GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 1932 OREGON CORN BELT SEEN BY LEADERS to the acre as wheat, far more pounds o f corn than of oats and at less cost of production per hundred pounds. He also shows that Oregon needs co m badly as a cultivated crop. •'A Crop fo r 200,000 J b t h >' U the way E. R. Jackman, extern ton crop* special­ Legal Advertisements ist at Oregon State college, speaks of field com . This description is now used NOTICE as the title of a mimeographed booklet IN THE COUNTY COURT O P THE containing articles on corn growing 1 n STATE OP OREGON FOR THE Oregon and published by the Loggers COUNTY O P MALHEUR and Contractors Machinery company of In The Matter o f The Estate of Portland fo r free distribution. ! DEWEY ALBERT TURNER, Tills booklet, which contains no ad­ Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That vertising, Is made up o f seven articles originally prepared by members of the Rachael E. Lynch, administratrix of the Oregon State college staff for use over ¡estate of Dewey Albert Turner, De­ presented the radio, together with two other ceased. has rendered and articles, one by a farmer telling his ex­ | her final account o f her administration periences In corn growing, and the o f said estate and petition for distribu­ other giving a brief history o f co m tion and discharge as such administra­ trix; that Monday, the 29th day o f Feb­ growing In Oregon. ruary, 1932, at the hour of 11:00 o ’clock ••Can O regon grow corn In com peti­ in the forenoon of that day In the tion with the middle west7" asks Mr. County Court Room In the County Jackman. “T he answer Is no, but we do Court House in Vale, Malheur County, not need to. Washington and Oregon Oregon, has been appointed and fixed alone im port 150,000 tons of corn from by the Judge o f said Court In an order the middle west states, so the price hers made and entered on the 25th day of Is always far above the co m belt price. January, 1932, as the time and place for It would take roughly 200,000 acres to hearing said petition, at which time make up this deficit In com ." and place all persons interested In said Jackman points out that a farmer can estate may appear and object to said raise as many or more bushels of corn account, settlement thereof, and contest the same, and all persons concerned therein are notified to be present and show cause, If any there be, why said account and report should not be ap­ proved and allowed, and said estate Dr. E. D. Norcott settled and said administratrix dis­ charged. DENTIST Nyssa, Oregon RACHAEL E. LYNCH, Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35P3 Administratrix of the Estate of Dewey Albert Turner, Deceased. Date of First Publication, January 28th, 1932. Date of Last Publication, February 25th, 1932. E. M. BLODOETT, Attorney for Ad­ ministratrix. X-RAY EXAMINATIONS O. K. BARBER SHOP SHOWER BATHS Your Laundry Agency Wm. Beaton, Prop. NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE O F OREGON FOR THE COUNTY O F MALHEUR. Tn T he Matter of The Estate of DAVID N. TURNER, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That VITAMIN - A I T BU TTER- A NATURE’S M OWN FOOD I N D Butterfat is unique among the food fats in that it contains, in addition to heat and energy, vit­ amin A, which promotes growth and health, and builds resistance to pulmonary infection, and vitamin D, which prevents rickets and promotes bone development— both indispensable to the growth and nest health of the body. These vit­ amins are not present in other food fats in appre­ ciable quantities. Butterfa* is the most practical, economical and palatable year-round food source o f these vitamins. “ There It No Subsitute for Sunshine Butter and Other Dairy Products FARMERS COOPERATIVE CREAMERY January Furniture Bargains Rachael Lynch, administratrix o f the estate of David N. Turner, deceased, has rendered and presented her final ac­ count of her administration