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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1932)
NYSSA, OREGON OATEWAt TO THE OWYKEE ANO BLACK CANTON IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1932. VOLUME XXVI. NO. 35. OREGON TEAMS TIE AGAIN PENNANT RAGE TOWNE WILL SEEK F ORTUNE IN GOLD FIELDS OF NEVADA w orn cue ;T E xcellent Crops GOVERNOR MEIER A rea ASKED Ï0 SPEAK AT Make More Work NYSSA, ÒftfiCON BUSIEST AND FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN OREGON INVESTIGATE - LOCATE $1.50 PER YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS HOME FOR SUMMER; TWO ARE GRADUATES NEW CONTRACTOR BEGINS JOB ON There are two graduates among the 16 college students who have I returned to Nyssa for summer va cation. the graduates being Miss Grace Posey, from the College of Idaho; and Miss Jeanette Martin, Times aren’t so bad. Even the boys j from Lewiston Normal school. and girls about town are finding work Three students who have com TERTELING COMPANY B R I NGS NYSSA LOSES CLOSE GAME TO NYSSA CIVIC C L U B PRESENTS in productive Nyssa orchards where I ESTES L. MORTON OF NYSSA RE pleted their Junior year at Oregon Sta’e college. Corvallis, are Donald thinning is under way this week. Hay SIGNS AS HARPER DIRECTOR OF CREW TO BUILD 4.6 MILES OF AMUSING P L A Y ; GERTRUDE NAMPA NINE; ONTARIO WINS Sherwood. Owen Davis and James ing is in progress throughout the val VALE-OWYHEE LAND SETTLE MITCHELL BUTTE CANAL, FIRST McEwen. Ray Garrison is home WILSON AND ROBERT McCOY ley, giving employment to many farm FROM BOISE SENATORS; EM after his sophomore year. George M E N T ASSOCIATION, SERVED STRETCH OF DITCH ON OWYHEE WIN QUILTS. METT DOWNS HUNTINGTON. hands. Dozens of cars Journey to Apple Johnston, who made the rook base EIGHT YEARS. Valley daily where pickers are harvest ball team, and Ralph Boden, staff member of an engineering mag ing 500 acres of fine green peas. A new camp will be established on Women would not be slaves to men, IDAHO-OREGON LEAGUE azine, are home after successful There is worlds of water this year, the Owyhee irrigation project near they would be free and have all of the freshmen years. Governor Julius L. Meier of Oregon Standing of Teams privileges their husbands enjoy if all crops look excellent and if prices are will be invited to make the dedication Miss Betty Tensen returned Sun Nyssa, as J. A. Tertellng Company of W L P e t. Ellensburg, Wn„ will begin excavation women did as Mrs. Henrietta Ashton of anywhere near reasonable It will be a address at Owyhee Dam celebration day from Oregon State. Arrivals N y ssa ................... ............... ........ 8 2 .714 good year yet for all of us. on the $133,430 contract of 4.6 miles of Boston told them to do in the clever Rain yesterday threatened to disrupt ^ unday' 17, directors of the Vale from the University of Oregon are O n ta r io _______________ ........ 8 3 .714 Owyhee main cancel at once. This is the little play, “Clubbing Husbands,” pre Owyhee Land Settlement association, Max Dunaway. Margaret Ann Mor N a m p a __________ ____ .... „..4 2 .667 first stretch of canal to be built on the sented last Thursday night at the Lib haying with hundreds of acres down in sponsors of the celebration, voted Tues gan, Katherine Leuck; from Reed E m m e tt .......... ......... ........ .. ........ 3 4 .429 project and will run from the complet erty Theatre by twelve ladies of the this vicinity. The shower did no dam day night at the June meeting in Vale. college, Portland, Miss Agnes Nich B oise .................................. ........... 3 5 .333 ed diversion tunnel outlet In Tunnel Nyssa Civic club. They would have all age however, as the weather man President Herbert Hoover will be in ols; from Utah State, Miss Pearl H u n tin g to n .................................. 