THE GATE CITY JOURNAL -aaa GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 21,1932. The long and trying session of the 72nd congress, which Voice of the Pressi“ WHAT CONGRESS DID and son * E. M. Blodgett opened last December came to a close caUrday mght. > MERCY TRAGEDY Those who watched the session carefully point to the fol-f A MILLION BAA0 DRIVE ON W. F. AND ALMA McLINO, Publisher» lowing ten accomplishments as the major activities of the On the highways of the high desert. A dual tragedy, described by author­ whatever direction the motorist turns congress which no doubt faced the greatest problems in In Subscription, Y ear......................... -41.80 in spring the road is blocked by bands ities as a "mercy death,” claimed E. M history : Shutt, 61, former Morrow county, Or., Subscrpltion, 6 Months __________ 7Sc of shesp. sheriff and his blind son Lawrence .30. The bobbing, woolly bodies spread like Entered at the Poat Office at Nyssa, Oregon, as Second Class Matter 1 Passed the $1,118,500,000 tax bill imposing drastic Shutt shot and kill ed his son near his animated coverlet from fence to home In Glendale, Cal., Thursday and “nuisance” taxes and higher income taxes in an effort to an fence of the right of way. The driver then turned the weapon on himself, in­ must go slowly, must sound his horn flicting fatal wounds. Shutt Is said to OUR GUESTS FIND MIDSUMMER BEAUTY HERE balance the national budget. frequently and at times must pound lost a considerable sum of money 2. Passed the $2,122,000,000 unemployment relief bill, upon the resounding metal of the doors have We are now at the time of year when our Oi'fegon and In recent finanlcal ventures. In order to get through. Sheep at the designed to create work for the jobless and aid states car­ He was a brother of Sloan P. Shutt, Idaho country looks the best. Green landscapes every­ edge of the road that might be entirely editor of the Fruitland Banner. rying the relief burden. safe where they are, pause, seem to re­ where, bathed in golden sunlight, adorned with blue skies in sheep fashion, and then, almost and clouds of feathery white. Western Oregon may have) 3. Ratified the Hoover moratorium on foreign war flet lnvaryingly, make a final dash to the MARGARET HUNT other side, directly In front of the on­ its timber, but no where in the west may more productive debts. car. Like a lot of folks, their IS HONOR STUDENT 4. Established the Reconstruction Finance corporation coming fields be seen. Flowers are in bloom. It is the season of perversity exceeds desire for safety. to bolster railroads and banks. midsummer beauty in the Snake river valley. In every flock there Is a black sheep, sometimes more. No one knows, except 122PT MARARET HUNT IN HONOR 5. Broadened discount privileges of the federal reserve All of this delighted our guests who were here for the lor force of heredity, why white sheep ' Pacific Extension University, Berkley, have a certain number of black lambs, Cal.,—(Special to The Journal)—Miss dedication of Owyhee dam Sunday. It was their good for­ banks, and of the intermediate credit banks. and why all lambs, desipte the gener­ Margaret Hunt of Nyssa has been hon­ 6. Cut federal expenditures by approximately $750,- ations tune to again see the irrigated lands of this area in the of docking continue to have tails. ored because of her exceptional work occasionally an old and sober black as a student of the Pacific Extension full blush of midsummer growth. They maveled at the corn 000,000 by reducing departmental appropriations and But ewe, the faults of her youth forgotten, University, Berkeley, and has had her that outdoes the yield of the middlewest corn producing passed the $15,000,000 omnibus economy bill. will be the staid and trusty leader of the name placed on the national honor roll of that Institution. states. They marveled at the great stacks of hay which rep­ 7. Passed the home loan bank bill setting up a system of flock. Margaret has been utilizing spare The sheep when you see them on the resent only a first cutting. They enjoyed the beauty of or­ federal aid banks to help small home owners. highways of the high desert are moving time by taking college work by corres­ pondence, That she Is making good is 8. Approved the Glass plan for currency “reflation” un­ toward the mountain range. Off In the evidenced chards and golden grain. by the above news item from will always be some elevated der which national banks could issue $995,000,000 curren­ distance mass, vague and mystic in the shim­ Berkeley. In other summers these crops were a factor in convinc­ cy backed by federal bonds. mering lights and shadows. There the ing the bureau of reclamation that the Vale and Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Herman White, friends butterweed, the wild buckwheat, the 9. Passed the Norris “lame duck” amendment to the projects were worth developing, that they were needed to mountain clover and the bunch grass of the Dewey Rays, were here from provide homes for the mauy families who are without food ponstitution, which when ratified by 36 states will change grow. On the lower levels the death North Powder for the dam dedication dates on which congress convenes and the president camas or the lupine may be used by Sunday. and shelter in our crowded cities. hungry sheep for forage and the results is inaugurated. are disastrous. The loco weed, also, is PIIONE 8F2—STAR HOTEL than a darker trace drawn upon 10. Passed the Norris anti-injunction bill limiting the more Western romances. ¿!i!tl!li:i:iti:i!l:lililtlii:ilii:iii:i!l:iillii:tl!lililillililii:iillillil'liMill)l^ powers of federal judges and outlawing “yellow dog” Marie’s Beauty Shop The sheep are moving toward the agreements in industry. FOR BEAUTY WORK high summer range. Always there are PERMANENT WAVES | dogs, of uncanny instinct and faithful­ Finger Wave, Marcel, Facial AUTOMOBILE E The people of this region might add that among the ac­ Always there are herders, who Just as You Like Them S complishments should be listed the passage of the appro­ ness. Shampoo, Manicure prefer loneliness. Sometimes there are REPAIRING horse-drawn chuck wagons. Wool Isn't Miss Marie Hunter Nyssa, Ore. priations bill which provided funds for this year’s work on worth $ 3 . 