gatë city J ournal . T hursday , a K u L ¿ i , i9¿¿. LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA ! Mr. and Mrs. Garret 8tarn were In Methodist ladies aid will give a cook­ ed food sale Saturday at the Nyssa Vale yesterday. They are contemplating a trip to Holland soon. Packing company. U r;. Beojie Eia^kman, srwnar U pro­ AI Thompson has received word th a t! J. Q K elly came from Bslse last Sat- perty here was over from Nampa Tues­ his brother-in-law R A. A m b it*« 1' 1 urday to spend a week at the country day, n' i loualy 111 at his home in Jerome. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy were guests Ted Newell of the Nyssa Grain com- John Reece and Fred Klinfiback ser- Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Payne in pany, made a business trip to John Day 1 ved on the grand jury In Vale Monday Ontario after playing a round of golf at the Ontario course. last Saturday and Tuesday. Marvin Strout and Paul Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost spent Sheriff O. O. Boyd was here from Caldwell yesterday to see District At- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pet­ ranch manager, purchased three crates of muskrats for additional stock at the erson at Payette. t ,;ney E. M Blodgett. Beaver Lodge Fur farm. The rats were Robert Toombs and ills sister Mrs. \ shipped in last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton returned yesterday from Clarkston, Ida., after a Oordon Dickson and family came from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen and visit with Mis. Burton's sister and fam ­ Ironside to spend last week end with sons Howard and Warren, the Arthur relatives here. ily. 1 Boydell family, Tiena Tensen and Betty Mrs. V. O. Fahrney underwent an | C. A. Marshall shipped two carloads ! Schlopkohl made Succor creek canyon operation for the removal of her ap- j of baby beef to the Portland market the mecca of their first spring outing p nil lx at the Ontario hospital last Friday, making his last delivery for the | Sunday. season. He received a satisfactory price. Tuesday. She is recuperating nicely. F. E. Brlttlngham. Democratic candi­ date for sheriff, was here Monday from Ontario In the Interest of his campaign. Mr. Brittlngham Is well known in the V ote fo r vicinity of Ontario w lie re he has lived for 26 years. m i J. O. BAILEY (S ta te S enator) POR J lg fe jr W ' mi :/ S u p re m e C ourt Judge Position No. 9 ^ k / Q u a lifie d — V ig o ro u s — P ro g re s sive H e Is c o n s c ie n t io u s a n d h a s th e c o n fid e n c e a n d r e s p e c t o f a ll th e p e o p le . — Paid A d » Nature - Is - In - Tune HOW A B O U T YO U R CAR ? 8 9 ro ifl2 13 Ì4 151617 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930,31 + M A Y FLO W E R S! Spring breezes! A ll Nature seems in tune. The countryside calls you! But if that C AR of yours is O U T of tune, you can’t en­ joy driving it. Why not have it all gone over— now— from “ stem to stern” ? A t nominal cost we can have your motor singing happy as a lark— in tune with Old Mother Nature! Larsen Motor Co. Ford Sales and Service Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Archie Meyers were here from McDermltt Wednesday. They report quite a mining revival in that section since the location of a vein of gold on the Nevada side. Opalite quick silver mine In this county Is operating at capacity. George Toombs has rented the Oliver Sandy ranch above Westfall. He and Mrs. Toombs have moved to their new home while the children are remain­ ing at the Dave Hawkins home for the present. During the windstorm Sunday, an iron rod from the awning In front of the Haynes Second Hand store crash­ ed Into a large plate glass window and shattered It. The building Is owned by the Phillips estate. Earl Richardson and Jack Evans are busily engaged in preparing for the opening of their Green Lantern cafe In the Alford building soon. A new floor has been laid in the basement for the cabaret. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Palumbo and Mr. and Mrs. F. Stamey of Payette were dinner guests Sunday evening at the home of M r and Mrs. Estes L. Morton. The Stameys remained for the week end. Mrs. Stamey Is a sister of Mrs. Morton. Mrs. Fmma E. Duncan was pleasantly surprised last Friday by a call from an old friend Mrs. E. M. Shutt o f Fruit- land. formerly of Berryville, Ark., who was her schoolmate 45 years ago. They spent a very enjoyable afternoon talk­ in g of old times. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips and 1 daughters have moved Into a apart­ ment at the Dave Dugger residence, j where they will live until their home ! is rebuilt on their farm near town. The j Phillips house was destroyed by fire re­ cently. Frank T. Morgan had as guests last I week end his father-in-law W. W. Cal- | kins of Eugene and son Russell Calkins, I lieutenant in the navy who was on fur- dough from the Mare Island. Cal., naval yards. The visitors reported that Mrs. Morgan Is feeling much better. She Is with her mother In Eugene. Mayor Dick Tensen and Ray Emmott. ■cattle dealers, brought a large herd of baby beeves from the Ward brothers ranch on the Owyhee to the Tensen ranch near town Tuesday. Tensen and Fmmott have topped the Portland mar­ ket with every delivery of cattle at the coast this year. FOR S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 23rd P U R IT Y FLOUR, 49 lb. B a g ........................ 89c ROLLED OATS, 9 lb. B a g ............................ 34c CORN M EAL, 9 lb. B a g ................................29c CHEESE, Golden Rod brand, 5 lbs...............69c M ILK, Federal, tall c a n s ............................. 6c PO RK and BEANS, Van Camps, Medium size 4 f o r ............................................... 25c BLACKBERRIES, Gallon ............................39c FIG BARS, Fresh, 2 lbs. f o r .......................... 25c BREAD,, 1 lb. loaves, white or whole wheat 3 loaves f o r ........................................10c SUGAR, 10 lb. b a g ....................................... 47c GROCERY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cockrum of Burns spent the week end visiting friends and relatives In Nyssa and On­ tario. They were overnight guests of Mrs. Cockrum's parents M r and Mrs. R. J. Davis at their home near town. M r Cockrum Is managing the Hotel Welcome at Bums and likes his new location very much. Buck Ramsey was a visitor here last week Saturday M r and Mrs. Victor Marshall and Max Schwelser took him to Winnemucca by auto motoring over the I. O. N. Cut-off which they found in good shape. Ramsey went on to Reno where he has employment The party observed a number of dead cattle and sheep along the highway, mute evidence of a hard winter and feed shortage in the Jordan Valley country. These are busy days for Mrs. C. W. Barrett but she Is never too busy to show friends her many lovely spring flowers and the Improvements under way in her terraced rock garden. Mrs C. C. Hunt and daughter Mrs. Merrit Oreeling. Mrs. E. B Butler and daugh­ ter Mrs. Wallace Strane spent Tuesday afternoon at the Barrett home. Tuesday night the Grover and Robert Vest fam ­ ily were guests. Colonel Alfred E. Clark, who Is seek­ ing the Republican nomination for United States senator Is the man who was chosen by the members of the legal profession to draft the present City Charter of the City of Portland. (Pd a d v —Clark for U. 8. Senator commit­ tee, 820 Yeon Bldg , Portland. Ore.) PHONE 21 Nyssa, Oregon W. L. Schafer purchased 100 baby turks from A. B. Cain for a start In the poultry business this season. Mr. and Mrs. H . T. Francis of Depoe Bay spent the week end with Mr. Fran­ cis’ brother Wm. Francis and family at Indian Valley.. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rudlick moved in­ to their home at the Noah residence last week. I t has been Improved thru- out since the recent fire. Boy Scouts met Tuesday night In regular session. They are preparing for field day In Welser in May. Scouts have changed their meeting night from Monday to Tuesday. Topnotchers of the Nyssa Gun club retained their head of the list positions after the Sunday shoot. Artie Robert­ son and Aden Wilson lead with 24 out of 25. Marlin Wilson and Marshal A. V. Cook tied for second with 22. Wesley Browne found business con­ ditions satisfactory last week |vhen he held the 1st Anniversary Sale for Baldridge Implement company. He reported a very satisfactory sale week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dean and fam ily of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith and fam ily were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith Sun­ day. For Sale BABY $37.50 TURKS C O GET?. SHARE The Oregon state highway commis­ sion will spend >1,600,000 on federal aid highway projects this year, >1,018.000 on other highway (non-federal) work, an­ nounced Leslie Scott, chairman, yester­ day. None of the federal aid money Is al­ lotted to Malheur county and but >4000 to the Bums-Lakevlew road In Harney county. Malheur county received about $155,- 000, for work on the Central Oregon highway this year. Peach-Juntura grading will get >100.000, three bridges across the Malheur river In the Juntura vicinity >55,000. Scott declared that federal aid money could not be diverted to state highway construction, a proposal made by Sen­ ator Wm. F. Woodward. PHONE 201 Ontario, Oregon — to the open road, to the rills, to the streams, to the outdoors; — is your car in shape for the most enjoyable season of the year. Fix-up and tank-up at POWELL’S SERVICE STATION O r ^ O T fflniWBIMW«—«IIII'IIIIH W— TRY OUR g IIthand MAIN-BOISE.IDAHO GUARANTEED ODORLESS D R Y C L E A N IN G | A t Reasonable Prices § CORDIAL HOSPITALITY | MEN’S S U IT S $1.00 1 | TO PC O A T S ...... $1.00 § | LAD IES DRESSES..... I .............. $1.00 Up | LARGE COMFORTABLE M ODERN R O O M S POPULAR PRICED RESTAURANT R O O M S F ROM H5.