4 W. A. Stevens arrived last week from COURT HOUSE FILINGS SPECIAL MEETING Sid Burbidge left Monday for Port- BURGLARS STEAL Los Angeles. | land He Is expected to return Sunday WEAPONS AND CASH (Or Monday. Real Estate Transfers Recorded Elder Samuel Swanson Superintend* AT JORDAN VALLEY I Charles Judge David Oraham was over from A. Calnan et x to J. Lewis ent of the north west district of the Vale for the Legion installation here > R. R. Qulnby Is report«! recovering Mrs. Lee Householder was here from Missal SE1-4SE1-4. Sec 3. Twp. 32. Oeneral Council « tt o A « j« n h ft r «< last night. AUTOMOBILE from an attack of phsAifhonla. Caldwell Monday on a shopping trip. . Range 40. 3, 9. 31. $100. God will speak at the Methodist church Mr and Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mr. and j Jordan Valley— A burglary here caus- xj s A to Andrew J. Callaway. Lot Saturday night. February 27, at 7:30 Dick Young spent the Monday holi- Attorney E. M. Blodgett and Prank Mrs. Mr. »im and » Mrs, REPAIRING — ... Jess Thompson ■ and >*•« <ni. in . Pd no little excitement last Thursday Q . NW1 , r , . , q w i 4 6 94 p. m. ¡T. Morgan were in Boise Tuesday. day In Boise. Fainham Sills attended the midnight night. Desperadoes broke into the Hotel • * ... Miss Annie Stain ia recovering irorn thfatre pr0(fram ln ^ 8aturday Mr. and Mrs. W F McLlng were din- | Poolhall and took ,20 in cash, » h r * * * Catherine petche.. Mff ^ “ hTtZ flnmntiirv rheumatism, rheumatism which follow- ‘ nor guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. inllamatory follow Mrs. I/orena Baker returned to Par guns and a knife. , c W i . i Don t fall to hear him. ed a severe cold. Arthur H. Bone In Vale. Ignition Generator and Starter ma Monday after a few days visit with John Acarregui moved 300 head °> 2NW148E 4 --------------------------- Mrs. John Moore was here from her daughter Mrs. Wesley J. Work Will Anderson was In town from Br 0 Wne!f a n c h T f i n ^ W BCk 8Wl , V l 9 4°7. 5. 17. 27. $1 60. * Magoffin camp for a week end visit Welser for the bridge luncheon at the and family. Mr and Mrs. Mrs ^ 111*1 ^ aauu, ¡ s . who left 1 here 1 O. ... W. Glenn, Onilaeman Sheriff to Penman T C McElroy. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Hollenberg home Tuesday. Just East from Depot with Nyssa friends. Chas. Wicklander, v/ima. wiLKmilurr, S t a t e KFRIISTP JVir. ana Hifnh P. M. Binkley resumed work this 5 deputy, and P. F Weikal, county early in the fall for California, have ^ Mrs. Klaas Tensen returned home re- ------------------------------------------------------ lg ^ 10 31 31 J There will be a Lenten service every NYSSA, OREGON cently from a trip to Portland where week on transfer of the city mail. Mr. deputy, spent several days ln the com- returned and are with Mrs. Mills’ par- in SE1-4SE ’ • - * at * -* Thursday night St. ------ Paul's ------------ Episcopal 1 TV L n r . U o n n t i l W W M ii n # f V v o 1IM V» f 11V I * *** - J. M. Robertson R. A. Conant she visited her sister and other rela Binkley has been ill most of the winter. munity this week ln the Interest of the I ents Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robison at *®2.0<y A. J. Jolley et al to T. K. Jensen, Lots church in Nyssa. Mrs. W. B. Hoxie and granddaughter organization of a grange. At a meeting Arock. tives. 1 o f f l E n n # f a « r T n r n t / i c i r U l l r n Q . __ Rev. Stanley E. Moore, Rector. . w ... , .. Colleen left Monday for a visit with a here Tuesday night, there were not Mrs! Ernest Fenwick returned from G. »2. *3, J * .“ “ 1 „N°1,20-^ 15' Bill Ashcraft is working in the Hop- Mrs Hoxie Ooodlng and her Block 42. Ontario. 2, 11. 32. $750.00. sufficient farmers present to complete Wilder Monday. Her husband Is feeding kins barber shop at Adrian this week . Robert E. Merrick et ux to Wm. J. j hogs at that place for Sam Ross. organization. while E. G. Hopkins and family are on Mrs. W. E. Robinson returned home Mrs. Clyde Parks of Danner went to Langiewlc, W1-2NW1-4NE1-4, Sec. 29- Mrs. M. B. Gwynn left for Salem a business trip to Portland. Saturday from Pocatello where she Saturday night where she will spend a Boise where she will receive medical 15-47. 