1 6 .143 Canyon to the Owyhee river. the rights they could think of—if their slated fair and w’armer for today. vited to attend as the first appropria Wililams, who received the award W ith h its a b o u t even a n d te a m s well Mr. Tertellng and his son Joe Tert husbands did not object. tion for construction of the Owyhee ir of outstanding girl athlete; from matched, Ians say it was the breaks ellng were visitors at the Nyssa office Surprising it may seem, but Mrs. Leo Eastern Oregon Normal school, rigation project, costing $18.000,000 was that gave the Nampa nine the long end of the Owyhee project yesterday. They D. Hollenberg was the ardent worker I received under his administration. Con Leonard Marshall; and from the of a 3 to 1 tilt in Nampa Sunday. The stated that they planned to locate the for women's rights. Supporting her with nearby Nazarene college at Nampa. gressman of the west, Governor C. Ben victory placed Nampa in third place camp site but on acocunt of the rain merriment for the audience were three Ross of Idaho and others will be invit Miss Crete Marie Foster. Miss while Nyssa again stepped into a tie decided to postpone the drive into the excellent comediennes, Mrs. F. P. Agnes Swan is continuing her work ed. Last week word was reecived that with Ontario for top position. hills for a day or two. Greene, as the grown-up girl dressed at Links Business college. | Dr. Elwood Mead, commissioner of rec- The locals scored their lone counter NYSSA MATRON FOUND JAPANESE young; Mrs. Wm. Schireman, the Irish Tertellng stated that he had purchas _____ llamation, could be present July 17. in the second. Johnston made a double ed a new dragline for the Owyhee work KIND AND HELPFUL DURING wash-lady; and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, Mrs. The dedication program will be held and Young walked. The story would which wculd arrive In Nyssa about the HER SOJOURN TEN YEARS AGO. Newmann’s colored cook. They furnish ELLA POINTS AND ARNOLD SLIPPY on top of the new dam. Directors de- have been different had Servoss’ long 20th. He will also operate a second ed laughs galore throughout the play. cided that busses would provide the FORM MALHEUR COUNTY DELE drive to left field been safe. Instead dragline on the contract, employing "A trip to Tokyo, Japan as stenog A charming old lady of the past G A T I O N A T 4-H S U M M E R best means of transporting visitors Daniels for Nampa made a field catch about twelve men of his regular staff who expressed ideas of a less modern from Owyhee camp, up the circle drive rapher for the American Trading that set fans on their toes. Dudley made and prehaps others when the work is SCHOOL. trend, was Mrs. Oscar Boden. Others of at right of the dam. It Is expected that first on fielder’s choice with Johnston company of Denver held many thrills the cast, Mrs. Ed. Wilson, Mrs. Howard under way. a very large crowd will be present. Terteling's contract calls for earth out at second. Harold Hoxie’s single years ag0’” sald Mrs' Grover Larsen, Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs. Wes Director Resigns a delightful chat for Nyssa civic scored Young. Ella Points and Arnold Slippy, sent ley J. Browne, Mrs. Dewey Ray, Miss Stating that he now resides in Nyssa, FUNERAL SERVICES W I L L BE work and structures on the canal while club Wednesday. “My first pleasant the contract for two short tunnels was Young struck out seven men Newbill i Edna Dennis and Marla Hunter, aided to 4-H summer school at Corvallis Sun Estes L. Morton, Harper director for the HELD TODAY FROM MORMON awarded the General Construction six. Hits were divided at seven for Nam surprise was the double value of Am Jn making the play an enjoyable suc day by the Kingman Kolony Parent- settlement association, submitted his erican money in Japan. For 50 cents I CHURCH IN NAMPA; ELEVEN company. The General has completed Teacher association, are the only dele pa. eight for Nyssa. It was a good, close received a dollar or “yen”. The Jap cess—till husbands called. Mrs. Dick gates from Malheur county at the resignation. Since 1924, he has served excavation of the tunnels and will begin combat throughout. CHILDREN SURVIVE. Tensen was director, Mrs. Farnham the irrigation projects, first as director anese were kind. When I became lost in S u m m a ry school. They left Sunday