Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1932)
= = ss GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 23,1932. H M N HM K THREE GOVERNORS POSTAL RATES ACCEPT BIDS TO GO UP JUL Y e ROAD CELEBRATION Milk is Safe Food Dr. R. L. Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior, said: “Nutrition is the most basic of all human respon- sibilities and the human race depends upon the good daily cow for its permanence. Milk is a safe food. Three governors, James Rolph of Cal ifornia. Julius L. Meier of Oregon and C. Ben Ross of Idaho, have accepted the invitation of the Yellowstone Cut off highway association to take part in the caravan dedlcatioh of the new road July 8 and 9. It is expected that Gov ernor Rolph will accompany the cara van from Redding, Cal., on the morning of July 8 and attend festivities in Burns. Governor Meter will Join the party at Lakeview. On July 9, the cara van will drive over the Central Oregon highway through Juntura, Harper, Vale and thence to Ontario where Gov ernor Ross of Idaho will atterd the fes tivities. Use More Of It There is No Substitute for Shelton Milk S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y NYSSA, OREGON POISON BRAN WILL KILL MR. CUTWORM PEST I i . i h 111‘ijii n 11 n u in I mu iiuiuiiiiii in h li h i.iiiiii in I > unii in iii in iiiim iraM M m tin min 11 «¡min m LAUNDRY - - -* Clean! Nicely Ironed! Wholesome 22 Three things to think about, and assuring our patrons entire satisfaction. We give shirts, dresses, fancy work and fine linens special care. You Will Like Our Service THE UNITED LAUNDRY T. R. Pashley, Prop. Phone 36F2 g Cutworms, the baby stage of night- flying moths, have a common habit that can be utilized for their destruc tion, says P. L. Rice, assistant entomo logist with the University of Idaho ex -- periment station. 22 § During the cool of the evening and at night they crawl to the surface of the ground to seek food. Cabbage plants | and flowers they relish, but they can be misled into eating poisoned bran mash. Try this formula on Mr. Cutworm: Coarse b r a n ............................. 10 pounds Paris green or white arsenic, 6 ounces Cheap molasses ..................11-2 ounces Salt __________________ ..... 8 ounces Water, about ............................. 1 gaUon ~ r i 111:1 III l!l:lil!l!l:!!lillflililll;lllilll!lll:l!l;lll:lin III III III llll.lMlil l l I I l;l:l;ll:l I'l 11I I lil III 111:11 l l'l l 1 11 UIJ i r It's the cream that keeps Malheur County far mers going, so if you eat more butter you help sustain one of this section’s important industries. Sunshine BUTTER f A c id % STO M A C H ! Ask For Sunshine Butter and Sunshine Ice Cream F I B S G O M T IV E C f B I H SEE THE NEW CAVALIER Ice B o x RURAL SCHOOLS HOLD ELECTIONS _/XCESS ad d is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat ing. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes add. The best corrective is Phillips’ Milk of Mag nesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 yean since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. Harmless, and tasteless, and yet its action is quick. You will never rely on crude methods, once you learn how quickly this method acts. Be sure to get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for dean teeth and healthy gums is Phillips* Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth paste that safeguards against add- mouth. P r ic e SILVERWARE Holmes and Edwards 1847 Rogers LOW Use your mail order cat alogue for prices on silver at this store. Nordale Furniture co. NYSSA OREGON Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice in ail Courts NYSSA, OREGON ROBINSON The Jeweler Payette, Idaho HEMSTITCHING -and— ART SHOP On the Old Job H. D. Holmes , New Stamped Goods and New Thread MRS. N. H. PINKERTON Nyssa, Oregon TRANSFER AND BAOOAGE All Kinds of Hauling in City Limits Dr. E. D. Norcott DENTIST Nyssa, Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35FJ Jregon !iiiiiii:iiui;iiiiiijjii!iit:i!ii!iiiiii!i^ NYSSA, OB. Court House Filings Why not have the harness oiled and repaired before the spring H rush? Come in today! City Transfer Ross Parkinson, Prop. Dr. C. A. Abbott, D. C. Chiropractic Phone 29—Res. 25 NYSSA, OREGON TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. Phone IS and Phone 28 C. KUNKENBERG Osteopathy and Electrotherapy Dr. J. A. McFall PHONE 201 Evesight Specialist Vale, Oregon. run I I I ! I t l l l l iliiiiirj AJtllllUl lllllllllll III! Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes Ontario, - Oregon JUANITA POWELL Real Estate Transfers Recorded School of the Will H. Parker et ux to J. C. Brittain. Lot 20 Sout six, and 60-100 feet of Lot 19, Block 127, Ontario. 6, 9, 32. $900. John Ashmore to Margaret W. Sch weizer, Lot 10, Block 135, Town of On tario. 6, 14, 32. $10. J. W. Pulford et al to A. L. Pulford. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 236, Ontario. 1, 22, 32. C. W. Glenn to Jos. Keefer And und. one-half int. SE1-4NE1-4 NE1-4SE1-4 Lot 17 metes and bounnds all In Sec. 32-19-47. Lots 2 3 and 4. Sec. 333-19-47. 6, 15, 32. $23,370.03. DANCE Wesley Verne Knight and Eva Marie Bailey. 6, 13, 32. Herbert Benjamin Lile and Sarah Miller. 6, 13, 32. Ernest Tillman Beck and Vada Ros- oell Long, 6, 15 32. William John Hubbard and Mar guerite Glenn. 6, 16, 32. Harry Taylor and Aose Stroup. 6, 16, 32. Sam Stiple and Bertha Fay Clive, 6, 17. 32. Hiram Stevens Remer and Agnes A. Uplegrove. 6, 17, 32. Monroe Elbe Morrison and Erma Nelson, 6, 17, 32. Rayle F. Moody and Laura C. Ander son. 6, 17, 32. Clyde William Bernlthy and Goldie Walthman. 6, 17, 32. Kenneth Harvey and Ingalls Gustava Hurst. 6, 18, 32. Reginald W. Leenard and May Belle M Scott. 6. 18. 32. PHONE I FARMERS! | NYSSA SHOE SHOP Register now at the Moore Hotel, Ontario | t T e R Y GUARANTEED ODORLESS DRY CLEANING At Reasonable Prices MEN’S SU ITS..... $1.00 TOPCOATS ....... $1.00 LADIES DRESSES..... ............... $1.00 Up NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Roy Scott, Prop. [SANITARIUMS S Rooms, Board and Bath $2.50 per day Rheumatism and Nervous Cases Dr. D. A. SEXTON VALE, OREGON OURI _ Classes in all types of dancing $5 a month for 2 hour lessons a week Juanita Powell Punii of Mme. Elinova *.nd Mme. Elisa Cansino BUSINESS DIRECTORY CRYSTAL GOBLETS FREE Set of beautiful community-cut crystal goblets will be given FREE with each purchase of new commun ity plate at our Jewelry store in June. Patterns as il lustrated i n Saturday Evening Post—Deauville, Noblesse, Grosvenor and Lady Hamilton designs. HAROLD E. GINZEL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER “The Big Store with the Little Price," ONTARIO, OREOON GUARANTEED WORK WYCKOFF Jewelry Shop COMFORT Nora Fletcher vs. Robert Fletcher. 6, for COLICKY B A B I E S 14, 32. Divorce. Jordan Valley Irrigation District vs. . . . THROUGH C A STO R IA ’S Title and Trust Company. 6, 15, 32. Application for Judgment foreclosing GENTLE REGULATION tax lien. $694 14. The best way to prevent colic, Jack Spaulding vs. O. P. Carver et al. doctors sav, is to avoid gas in stomach and bowels by keeping the entire 6, 17, 32, Recovery on note. $150. intestinal tract open, free from waste. But remember this: a tiny baby’s tender little organs cannot stand Legal Advertisements harsh treatment. They must be gently urged. This is just the time Castoria can help most. Castoria, SUMMONS you know, is made specially for babiee and children. It is a pure vegetable IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE preparaUon. perfectly harmless. It STATE OF OREGON FOR THE contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. For years it has helped mothers E. J. POWELL, Plaintiff. through trying times with colicky babies ana children suffering with VI. digestive upsets, colds and fever. JESS REYNORD8. Defendant Keep genuine Castoria on hand, with TO JESS REYNOLDS, tire above nam the name: ed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF I ^ OREOON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within four weeks from the 9th day of CASTORIA g 3 I 1 § et? rrr Ell I'l Illlll M III III III WIMIM MMIIIIIIMIIIIIMSIiMHIIIff! The following firms of Ontario will serve you with honest valees: Marriage Licenses Issued N ew PRICED E. M. Blodgett AGRICULTURAL HINTS Complaints Filed in Circuit Court All steel, new colors, insulated to keep in the cold. They are very economical for summer use. Owyhee Hotel X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Oregon Trail school district held an nual election of officers Monday. Lloyd Adams was elected director for three years, A. H. Keck for two years and Mrs. Franklin Fry was re-elected clerk. Mr, Fry is the other member of the board. At Owyhee school election, Charles Bradley was elected director and Mrs. Mildred Hite, clerk. Other