3, 24, 27. $2500. Mrs. J. B. Smith spent last Friday spent a few weeks with her daughter C. W. Glenn. Sheriff to W. L Turner j week at home. Her little daughter \ aid. with Mrs. Bruce R. Hester in Ontario. Mrs. Orson Packham. Patsy Jean remained w i t h M rs.; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Crosley gave a 500 Lot 3, Block B, Bartons Add Ontario, j Miss Mildred Hester arrived home Fri 1, 30, 32. $18.25. R. B. Senator J. D. Billingsley, candidate Gwynn's parents Mr. and Mrs. John D. ! Party Saturday night, day morning from Willamette unlver- for re-election to the state senate, was Laclcey Mrs Gwynn Ls feelln„ much ; w . A. Stone returned from Caldwell R. D. Maule et ux to Ralph D. Dun ___1 11 r . . n ,.n f o in n r l» n £• f P p lf lo ll . . . . . • r. 1 — 1 bar et ux, Lots 15 and 16, sitv, Portland. Block 136, | calling on s Nyssa friends 1 *ast Friday. | improved after seygraj months ° of poor I where he . has been looking after legal Miss Verdi Doolittle of Boise was Mr Billingsley made a good record dur health and she will return here for fur- ! affairs. Ontario. 8 , 21 3,1. $10. here Sunday. She and her brother Barr Ing his years in the legislature. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Malheur Walter Borden and wife came from ther treatment. Doolittle and wife were Sunday dinner Land Co„ E1-2NE1-4NW1-4, SW1-4- Don M. Graham and C. L. McCoy, Frank T. Morgan. Don Oraham, Mr. Rome for the week end. guests at the M. N. Doolittle home ln j commander of the Nyssa Legion post and Mrs. J B Smith and Mr and Mrs. Don Crosby brought Carleton Fret- NW1-4, SE1 4SE1 4NW1 4, Sec 26.16 . Vale. returned Tuesday from La Grande W. F. McLlng attended funeral ser well and son Orville from Rome last 43 2, 2, 32. $163.25. Baldridge Implement company re- where they attended the district con Donald MacKay to Mabel A. Miller, vices ln Ontario Sunday for Bruce R. Thursday very ill of flu. jxirts the sale of a new electrl? separa ference of the Legion. Mrs. Domingo Yturri went to Boise NE1-4SW1-4 east of Malheur River, Rester. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck at tor to Charles Garrison, one of Nyssa’s T. J. Caldwell left Friday for a short tended from Big Bend, the R. R. Over- Monday. She has been suffering of Sec. 29-18-45. 12, 12, 29. $10. leading d ilrymi l. Mr. Garrison has a l y ^ t wlth his family in Wilmington, j streets ‘ Ma'urlc£ Judds "and" [ Mabel A. Miller et vir to Allen T. Franklin throat trouble. fine herd of ob ut 20 cows. | California. During his absence Miss Frys from the Kolony and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lillie Lees is quite ill at the Burt All NE1-4SW1-4 east of Malheur Nyssa friends will be Interested to .Margaret Hunt is assisting Chas. M. S. D. Bi gelow from the Owyhee. Rlver In Sec 29-18-45. 2, 18, 32. $10. home of Mrs. Dora Buffington. know that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beaver Caldwell in the store. T. Armstrong t o Robert Thrall. Sl-2 Frank Miller, who has spent the win- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan of Ontario and family have moved from Boise to Roy Pounds has taken over the man and Mrs. Ryan's sister Mrs. McGowan ter at Caldwell, returned to the valley j NE1-4NE1-4, Sec. 17-15 .40.. 2, 18, 32. Fancy Lean Bacon, whole strip, lb. ................ 14c make their home ln Glendale, Cal., agement of the O. K. Barber Shop for $50. and her husband, visitors from Iowa, last Wednesday. where Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Gilse Warren McHargue. The latter has re- spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo Malheur County to Idaho Power Miss Wilma Steits went to Ruby last Picnic Ham Shankles, lb...................................10c parents of Mrs. Beaver, reside. opened his shop at Owyhee Dam. rge R. Swan, old friends of theirs. The Monday where she expects to stay the Company R-W across SE1-4SW1-4, Sec. Klaas Tensen is remodeling a farm Mrs. Addle Wilson and family were Ryans stated that the engagement of remainder of the winter. 