— .... C ate cítv journal , THU rô D a VJ ü LV ¿i.iyai „A. w t —. ES5S Hale. Mr. and Mrs. C. 'f. Douglas enter­ tained at dinner for Dr. and Mrs. E. D H rse f« n a 11 XT B*jr Wilbur, secretary of the Narcott and Mr and Mrs Jess Tromp- * 13 * u l l l a l l j tnieUor. and Mrs Wilbur were guests at SCZL n o i l i / ’ a t i n n p v _ „ ih* home of Engineer and Mrs. F A. and Mrs. Farnham Sills and Mr. L / c U i C a l l O n L / S y feunks before the afternoon program and Mr. Mrs. Ed. Wilson spent the after­ _____ | opened. They left early in the afternoon noon and evening with Mr. and Mrs C. • to catch the Rose Portland bound. W Wood and Mr. and Mrs R. S. Adams Dedication day at Owyhee Dam Sun- They planned to go on to southern Cal- I Dr. and Mrs. Whlttenberger of Cald­ (Uy was a busy day for the wives of on- lfornla from there, i well were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. ylneers, officials anu workmen who live i at the cutup as they were liostesses for U r and Mrs’ c A Betts entertained Bohlson mends and strangers alike Hundreds at dinner after the celebration for F. Mr and Mrs Ben Cook had as guests cf visitors picnicked on the pretty lawns B. Schlapkohl. in charge of the Nyssa j a . and Don MacEachern. of the Oen- In the government quarters. They found ol'flce of the Owyhee project. Mrs Sch- oral Construction company,. Seattle, the people of the dam very hospitable. lapkohl and Mr. and Mrs Earl Hannon, and a party of relatives and friends There were guests In many homes and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen of Nys­ who carm» from the Washington city a number of Nyssa people were enter- sa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. for the dedication. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Greene were over­ night guests Saturday at the Wood home. BRIDOE LUNCHEON “I’m not going Mrs. Guy Bailey entertained Monday bridge club this week with one of the to miss this scene. most delightful parties of the summer. She arranged for a three course lunch­ eon at the Taylor Coffee shop In On­ tario at 1 o’clock. There were covers for nine at a prettily appointed table, cen­ tered with lovely gladiolas. G uests.re­ turned to Nyssa and played five tables of bridge at the Bailey homo. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ed. Wilson, for high score; Mrs. Farnham Sills, for second; and Mrs. Howard Larsen, for consolation. Mrs. Chas. M. Paradis played for the hostess. FOR MISS BRUSH Miss Pauline Brush of Nyssa. who rame here this spring from Wilder, and Miss Hilary Nickel, who Is leaving for Butte, Mont., were honorées Friday No m a t t e r w h e r e summer calls you, carry a cam­ evening at a “travel” party in Wilder. era and extra films along. A few snapshots will X n.y-six young people were guests help you live the happy moments, the thrills and of Misses Ruth Batt, Marie Obendorf. scenes of your vacation over and over again. Aliéné Trunnell and, Virginia Paulson. They first gathered at the Batt home. DR. RAY LYMAN WILBUR DR. ELWOOD MEAD You Will Like Our Fountain Service In the Paulson truck they drove to ¡the Sandwich Islands, at the Obendorf Secretary of the Interior Commissioner of Reclamation home. In “China,” at the Trunnell home, they had noodles. Another trip, ter Mrs. Blanche Johnston. They will demolished and four lives lost. and the guests were In ‘•Germany,’ «he APPLE VALLEY ed to her home Tuesday. Paulson home, where pretzels and root Buildings at the property of the return by way of Portland where their Forrest Reed and Lawrence Treese beer were served. The party closed in Northwestern Orchards Co., where older daughter Mrs. Robinson resides. recently -made a trip to Twin Falls, dis­ YOUTH KILLED “America,” at the Batt home. Appro­ L. Barnett Is employed, have received Catherine and Viola Conrad of Em- posing of early home-grown sweet corn. IN OHIO CITY a new coat of paint. priate games were enjoyed at each of ¡mett are visiting their aunt Mrs. Fred On return from an outing at Ketch- The Rexall Store the four stops. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cloward and daugh­ Fisher. um, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boston NYSSA OREGON EAGLES’ DANCE ENJOYED Mrs. Sam Brown and J. I. Boston re­ stopped here last Monday. They went Apple Valley—A report came from ter visited at the A. Shultz home The Nyssa Aerie of the Eagles lodge Jefferson, Ohio, last week that Tcm Thursday. ceived word from Mrs. Boston, Sr., who on to their home In Swan Falls. Donald Tolmie. manager of the San Is visiting in Washington. Kan., that was successful in staging its first ac­ Bay, aged 18 years, was killed in an Joel Johnston, who has been living tivity since organization. Friday night accident there. He is a nephew of Mrs. Diego Fruit and Produce company, left property there was badly damaged by a with the Jesse Baker family several the Eagles were hosts at a dance at Jim Watkins and his parents now reside Tuesday for Washington to look after recent cyclone. Many buildings were years, left last week for California. the pea crop there. He returned Sun­ the Nyssa gymnasium which was large­ in Homedale. ly attended. Ross orchestra played for Jack Reed and Paul Morris attended day. Pershall’s family of Arena Valley the event. W. J. Williams was chairman the ball game Sunday between Parrna visited Sundyy at the Ed Conley home. of the dance committee, with Bernard and Payette. Binders have begun the harvest of Frost. Rock Shelton and Claude Wilson Mrs. M. Clendening and son Tom and assisting as floor managers. Many of daughter Myra, and Mrs. Donald Tol- grain. The parents of Mrs. A. B. Miller and the guests were from Parma, as Purina mie made a trip to Rockville Tuesday. Is well represented In the new Nyssa Mrs. Hannah Vosatka and daughter other relatives came from Salt Lake Aerie. from Blackfoot are visiting her brothers last week to make a visit at the Miller The Right— home. Norman and Donald Tolmie. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDonald and Mrs. Tolmie went to Caldwell M mday Mrs. Dewey Ray gave a birthday To An Education. The Summer issue of the telephone directory party for her little daughter Leona to visit Mrs. Jess Pennington and new son Carman left Thursday for Oakland, aged five, last Thursday afternoon. The daughter who arrived Saturday. July Cal., where they will visit their daugh­ The Right— will go to press August 1st. All changes in list­ chlldrn enjoyed several Jolly games 16. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cloward and daugh­ I and the birthday lunch. ings should be in by that date. To Supervised Play and Recreation. ter visited A. B. Miller’s Monday even­ ing. Jim Maxwell of Rainbow, Oregon, IRONSIDE MATRON The Right— JOE JAY SMITH visited his aunt Mrs. Geo. Dailey Wed­ BURIED THURSDAY nesday and Thursday. He Is on his way To Moral Training. to Salina, Kan. E General Contractor = Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Castatar and The Right— Ironside—Funeral services were held children were luncheon guests of the And Builder Nyssa Ontario Vale here Thursday for “Aunt” Jane Elms, Tolmies Sunday. To a Decent Daily Life. Gus Barth and family of Boise and aged pioneer matron of this community Plans and Estimates Furnished who passed away Tuesday at her home Mr. and Mrs. Chap. Butron of Parma in Unity. She had been ill several visited in the George Dailey home Sun- The Right— Without Cost / months. Many friends attended the day. E # m i in iiiiiH i ini! m iiiiiiiiiii in ni m in iiuinii iii in in in n in inni in in in in mai ni n u n in i ; i mum in in in 11 m Quite a number from here attended “See Smith First” To Military Knowledge and Training. funeral services. Frank Reed of California Is visiting the dedication of Owyhee Dam Sunday. Miss Ruth Gilmore of Dayton, Wash., his grandson Raleigh Van Buren and What