o f said estate and petition for distribution and discharge as such administratrix; that Monday, the 29th day o< February, 1932, at the hour o f 11:00 o'clock In the fore­ noon o f that day In the County Court Room in the County Court House in Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has been appointed and fixed by the Judge of j said Court in an order made and enter­ ed on the 25th day of January, 1932. as the time and place for hearing said jpetition, at which time and place all persons Interested In said estate may appear and object to said account, settlement thereof, and contest the same, and all persons concerned therein are notified to be present and show cause. If any there be, why said account and report should not be approved and allowed, and said estate settled and said administratrix discharged. RACHAEL LYNCH, Administratrix of the Estate of David N. Turner, Deceased1 Date o f First Publication, January 28th. 1932. Date o f Last Publication, February 25th, 1932. E M. BLODOETT, Attorney for Ad­ ministratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ture, for a stove or a rug, see NORDALE first. He will bring you savings right at home. Beautiful Pillows and Lamps Make the Home Cozy. I NORDALE FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa, Oregon All lands within the boundaries of Ir­ rigation or drainage districts will be sold subject to any valid assessments made or to be made by said districts since t h e d a t e said lands were acquired by the County. All lands within the boundaries of the Warmsprlngs Irrigation District and which have been classified as in Classes 5 and 6, and as to which said County has heretofore, by Resolution dated September 3, 1930, authorized a transfer to said district o f the water rights ap­ purtenant to said lands shall be sold without water right. IN TH E COUNTY COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FO R THE COUNTY O F MALHEUR. In the Matter o f the Estate of LAURENCE JENSEN, Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap­ pointed by the County Court of Mai heur County, Oregon, administrator of of the estate o f Laurence Jensen, de­ ceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all Said lands numbered as to tracts and persons having claims against the with the minimum prices set oposlte estate o f said deceased, to present them, each tract are as follows, to-w it: duly verified, as required by law, within ] No. 251—E l-2 NE1-4 Sec. 34; W l-2 six months after the first publication of NW1-4 Sec. 35, Twp. 28, S., Rng. 37; this notice, to said administrator, at the E. W. M „ $100. office of E. M. Blodgett, In Nyssa, Ore­ gon, said place being hereby designated No. 252— W1-2NE1-4, NW1-4, N l-2 - as the place where said administrator SW1-4, Sec. 36, Twp. 20 S.. Rng. 38 E. will receive such claims. W. M. $160. E. L. TATE, Administrator of the estate No. 253—S1-2SE1-4, 8E1-4SW1-4. of Laurence Jensen. Deceased Sec. 22; NE1-4 less A. T. No. 1, Date of First Publication, January 21, NE1-4NW1-4 less A. T. No. 1, 2 acres 1932. tn the N W co m e r o f SE1-4NW1-4, Date of Last Publication, February 18, Sec. 27. Twp. 27 S „ Rng. 38 E. W. M. 1932. $150.00. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FO R THE COUNTY O F MALHEUR. In the Matter o f the Estate of J. M. DUNCAN. Deceased. T he undersigned, having been ap­ pointed by the County Court o f M al­ heur County, Oregon, administrator of the estate o f J. M. Duncan, deceased, and having qualified, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all per­ sons having claims against the estate o f said deceased, to present them, duly verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administrator, at the office of E. M. Blodgett, In Nyssa. Oregon, said place being hereby desig­ nated as the place where said adminis­ trator will receive such claims. ROE F. DUNCAN, Administrator o f the estate of J. M. Duncan, Deceased. First Publication, January 21, 1932. Last Publication, February 18, 1*32. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT OF PARTNERSHIP ESTATE IN THE COUNTY CO U RT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FO R THE COUNTY O F MALHEUR. In the Matter o f tne Estate o f W IL ­ LIAM COW GILL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed. administrator of the partner­ ship estate o f Cowgill Bros., a partner­ ship consisting o f William Cowgill and Thomas R. Cowgill, has filed his final account and report of his administra­ tion of said partnership estate, in the above entitled Court and that the 15th day o f February, 1932, at 10:30 o ’clock A. M. In the courtroom o f said Court at Vale, Oregon, has been by or­ der of said court designated as the time and place for the settlement o f said ac­ count and report; and all persons. If any, having objections thereto are noti­ fied and required to present the same in writing to said Court on or before said day. Dated and first published January 14. 1932. Date o f last publication Feb­ ruary 10, 1932. TH OM AS R. COW GILL, Administrator of the Partner­ ship Estate of Cowgill Bros. Robt. D. Lytle, Administrator. Attorney for NOTICE When you are in the market for quality furni­ to sell according to law the real prop­ erty belonging to said County and here- : lnafter described, that I shall In com ­ pliance with the commands o f said or­ der, and on the 30th day o f January, 1932, at the hour o f 10:00 o ’clock In the forenoon o f said day, at the north main entrance door of the County Court House at Vale, Oregon, offer for sale at ! public auction, to the highest bidder I therefor, the lands hereinafter describ­ ed. Bald tracts o f land are numberrd as hereinafter set forth, and each lot or tract will be offered for not less than the prices fixed by said order for each tract as hereinafter set forth the cost of publication to be added to each lot or tract so sold. Said lands will be offered for sale to the highest and best bidder for cash or for not less than 20 per cent cash and the remainder to be paid underwritten agreement with the purchaser, In equal installments over a period not exceed­ ing 10 years, all deferred payments to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annually, and such agreements shall be subject to all terms and conditions o f Section 69-836, Ore­ gon Code, as amended by Chapter 220 of the Session Laws o f Oregon for 1931. The partnership between T. F. Cow­ ard and R. J. Davis In the business known as the Owyhee R ealtyC o, Nyssa. Oregon, Is by mutual consent dissolved today, January 7, 1932, the said R. J. Davis taking over the business and continuing the business In the name of the Owyhee Realty Co , and agreeing to carry out all contracts and agreements o f the Owyhee Realty Co. (Signed) THOS. F. COWARD, R. J. DAVIS, Witness— John J. Cancelmo. Jan. 7-Feb. 4. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP­ ERTY BID IN FOR TAXES AND OWNED BY MALHEUR COUNTY, No. 254—S1-28E1-4 Sec. 10; SW 1-4- SW 1-4 Sec. 11; N1-2NW1-4 Sec. 14, Twp. 17 S „ Rng. 39 E. W. M. $250.80. No. 255— W l-2 and 8E1-4 Sec. 1, Twp. 16 8.. Rng. 41 E. W. M. $480. No. 256—NE1-4, NW1-4, 8W1-4. W1-2SE1-4. NE1-48E1-4, Sec. 2. Twp. 16 S„ Rng. 41 E. W. M. $600.00. No. 257—NE1-4, SE1-4, E1-2NW1-4, NE1-4SW1-4, Sec. 3, Twp. 16 S „ Rng. 41 E. W. M. $440.00. No. 258—AU Sec 4, Twp. 16 S., Rng. 41 E. W . M. $640.00. No. 259—E1-2SE1-4 Sec. 8, Twp. 18 8.. Rng. 41 E. W. M. $80.00. No 260— AU Sec. 9, Twp. 16 S.. Rng. 41 E. W. M. $840.00. No. 261—W 1-2SW 1-4 Sec. 10, Twp. 16 8., Rng., 41 E. W. M. $80.00. No. 262— W1-2NE1-4, N1-2NW1-4, S1-2NW1-4, SW1-4, W1-28E1-4, Sec. 11, Twp. 16, S.. Rng. 41 E. W. M. $480.00 No. 263—NW1-4NE1-4, NE1-4NW- 1-4, Sec. 14, Twp. 16 8. Rng, 41 E. W. M. $80.00. No. 285—NE1-4SE1-4 Sec. 20; N W - 1-48W 1-4, N E l-4 , E1-2NW1-4, NW1-4SE1-4, Sec. 21, Twp. 16 S., Rng. 41 E. W . M. $200.00. Barron Rng. 44 E. W M. $250.00 N o. 2 7 9—NW1-4, NE1-4SW1-4 NW1-4SE1-4. 