17-15-46. 2, 3, 32. $1. Lard, 4 lb. packages ......................................... 34c house on the ranch owned by his fath visitors In Weiser Sunday. Mrs. Perl Hardesty came down from E. H. Test, Recorder to City of On their daughter Claire to Louis Acker er Pieter Tensen, where he will move in J. Edwin Johnson, county engineer, man of Vale was recently announced. Cliffs and went to Portland to visit her tario, Lots in City of Ontario. Fore Swans Down Cake Flour and Cake Tin, pkg. 27c the near future, Klaas will farm a part has requested the state to improve the closure of Lien. 3, 13, 32. Ackerman is a member of the Vale pro sister. of his fathers’ ranch. Joe and Jim Gil Jordan Valley road. Shortage of hay ln Miss Harold gave a class party at Herbert H. Scott et ux to Fred F. ject staff and at present Miss Ryan is Rolled Oats, large package ............................. 16c more have rented the Gibson ranch, the valley makes it imperative that a stenographer in the office of County , the T. L. Skinner home for her grade. Scott, Und„ 1-5 int. in metes and which will be vacated by Klaas Tensen feed be hauled in. Hauling Is difficult Clerk Roy Daley. ! Norman Mackenzie of South Moun- bounds, Lot 7, Block 6 , Kelley’s add. to Potatoes, Netted Gem, large size, 100 lbs......49c Mrs. C. M. McDuffy and son Delmer with roads in an almost Impassible tain Is quite ill at Loca Medreoga's Vale. 11, 27, 29. $200. and daughters Hildreth and Aletta ar- j condHion in some localities, Hotel. Florence L. Lunstrum to Fred F. Black Berries, Solid Pack, gallon .................. 44c rived Saturday after an eventful trip Mrs Lpon Higby, president of the W. FOR ASSESSOR Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Miller of Arock Scott. Und 1-5 Interest ln metes and from Bend. They wrecked their car ln c T y wlshes to thank the public I hereby announce my candidacy, left Friday for an extended visit in bounds. Lot 7, Block 6 , Kelley’s Add. Huckle Berries, Solid Pack, g a llo n ................49c a collision on the Dixie Mountain high- , for pBtronage received at the Washing subject to the will of the Republican Kansas. to Vale. 11, 27, 29. $20. way but escaped unhurt. McDuffy re- f ton tea Saturday. Power was donated voters at the Primary Election to be ___ ____________ The dance at Arock Monday was well Winfield W. Scott to Fred F. Scott, Standard Peas and Corn, 3 cans f o r ................ 25c cently purchased the 36-acre Charles by the jdaho Power company. All funds held May 20, 1932, for the nomination, attended by Jordan Valley folk. Und. 1-5 interest ln metes and bounds, Reberger farm near town. It 1: a nicely will be used for benefit of the Child for re-election to the office of Assessor Lot 7. Block 6 , Kelley’s Add. to Vale. 11, Sugar, 10 lb. b a g ................................................49c Improved tract with 5-acre apple ren’s Farm Home. Several of the ladies of Malheur County, Oregon. 27, 29. $20. orchard and a modern home. who served wore Colonial costumes. ANDREW M. GRAHAM, Russell A Scott to Fred F. Scitt, Und Comb Honey ...................................................... 10c Lcgionaires and their wives from 1-5 interest in metes and bounds. Lot Nyssa attended the interstate Legion 7, Block 6 , Kelely’s Add. to Vale, 11, 27, GRADE STUDENTS ENTERTAIN FOR COUNTY CLERK conference in Payette Tuesday, which Trade at Wilson’s— W e Save You Money 29. $20. I hereby announce that I shall be a Before the close of school at noon E. M. Blodgett closed with a banquet and dance ln the candidate for the nomination for the Marriage Licenses Issued Monday for a half holiday, grade stud evening. Visitors from here were Mr. Joe Severance and Goldie Minnie Attorney and Counselor at Law and Mrs. Howard Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. office of county clerk of Malheur coun ents entertained the high school with C. L McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Para ty for a second term, subject to the will an excellent George Washington pro Garrison. 