GATE CITY JOURNAL, $ Are you getting plenty of OT WATER cold days? Hot water coils complete and ' for as low as $6— that give Satisfaction GEO. J. KINZER Plumbing and Heating lone 109J2 Parma at my expense or call Balridge Implement Co., Nyssa. ITED LAUNDRY fill wash and iron your pretty linens and your frocks with equal care. Finish is just right prices are low. I’ll call for your bundle and deliver—any time ilace. Phone 36F2 H1CKOX FAMILY BIRTHDAY BRIDGE MOVES FROM BIG HONORS SEVERAL BEND TO ONTARIO AT OWYHEE DAM Big Bend.—A number of friends gathered at the V. V. Hlckox home Monday evening for a farewell visit as the Hlckox family Is moving to a farm near Ontario. The Hlckox family has lived In the Bend many years and taken part In all community activities. Friends regret their departure. Cards and lunch furnished diversion Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. Orover Lee were dinner guests In the C C. Case home in Arena | Valley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausllng and children were Sunday visitors In the Brandt home In Roswell. V. V. Hickox. R. S. Grant, H. R. Hatch and B. O Roberts attended the agricultural meeting conducted by County Agent R. O. Larson at Ontario Saturday. E. H. Brumbach and Joe attended the meeting of the tax league In Ontario Thursday evening. H. J. Sloan of Parma was a Bend caller Sunday. The lady members of the Big Bend bridge club entertained their husbands at a surprise bridge dinner at the L. A. Miller home Saturday evening. A family from Welser moved on the Tom Scott ranch during the past week. Wade P. T. A. met at the Brumbach home last Friday with Mesdames Mil­ ler and Roberts assistant hostesses. Mrs. C. E. Peck read an article on “Founders Day” after which a round table discussion was held. IRONSIDE HIGH SCHOOL ENJOYS PARTY SATURDAY T. R. Pashley, Prop. NYSSA LAUNDRY JAS. BASKER, Prop. We take care of all kinds of laundry Call for and Deliver Phone 64 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1932 IRONSIDE.—A party was held at the home of Herman Rose Saturday night for the students of the High School. Twenty guests were present. Mrs. H. C. Elms entertained the Ladies Club last Wednesday with 18 present. Frank Elms of Unity was an Iron­ side visitor last week. E. J. Beam and son Arthur went to Hereford Tuesday to de-horn cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Lawrence of Unity visited their daughter Mrs. Syl­ vester Rose last week end. Mrs. Omar Presley and her brother Ellis Lamberson motored to Westfall to spend the week end with their parents. Miss Opal I vers accompanied them as far as Vale and visited relatives. Pete Presley and wife of Bully Creek were here Wednesday. Mrs. Presly ac­ companied her mother Mrs. Judy to Baker Thursday.______________ __ UH I Owyhse D am —Mr and Mrs, c A. Betts entertained at dinner and bridge Wednesday evening for four couples. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bohlson took high prise. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cook entertained eight Thursday evening for dinner and bridge. A1 Lewis took high prise and Mrs. Lewis consolation. Mrs. Walker Wilferth was a Caldwell visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johannesen en­ tertained a t a bridge dinner Friday evening for six couples. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Betts won high prizes and C. 8. Hale and Mrs. F. C. Bohlson, consola­ tion prizes. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bohlson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hannon and daughter E . M. Blodgett Jea/j were Caldwell visitors Saturday. 