Nyssa, Oregon Friday-Saturday, July 22-23 “BAD GIRL” Sally Eilers and James Dunn Sunday-Monday, July 24-25 “SKY RAIDERS” With Lloyd Hughes and Marceline Day Daring drama above the clouds. Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, July 26-27-28 Whirlwind Western Whirling with action Tom Keene in “FREIGHTERS OF DESTINY” With Barbara Kent For the kids and the grown ups Hickox were active in grange and P -T. [power company for “S t a n c e . A. work and the family bad m any, Tell the young folks not to fly their friends who deeply sympathize with kites near electric lines, as serious in- them in their bereavement. The funeral. jury can occur if the kite string makes Get your farming implements re­ and burial took place in Roswell Tues- j contact with the wire, paired at Leuck Blacksmith Shop under day. I Caution them not to climb poles, and new management. Adrian nine, with the majority of to keep away from all electric lines, no their regular players absent, and sub- matter where they are. stitutes picked from the crowd, won; Do not attach radio aerial to electric Legal Advertisement their game witli Notus played at th e ; poles nor it near electric wires, nark Sunday. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE I By virtue of an execution in fore­ closure duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, on the 19th day of July. 1932, pursuant to a judgment rendered in said Court on the 13th day of July, 1932, in a suit wherein The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor- | poration, is plaintiff, and Martha J. Amidon, a widow; Agness M. Stone- man. and John H. Stoneman, wife and husband; and Ontario National Farm Loan Association, a corporation, are de- i fendants, said writ being directed to me and commanding me to sell the real I property hereinafter described. I will on Saturday, the 20th day of August, 1932. at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the And we have just the ones you’ll leisu re w ear— th e y ’re simply afternoon of said day. at the north main entrance door of the County want—patterns that are at the beautiful!—you must see them. Court House at Vale. Malheur County, top of the mode. A Oregon, sell to the highest and best Model illustrated was D o n 't m is t bidder for cash, subject to the statut­ wonderful assortment "STAR REVERIES" designed and built by ory right of redemption, all the right, of leathers and com­ E very Sunday night, 9:45 the “ S ta r B rand" title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following de­ binations in straps, E . S. T . over you r favorite Shoemakers—and is scribed real property, to-wit: Columbia station. Broad­ pumps and ties for way stars and the Star one of our typical The S1-2N1-2SW1-4 and St-2- NW1-4SE1-4 of Section 17. Township street, dress and for KeveriesConcvrt Orchestra. everyday values. 18 South of Range 47 East of the Willamette Meridian, except right of GRIPS most everybody at this time of year. A way for irrigation and drainage SHOE PRICES HAVE TAKEN ANOTHER ditches, containing 80 acres. Malheur long vacation trip through the country’s “beauty County. State of Oregon. Together DROP! with all royalties, rents or profits spots” . . . invites you. arising out of any lease or leases of Our Low Prices on Shoes for Every said land, or any portion thereof, for the purpose of exploring for, mining Member of the Family Will Get your car in tiptop shape at— j or extracting minerals, oils or gases. Please You | Together with the tenements, her- I editaments. rights, privileges and ap- ' purtenances, now or hereafter be­ longing to or used in connection with the above described premises; and all plumbing, lighting, heating, cooking, NYSSA PHONE 16 c o o lin g . ventilating. elevating, “THE FRIENDLY STORE” Oregon Powell Garage watering and irrigating apparatus and fixtures now or hereafter be­ OREGON NYSSA longing to or used in connection with the above described premises; and together with all waters and water rights of every kind and description and however evidenced or manifested, which now or hereafter may be ap­ purtenant to said premises or any STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE I part thereof, or incident to the ownership thereof, or any part thereof, or used in connection there- | with; and together with all the rents. issues and profits of the mortgaged | property; and together with a water I right evidenced by 25 3-4 shares of BOISE, IDAHO | stock ln the Owyhee Ditch company, ONTARIO, OREGON j being stock certificate No. 2171, As made to the Comptroller of Currency at the As made to the Comptroller of Currency at the [ to satisfy said judgment tn favor of the Close of Business on June 30. 