9 5 and up much now. Sheep bring little, 2 § the Owyhee project. But the bands of sheep are the food, the | Make your appointment § clothing, the Investment of the men IgnlUon Generator and Starter today who have them. So they drive, on and Work Juat East from Depot NYSSA. OREGON J. M. Robertson R. A. Conant 1 OWYHEE BEAUTY SHOP | BUTTERFAT COMES UP Back of the announcement Tuesday of the one cent per ■ a pound increase in the price of butterfat, which appeared | Phone 55F3 Nyssa | in the market quotations of the daily papers, is even better IIIIIHMMIIIIMIMMIIIIIIIMIMIIIMBIllMiaMIIMliilli news. nri!ihiriuiriii;iiMiiiil(iiiiiil!iiiiiii:iiüiji:i:u:i;tii!i>iiii munii 1 Creamery operators explain that Tuesday’s price gain, FARMERS ! although small, hinges on a very good sign. They point out that a noticeable increase in the consumption of dairy pro­ B We are glad to do your repair 1 ducts throughout the Pacific coast states is responsible for S g 3 work at reasonable prices. s Let Us Do Your the advance. | NYSSA SHOE SHOP SUMMER Considering the fact that consumption of these products Ross Parkinson, Prop. I Tl l;l III I I III lil III III 11 III mill III ___ _ s are at low ebb during the three summer months, it is log­ III 11111111111111:111111 HI lilllllimF- BAKING ical to expect a further advance within a reasonable time. Why go to the trouble Tuesday’s one cent advance will not, of course, add a very great sum to the checks of the individual dairyman of baking these hot days when w e c a n but, as a whoje, the eastern Oregon and southern idaho bake every delight at dairy interest "will benefit to the extent of several thous­ and dollars each month. less cost. See Our Pastries The note of optimism reflected In the west coast market Baked Fresh Daily trend will have its encouraging effect among all our dairy­ men. USE SWAN BREAD Swan BAKERY Leslie McClure, Prop. Nyssa, Oregon STURDY, ENAMELED CHAIR $ V Each We are making a special offer on these except­ ionally good value kitchen chairs for quick sale. Painted with three coats of enamel. If you see them you will want them. We also have some good bargains in inlaid and printed linoleum. NYSSA OREGON Steam Heat—Outside Rooms Practice In oil Court« NYSSA, OREGON New Price — on- SILVERWARE Holmes and Edwards 1847 Rogers A MODERN HOUSE FOR NYSSA Use your mail order cat­ alogue for prices on silver at this store. For a good shave, hair cut or ROBINSON shower bath come to— The Jeweler Payette, Idaho Roy Pound’s BARBER SHOP Laundry Agency __ CHINESE LIKEE WHEAT, LESS RICE How the sale of 15,000,000 bushels of Grain Stabiliza­ tion corporation wheat has made possible the building of a vast system of dykes and levees in the Yangtze valley for protection against floods and at the same time opened a substantial new market for American wheat by converting more than 2,000,000 Chinese from rice eaters to wheat consumers, sounds good to the farmer. The wheat and flour were apportioned out systematic­ ally. Laborers were put to work building and repairing levees and dykes in the Yangtze valley flood region and were paid with wheat or flour. It is said that the Chinese have learned they can do more work over a longer period of time on less wheat than on larger quantities of rice. The summation of it all is that the grain corporation has established a market in China for wheat which has enormous potentialities for the outlet of American grain. Clean liilk We realize our obligation to the public, and realize too, that our Sunshine milk must be as clean and pure as mod­ em science can make it. NO HIGHWAY SURPLUS As an outlet for surplus labor, highways offer the best opportunity inasmuch as they are about the only thing that can be produced without glutting the market, according to the president of the American Association of State Highway Officials. Some 5,000,000 American farmers are still situated on roads that become impassable in winter, preventing them from marketing their goods at the most advantageous time, from sending their children to school, from receiving quick medical attention when needed, from keeping social contacts and from enioying good roads. The expenditure of a road dollar serves a double pur- pose, in tnat it puts money in circulation while actually something we need, and so is not to be confused with “relief” appropriations that put money into circula­ tion but do little permanent good. Placing a man tp work on a road means that we provide another one with work somewhere else supplying materials. It is said that the country could build a hundred thous­ and miles of good roads now and make use of every mile. It’s harder for money to change hands after getting into a tight fist. Nomale furniture co. Owyhee Hotel on, sometimes 200 miles in a season. They drive, on and on over the public domain, white sheep, black sheep, and a NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOU1 million baas.—Oregon Journal. Attorney and Counsel or at Law Newspaper is more effective than radio advertising. If people were asked whether they were more impressed by what they read than by what they hear, the eyes would have i t - m Knowing this, every precaution is taken in the selection of only tested cattle. Every care is exercised in the handling of milk in our plant. We use an electric milker and Kelvin- ator cooling system. Drive out to the Osterkamp Dairy and look it over. Drink more milk. Good, wholesome milk is the best and cheapest food you can buy. To make sure you are getting the benefit of our effort to give you milk pure and clean, be sure it comes from— The Sunshine Dairy F. W. OSTERKAMP, Proprietor Milk 6c per quart Rich Chocolate Milk 10c per quart