1 Monday afternoon twelve ladles took - O. K. BARBER SHOP Mrs. F. A Banks and son John were ; refreshments and surprised Mrs. Dolly at the Dam over the week-end. Cook for* a birthday party and played SHOWED BATHS Leslie Wlxson has returned to Sho­ bridge. High prize went to Mrs. Ea.rl Your Laundry Agency shone, after a two months visit at the Danley, 2nd high to Mrs. Walker Wil­ dam with his mother Mrs. J. 8. Weddle ferth and low prize to Mrs. C. S. Hale. and sister Mrs. Earl Danley Mrs. Margaret Simpson Is about PRONE 8I t —STAR HOTEL Mrs. Walker Wilferth entertained at again after a week’s illness of flu. Mrs. Joe Weisen has been ill far sev­ dinner and bridge Sunday evening in Marie’s Beauty Shop honor of the birthday anniversaries of eral days. FOR BEAUTY WORK Mr. Wilferth. Mrs. Marie Johannesen | Wm. Karrer was In Boise last week and Mrs. Dolly Cook. Prizes were end. Finger Wave. Marcel, Facial awarded to Mrs. Margaret Adams and Shampoo. Manicure H. Sanford for high scores. Ole Sater Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray were here Miss Marie Hunter Nyssa, Ore. and Mrs. Dolly Cook for low. from Huntington Monday. JUST A MOMENT HAVE YOU PAID YOUR B IL L S ? A ttener aaá Counselor at Law They should have been paid in full by February 10th unless otherwise arranged. If you have not settled January ac­ counts pay them without further delay. Practice in ail Courta NTM A, OREGON This is necessary to P h o n e: Office ITI—Ree. 390 Maintain your Credit Standing Dr. J. W . GAILEY The prompt payment of your bills each month assures you one of the greatest things in life, a good credit rating, an accomplishment no one can take away from you. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduated Hleotro-Therapist Over Poetoffioe Thousands of cards at the Credit Bureau office acquaint merchants and professional men with your credit stand­ ing—keep the record on your card a creditable one. Ontario, Oregon Beautiful FINGER WAVES Pay Prom ptly - It P a y s —a specialty of Miss Lavone Trobaugh at OWYHEE BEAUTY Retail Credit Association SHOP Nyssa—Ontario—Vale PHONE 55F3 Ml IMI RM 11H HU » - *> v ! I MALHEUR TITLE & ABSTRACT CO. to Vale, Oregon i VALENTINE SWEETS You’re in for one big hug if you present Her with a Valentine box of delicious chocolates. Meals — Lunches — Billiard» Electric Cafe - Billiards Mike Dragich, Prop. " Reliable Abstracts of Title ¿lili Ml Nyssa,Ore. \ Superheterodyne B ab y G ra n d R a d io Sweets for the Sweet” MODEL 51 % O N LY C om plete w ith P hilco B a la n c ed Tubes, in c lu d in g iVete P en to d e P o w er Tube Easy Terms! HILCO FREE d em onstration...and FREE installation to your ground and aerial YES, the very latest Philco Superheterodyne, a brand new ! 932 flaky Grand, with Balanced Units. . . for only $39.95! ou never heard o f such a price for such a radio! Just look ut these features! Superheterodyne selectivity ...Screen Grid power...genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker-beautiful hand- rubbed Mahogany cabinet...5 Philco Balanced Tubes, includ­ ing new Pentode...and Philco Balanced Units throughout. Actually one o f the most tremendous values ever offered in radio! See it today! No obligation, a n d you can protect your­ self on delivery. D O N ’T D E L A Y ! S E E IT! H E A R IT! T O D A Y ! WILSON BROTHERS They're certainly worth the price ‘My Boy needs a Suit O’Coat Underwear Leather Coat Sweater Gloves” W hen you buy her some candy and when she receives it, you both know that sweets are well worth the money they cost. But how about electricity? Have you ever stopped to figure how much electric service you get for the price of a piece or two of candy? Consider the examples below. W here does a penny buy more of the things that make life happier—-for you or for HER? Then, Madam you need Toggery Bill. We know what boys are wearing . . and also what parents feel like pay­ ing . . and between the two we run a store that should appeal to every family who has boys of 8 to 18 to dress. This month we are proving with prices th at we are entitled to your trade for to be honest with you and ourselves, we don’t know where else you can find more real boys’ merchandise for every one of your shiny dollars that your are so care­ fully guarding. ... but where do you get m ore for your m on ey than in buying Electric Service? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ More than 2 hour» Boys Underwear from 50c to $150 Boys Leather C oats....... ........... $7.85 Boys O’Coats ..... ....... $3.95 to $8.95 Boys Cords _____ $3 95 to $3.95 TOGGERY BILL Michaels-Stero’s finest Suits ONTARIO ORBOON IT IP A H ^ l p p w is t •# f * **