— ■¿i, ■ AROCK GRANGERS FAVOR' CONTROL OF WEEDS, PEST? Toledo, Ohio and are planning on spending the summer here. Mrs W. Packard's parents Mr and Mis. Kauplsh oi Portland are also m ak­ ing a short visit in th e valley. CATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE . Ô, 1932 . — ! JÎ BEYOND THE RANGE Now here I cache the useless pack I never more shall need: And' here I take the Longest Trail, Wherever It may lead. Beyond th e range—beyond the- range. O strong and sure and free! I quest for more th a n life has brought And more th a n eyes could see. Arock—The Arock grange held an I t Is quite a novelty to see th e sun Interesting meeting May 28. Several shining after about 2 week of rain and farm problems were discussed with cloudy weather. emphasis on weed and pest control. | R. E. D anner left yesterday for Cald- Mr. and Mrs. Cnas. Fortney are visit- w*u where he will meet his mother, O northern skies and distant stars. lng their daughter Mrs. W. 3. Bruce. Mrs- R J - D in n er of Yakima, Wash,, And desert trails I knew; They drove through by auto from who ls coming for a visit. Brown peaks th a t hold the lure of gold— , X tu rn no more to you. O nevermore I tu rn to you, At dawn or set of sun— For campfire’s light,, or nuggets bright— The golden dream is done. HE T R IE D H IS B E ST , BUT - He brushed his teeth twice a day, Doctors examined him twice a year. He wore his rubbers when it rained. He slept with his windows open. [e never smoked or drank. He kept that schoolgirl complexion. He avoided athlete’s foot and halitosis— YET, the funeral will be held next Wednesday. HE HAD BAD BRAKES AND COULDN’T STOP AT THE CROSSING. Moral—“Give Your Car a Brake for Safety’s Sake.” Now stake for me a last, last claim And lay them down to rest, The trail-w orn feet, the weary hands: I The still h eart In my breast. E a rth ’s last prospecting trip is done, But somewhere strong and sure My spirit seeks the Mother-Lode Whose treasure shall endure. Out, out beyond the farthest star— Beyond the last lone peak— More fair th a n desert-bom mirage, The Glory Land I seek. No monuments are on the trail, The road is dim and strange— But light of Ood is on the land T h at lies beyond the range. Court House Filings Real Estate Transfers Recorded HERM AN TO W N E SERVICE GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP Service Day and Night Shop Phone 16 Residence 99 - - hit the “ nail on the head ” BUILD REMODEL AND REPAIR; There never was a better time than right now for construction work of any kind. No matter how small or how large your project is you’ll find it to your advantage to start work immediately. COSTS ARE DOWN Prices Were Never So Low Get Our Estimate Boise Payette Lbr. Co. PHONE 15 NYSSA, ORE. C W. Glenn. Sheriff to W arm- springs Irrig. Dist. T ract No. 342; NW1-4SW1-4, Sec. 33-18-43. 5, 31, 32. $11.75. John S. Glascock to Cora V. G las­ cock, Lot 16, Block 297, Orlg. Town- site of Ontario; E1-2SE1-4, Sec. 32- 20-46. 5, 26, 32. In accordance with decree. M alheur District Imp. Co. to H. B. Wilson. SW1-4SW1-4SW1-U, Sec. 29- 15-47. 1, 13, 32. $1.00. Frances Louise Mac Lean et vir to Vale Meat Company. All W1-2SW1-4 eSc. 29-19-45, lying west of Malheur River. 5, 9. 32. $500. Vale Meat Company to Joe Beach. Metes and bounds in SW1-4 Sec. 29- 18-45, containing 4.52 acres. 6, 2, 32. $350. E. M. Sm ith to A. N. Andrews. Lots 20-21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 1. River­ side Add to Ontario. 1, 6, 31. $1. M arriage Licenses Issued Hop R. Roberts and Myrtle Doris Taylor. 5 31, 32. Thomas Franklin Johnston and Dorothy Mae Grammer. 5, 31. 32. Howard T. Clement and Frances S arah Shehee, 5, 31, 32. Roland Merle Rich and Mary Frances Anderson. 5, 31, 32. Harold E. Cody and Shirley Eliza­ beth Smith. 5, 31, 32. Lois Belisle and Myrtle Eunice Hickey. 6, 2, 32. Charles F. Draper and Anna S. Prouty. 6, 2, 32. Raymond C. Stew art and Gladys Marie Jullion. 6. 2, 32. Jam es Ray Craig and S arah Ann Laison. 6, 2, 32. George W. Mack and Edythe May Dorsey. 6, 3, 32 M artin Pederson and Ida Mae Shook. 6. 3, 32. John A. K eith and L aura Renstrom. 6, 4, 32. Andy O. Hopkins and Irene French. 6, 4, 32. Wayne Jackson and Helen Beatrice Deitrick. 6, 4, 32. Petitions Filed in Probate Court Estate of Mrs. Ollie Rosenberger. 6, 3, 32. Estate of Betsy Doty. 6, 3, 32. Legal Advertisements Is playing an important part in this community in keeping up payrolls to local dairymen. Ask For Sunshine Butter and Sunshine Ice Cream M E R S COOPERATIVE CREAMERY ‘There Is No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products IDAHO OREGON Said lands will be offered for sale to the highest and best bidder for cash or for not less th a n 20 per cent cash and th e rem ainder to be paid under w ritten agreement with the purchaser In equal installm ents over a period not exceeding ten years, all deferred pay­ m ents to draw interest a t th e rate of When TEETHING makes HIM FUSSY Steam Heat—Outside Rooms A MODERN HOUSE FOR NYSSA On the Old Job H. D. Holmes New Stamped Goods and New Thread MRS. N. H. PINKERTON Nyssa, Oregon TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE All Kinds of Hauling in City Limits 1 NYSSA, OR. FARMERS! PHONE 8 Why not have the harness oiled and repaired before the spring rush? Come In today! NYSSA SHOE SHOP ____ Ross Parkinson, Prop. Sr i i M iiru III I I11 I I I I i:i,iiiiii iii.iii i t in i:i ! i:n II I.I IH IIM I I IIP- Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. City Transfer TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone IS and Phone 28 C. KL1NKJENBERG Osteopathy and Electrotherapy PHONE 201 li!i;iiiiiidiriiiuiiiii:iiiiiuiiiiii;riiiiiii:iii:iii:iiiiiiiiiiiwi:mimiiii