Civic Club To G ive Library Dinner In Dec. - ---------- G a t e c i t y j o u r n a l , T h u r s d a y , n o v e m b ë r iö , iò8i. at the gymnasium the first Thursday evening in December, it was announced Wednesday by Mrs. Prank T. Morgan, president of the Nyssa civic club, spon­ sors of the annual affair. The charge will be reduced to 35 and 25 cents and every family is urged to attend. The dinner means financing of the library. Mrs. Morgan appointed committees at the November meeting of the club yes­ A community dinner, for the benefit terday. Bed Cross drive. Nyssa's quota is $100. Chairmen of each division, Mrs. F. B. Schlopkohl, Mrs. C. C. Hunt and Mrs. Wm. Schireman, will proceed with plans. "Man makes books and books make man"' was the keynote of an original paper on good reading and library by Mrs. Fred Marshall, city librarian. She reported tha» an average Saturday’s business was the Issuance of 200 vol­ umes. of the Nyssa public library, will be given The club voted to sponsor the annual Mrs. C. W. Barrett read an interest­ ing legend of the "Passion Flower," de­ picting the cructflctlon of Christ and displayed one of the unusual flowers from her garden. Miss Edna Dennis rendered a beautiful vocal solo, accom­ panied by Mrs. C. C. Hunt. About 36 members attended the meeting. Mrs. C. Klinkenberg. secretary, reported the ad­ dition of four new members to the roll. Everyone in the community is invited to join the civic club. Turkey With All the Fixings The afternoon closed with tea served by a committee from Mrs. C. C. Hunt's division. It Included Mrs. E. D. Norcott, You will enjoy it at Mrs. Jess Lawrence, Mrs. Lon Root Mrs. Leon Higby and Mrs. W. F. McLing. • • • • Thanksgiving Dinner SCHWEIZER’S CAFE Mrs. Rena Schweizer, Prop. Nyssa Oregon EVENING BRIDGE Mayor and Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson were hosts at two delightful evening parties at the Tensen home last Thursday and Friday nights. Bridge players found their partners on a trip with Amos 'n Andy. It was jolly arrangement and added much to the evening’s fun. Prize winners Thursday night were Mrs. C. C. Hunt, Mrs. Guy H. Bailey, Bernard Frost and Barney Wilson. Friday, the 13th, prizes winners were Mrs. Ed. Wilson, high on the 13th hand; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson, first couple; TALK ON INDIA high and low, Mrs. F. B. Schlopkohl. An entertaining feature of last Thurs­ Howard Larsen; Mr. Schlopkohl and day's meeting of the girls' Fellowship Mrs. John A. Moore of Weiser. Society of the Episcopal church at the J. J. Sarazin home was a talk by Mrs. MR. AND MRS. CLUB W. P. Waddingham of Ontario on The Mr. and Mrs. Bridge club i hmii . iii Liberty Theatre NYSSA, OREGON Friday- Saturday, November 20'21. “DOCTORS’ WIVES” With Warner Baxter and Joan Bennett Sunday- Monday, November 22-23 “G AY DIPLOMAT” With Ivan Lebedeff, Genevieve Tobin, Betty Compson "India.” Mrs. Waddignham brought em­ broidery, pictures and all kinds of trin­ kets made in India for the girls to see. She and Mr. Waddingham, Ontario bandmaster, lived in India many years when the latter served in a British army band. Miss Edna Flannagan. county health nurse, discussed her work in the county. Rev. nd Mrs. Stanley Moore of Ontario were guests. At the afternoon's close, the hostesses Harriet Sarazin and Lola Draglch, served refreshments. Miss Harriet Aheam Is advisor of the girls’ Fellowship. • • • • in in iii m m i in u tiii.M iiiiiii iii:iiiii!M i;:iiiiiiiiiiiiu ui iii iiiiüi.iiiiiiiiiiii UNITED LAUNDRY OWEN DAVIS ELECTED NATIONAL HONORARY ious exhibits on the campus. Mr. Davis is beginning his Junior year in landscape architecture. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Sam B. Davis of Nyssa. O. S C„ Corvallis. Nov. 8,— Owen Davis of Nyssa was initiated November 17 into Kappa Kappa Alpha, national honorary fraternity in art for juniors and seniors. Kappa Kappa Alpha chooses its own members from students showing spec­ ial ability in art and who are active in KIND ALL-JENSEN Miss Eileen Jensen and Henry Kin- the art club. Each term it sponsors var­ dan. both of Nyssa. were married at the Metliodtst parsonage in Ontario last | Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. S. Alli­ son. Mr. nd Mrs. Jensen, parents of the bride, accompanied them. NO SLEEP, NO REST, STOMACH GAS IS CAUSE W. C. T. U. The Nyssa W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. Leon Higby Tuesday as the hostess for the afternoon Mrs. Hazel D. ^Gtldea. was visiting in Boise. The union enjoyed a social afternoon. • • • • When it’s Round-up time In the household And the wife is sad and glum And the pots and pans are flying Then you know that wash day’s come. Then you make a sneak through the kitchen door And away down town you run. You return in time for the supper— which is fine, And the smiles on her face Beat the glorious sunshine She sent duds to the Laundry Washed, clean and ironed in style, The price was low and cheap, That accounted for her smiles. Phone 36F2 We Deliver Winnie Lightner in “GOLD DUST GERTIE” “I T O L D Y O U and now what are we going to do? — wny, pilone hone L A W R E N C E S E R V I C E STATION, Nyssa, for an entire set o f Goodyear Tires at new low prices. — and they’ll stand up ! Lawrence service station Goodyear Tires and Service Nyssa, Oregon St. Regis Guaranteed Clock In Nickel, Rose or Green Apple Valley—The ladies aid met with Mrs. Fred Miller last Thursday for a day of sewing. Mrs. Bertha Morris, who has moved to Parma, was honor guest. The aid gave her a handkerchief show­ er. Mrs. Morris was superintendent of the Sunday School here and will be greatly missed. The Matsen family moved to the ranch home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Morris. Mrs. Georgia Sebbert of Ogden spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter liames when enroute to'Portland to visit her parents last week. F. W. Osterkamp, school clerk, has been taking the annual school census. Friends gave Earl Boston a birthday surprise party. 98c WHILE THEY LAST See our Big Ben Chime Clock, all electric, and our ney 2-voice Big Ben Alarm clock. First it whispers— then it shouts. NYSSA PHABMACY P h ILCO. .the world's largest radio manufacturer . has produced the w orld’s finest radiol This surpassing instrument w ill bring in more stations, with greater clarity, fiuei tone and better volume, than any othei xadio receiver. Just think what this means to you. Programs von never heard before, distant stations as easy to get a nd as cleat to heai as local broadcasts ...n o fading, no boom ing . just pure, clear undistorted Philco tone. Free Show in Nyssa Saturday at 2 p. m. Real Estate Transfers Recorded Stanley O. Van Buren et ux to J. R. Van Buren. S1-2SE1-4 Sec. 24. 14-38. 11, 6, 31. $350.00. Lewis C. Garver to Clifford J. Loomis. W1-2SE1-4 Sec. 24-17-44. 9, 14, 31. $10. Hazel Clifford et vir to John Coleman, Metes and bounds in Harper Ranch Subdivision, Sec. 5-20-42. containing 2.4« acres. 11, 9. 31, $10. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to John Kiel, E1-2NW1-4 Sec. 12-18-46. W1-2NW1-4 Sec. 12 18 46. 11, 2, 31. $227. Guy E. Turner, Administrator to State of Oregon, Metes and bounds SE1-4SE1-SE1-4 Sec. 5-16-47 . 6, 26, 31. $52. D. E. Baird to Sarah A. Baird et al. NW1-4 Sec. 36-18-46. 11. 9, 31. $1. D. E. Baird et ux to J. T. Bales et al NW1-4 Sec. 36-18-46. 11, 7, 31. $1. George Harkness Ross to V. B. Stap­ les et al Sl-2 Lot 18, All of Lots 19 and 20, Block 42, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 130, Ontario. 9, 1. 3. $50000. Malheur County to Juntura Invest­ ment Company, Lot 13, Block 29, Jun­ tura. 10, 31. 31. $54.53. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Union Cen- trall Live Iinsurance Company. NW1-4 SE1-4, NE1-4SW1-4. SW1-4NE1-4 and SE1-4NW1-4 Sec. 3, 28, 46. 