Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1932)
bi » ' in -|ii' r -i~ - liÁTE CÍTV JOURNAL, THUfiSPAY, JjJKË 2à, I 9 3 i 6Tn»««1» MMïyrm'ïrr ONTARIO vs. NYSSA NINE SUNDAY, JUNE 19 THE OLD RIVALS MEET AGAIN SUNDAY, JUNE 19 At N yu » Diamond— Game Called at 2:30 p. m. TICKETS 35c TICKETS 35c This Game Decides W HO Is at the Top of the Idaho-Oregon League. COMEI COME! COME! Mr. and Mrs. Prank Newblll of the love gardens when the third terrace Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peutz and sons BEND DISTRICTS is completed by Mrs. Barrett. She has Big Bend mere guests of the Ellis Wal were Payette visitors Sunday and ca'l- made a tiny lake—concrete lined by her ed on Betty Schweizer at the hospital. ELECT DIRECTORS ters family Thursday. own hands. In the center Is an Island with such rocky bluffs for wild flower Big Bend—Two directors were elect beds and castles as no other but Mrs. It was pleasant but Mrs. Barrett had Barrett could fashion. ed in School District No. 47 to replace no time for gardening and there's an directors who have moved away. The Last week George A. Beyer, photo new officers are Harry Russell, elected TINY LAKE WITH CASTLES AND other beautiful terrace to build. So Mrs. grapher for the bureau of reclamation, for three years; and Cecil Case, director FLOWERS WILL GRACE N E W Barrett has decided to set aside two from Washington D. C., took several LEAGUE STANDING days each week for garden visitors. for one year. Mrs. Thos. Welsh la clerk. TERRACE AT BEAUTIFUL ROCK Thursday at)d Sunday she will welcome views of Mrs. Barrett's garden, presum C w At Wade school election Monday GARDEN NEAR NYSSA. everyone. The other days of the week ably to show how flowers thrive on Apple Valley ..... ...................7 2. Owyhee lands when they receive proper Homedale .......... .... .............7 2 . .778 night, Jesse Johnston and H. R. Hatch she will devote to delayed gardening. were re-elected. care. 5 4 .856 Something new will delight all who Friends here were grieved by the Mrs. C. W. Barrett, owner' of what is ...................4 8 .445 tragic death of Auguts Anderson, young 6 Arena Valley .... ..................... 3 farmer who came from Portland a few APPLE VALLEY 8 ..................... 1 months ago to farm the Applegate ranch owned by Mrs. Anderson’s moth BOWS TO HOMEDALE Adrian—Adrian nine defeated Ar- er. Mr. Anderson formerly lived In cadia Sunday In an eighth inning spree, Boise so funeral services were held Apple Valley—Apple Valley surrend 5 to 1. The score was tied I to 1 till there Monday. the eighth, when Ardian ran four Mr. and Mra. Thos. Welsh attended ered the top position In the baseball counters across home plate. Johnston the services. i league with a 5 to 6 defeat at Homedalc struck out 15 batters for Arcadia. Bat Preparations are almost complete for \ Sunday. teries: Adrian— Hatch, Muntjewerff the 4th of July picnic with oration by j Mrs. J. Freeman and family of Pay- and Swigert; Arcadia—Johnston and Mayor Jas. Pope of Boise, baseball, I ette were dinner guests of A. Cloward’s Benton. — to harmonize with your color scheme. sports and good music on the program. i Sunday. Apple Valley lost top position In the Mr. and Mrs. Large and Miss Fern Mrs. Mary Felton and Mrs. Emma league by bowing to Homedale 5 to 6. Stanley of Scappoose, Oregon, were — installed to give you lasting service. Duncan of Nyssa visited Mrs. Robt. Stover of Homedale and Poleson of overnight guests in the J. F. Phelan Martin Wednesday. Apple Valley made homers. Batteries: home Monday. They are on an auto Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nichols and fam Apple Valley—Morris and Van Land- trip to Connecticut and other eastern PHONE 109J2 ily were dinner guests Sunday at Jay ingham; Homedale—L. Parker and A. states. Proffit home. Parker. Roswell took the honors In a 12- Norman Tolmie has a new Ford inning game with Arena Valley, which sedan. GEORGE J. KINZER, Plumber Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lynch and ended 20 to 18. Next Sudnay’s games daughter of Nyssa visited Clendenlngs close the schedule. Homedale meets | PERMANENT WAVES Adrian at Big Bend park; Roswell at Sunday evening. Imitations. Millions of users hat Unless yon see the name Bayer and Quite a few Apple Valley people at Apple Valley; Arcadia at Arena Valley. | Just as You Like Them proved that it is safe. the word genuine on the package as E ,E. Parker won the radio given by tended the funeral for Mrs. Miller Jen Holly Brothers store at the close of pictured above you can never be $ 3 . 