1932. Close of Business on June 30, 1932 above named plaintiff ln the sums of *140 00. with Interest at the rate of 8 RESOCRCES RESOURCES lier cent per annum from May 23. Loans and Discounts ......... ........................ $412,283.17 1931; $140 00. with interest at the rate Loans and Discounts ............................ $4,474.023.18 Overdrafts .................................................... 760 36 Stock In Federal Reserve B an k ................... 18.000 00 ] of 8 per cent per annum from Nov­ 2.700.00 Stock Federal Reserve Bank ................... Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures 475,989.27 ember 23. 1931; $3497 65. with interest 25.000.00 Banking House Furniture and Fixtures U. S Bonds and U. S. Treasury U S. Bonds and U.S. Treas. Notes $278.400 00 I at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Notes .............................. $1.088.811.86 Municipal Bonds 110.90000 from November 23. 1931; $593.55, with Municipal Bonds ..................... 311,119.36 Municipal Warrants 31.013 36 Other Bonds ........................... 15,000.00 interest at the rate of 8 per cent per CASH & EXCHANGE 95,376.79 515.690.t5 Municipal Warrants ............... 115,316.33 annum from November 9. 1931; $1072.09. CASH A EXCHANGE ............. 1.059,092.78 2,589,340.33 DIRECTORS $956.433.68 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum frqm February 29. $7,557,352 76 LIABILITIES 1932; $100.00, with interest at the rate $ 60.000.00 Capital Stork ................................. of 8 ptr cent per annum from March E. A. VAN SICKLIN 20.000 00 Surplus ............. LIABILITIES 26, 1932; $9 25, abstract charges, paid 17.700.75 Reserves .......................................... April 9, 1932; $225 00. attorney's fee, and 4.03584 Undivided Profits ....................... C. C. ANDERSON Capital Stock ...... ....... ................ ........._..$ 300.000 00 Circulation 6 OOOO 1 OO $20,00. costs, which judgment was en­ Surplus ........................................................ 300,000.00 D E P O S ITS 794,697.09 Undivided Profits ......... 7.184.91 rolled and docketed ln the Clerk's of­ CRAWFORD MOORE Reserve for Depreciation of Building ..... 200.000.00 fice of said Court tn said County on $956.433.68 Circulation .................................................. 300.000.00 the 15th day of July. 1932. DEPOSITS ................................................ 0,450.167.85 EUGENE LOONEY OFFICERS Dated at Vale. Oregon, this 20th day $7,557.352.76 CRAWFORD MOORE. President of July. 1932. J W. CUNNINGHAM C W GLENN. J W CUNNINGHAM. Vice-President OFFICERS C R EMISON. Cashier 8hertff, Malheur County. Oregon. RAYMOND MOORE EARL BLACKABY, Asst. Cashier Date of first publication, July 21. 1932 CRAWFORD MOORE, President Date of last publication. August It. 1932 A MF.MKHFR OF THE FIRST NATIONAL OF IDAHO J. W. CUNNINGHAM. Vice-President Date of sale. August 20. 1932 at 2 00 P GROUP OK BANKS THAT SERVE THE SNAKE r.TVER VALLEY M RAYMOND MOORE. Cashier Robt. D. Lytle, Vale. Oregon, attorney for plaintiff. J b r i g h i s ih u M Nyssa Packing Co. PHONE 6 STRANGE BUT TRUE (BY BEN H. SMITH) 'EASTER IS THE CHRISTIANIZATION OF A HEATHEN FESTIVAL RABBITS AND EGGS ARE ANCIENT SYMBOLS OF FERTILITY ANO REPRODUCTION L IB E R IA . AFRICA WAS COLONIZED BY FQEED SLAVES, YET L IB E R IA IS AT PR ESEN T A R E A L SLAVS STATE h THERE IS PROFIT IN POULTRY There may be many ways of making money on poultry but we have accurate records to prove that one of the ways is to feed PURINA CHOWS to chicks, pullets and hens. Don’t operate on a hit and miss plan, get into the sure profit class. Profitable feeds for livestock and poultry. Nyssa Seed & Grain Co. Phone 26 I. K. Newell Manager Nyssa, Oregon # frocks c a ll fo r LIGHT A tR Y SHOES “ W ANDERLUST . Larsen Motor Co. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK J W ilson Drygoods The First National Bank Of Idaho l& Z tiE S ZL they were returning from a Christian Endeavor conference at McCall, over- turned a mile south of Fruitland Sun­ day. Paul Madden, who was driving, re­ ceived minor bruises. Eugene Hickox