8ec. 21, Twp. 18 S., Rng. 44 E. W M. $300 00. No. 306—SE1-4NE1-4. SE1-4SW1-4, N1-2SE1-4, 8W1-4SE1-4. Sec 1$, Twp. 26 S„ Rng 46 E. W. M. $150 60. No . 280— AI1 south o f river In 8E1-46W 1-4; all south o f river In 8E1-4, save and except 1-6 acre own­ ed by the State o f Oregon, Sec. 6, Twp. 19 8.. Rng. 44 E. W. M $20000 No. 307— Ail west of railway and Dated at Vale. Oregon, this 23rd day highway lh SE1-48W1-4, Sec. 6. Twp. of Deeember, 1931 18 S.. Rng 45 E. W. M. $35.00. C. W . OLENN, No. 30S-8W 1-4SE1-48W 1-4SW 1-4, Sheriff o f Malheur County, Oregon 81-28W 1-4SW 1-4SW 1-4 Sec. 16. Twp. 16 8.. Rng. 47 E. W. M. $15.00. Date of first publication, Dec. 31, 1931. Date of last publication, Jan. 28, 193.:. No. 309—A11 south of river in Date o f Sale, Jan. 30. 1932, at 10:00 a. m. SE1-4NW1-4. Sec. 32. Twp. 17 8., Rng. 47 E. W. M. $50.00. NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS No. 310—N1-2N1-2N1-2NW1-48E1-4 Sec. 3, Twp. 18 S., Rng. 47 E. W. M. Town patrons, 2:30 to 5:30. $75.00. Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. No 311—NW1-4, Sec. 6. Twp. 18 S , Rng. 47 E. W. M. $400.00. No. 281—1 acre In the NW com er i of the NW1-4 Sec 10, Twp. 19 8., Rng. 44 E. W. M. $20.00. No 282—AU Sec. 7, Twp. 30 S., Rng 44 E. W. M. $320.00. No. 283—SE1-4NE1-4, 8W1-4NW1-4 Sec. 16, Twp. 30 S.. Rng. 44 E. W. M. $40.00 No. 284—N l-2, 8W1-4. W1-28E1-4, NE1-4 SE1-4, Sec 17. Twp. 30 S., Rng 44 E. W. M. $300.00. No. 285—SE1-4SE1-4 Sec. 17. Twp. 30 S., Rng. 44 E. W. M. $100.00. No. 286—NE1-4SE1-4 Sec. 6. Twp. 17 S., Rng. 45 E. W. M. $20.00 No 287—E1-2SW1-4 Sec. 14, Twp. 18 S „ Rng. 45 E. W. M. $100.00 No. 288—SW1-4NE1-4 Sec. 18, Twp. 18 S.. Rng. 45 E. W. M. $220.00. No 289— All north of Malheur River In N1-28W 1-4 except A. T. Noe. I and 4. Sec. 22, Twp. 18 S.. Rng. 45 E, W. M. $50.00. No 290—Lot 4, Sec. 31, Twp. 26 S., Rng. 45 E. W. M. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. SE1-4NW1-4, 8W1-4NE1-4, NE1-4 . SW1-4, W1-2SE1-4, Sec. 6; NW1-4- NE1-4, Sec. 7, Twp. 27 S., Rng. 45 E. W. M. $260.00. No. 293—SW 1-4 Sec. 11, Twp. 16 S Rng. 46 E. W. M. $80.00. No. 294—N1-2SW1-48W1-4, N l-2 SE1-48W1-4, Sec. 13, Twp. 18 8., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $300.00. No. 2*5— AU north o f drain In the 8W 1-4, Sec. 19, Twp. 18 8.. Rng. 48 E. W. M. $2,000.00. No. 296—W1-2NW1-4, NW1-4SW1-4 Sec. 14, Twp. 19 S., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $500.00. No. 297—E1-2NE1-4, NE1-4SE1-4, Sec. 15. Twp. 19 8., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $500.00. No. 298—E1-2NE1-4, Sec. 23, Twp. 19 S„ Rng. 46 E. W. M. $500.00. No. 303— West and north o f railway In 8E1-4SW1-4, Sec. 11, Twp. 21 S. Rng. 46 E. W. M. $100.00. Block X ROBT. D. LYTLE No 313— E1-2NW1-4NE1-4, Sec 5, Twp. 19 8.. Rng. 47 E. W. M. $50 00. Attorney and Oennselor at Law First National Bank Building No. 315— E1-2SW1-4NW1-4, Sec. 29, Twp. 19, 8.. Rng. 47 E. W. M. $70 00. No 326—S1-2NW1-4. Sec. 14, Twp. 18 S., Rng. 45 E. W. M. $500.00. No 328—SE1-4SW1-4, S1-2SE1-4, Sec. 30; NE1-4 Sec. 31; NW1-4NW1-4 Sec. 32, Twp. 19 S., R n g 44 E. W. M. $115.00. Phene 88 Vale Oregon Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. No 316—Lots 7 and 8. Block 1. O rig­ inal townslte of Vale $50.00. No. 317—Lot 7. Block 24, Original townslte o f Vale. $50.00. Osteopathy and Electrotherapy No. 318—Lots 1,2,3. and 4. Block 29. Eldredge Addition to Vale. $250.00. No. 319—Lot 6. Block 30. Eldredge Addition to Vale. $15.00. No. 320—Lot 8, Block 1, Addition to Vale. $5.00. PHONE 201 Vale, Oregon. Clagett’s No. 321—Lots 24, 25 and 26. Block 3. Hadley’s 1st Addition to Vale. $15.00. No. 322—Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 14. 15 and 16, Block 298, Original townslte of O ntario $40.00. On the Old Job No. 323—Lots 23, 24, 26, 26 and 27, Block 2, Riverside Addition to O n­ tario. $35.00. H. D. Holme« TRANSFER AND RAOOAOE PHONE 8FÍ— STAB HOTEL AU Kinde ef Hauling in City Marie’s Beauty Shop FO R BEAUTY W O R K Finger Wave, Marcel, Facial Shampoo, Manicure Nyssa, Ore. No 300—E1-2NE1-4, NE1-48E1-4, Miss Marie Hunter Sec. 2, Twp. 20 S „ Rng. 46 E. W. M. $ 1 , 000 . 