9 5 and up sen in Nampa Thursday. Mrs. Jensen Genuine Bayer Aspirin prompts their anniversary sale Saturday night. ■ure that you are taking the genuine was a former resident of Apple Valley. relieves: Other prizes went to E. G. Hopkins, Joe | Make your appointment Mrs. Robt. Martin, Mrs. M. Clenden- King, Lois Snapp, Geo. Glascock, W. C. Bayer Aspirin that thousands of today Headaches Neuralgia ing and daughter Myra attended the Duffy, P. Haggen, J. W. Gibson and physicians prescribe in their daily funeral Sunday in Caldwell, for Miss Wm. Brewer. Rheumatism Lumbago practice. | OWYHEE BEAUTY Opal Root. Girl Scouts met Saturday on the Enos Neuritis Toothache Nyssa, Oregon Miss Anna Nelson returned home lawn. Mrs. Chas. McConnell concluded SHOP The name Bayer means genuine from Mackey last week. the work on the cooking merit badge No harmful after-effects follow its Aspirin. It is your guarantee of Phone 55F3 Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bruno and family One new member has Joined making 16 auritv— vour protection aeainst tba u u U does not degress the heart. received word Saturday evening of the in the troop or enough for two patrols. death of Mrs. Bruno's sister In Boise. The new member is Jean IaRue. Elect Friday-Saturday, June 24-25 The Bruno family went to Boise Sat ion of officers wll be the main event at the next meeting. urday and returned Sunday evening. Zane Grey’s Famous A very Interesting Children’s Day J. J. Hicks family visited Wade Rob program was given at Kingman Kolony “ RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE” insons' Sunday. school house at Sunday School June 19. With George O’Brien, Marguerite Churchill Miss Miriam Colwell of Fruitland WESTFALL TRIMS and Noah Berry spent Saturday with Mrs. G. H. Lee. IRONSIDE NINE Mrs. John Boswell and daughter Katherine, who recently returned from a years’ teaching in Bend, were visiting Sunday-Monday, June 26-27 in the J. E. Holly home Sunday. Ironside—The locals played ball at Robert Montgomery in Westfall Sunday, losing the game by a narrow margin, 12 to 10. CARD OF THANKS “ BUT THE FLESH IS W EAK” The Floyd White, Ray Duncan, Claud Price today is the dominating factor in all buying. In the grocery field De Derrick and E. J. Beam families at We wish to thank our friends and the with Edward Everett Horton pendable Grocers consistently sell the beet for less, Quality and Service consid tended Father’s Day exercises at Unity Rebekah lodge for their sympathy and grange Wednesday night. ered. If you believe in thrift compare these prices with what you have been pay kindness shown us at the death of our Floyd White and wife and daughter daughter and sister Opal and to ex ing. The following Specials for Norma left Saturday for Grandview, press our sincere appreciation for the Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, June 28-29-30 Idaho, (or a few days visit with the W. beautiful floral offerings. FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY, JUNE 24th, 25th and 27th ONLY J. Hinton family. Mr. and Mrs. William Root. Dolores Del Rio and Leo Carrillo in Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Root and family. Perry Lofton and family of Hunting- “ GIRL OF THE RIO” ton, Bert Lofton of La Grande and Mrs. Mabel Baldwin of Boise visited Sunday at the Beam home. Mark Rutherford of Malheur was towns Monday. JOE JAY SMITH The Elmer Molthan and Fred Laur- i ance families were shopping In Valley — town Monday. General Contractor | Mrs. Klzer of John Day visited her I daughter Mrs. Bruce Lofton last Sun And Builder day. = Clarence Howard and the Claud Der B rick family were In Baker last week. Plans and Estimates Furnished - Clarence Boor and wife of Fox Val Without Cost ley are visiting relatives here. They motored to Fruitland Friday. “ See Smith First" Mrs. Gordon Dickson gave a party Thursday In honor of her little daugh ter Dorothy’s birthday. ■ N IN U * Mrs. B a r r e t t Will Have Two Visitors’ Days perhaps the most beautiful rock garden in the Snake river valley, likes visitors but she loves her flowers. This spring it has been visitors before flowers, so numerous have visitors been. Adrian Mounts To Second Place In Rural League BAYER A SPIRIN SAFE Plumbing Fixtures is always beware of imitations LIBERTY THEATRE I EDER HARDWARE GO. AND WILSON BROTHERS NYSSA. OREGON 7 FOR 19c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP PEANUT BUTTER HOODY’S - • 2 LB. ^ 24c Break O’ Morn Coffee“ THOMPSON'S CHOC. MALTED MILK 1 LB. CANS 39c For Country Homes, TOO W e have begun our ice route in the Nyssa farm section, with ice deliver ies Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. FOR SATURDAY Our Regular Special« On Quality Meats CAMAY, SOAP BAR 5c IVORY SOAP s !z e íum 5c Motorists and Friends. . . 7 oz. tins We have moved our Garage to the new location in the Powell building where we will conduct a first class auto repair shop. PEAS Tender Burt Olney’s Sweets We will welcome new and old friends and as sure you the best of service at all times. PAROWAX C U D IM D Miss Lou dniuror Larsen Motor Co. ‘Meat Makes the Meal” Ford Sales and Service PHONE 6 NYSSA, OR. POWELL BUILDING NYSSA 3 Lb. Tins WHITE STAR TUNA FISH 2 for 29c . i WHITE STAR SARDINES No. 1 oval tins 3 for 25c No. 2 Tins The Perfect Air-tight Seal tin s W e Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities These are Your DEPENDABLE STORES mm 53c 6 FOR 97c RAINIER LIME RICKEY “ <“ n o NYSSA PACKING CO. CRISCO 3 FOR 39c 2 FOR 19c 3 FOR 29c