2, 16, 32. Charles Sillman and Dorothy Louise Practice in all Courte dis, Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Graham, A. of the Republican voters at the primary gram, as follows: minuet, Wilmeta Lynch, Marzene Hollenberg, Lucile Fay. 2, 17, 32. L. Barker, C. M. Duffy and R. Richard election to be held May 20, 1932. ROY DALEY. Dexter B. Underhill and Vera Jones. j Thrasher, Mildred Johnson; play by NYSSA, OREGON son. seventh grade with Miss Harriet 2, 18. 32. Winfield Scott Rodman and Edna Ahearn, director; and cast, Carl Dun FOR SHERIFF away, Teddy Mazac, Helen Clarno, Clair Ballantyne. 2, 19, 32. Johannus Adrlanus Koopman and I hereby announce my candidacy, Edith Burns, Nellie Jean Schweizer. subject to the will of the Democratic Eleanor Pashley, Waneta Graves, Flora Elna Laurina Thysen. 2, 20, 32. Clyde W. Reedy and Marjorie Fern voters at the Primary Election to be Wimp, Lloyd and Robert Wilson, Rob Phone 21 Nyssa, Ore. held May 20th, 1932, for the nomination, ert Gehr, Alma Hendricks and Kather Johnson. 2, 20, 32. George Henry Voyles and Viola Del- for re-election, to the office of Sheriff ine Gilmore, as Miss Prim. Letters, written by Washington, were vera Bennett. 2, 20, 32. of Malheur County, Oregon. read by Carlotta Irwin, Max Schweizer, C. W. GLENN. Howard Foster, Ezra Brumbach, Ella OOOD DIGESTION Martin, Keith Parkinson, Mae Keizer. Through all the checkered scenes of I SELECT BEST ESSAYS W ANT ADS life Harriet Sarazin and Donna Cook There's something better far than strife FOR RENT—One 3-room apartment at were winners in the bicentennial essay Where pain and pleasure both are sent SWAN APARTMENT HOUSE, City. contest for Nyssa high school, an Then mix it well with sweet content. F. 25* nounced John Young Monday. The At Our Ranch West of the Idanha Orchards. Saturday, February 27 essays have been forwarded to Vale Stir this ingredient in your mush, Sale opens after free lunch. FOR SALE—405-egg Charter Incubator, for consideration in the Malheur coun And teach the wagging tongue to hush, OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY good as new. bums kerosene, just $25; ty contest. In quietness a morsel eaten. Tuesday, March 1 also 54-inch Sol-Hot brooder $10. R. H. Is better far than beefsteak beaten. EVERYBODY INVITED BAKER GAME NEXT KERR, third house west of Owyhee We will sell at auction: 6 head o f good milch The basket ball team will go to Bak If on contention you should feed. school. Address: Nyssa, Oregon. F. 25p Come in and see the finest eating place between cows, 6 work horses, harness, 11 head Chester er for a game Friday night. Or swallow down with hatred’s greed, Salt Lake City and Portland. White hogs, and a long list o f farm machinery FOR SALE—Recleaned alfalfa seed 10 Now love will help you to digest STENOGS ENTERTAIN and 12 cents per pound; wheat $1 a of all kinds; also 20 tons alfalfa hay. At student body assembly Friday, That trouble lurking 'neath your chest. hundred. A. D Moses, 11-2 miles east Miss Clarice Johnson's commercial And love will help us to obey WOLFE and QUINLEY Nyssa, Ore. of Owyhee bridge. Rt. 1, Nyssa. Apr. 14P classes gave the program. Bill Keizer, Our Lord’s command from day to day Pearl LaRue, Evelyn Doolittle. Naomi For one another we must love FOR SALE—Baby chicks, baby turkeys, all popular breeds. Custom hatching.. Evans, Conley Butelr, Thelma Cook. If we would reach that home above. CAIN'S HATCHERY, Phone 204W1. Mildred Zittercob, Violet Pinkston and —Sarah L. McDonald. «■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ? Dwight Johnston presented a play. Route 1, Ontario. Hubert Leuck and Howard Foster dem FOR TRADE—Leghorn chicks