morning on of the Harper unit of the Vale irriga lining soon. R R E Sills, property manager. the alley-like and innumerable streets, N y ssa ............................. the Union Pacific, joining other club tion district and later as director of the This will be the Tertellngs first work 8 5 .1 Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson brought a someone was always ready to start me Funeral services will be held at the on the Owyhee. They built a part of N a m p a ........................... members from eastern Oregon. Every settlement association. With J. D. Fair- .3 7 fi four-piece orchestra from Payette for out right, or take me home if necessary. Mormon church in Nampa at two the Vale main canal so are not strang year the Kolony P.-T. A. sends a dele N y ssa B o x S co re— AB H R B “High fences separate many homes entertainment before the play and be gation, this being one of their major man. also of Harper, Mr. Morton assist o'clock this afternoon for Mrs. Miller ers In Malheur county. L ong, c ........................... ......5 1 0 tween acts. Mrs. Wilson’s sister gave a 0 ed In colonization of the first govern from the street and the passerby cannot Jensen, 64, beloved Nyssa matron who G re e lin g , 3b .............. ......5 activities. 1 I 0 ment project tracts at Harper. No see the beautiful little gardens inside. reading. Their contributions were much Tuesday, June 21, betweeil\9 and 9:30 action was taken relative to Mr. Mort passed away early Monday morning R a m b a u d , If ................. ......5 1 0 0 enjoyed. It is a gorgeous sight to see the women after a brief Illness. Interment will be EDWARD WARREN J o h n s to n , r f .................. ......5 0 a 0 After the play, Dickie Tensen and a. m. the Kolony delegates will broad on’s resignation. in their bright and lavish kimonas and at Nampa. Y o u n g , p ........................ ...... 4 cast a 5-minute radio program from 0 1 0 WINS RADIO AT colored silk parasols. They all wear Demarest Greene drew numbers for KOAC, Corvallis, as the Malheur coun Directors attending from here were Mary Ellen Jensen was born In July, S ervoss, l b ................... ......4 0 0 0 two lovely quilts donated by t h e Dr. J. J. Sarazin, Frank T. Morgan, C. wooden shoes. In their black and shiny WILSON BROTHERS D el D u d ley , ss .............. ......4 i 0 4 civic club as part of the evening’s en ty part of a radio program given by the C. Hunt and Mr. Morton; from On 1867, in Spring City Utah. She came to hair they wear bright ornaments. this sectloin with her husband and school. Remember the time and tune In. tario, H. C. Boyer. H a ro ld H oxie, c f .......... ......4 2 0 tertainment. Robert McCoy won the 0 “In the large department stores, a The June sale at Wilson Brothers family about five years ago, first living A wonderful program has been ar H e rb e rt H oxie, 2b ........ ......3 1 0 0 doorman slips covers over your shoes child’s sunbonnet quilt. Miss Gertrude ranged for the two weeks’ school, ac in Apple Valley where they remained Drygoods store came to a successful F r a n c e s D udley, • ........ ......1 0 0 0 Wilson was quite as delighted with the which are like big rubbers. He removes three years. In 1929, Mr. Jensen pur close Saturday night after a splendid cording to Russel McKennon, county COUNCIL ASKS N a m p a B ox S co re— AB H R E them when you leave. At a strictly adult’s quilt In pretty wedding ring pat club leader. Cltib mem’.ers will hear chased the McDonald farm near Nyssa. run of business according to Ernest C. E. D a n iels, If ................ ......4 1 0 0 Japanese dinner you remove your shoes, tern. WATER USERS IN Mrs. Jensen Is survived by her hus Wilson, proprietor. Closing the event, leading educators of the state. There S k in n e r, 2b ................... ......4 1 1 0 Proceeds from the play will be used sit on the floor and eat from small band and eleven children, all of whom three prizes were offered at a drawing 2 I 1 S m y th e , l b .................... ......4 CITY TO ROTATE for the many worthwhile civic objec will be sports, parties, picnics and tables placed In front of you. will attend the funeral services today, at 9:30 o'clock. Ed. Warren won a movies for their diversion. 