C a t e c i t y j o u r n a l , T h u r s d a y , j u n é 9,1932 J C. E. Winters gave a talk on rocks while Mrs. F A. Miller discussed good health. The girls plan to have their next meeting on the N. 8. Phelan lawn. Mr. Phelan has charge of the Tree finder badge. T h e Kingman Kolony Parent- Teachers met at the school house Friday afternoon. The Boy Scouts met here Sunday ADRIAN, APPLE VALLEY AND afternoon. They planned an outing at Sheavllle — Snowfall Sunday and j HOMEDALE WIV BUSH LEAiJUE Joump Creek near Homedale for Sun­ Monday climaxed unusual spring weather in Jordan Valley country. 1 VICTORIES. day, the 19th. Sunday’s games resulted in victories Much rain has brightened the outlook for Adrian, Apple Valley and Home- for excellent range . Cattle look good and are recovering from short winter Holmes and Edwards Adrian—Arnold Slippy a n d Ella Points of Kingman Kolony will leave to 6. Hatch struck out 12 rations. Weather records showed over 1847 Rogers Sunday morning for Corvallis where Adrian and Arena Valley 1-lnch rainfall for the first week in June. There is an abundance of water they will attend 4-H club summer for irrigation. Haying will be later in Use your mail order cat­ .school. Their trip is sponsored by the the valley this year. [school and Parent-Teacher associa­ ley made 6 hits and 6 runs. Lee John­ alogue for prices on Upper Succor creek district which tion. ston, Adrian, made the only homer. silver at this store. The Girl Scouts met here Saturday. Batteries: Adrian—Hatch and Swi- is enjoying a mild gold rush, with the gert. Arena Valley—Loring, Young, Hibbards working a claim which they ROBINSON Wayner and Parrot. Apple Valley nine believe will prove very rich. Old timers defeated Arcadia 16 to 1. Homedale say an early day miner took a fortune E. M. Blodgett out of Succor creek mine. Hibbard will The Jeweler downed Roswell 11 to 9. Eulalia Schaffer, daughter of Mr. also look into coal prospects, where Attorney and Counselor at Law Payette, Idaho and Mrs. W. L. Schaffer of Kingman mines were abandoned on account of Practice in aii Courts Kolony, returned home last week from water and lack of finances. Pocatello where she has been teaching H. E. Baltzor, Lee Strode. Holmes NYSSA, OREGON Glover, Verne nawalt and Purl Duncan school the past year. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holly and child­ attended the stockmen's convention at ren, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly and Burns, Oregon. All report a very enjoy­ children, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller able time. Walt Eby’s crew finished late shear­ and children and A. C. Holly honored Mrs. Lizzie Holly on Wednesday even- ing at the Sablno corrals Friday night, [ ing with a surprise party at the F. A. and left for Boise. Miller home. Mrs. Holly left Friday The Shaffer shearing crew, who had a week's vacation with home folks, re­ j for Los Angeles. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and turned to work the last of the week. j daughter, formerly of Adrian, were They still have several bands to shear. Mrs. Francis Fenwick and Miss Ethel visiting in this vicinity last week. Sat- J urday they viewed the Owyhee Dam. Fenwick of Klamath Falls are guests j Sunday they left for their home in at the Joe Fenwick home on Succor ¡Klamath Falls via Riverside where creek. You Know U» Mrs. D. H. Haylett and Fred Haylett they will visit relatives. Raymond G. Larson, county agent, were business visitors in Nampa and was spraying patches of white top Caldwell Saturday. Our modern repair shop and skilled mechanics Frank Haines, Jr., who was injured weed in this vicinity, the last of the week. in an auto wreck, has resumed work. He assure you good work at less cost. Our work is Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and infant put his truck load of gasoline into the daughter Thelma Elaine returned ditch to avoid running into a car load honestly thorough and carries an unqualified from the C. T. Kneifel home in Ros­ of women and children. H. E. Baltzor and oDn Stults are re­ well last week. guarantee. pairing the county road down Cow Creek. They are putting in bridges which the high