G a t e c it y j o u r n a l , T h u r s d a y , m a y KOLONY SCHOOL IS STANDARDIZED SCOUTS PLANT LAWN IRONSIDE HIGH The appearance of the Methodist church property will be unproved by a plot of new lawn on ine north side this Ironside—The Ironside high school seaaon. The lawn was ssdded last week . took their pray “The Galloping Prin- by Boy Scouts and W. W. Poster, mem­ ! cess" to Brogan Saturday. A large ber of the church board. KINGMAN KOLONY SCHOOL IS crowd attended the play and dance fol- NOW SUPERIOR STANDARD; j lowing. CARD OF THANKS ADRIAN NINE DEFEATS ARCADIA Aunt Jane Elms, 82. Is critically 111 of I cancer. She Is at a Baker hospital. Ell Rose and niece Miss Myrtle Rose We wish to thank the friends of our beloved father and brother Win S. Adrian—Kingman Kolony school is spent last week in Vale. now superior standard, the third school Ironside nine played at Brogan Sun- Brown for the kindnesses and floral tributes extended at the time of his with this high rating in the county. jday. Friday Mrs. E. M. Crail, county school Thomas Whited and wife of the death. We are grateful for the expres­ made the inspection Diamond Dude Ranch at Unity were sions of sympathy which came from niiiMmi'iiMU in i ; i n ni un 111 in mum in in in in m m in ill un i » mm in in in in nun mm in in innnnimnnnmiiij superintendent, Nyssa, Ontario and Vale. and iound that Kingman had made 96 here Monday. points, out of a possible 100, in stand­ Mrs. A. R. Van Buren motored to Mrs. Winifred Brown Thomas, H. F. ardizing. Only 90 points are required, Fruitland Wednesday and spent sev­ Brown and Mrs. and Mrs. D. C. Brown. so Kingman is proud of her showing. eral days visiting her daughter. Other superior standard schools in E. J. Beam and wife visited their son Malheur county are Arcadia and Ore- Ralph and family of Unity Sunday, j Mrs. S. A.Lofton and Mrs. Earl Lof­ 1 gon Trail. and sons made a trip to Baker. The airplane owned by E. G. Hopkins I ton Wiley Duncan arrived Saturday from has been repaired and is ready for fly­ Washington for a visit with relatives ing with the aid of a new wing. The here. plane was wrecked in a recent wind Mrs. Alice Williams and son Marvel storm when it was carried across a of Baker visited relatives here last Clean! Nicely Ironed! Wholesome street and hurled into a car. Hopkins week end. j flies the plane for his own use. Defeat of the Wade nine 12 to 4 Wed­ Three things to think about, and assuring our nesday at Wade, gave Kingman boys § patrons entire satisfaction. E. M. Blodgett their fifth victory this season. During the past week, the boys have turned Attorney and Counselor at Law Z2 We give shirts, dresses, fancy work and fine their attention to track. They were Practice in aii Courts rural school champions at the county linens special care. NYSSA, OREGON meet last year. ( Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McConnell and You W ill Like Our Service | daughers Vera and Ellen were in Boise visiting relatives Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Holly, William TH E UNITED LAUNDRY Dorothy and Mrs. Amelia Johnston =3 and accompanied by Jimmy Miller and Vir­ T. R. Pashley, Prop. Phone 36F2 g ginia Miller of Big Bend went to the Sucker Creek Canyon on a picnic Sun­ day. 5 Ti iiniimimn mm n m min m il in m u in i m m n m in 11 ri m in in in mnirin m rim innnnnnnnimnnnnnnnnniiiiniiiin innimn t ? Little Jackie Conroy, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Conroy of Ad- dian, was rushed to the Ontario hospit­ al Saturday night where he underwent a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Bartlett and son Glen, formerly of Glendale, Colorado, Bank your last dollar now of Parma, accompanied by Miss Agnes Johnson, visited Owyhee Dam Sunday. on this: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville Sunday a baby boy. Mrs. Linville was formerly Virginia McGinnis The tires which the largest single group of Mrs Joe Johnson of La Grande is car-owners in the world are buying, year visiting with her daughter Miss Agnes Johnson, primary teacher at Kingman after year, are giving the best value and Kolony. The Adiran town team defeated the the most satisfaction. Arcadia nine at the Big Bend park Sunday 12 to 4. Next Sunday Adrian If that isn’t