1 B u rd g . 3b ....................... .....:4 2 0 tives sponsored by the club. Use of the “Bathing was quite a process in Toy- At a special meeting of the city coun Mrs. W. P. Sewell, Nampa; W. A. Jen Philco radio, Mrs. J. S. Stout of Apple Ella Points has excelled in club work 0 S im m o n s, cf ..........................4 0 0 ko. A barrel of water was heated with a , theatre was donated the club by Nat and in athletics at her school In King- cil last night, members decided It sen, Ontario; Mrs. G. W. Vaughn, Pln- Valley $5 cash. No one present had No. 0 3 G ilp in , ss .......................... ......4 0 charcoal lam]) where one rinsed after j owner 1058, the first number called for the 2 man Kolony. For three years she won would be necessary to rotate use of high gree, Ida.; I. N. Jensen, Berkeley, Calif. M u rp h y , r f ...................... ......3 1 0 scrubbing in a tin basin. Water was a girl’s medal at the Malheur county pressure water for irrigating lawns In Mrs. L. W. Hubbard, Valler. Mont.; wrist watch, nor No. 1059, the second 0 0 V. D a n iels, c .................. ......3 0 used over and over for all members of COUNTY GRANGES such a manner as to safeguard the Clayton Jensen, Ontario; Gerald Jen number called. If these numbers are track meet. 0 0 1 N ew bill, p ..................... ......3 the family. I tried to make it a point supply In case of fire. Residents living sen, Boise; Mrs. R. C. Anderson, Dar not presented within ten days, the third SEND DELEGATES 0 A n d e rso n , • .................... ...... 1 0 0 to arise early. north of main street mav use the high lington, Ida., Mrs. William Edison. number called 0300 will win the wrist ONTARIO 5, BOISE 2 TO STATE MEETING LARSEN MOTOR “Japanese babies are very cute, with pressure water on Monday, Wednesday Parma; Mrs. Henry Klndall, Star, and watch. Soper held Boise to five scattered their black bobbed heads. When small, and Friday; those living south of main Eldon Jensen of Nyssa. Eleven grand hits and helped bat the Ontario nine to COMPANY MOVES they are carried on their mothers’ Ray W. Gill of Portland was elected street on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat children and two great-grandchildren HARRY LEUCK IS a 5 to 2 victory Sunday, with three state master of the Oregon grange at backs.” TO NEW HOME urday, between the hours of 5 p. m. and are descendants. bingles to his credit. Nyssa fans who Mrs. Vest displayed a pair of wooden ] the annual convention in session In HOME FROM U. S. 9 p. m. saw the game in Ontario say Boise shoes from Toyko. Mrs. Estes L. Morton I Sllverton from Tuesday till Friday of Larson Motor Company has moved Low pressure may be used at any and RATTLESNAKE AT DOOR played a weak game with four errors to sang a leasing solo, “Rose in Bud.” Mrs. this week. He received the majority of PLANE TRANSPORT one for Ontario. Duff gave Ontario 11 C. C. Hunt, program chairman, read votes in the 326 subordinate granges of to the location in the Powell garage all times as heretofore. building formerly occupied by Herman The new ruling will be in force after An unusual visitor awaited George Harry Leuck, second class radio oper hits. "Tribute to Oregon,” which appears this state. Marie Flint McCall of Salem Towne’s Service Garage & Machine Monday, June 20. EMMETT 6, HUNTINGTON 1 Carey, Vale barber, when he opened his ator on the airplane transport U. 8. S. elsewhere in this issue. A vote of thanks was re-elected lecturer. Shop. Moving was about completed Emmett trimmed Huntington 6 to 1. door Sunday evening. He found a Langway, stationed now In San Fran Attending from this county are C. E. yesterday. Howard J. Larsen, owner, I % {JT Z SELLS 70 was extended Mr. Leigh for use of the The game was hampered by wind and rattlesnake on his doorstep. He killed cisco. Is home for a month’s vacation Liberty theatre for the club play and to Peck, master, and R. 8. Grant, Jr., of