for onstrated “ first day in typing;” Car ¿uniti m in nr h h nun inm nimm hi r g 5 wheat or corn. CAIN'S HATCHERY, lotta Irwin and Mary Munsterman. Ontario, Oregon. F25-MAR21* “first day in shorthand." Kenneth Williams returned to school MALHEUR TITLE & g | $10.00 Reward for return of Golden Re yesterday after several weeks absence. i And take advantage of these low prices at triever bird dog answering to name He injured a ligament in his neck while ABSTRACT CO. Dan. Color, golden with small white playing basket ball. blaze on chest. Finder return to F. R Vale, Oregon MAGAZINE SALE ■ Purvis at Magoffin tunnel or Oate City The student body conducted a mag I Journal office. Feb. 18-26* Carsten’ s ham demonstration at Eder’ s next Sat azine sale during the week which PRICED FOR QUICK SALE—Good promises to enrich the treasury by urday, February 27. FREE Sandwich and coffee restaurant outfit in Emmett, Idaho. quite a sum. Howard Foster is big chief ■ Salad Bowl ■ Crystal White, White for everyone. Be sure and call for your’s. H. B. Earp, Emmett, Idaho, or inquire of the Green division with James Mc S g at Journal office. Reliable Abstracts of Title i Ginnis and Evalyn Earp, assistants. E DRESSING King or P. and G. FOR RENT OR SALE—38 acres three Mae Keizer is big chief of the “Reds," SOAP blocks from Nyssa school on high with Dwight Johnston and Naomi Pint ................2 l C CRACKERS, 3 lb. b o x .................................... 35c way. Want this land cultivated this Evans, her lieutenants. ^miiiiimn iirmm m inn ii itiim iim m iiiu i imu LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA GROCERY SPECIALS for Sat. Feb. 27 - Mon. 29 School Notes WILSON BROS. GROCERY O P E N I N G M OORE HOTEL C o f f e e S fio p P U B LIC S A L E D ont M iss mm « COME IN, FOLKS The B . = B . Store S CRYSTAL WEDDING OATS, with glassware, 3 lb. 7 oz. package ...................................18c CATSUP, 14 oz. b ottle.................................... 9c K. C. BAKING POWDER, 25 oz. c a n ............18c P. & G. or CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 10 bars ........................... 28c FANCY BACON, 6 to 8 lean, lb......................17c MORELL’S PICNIC HAM, lb..........................10c Don’t forget to call for your ham sandwich Saturday year. Best proposition considered. [Quick attention desired. Address: J. T. 1 LAUGHLIN. 1034 State St.. Santa Bar- I bara. Calif. April pd. FOR RENT—Sleeping and light house- keplng rooms. Close in. Mrs. T. B Nordale, City. Feb. 18* ( FOR SALE—60 tons of hay second crop $8 ton priced for this month. 114 miles northeast of town. A. Hinsch. Nyssa. Ore. Feb. 18-25 Pd FOR RENT—3 -room residence with sleeping porch and bath. Inquire Wil son Bros. City. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS Day Old chicks. $10.00 per 100. Mrs. H. H. Weidrmann. Nyssa. Mar. 3p FOR 8 ALE —Purebred Holstein calf 10 months old. tested dam. O. Dlmmick. 6 miles southwest of sa. Feb bull | Nell Nys 18* Giving a Girl a Ring —thrills her to pieces, but Mister!—you should see the Big Kick your car would get out of a whole New Set of Rings. When your motor's sluggish, lacks power and pick-up, it probably needs new piston rings. We've made many a 'gas-eater" and “oil-burner'' into a peppery, powerful, zippy motor by in stalling rings at nominal expense Why not see about it today? 3 C ase...........$ 2 . 9 8 MORNING MILK Case $3*19 LARD (Any Brand) 8 lb. p a i l.........7 l C Fresh, Tender GRAPEFRUIT Van Camp’s Nice Size TOM ATO SOUP Doz................. 5 9 c 3 i 3 C a n ...................... 5 C W e Sell U. S. INSPECTED MEATS CHICKENS, Pound ......................................... 20c HEAD CHEESE, Delicious, U. S. Inspected, Pound ........................................................i5 c FILLET of HADDOCK (Boneless fish), lb. 15c PICNIC HAM, lb................................................10c FANCY RED ROSE BACON, lb.................. 20c the B. and B. Store Independently Owned City Delivery a