00 . No. 302— SE1-4NW1-4, Sec. 31. Twp. 20 S., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $250.00. and 2, No. 312—NW1-4NE1-4SE1-4, Sec. 8, Twp. 18 S „ Rng. 47 E. W. M. $100.00. No. 299—W1-2NW1-4, Sec. 24, Twp. 19 S., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $500.00. No. 301—AU land south o f Owyhee River In the SW1-4 and all land lying south o f the south meander line of the Owyhee River and unnamed slough In the SE1-4, Sec. 25, Twp. 20 S„ Rng. 46 E. W. M. $300.00. No. 325— Lots 1 Brogan. $375.00. PHONE t NYSSA. OR. BUSINESS DIRECTORY The feUewtng firms of Ontario will serve yon with raines: SPECIAL LOW PRICES No 304— W1-2NW1-4, Sec. 14, Twp. 21 8., Rng. 46 E. W. M. $450.00. No 305— Lot No 20, Sec. 5; E l-2 - 8E1-4, Sec. 6; Lot No. 17, Sec. 6; NE1-4NE1-4 Sec. 7, Twp. 24 8., Rng. Owyhee Hotel W hy buy cheap, no good Swiss watches at high prices when Edgar Wilks lodels. Elgin, sells the best American watches made today In the latest mod Waltham. Illinois and HamUton. four leading makes, for r lames and gentlemen. We also have fine selection o f beautiful Diamonds In the late mountings, white and 2-tone gold. Bring your repairs to Wilks—he wlU treat you right. W ork guaranteed. NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT Steam Heat—Outside Room s A MODERN HOUSE F O R NYSSA EDGAR WILKS $8 Years at the Watchmaking Trade ONTARIO, OREOON No. 266—N1-2NW1-4, E1-2SW1-4 NW1-4SE1-4 Sec. 6, Twp. 16 S„ Rng. 42 E. W. M. $200.00. No. 287— A. T . Nos. 10 and 12. Sec. 20, Tw p . 18 8.. Rng. 41 E. W . M. $ 10 . 00 . No. 268—E1-2NE1-4NW1-4, 8W 1-4- 8W1-4NW1-4, 8E1-4SE1-4NW1-4, Sec. 26, Twp. 16 8.. Rng. 43 E. W. M. $160. Dr. C. A. Abbott, D. C. Chiropractic Phone 29— Res. 25 NYSSA, OREGON No. 269—SE1-4NW1-4, NE1-4SW1-4, NW1-48E1-4. Sec. 2. Twp. 17 8., Rng. 43 E W. hi. $400.00. No. 270—8W1-4SE1-4, Sec. 36. Twp. 18 S., Rng. 43 E. W. M. $100.00. No. 271—AU south o f river In N l-2 - i NW 1-4 Sec. 2. Twp. 19 8.. Rng. 43 E. W. M. $15.00. Dr. J. A. McFall Evesight Specialist Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes N o . 273— 81-28W 1-4, 81-2SE1-4, Sec. 35. Twp. 17 8.. Rng. 44 E. W . M. $400.00. No. 274— NW1-4NE1-4, Sec. 2. Twp. 18 S „ Rng. 44 E. W. M. $100.00. GUARANTEED WORK W YCKOFF flop Jewelry Shot Dr. HARRIET SEARS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ontario—Phone 147J Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario. Oregon WUaon Building, Over Postoffice Phone No. 40 GREIG A OAKES 272—NW1-4NW1-4, 8ec. 25, Twp. 17 8., Rng. 44 E. W. M. $100.00. Ontario, * Oregon REAL ESTATE ENGINEERING and AU s- PUMPS Say It With Flowers . . . . No more expressive gift BOYER FLORAL COMPANY WE WILL BE OLAD TO SERVE YOU ONTARIO. OREOON No. 275—8W 1-4, Sec. 12, Twp. 18 8., R ng 44 E. W. M. $600.00. No. 276—E1-2SW1-4, 8E1-4. Sec. 15, Twp. 18 8.. Rng. 44 E. W. M. $500.00. No 277— E1-2SE1-4 Sec. 17, Twp. 18 S. Rng. 44 B. W. M. $150.00. No. 278—NE1-4 Sec. 21, Twp. 18 8., M UKBM HBM M M N M MM M M R M ll£ MALHEUR TITLE & ABSTRACT CO. Vale, Oregon OREGON. Public notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order duly made by the County Court o f Malheur County. Ore­ gon. bearing date of 3rd day of De­ cember, 1931, to me directed In the mat­ ter of the sale of lands bid In by said Oounsy for taxes and com manding me ■g t -J& ri - No. 324—Lot 3. Bleck B, Addition to Ontario. $15.00. 46 E. W. M. $90.00. Reliable Abstracto of Title irmnurai O. G. LEUHRS, Druggist TANK UP! WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE Prescriptions a Specialty Ontario, Oregon MR. and MRS. HARRY PETERSON — at— HOXIE SERVICE STATION W e’ll Serve You With Service That Pleases Phone 83 Nyssa Funeral Directors Ontario, Oregon Modern Equipment and Personal Service