will specialize in auto repair work while rain. the snake and found It had nine rattles from service. He accompanied his sis C. L. Wilson and his orchestra who Big Bend; D. C. Deming, Pomona mas gas sale and service station business will ACRE TRACT TO Next Sunday Nyssa Journeys to Boise and a button. Carey believes the Snake ter Katherine from Eugene and yester ter, of Vale; Neil Hoffman and P. F. be handled by Eddie Powell, as In the played for the event. to meet the Senators for their second BUYER FROM IDAHO came from the rocky hillside near Vale day stopped In Baker to visit relatives. Members favored the inauguration Welkai of Boulevard. past. Mr. Larsen's staff Ed. Pruyn and encounter this season. and perhaps swam the river and They arrived home last night. Harry Is The grange again favored prohibition Herschel Thompson will continue in of a garbage route in Nyssa. whereby a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leuck F. B. Zutz, sales agent for the Vale- crawled to his home. garbage could be removed from homes enforcement and opposed resubmission his employ. whose home Is a happy one as the en Owyhee land settlement association, of the 18th amendment. Chain stores Mrs. O. E. Bertsch left Sunday for desiring the service once a week. P.-T. A. CONVENTION tire family Is together for the first made the sale of 70 acres of land on Refreshments were served at the close were discussed by W. J. Hindley of Iowa and South Dakota where she will Mrs. Robt. R. Overstreet, president of time in seven years. the east Bully creek bench of the Vale spend the summer with relatives she of the meeting with Mrs. J. Boydell, Seattle. Consolidation of state schools NYSSA SCHOOL project last week, and also sold two the Malheur County Council of Parents will be discussed. hostess in charge. has not seen for fifteen years. DISTRICT WILL farms under the Warmsprings. D. O. and Teachers, returned Sunday from Today delegates made a trip to Sil ELECT OFFICERS 3iggers of Murtaugh, I d a , purchased Portland where she attended the an- MARVIN PENROD ver Falls which was sponsored by Sll BUILDS NEW HOUSE ¡70 acres under the Vale project. He nual Institute for county presidents. verton chamber of commerce. Next Monday, June 20. the Nyssa 'stated that his brothers would begin The institute was In session two days Marvin Penrod, form the government school District No. 26 will hold the an- ] clearing and other improvement this and Mrs. Overstreet reports a very JUNE 13 PROVES worthwhile meeting. camp at Snlvely, purchased several lots nual election. A clerk and director will summer. LUCKY DAY; TWO from Abe Frlls in the north end of be elected, the director for three years j j. a . Fifcr of Middleton, Ida., pur- Rainfall has proved Inadequate to fill one with probable storage capacity of BABIES ARRIVE and the clerk for one year as provided j chased the Halllday ranch under the Mr. and Mrs. F C Bohlson of Owy town and has built a small dwelling 14 the reservoirs built many years ago at 40,000 acre feet, the upper and more ex by Oregon law. Fred Koopman's term Warmsprings, BlUie Wililams the Kelly hee Dam spent the week end on an by 18 feet. The present structure will Brogan and now the farmers who have pensive one from construction stand Two Nyssa families see nothing un as director has expired and Chas. M. farm west of Vale. outing on the Little Malheur. Wilfred be used for garage later on, as Penrod developed productive orchards and point with storage capacity 80,000 acre lucky about the 13th. In fact they call Paradis Is clerk. Other members of the Karrer and Jack Taylor, of the camp, expects to erect a three-room house -----,------------- it their lucky day. A little daughter was board are A. H. Boydell and S. D. Gosh- ANDERSON HURLS with bath. farms In that vicinity—and those whose feet. fished on Welser river. Construction Proposal No. 1, in the bom In the J. Boor home across the ert, directors. orchards have died through lack of water—are looking to Burnt River, in report, would require: 8.7 miles canal, track to Mrs. Harold Amey, daughter ------------- i SCOUT TEAM TO spring a rushing mountain torrent, for 5.32 miles of tunnel, which with the of Mr. and Mrs. Boor on Monday, June 24 TO 2 VICTORY 13. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. an additional supply. After pumping lower dam and engineering would cost O. Slckels at their home on the Idaho water with which to save his fruit crop. approximately $858.840 Baseball Is part of the summer pro Arden A. Reed and others of the Or Construction Proposal No. 2, would side the same day. Dr. J. J. Sarazin re gram of Nyssa Boy Scouts. In an inter- chards Water company of Brogan require: 11.83 miles canal. 4.7 miles of ports the new arrivals doing nicely. troop game Friday, the Beavers trounc Nearly old enough, but too busy and diato mill In Harper. In the powder found that method expensive and Im tunnel, which with upper dam and en ed the Wolves 24 to 2. Harold Ander useful to retire County Commissioner form It was used for Insulation. The gineering would cost approximately practical. GOVERNOR CALLS son, pitcher for the Beavers, was the J. D. Fairman of Harper la busier than only objection to Its use In this form They conceived the Idea of diverting $990.000. was the fact that the powder settled JUDGE GRAHAM TO hero of the game with 14 strike-outs to Projects No. 2 and No. 3 use the up flood water from Burnt river and have SUPREME COURT DENIES MOTION his credit. He allowed but few hits. ever this summer. He Is dividing his with the building, after construction, RELIEF MEETING just completed a very comprehensive per reservoir with 80,000 acre feet stor FOR RE-HEARING FILED BY | Cook caught for the Beavers. Lathen, time between sale of county owned land and left some vacancies. Governor Meier has called Judge report for presentation to the bureau of age, double that of lower reservoir. Now the powdered diato Is pressed COUNSEL FOR GRAZING DIS Warren Larsen, Lloyd, Robert and Cal and promotion of the dlatamaceous reclamation. Carl A. Jungquist of Nys They make the per acre feet cost of David F. Oraham of Malheur county vin Wilson took turns In hurling for the products at Harper. Into a brick 9 Inches long, 41-2 Inches sa finished the report which was be water about $11.75 for greater acreage, and the judges from the other 35 coun TRICT. : Wolves but they could not stem the tide Last week he accompanied the first wide, through use of a formula compli gun over a year ago by John E. John about half the cost per acre foot under ties of the state to Portland Monday, of heavy hitting Beavers. Johnston shipment of diato insulating brick to ed by T. L. Irving and Insulation brick where they will discuss the state em project No. 1. son of Vale, engineer who helped survey Closing the cases of Audrey Ward caught. Howard Larsen. Scoutmaster, Seattle, where the new Harper product Is manufactured at Harper. The bricks The report finds that the cost is not ployment and relief program for the the first Irrigation canal ever built In will be used In a government building. are hand made at present and about prohibitive under any of the three coming winter. Governor Meier will and Duncan F. Fraser vs. the Malheur ¡was umpire for the boys. this county. Tuesday night the troop held the reg The shipment may be the dawning of five men are employed. That an adequate water supply from plans. The lower reservoir will supply urge the conservation of food supplies County Grazing board, the supreme a new industry In Malheur county. The process of binding the silica court of Oregon denied the petitions for ular meeting at the city hall. the flood flow of Burnt river exists and sufficient water for the present Brogan for distribution next winter. Near Harper great hills of diato, a together Is inexpensive and the bricks a re-hearlng last Tuesday, The court warrants construction of the project is project of 13,000 acres. 