water washed out. CELEBRATE 30TH row escape from injury last week when If you are interested in the new Ford Eight, the WEDDING YEAR IN Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haines had a nar- their truck skidded in the mud and ran smartest little car on the market, see— BIG BEND HOME off a bridge. They walked to neighbors and got a tractor to pull the truck out of the ditch. Big Bend—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cassell Louis DeBord, an aid time resident of of Gieenleaf were dinner guests in the Sheaville, has been renewing old E. H. Brumbach home Sunday, when acquaintances here the past week. both couples celebrated their thirtieth Maxine and Fred Haylett visited at wedding anniversary. the Ditton home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Eachus returned The Austin boy, reported lost from home Monday from a ten day visit with Silver City, was found at the Sabino their children in Utah. Andonegul ranch, on Cow Creek, where Ford Sales and Service Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton and little he had applied for a job for ills board daughter of Medford. Oregon, spent last until haying. Phone 43 Nyssa, Oregon week calling on Bend friends. Mr. New­ Bob Hemingway was here Saturday. ton taught in Wade school several years Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ditton have gone ago. to Idaho City, where Ditton has em­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruning of Westfall ployment in a placer mine. were guests in the C. E. Peck home dur­ ing the week. Many Bend people have attended | Wilson Brothers sale in Nyssa which [closes Saturday, June 11, with the drawing o( a free Philco radio, wrist watch and <5 cash. A ticket is given with every $1 in trade. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. B G. Roberts and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach at­ tended Parma Grange Monday night. Mr. Peck assisted in initiating the can­ A drive over the country, a picnic, fishing trip, a didates. visit with friends—they all invite you. And we Friday about 50 ladles gathered at the home of Mrs. R. L. Haworth and after invite you to have the car tanked up and put in an hour of social visiting, Mrs. James shape at— McGinnis, Bend's latest bride, was pre­ sented a beautiful assortment of gifts. # New Price Snow Fall In Jordan Valley; Gold Rush On Kolony Sends Two Students To 4-H School SILVERW ARE We Know Fords MRS. COSHO WINS Mrs. Maude L. Coeho. widow of the late Harry Cosho and formerly of Nys­ sa, received the largest vqte on the Ada county. Idaho, Democratic ticket in the race for representative. Mrs. Cosho has served in the Idaho legislature and friends say her chances for re-election are bright. of electing one Director and one Clerk and voting whether to continue the bus service northeast of Nyssa, and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this First day of June, 1932. ATTEST: CHAS. M. PARADIS, District Clerk. FRED KOOPMAN, Chairman Board of Directors. June 2—JUNE 16. ROBT. D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phene 66 Vale Oregon Legal Advertisement NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 26 of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at School House; to begin at the hour of Two o’clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the Twentieth day of June, A. D. 1932. This meeting is called for the purpose For a good shave, hair cat or shower bath come to— Roy Pound’s BARBER SHOP A ch es and P A IN S When you take Bayer Aspirin you are sure of two things. I t’s sure relief, and it's harmless. Those tablets with the Bayer cross do not hart the heart. Take them when- M«r you suffer from: Laundry Agency NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Neuritis Toothache When your head aches—from any cause—when a cold has settled in your joints, or you feel those deep-down pains of rheumatism, sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer Aspirin and get real relief. If the package says Bayer, it's genuine. And genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture o f monoacetic- a a (Jester of sabcylicacid. Town patrons, 2:30 to 5:30. Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. PHONE 8F2—STAR HOTEL Marie’s Beauty Shop FOR BEAUTY WORK Finger Wave, Marcel, Facial Shampoo, Manicure Miss Marie Hunter Nyssa, Ore. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Larsen Motor Co. THE OPEN ROAD BecKons You POWELL’S SERVICE STATION SACRIFICE SALE Service Day and Night Atwater-Kent Radio Auto Service 106-Acre Farm including 60 acres of tillable land, balance in pasture. 18 head of cattle and team of horses. No drainage or irrigation assessments. Terms to re­ sponsible people. E. L. MORTON, Malheur County Bank, Nyssa, Ore­ gon. NYSSA LAUNDRY JAS. BASKER, Prop. We take care of all kinds of laundry Call for and Deliver Phone 64 ★ of the six layers of cord fabric under the tread In this tire, two do not run from bead to bead—they are really cord “ breaker strips" and th a t’s what we call them , although some tire-m ak ers call them «xtra plies. G O O D Y EA R FOR SALE—Closed car at Hoxle O ar­ age for cash or trade. J2* QUALITY BARGAINS WANTED—25 HEAD OF CATTLE to pasture for the summer at 50c per month per head. Merl Linder, Nyssa. May 26* —Famous lifetime guaranteed LAUNDRY - - M a y 26 B H 4 -9 9 II ; EXPERT RADIO SERVICING. : Hoxle, City. H. C. ROOFINO CONTRACTOR, Painting, repairing, etc. W. B. Hoxie. FOR SALE—Baby chicks, baby turkeys, all popular breeds. Custom hatching. CAIN'8 HATCHERY. Phone 345R1 Clean! Nicely Ironed! Wholeaome Three things to think about, and assuring our patrons entire satisfaction. We give shirts, dresses, fancy work and fine linens special care. in innn in in m in hi m m m m m m mm mm m m inn in in, PERMANENT WAVES Just as You Like Them $ 3 . 9 5 and up You Will Like Our Service Make your appointment today THE UNITED LAUNDRY OWYHEE BEAUTY SHOP T. R. Pashley, Prop. Phone 36F2 Phone 55F3 ■ i unnin 111111111111 mii him m h m i i him id mm iim mwah n iukmm 11 mmhm mi ? Nyssa l l l l l l MMI , l l . | I I I I U I i m In P tb . S in g le f f . 4 ) T ube « I.O » Ic e B O $ ¿ 1 * I n X \ R e m e m b e r EA C H I n P re. S in g le $ 6 . 3 3 Tube $ 1 .1 7 I n Pr*. I n Rre. S in g le g * . 7 S T ub* I I . » m iH o.s. a . S / i o E ACH 6 S A Â 0 E l A C b I I ■ In P r» . S in g le $ 4 . 2 * Tube .* 0 O th e r S i t e t E q u a l ly L o w G O O D USED T IR E S f t U P E N YSSA. OREGON us the next time wish an y print» ing.Ourequiptnent enables us to turn out first quality work— our experi- ence enablea us to In te llig e n tly aid you In p la n n in g your circular,letter or whatever print­ ing you wiah done. The results you get w ill prova t h a t you M 5 $ ¿ 4 EACH 5 $ ¿ 1 1 * 5 EACH ■ ■ I n Pr*. S in g le $ 4 . 1 * Tube .$ $ Oregon EACH I n Pr* S in g le $ * . 3 S T ube $ 1 .0 1 * I f i f M 1« S in g le $ 6. 6 $ Tube $ 1 .3 $ C l. Mike Dragich, Proprietor Nyssa SEE THE NEW CAVALIER l» « 4 f . -* • $ ¿ 2 EACH 7 D . and a . Electric Cafe - Billiards OREGON P a th fin d e r E ACH In P tb . S in g le $ 4 - 7 * Tube $ 1 .0 3 Sparkling ........ Delicious ......... Cool! Try a drink or sundae at Mike’s Fountain. Sand­ wiches with salad, Chinese noodles, delicious pies at our lunch. Make Your Headquarters At Michaels-Stern’s finest Suits ONTARIO If< 4 4 « U ¿ m li 11 m i limi in n 11 h P, Mimn 11 m n in in in 11 in 11 in i i n in in m in in in 11 in n n n n rim in inn n n n m There’s a lot of “cheap" clothing on the market . . . . but are you In the market for it? Thanks . . . we didn't think so. You were brought up to like quality things . . . . so were we . . . and we’re both still sticking to our guns . . . . isn't that right? at $20 to $30 you'll find here this Spring the finest men's clothing in America. . . . the sort there's real pleasure In buying, selling, wearing and talking about. TOGGERY BILL WANT ADS FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE—1926 Dodge roadster in good condition for a farm team, cows farm implements, or what have you? H. R. Qulnby, City. But a man like you was never brought up to wear trash. i ! G ood P rln t- ♦ lo g P a y s ♦ The Gate City Journal PRINTERS All steel, new colors, insulated to keep in the cold. They are very economical for summer use. PRICED LOW NuNale Furniture Co. NYSSA OREGON