directors are Wm. Peutz and Wm. Schwetzer. Thoroughly mix the dry bran and poison. Stir the salt, water and molasses together, then pour this solution over The feeding value of barley Is higher the dry mixture and mix it thoroughly than that of oats, pound for pound. again. The mash should be Just moist Winter activity of bees to generate enough to break up readily into small heat in the hive makes them age too particles when thrown from the hand. soon. Avoid leaving it in wet lumps. Apple trees planted 40 feet apart Broadcast this poison bait on the yielded 43 bushels more fruit to the acre grouijd Just before plants are set out than trees spaced 30 feet apart. With fertile soil at least 20 bushels or before they come up. and scatter it freely around the edge of garden pat of potato seed may be used profitably ches and in flower beds. It should be to the acre, using one and one-half applied late in the evening so cutworms pieces spaced 10 to 11 iflehes in the will feed on it while moist. Give them row. Four types of lambs are produced for a second meal if necessary. the market: hothouse, Easter, early summer, and fall lambs. Regardless of the type of market lamb produced, it is essential that the breeding ewes be kept in a thrifty condition during the winter and early spring. Is playing an important part in this community in keeping up payrolls to local dairymen. ‘There Is No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products” IDAHO OREGON An order for the increase of postage on first class letters from 2 cents to 3 cents, provided for by recent congress ional action, has been received by Post master Dean Smith of the Nyssa office The higher rate becomes effec '■? July 6. The new rate applies to all first class letters. One cent postal cards and letters, such as statements and others for del ivery from the postoffice at which they are posted can still be sent for lc. The rate on mail carried by airplane shall be 8c for the first ounce or frac tion thereof and 13c for each additional ounce or fraction thereof. The rate of advertising matter of newspapers increased from lc to 3c a pound, according to zones. The Eighth zone now requires a 3c increase in post age. No change will be made on parcel post rates at this time, but it is ex pected a change will be effected this fall. Unchanged is the rate on overseas letters which now require 5c on the first ounce or fraction thereof and 3c for each additional ounce or fraction. June, 1932, which is the date of the first date of said first publication, or if serv NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS publication of this summons, and if you ed personally without the State tha. be served personally without this slate i you have four weeks from the date of Town patrons. 3:39 to 5.30. answer T.itnin u w ws & kj the u such inch az-'A .i to appear serviee. and if you fail so to appear and j herein. answer for want thereof, the plaintiff 1 AJid further ordering that in case of Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. will take judgment against you for the ¡publication, a copy hereof and of the sum of One Hundred Twenty-seven and complaint be forthwith mailed to jfol 50-100 Dollars ($127.50), with the costs at your last known place of residence ¡and post office address. and disbursements of this action, E. M. BLODGETT. This summons is published in the Gate City Journal, a weekly newspaper Attorney for Plaintiff. published in Nyssa, Malheur County. Residence and Post Of Oregon, by virtue of an order of the fice Address, Nyssa, Ore NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT Hon. W. W. Wood, Judge of the Cir gon. Steam Heat—Outside Rooms cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Date of First Publication. June 9th .1932 the County of Malheur, made and en A MODERN HOUSE FOR NYSSA Date of Last Publication, July 7th, 1932 tered herein on the 8tli day of June, 1932, and requiring you to appear and answer within four weeks from the Dr. HARRIET SEARS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ontario—Phone 147J Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario, Oregon Wilson Building, Over Postoffloe Phone No. 40 Say It With Flowers . . . . No more expressive gift BOYER FLORAL COMPANY WE WILL BE OLAD TO SERVE YOU ONTARIO. OREOON MR. and MRS. H A R R Y PETERSO N Funeral Directors Ontario, Oregon Modern Equipment and Personal Service