School is More Qualified Than guest of Miss Lucile Stephens return­ fin in in in mm mi i in n in in n in in iiMmiiiiiriii iünun inw 1 M family, also other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodcock and Coy Wise made a trip to Nyssa last OF ALL THE DIFFERENT week after supplies. They also visited Rocky Butte Portland, Oregon friends there. MEDIUMS OF ADVERTISING YOUR Ernest Locey and wife and Mrs. Floyd Howard were In Unity and Hereford Wednesday. NEWSPAPER, THE JOURNAL I Chas. Elms and family of Haines are guests in the H. C. Elms home. IS MOST EFFECTIVE The E. J. Beams are enjoying the visit of W. H. Beam and daughter Mrs. War 'ren Blodgett of Nyssa and Mrs. Vivian THE PLYMOUTH .Van Cleave and baby of Westfall. Sat­ I ' -m k u rd ay Mrs. Blodgett and Mrs. Van SIX POINTS ¡Cleave were guests of Mrs. Walter ¡Laurance at Prairie City, 1. j Ray Wise and wife of Silver City, . . . because of its circulation being placed Three Piece Bedroom S u ite ....................... $31.50 'Ida., spent Sunday at the C. F. Wise gtefeijL \ r $ . • Length — full length Three Piece Davenport S u ite ..................... $39.50 j ranch home. before the eyes of practically every prospective to the pound as guar­ Six Piece Dining S u ite ...................................$28.50 ! Mrs. Albert Morfitt of Unity, Earl anteed on the tag; Ripley of Westfall and Mrs. Earl Lofton buyer in your trade vicinity. Large Roomy Club C h airs..........................$19.50 and son Donald of Ironside left Sunday Mohair D avenport......................................... $29.50 2 morning by car for Los Angeles. They Occasional Ann C h a ir ...................................$2.95 were called to California by the critical Strength — less break­ . . Frequently a circular goes into he illness of their father. Upholstered Seat and Back Owyhee Ladies T ¡VI SS,. “ d*"suM ,> Snap It W ith a ANSCO CAMERA Nyssa Pharmacy The Five Sacred Rights Oi Childhood N otice Telephone Patrons Malheur Home Telephone Company HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Furniture Prices Will Never be Lower . ing, less wasted time, less wasted grain; 3. A BIG FAVO RITE • Don’ t just ask for binder twine. Decide to use Plym ­ outh Twine this season. Then you get a twine that la made to quality standards by the makers o f the famous F lj mouth Rope, known for more than a century as the world’s finest rope. That reputation for quality has made Plymouth Binder Twine the farmer's favorite. You can rely on Plymouth Twine to give dependable, trouble- free service every day in the harvest field. Use Plymouth and cut your harvesting coot I » Guarantee Work Evenness — no thick or thin spots — no “grief” ; WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE 4. Special Winding no tangling; Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific 5. Insect repelling — you Oregon Ontario can tell by its smell; . 6 Mistake proof — print­ ed ball— insures cor­ rect use. ti New, Extracted HONEY 7c Lb. (W hile We Extract) Baldridge Imp. Co. Walnut Finished End T a b le ..........................$1.85 Upholstered Foot Stools .............................. $1.95 Sealy Tufted M attress...................................$14.75 All Cotton Mattress ...........................;.......... $4.75 waste paper basket as soon as it arrives, while your Journal does triple duty. It is on d< k for days and weeks. Advertise THE JOURNAL WAY IN OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT Leather Davenport ....................................... $27.50 3— Oak End Dufold D avenports...............$15.00 8-Piece Oak Dining S e t ................................ $35.00 Velour Davenport and C h air..................... $26.00 2— Piaijos in good sh a p e.............................. $50.00 20— Bed, Springs and Mattress Large Oak Dresser, good m irrors.............$12.50 Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator. THE GATE CITY