11, 9, 31. $5.398.16. C. W. Olen, Sheriff to Eva E. DeWitt SE1-4SE1-4SW1-4SW1-4 Sec. 15-16 47. 11, 14, 31. $14.00. STOP! BUY! Chunk Meat 9c lb . BEEF, lb................ 9c PORK, by side, lb.............. 9c VEAL Fronts, lb.............................................. :....9c Come to the Nyssa Packing Company for the usual Saturday Specials in Cut Meats N YSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Lottie Phillips vs. Frank E. Phillips et al. 11. 13, 31. Foreclosure of mortgage. $11,500.00. H. M. Aldrich vs. H. B. Aldrich et al. 11, 13, 31. Rec. on note. $1,633.50 Ont. National Bank vs. O. O. Lewis et al. 11. 14, 31. Rec. on note $250. Think o f such a radio for only $155! This marvelous 11 tube Philco Balanced Superheterodyne i so amazed the radio world that demand is far ahead o f factor; u iply. This first small shipment just received here will be sold imm -lately. You must ml nou to get vour order ini By all means don ’t miss thia opportunity to ow n *'Tbo Wvrut’i I men Ranso. Wilson Brothers Oregon S i« ^ ; Exclusive Feature* Now Easy to Level Your Land! HIS new machine im oocht the surface auto­ matically. It scrapes off the high place« and T distributes the dirt evenly over the low places with enough extta for settling. Pertnits bigger crops with lest time and labor •nd less water, quickly paying for itself. Fully guaranteed. . . . . Look ini . . . . be sure you see d on the outside ot the A ir Duct on the inside. Then you’ll be sure you are getting the built only the genuine Intensi-Fire Heatrola, by Estate, sold only by us. An atmoaphere that it home-!ike and reatful. Y ou’ll •njoy stopping at the P R E SID E N T in Portland. E C O N O M IC A L . . . . $1 A N D S2 PER D AY J. A. Cuahman, Manager FOURTH AND ALDER \ F u lly automatic. De> poaita extra dirt for act' 'ling. N o dumping levers to trip. Patented eccentric axel that automatically control« blade. A ll accel construction. Levels 25 acres per day. Oives uniformly smooth surface. Adjustable t o varyin* depth. Coats leu per pound o f any farm implement. Eder Hardware Co. H FA T R O L A cabinet A n d And it has the most superbly beautiful cabinet you ever saw! * De­ signed by Norman Bel Geddes, foremost creator of fine furuiture, it is executed in walnut, with figured instrument panel, frar. cd in V- Matched Oriental W o o d and Matched Butt W alnut pilasters. Care­ ful Hand rubbing finishes the exquisite cabinet work. A u t o m a t ic Land ^Leveler Nyssa, Oregon Look cul l Every t>*-nt on the amt o> ibis uonaet‘ u sti u at tv*' Nyssa, Ore. Free Show in Nyssa Saturday at 2 p. m. Marriage Licenses Issued Robert Roscoe Ashlock and Ila Arlene i Williams. 11, 9, 31. Francis James Denton and Margaret Jackson. 11, 9, 31. Willie Bender McGinnis and Edna Lovlne Griffith. 11, 9, 31. Henry Kindall and Eileen Jensen. 11, 9, 31. George W. Wilson and Lolita Hoßs. 11, 9, 31. Arlie C. Byrd and Myrtle Adams. 11, 10, 31. . Irvin A. Wood and Hazel Tyler. 11, 12, 31. Julian Urbain Brunnell and Edna Louise Cotton. 11, 13, 31, Clarence E. Smith and Cora Beatrice Tarr. 11. 13, 31. Raymond A. Tacke and Alice Loralne Huffman. 11, 14, 31. i E s u z g Nyssa, Ore. Let Us Serve You Petitions Filed in Probate Court Est. of Ludwig Theodore Larson. 11, 9, 31. Est. of Chas. W. Ross. 11, 9, 31. Complete with Thtlco 'Bautncea ‘Tubet ...nothing etse to buy/ Mrs. A Cloud says: “For years I had a bad stomach and gas. Was nervous and could not sleep. Adlertka rid me of all stomach trouble and now I sleep fine.” The Nyssa Pharmacy. CLOCK SALE APPLE VALLEY AID HONORS MRS. MORRIS COURT HOUSE FILINGS Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 24, 25, 26 ❖ with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell Tuesday night. Frank D. Hall won first prize, Mrs. O. L. McCoy, second. A dainty luncheon was svr»td at the clots. • • * • See Oar Used Circulators and Heaters Peterson Furniture Co. Ontario, Oregon