° UP i. I 111 m illl lll 1IIJ1I igigiigimm'iiMminiigMuiiuaiM lim M M WlVt ALEXANDER'S For AH Domestic Uses Electric Hot Water Service Fri.-Sat, April 22-23 G R A D U A T IO N SU IT S $9.85, $11.85, $13.85 DRESS SH IRTS Plain or Fancy 75c Grade — 2 for 85c $1.25 Grade— Each 85c $1.50 Grade, 2 for $1.85 IS D E PE N D A B LE , A U T O M A T IC , E C O N O M IC A L . . . furnishes hot water twenty-four hours a day without any attention or Underwear Specials Broadcloth Shorts 4 for 85c bother on your part. White Athletic Shirts 4 for 85c The source and character o f the home hot wat­ er supply is deserving o f utmost consideration. Few home owners, other than present users, realize how far Electric Hot W ater is in ad­ vance of all other methods— how modest the or­ iginal investment— how reasonable the operat­ ing cost. Non-Run Shirts and Shorts All Colors, Special 2 for 85c Nainsook Unions 3 for 85c Rayon Union Suits 85c Khadci Pants, Full Cut 85c IDAHO FARM WATER HEATER White Duck Pants, 20 inch bottom or sailor style in M E N ’S and B O Y ’S ................ 85c Full Cut Overalls Heavy Blue or Express Stripe. Suspender or High Back, Special 85c Pair For Homes That Do Not Have Water Under Pressure Men’s W O R K SHOES Panco Sole, Plain Toe A t $1.85 A portable Electric Water Heater for home or milk house use. Capacity 15 gallons. Operates auto­ matically and Is equipped with standard heating unit SH IRTS Blue or Gray. Full Cut 3 for 85c WIU provide ample Hot Water for bathing, shaving, dish washing and all other household uses, as well as for washing dairy equip­ m ent Extra Heavy Chambray Shirts Ventilated — Double Shoulder. Extra Qual­ ity, 2 f o r .... 85c Sold on easy terms of ONE D O LLAR DOWN. Balance in easy monthly payments. Alexander’s Ontario, E L HIM IBJ Roy Scott, Prop. WORK Auto Service Vale, Oregon. Per 100 C A IN ’S H A T C H E R Y Spring Beckons - - Welcome to__ •rW E Osteopathy and Electrotherapy 1 N Y S S A T A IL O R SH O P | 8 5c DAYS AT 9:45 Sunaay School. R. J. Davis, supt. 11 00 Morning Ser.loe Topic Broken Altars I M P a Epworth league 8.00 p. m. Evening worship. You are invited to any and all ser­ vices. Josie J. Blokland. Pastor. Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. Renewal to The Journal? DaDer. M. E. C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH Atwater-Kent Radio Have You Sent in Your One Y e a r .....................$1.50 Six M onths................. 75c Four Months ............. 50c It costs so little vou can’t af­ ford to be without vour Harper— >Special.— a tenant house owned by A. E. Bra.-_-.Jcr. turned to the ground here Tuesday nlghf The hcv.3 was not occupied and the blare was not discovered until the next morning. Brannock said the loss was partly cov­ ered by Insurance. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Abbott enjoyed an outing at Mitchell butte hot springs last week end. P, Lackey came spend the week They visited the in Huntington ••Dad” Powell, Eddie Powell and Adolph Jenkins were fishing on Pine creek Friday, the opening day of the season. Eddie Powell, John Ward and Jenkins left for the hills again yester­ day. Chambray, House for rent, Semi-modern WILSON BROS. Charir j Spiawn farmer n «*r Arcadia loot a valuable team of b o n »» from an unknown aliment this week It Is reported that Mr. and Mrs. Al- von McGinnis have rented the old Larsen ranch this year. Rev. Josie J. Blokland. Mrs. Green Campbell and daughter Gladys made a trip to Boise yesterday on business. Tom Bulter and C. from Canyon City to with old friends here. Gordon Ray fam ily Monday. BR ANN O CK HOUSE B U R NS A T H A R PE R C O M M ISSIO N P L A N S 1932 R O A D W O R K ; Only with an Electric Hot W ater Heater is it possible to have a constant supply o f Hot Water wherein the heater can be entirely forgotten. The operation o f the heater is fully automatic— no worry or care. The thermostat control turns the heater on and o ff and Hot W ater is stored in the tank for use whenever you want it. Due to the fact that individual requirements for hot water are so varying in character, each installation requires special planning. In order to help customers secure a satisfactory and contin­ uous hot water service at reasonable cost we o f­ fer the services o f our water heating representa­ tives. A telephone call will bring one of these men to your nome to furnish complete informa­ tion regarding this modern service. Complete In>tallation $ 1 DOWN Give us an opportunity to explain this service in detail. Phone or write for a water heating representative to call at your home. IDAHO POWER COMPANY Oregon <1