reason enough to put on plays at Roswell. Goodyears, THE leading make, come in The new Girl Scout troop of the Kol­ ony has taken the name of Sand Lily and we’ll show you two more reasons! troop. All members have completed the tenderfoot test. They have started a collection of wild flowers under the “— the smartest direction of Mrs. John Holly for earn­ thing in rubber1' ing a merit badge. Mrs. R. C. Enos, Mrs. Holly and Miss Agnes Johnson, leader, met with the girls at the last session. Nuw May 13, they plan a trip to Snively Hot springs. GOODYEAR “ - - a Mother’s heart is always with her children. Kolony Boy Scouts will be hosts to the Roswell troop next Monday night, STANDARD Rightly the throne in our hearts must be hers ” Roswell to give the program. The Scouts invite the public to attend. ALL-WEATHER PRESENTS PLAY GREASE JO B 75C Special May 5 to May 10 A Thorough Job Guaranteed LAUNDRY - - LAWRENCE SERVICE STATION Nyssa, Oregon BIG BEND GIRL W IL L W E D T O D A Y Big Bend—Invitations have been is­ sued to the wedding of Miss Mildred Betts and Charles Thompson which will take place today. Miss Irma Betts is home from Caldwell for the event. John Nelson of Caldwell was here Friday. Word was received of the death of F. M. Eichelberger In Long Beach Tues­ day. He had a number of friends in this community and owned the 40 acres farmed by H. R. Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. John Pemberton. F. T. Feuling and family Mrs. Jennie Flem- | mer and W. G. Cowden of Caldwell I were Sunday dinner guests in the ' Brumbach home. They later inspected j Owyhee Dam. The Heckathorne family moved from the Betts ranch to the Howard Hatch I home in Arena Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruning of Ontario were week end guests in the C. E. Peck home. They were in Boise Monday. Rex Brumbach of Walla Walla, here on business, spent Monday night at his parents' home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Townsend of On­ tario, Mrs. Hattie Rogers and Mrs. F. G. Holmes of Nyssa were at the Welsh home Sunday. Frank Conner of Portland was a week end guest In the Phelan and Purdy homes. New Price $ 6 2 ^ ^ V a lu e Bedroom Suites 4-Piece Suites in Walnut with overlays in sun­ burst effects. Seven New Suites to Choose From. We have just received 3 dozen new throw mgs in Axminister and Chenille; many new chairs. You Can Buy Furniture for Less This Spring. in - SILVERWARE Holmes and Edwards 1847 Rogers Use your mail order cat­ alogue for prices on silver at this store. ROBINSON Nordale Furniture Co. Nyssa Oregon The Jeweler Payette, Idaho Larsen Motor Co. Ford Sales and Service Nyssa, Oregon Hoxie Garage Nyssa, Oregon Phone 83 LET DAIRYMEN SPLIT PROFITS WITH YOU NOW! The dairy industry pays a dollar and cents dividend to every citizen and business in this community. Dairy incomes go directly back into the community, increasing individual profits and lowering the cost of living .Dollar for dollar there is more food value in milk and dairy products than any other food. Get behind the dairy­ men and increase the dividends that they offer you. “There I* No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products” F. ‘There Is No Substitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products” IDAHO OREGON A W W W W W W W r i You Can Make MONEY On Poultry The largest and most successful poultry farms in the United States feed PURINA C H O W S. HERE’S “C O V E R U P ” THE ROOF OF YOUR HOME Or Barn, so it won’t leak with the heavy downpours t h i s spring. A leaky roof can run you into no end of interior repair bills. You can repair and remodel for less money this year. Get our estimate. COAL— BUILDING SUPPLIES— W O O D Boise Payette Lbr. Co. Phone 15 Nyssa, Ore. W H Y - CHICKS fed Purina Startena show X T R A GROWTH. PULLETS fed Purina Growena show X T R A DEVELOPMENT. HENS fed Purina Laying Chows produce XTRA EGGS. Accurate records on over a million chicks, pul­ lets and hens prove this. Why not follow the Purina plan for one year and prove it to your self. DON’T B U Y A N Y CHICK FEED UNTIL YO U SEE INGREDIENT “ X ” — Ask Us About It NYSSA SEED & GRAIN CO. I. K. Newell, Manager Phone 26 SW W vW A P rotta bU toad* A m - Hv**tock and pout- yattr andj>fpn>d action Nyssa, Oregon