8hould the up sea shell formation resembling chalk, can be placed on the market at a low held in favor of the plaintiffs who at HOXIE ENLARGES evidenced by the report of State Engin per reservtor and project be found pre- COUNTY G. O. P. await the use of mankind. Value of the figure, a lower figure Irving said than tacked the constitutionality of the Ore f err able, additional acreage could be In eer Chas. A. 8tricklln. which follows: SHOP, VALE MAN ORGANIZES FOR material for insulation and for other that quoted by the country's largest gon law under which the Jordan Valley cluded and the land Irrigated at a still Burnt river flood flow— LOCAL CAMPAIGN Orazlng district was organized and ENTERS BUSINESS uses Is well established. There is no end manufacturers of insulating materials. April 8, 24 hrs. 472 sec ft. or *44 a. ft. lower coat. Government building engineers have to the supply as some of the hills are The report requests that the state The Malheur County Republican cen made Its fight for restricted grazing April 14, 23 hrs. 832 sec. ft. or 1864 a. ft. Hoxle's Garage announces the pur diato many feet back Into the earth. approved the Harper Insulating brick April 18. 24 hrs. 646 sec. ft. or 1292 a. ft. engineer’s office continue fact finding tral committee has organized to help privileges on the public domain. The law providing that a county chase of auto repair equipment from Tunnels, where diato has been carved for federal buildings. Always optimistic on the flood water supply of Burnt the party with election of its ticket this Total Oct. 1 to April 28, 47,595 a. ft. The preliminary survey reveals three river and states that the Investigations fall. Fred Canfield of Ontario U chair grazing board could license grazing, Herman Towne, with which they are out, resmble hallways of purest marble Mr. Falramn and his colleagues believe proposals for construction of the Bro of the last few yean indicate that the man: Don Graham of Nyssa, secretary: with the preference for resident stock enlarging their /iop. They also an except that the diato deposit Is soft and the first order will result In demand for the product and the growth of the 11. W. Hope of Vale, treasurer E C. Van owners was declared unconstitutional. nounce that Elwood B Nelson, mech will powder like chalk. gan project, any of the three necessit project ii feasible. For several years, diato has been diato syndicate, as well as the White- District Attorney E. M. Blodgett was anic in a Vale garage the past several Mr. Reed is chairman of the Burnt Petten of Ontario, chairman during the ating a tunnel through the Burnt river mountains, which would drop the canal river project committee which also In first campaign for Hoover, was elect counsel for Ward snd Fraser. A. Smith years, will direct the operation of a first taken from the hillsides, trucked over eurth Products Corporation, owner of from Burnt river into a canal on tbs cludes R. D Lytle of Vale and W. B. ed state committeeman; C. L. McCoy of of Baker represented the Jordan Valley class repair business, beginning next about six miles of road surfaced with the Immease deposits of diato In the diato and ground into powder at the J Harper hills. week. Nyssa, congressional committeeman. grazing district. south side. Two dam site* were found. Allen of Brogan. Perhaps to make a fortune If Lady Luck so decrees, Herman Towne left Tuesday night for Gold field, Nev., where many fortunes l ave been made. He has purchased an Interest In the gold claims known as the M. S. Thompson group on Cactus Range. He has samples of ore which are said to run extremely high. Before mining can commence, Towne w i l l repair equipment. Machinery from his garage is be ing trucked to the mine by A1 Green this week. Towne will com mence work at once and he and his associates expect to have the mine producing within 90 days. Mr. Towne was accompanied by his wife and two children and Miss Joy Gehr. They will make their home in a cabin near the mine. Towne plans to rent his attractive residence here. MRS. G. VEST TELLS OF JAPAN WIN P U T S In N yssa KOLONY STUDENTS WILL BROADCAST j MRS. JENSEN DIES MONDAY Brogan Project May Be Next Irrigation Development in County GRAZING CASE REMAINS CLOSED Jack Fairman Takes First Shipment Of Harper Diato Brick To Seattle