THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931 ttle business college, was in the vicinity WEAK MARKET HOLDS | | Tuesday to see high school graduates. ARCADIA APPLE WORK Helen Winters, Canning Division n , and Dorothy Holly, Canning Division II. Lavone and Louise Hinton started to school' last week. They bring enrollment Arcadia—Alter two days of picking in KINGMAN KOLONY uu to 56. Oscar Johnson, worker at Shea camp, Coward-Baker orchard last week, orders 4-H CLUBS ENTER ran his car into the ten-foot ditch Just were received to stop picking until fur­ OREGON STATE FAIR out of Adrian Saturday evening. The ther notice as one car was all that car was little damaged and no one hurt. could be marketed. Kingman Kolony—Eight boys and John Enos towed the car In. Picking was resumed this week with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Anna girls of this school sent club exhibits to responsibility of expecting sales later. There ha3 been sickness In the com­ the state fair at Salem. Exhibitors fol­ were in Ontario Monday when Anna had her tonlsls removed. Anna returned munity and colds are numerous. low: William Holly. Arnold Blippy and home after a visit with Mrs. O. H. Lee Mrs. C. W. Long lost a cow Monday Leonard Nichols, handicraft; E l l a in Payette. evening that died of blood poisoning. Mrs. Wilbur Roberts entertained at C. W. Long is away trapping. He Points, Canning Division I and Cooking Division II; Ruth Penn, Canning Div. breakfast Saturday for her sister Miss caught two coyotes last week. Mr. Burlingame, field man of a Sea- I; Lois Schwelzer, Canning Division II; Kniefel. James Lynch returned home Thurs- ----- ... — — . . u . ------------------ ~ . * * cay from Vale, where he has been tlie mil IIU III 1:1 II UJU.Iil II III II HI III II III II III 111 III III III II III l.l II |.| 11 111 11 HIM 1111111111II111111111111 111 111111111111 111 past two weeks in the county hospital. '= _____________ — | Mrs. Lizzie Holly spent Wednesday and Thursday In the Holly homes here. P.-T. A. has been postponed to meet with Mrs. H. R. Otis Thursday, Sept ember 30. din 6 Ï/VP- Let Us Check The Car Vm OWYHEE DAM FOLK HOLD FAREWELL TO HONOR MRS. GREENE Owyhee Dam—Mrs. Earl Harmon en­ tertained two tables of bridge last Fri­ day in honor of Mrs. F. P. Greene who has moved to Nyssa. Mrs. O. S. Hale Ä? WE ARE GLAD To furnish estimates on the cost of your repair job. You can depend on us for satisfactory Sales and Service. Your Auto Headquarters FOR RENT BUSINESS ROOMS Nyssa, Oregon Splendid Location UNITED L A U N D R Y SAYS In Nyssa, Oregon Corner building with sidewalks surrounding. Either single or double room. Removal of partition will provide excellent comer location for de­ partment store. Apple Valley—Marion Smith, admin­ istrator of the H. Smith estate, closed a sale for the 20-acre ranch east of the Apple Valley hotel where the Hobbs family have been living. S. Thompson, the purchaser, and his wife will take possession when the Hobbs lease expires In February. The newcomers are living in the parsonage until their new home is vacated. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDonald and the Pratt family had as their guests R. D. Lytle Mrs. Bessie Blackman 720-3rd St. South, Nampa, Ida. \ •" If you have never eaten one of our— SATISFYING FALL LUNCHES How palatable and satisfying they can be made. A Few of Our Specials Chinese Noodles............................................. 25c Whipped Hot Chocolate................................ .10c Hot Mince P ie ................................................. 10c All Kinds of Sandwiches WE MAKE THEM BETTER They Cost No More “H o w M u c h ^ O § J» J T T a r f i l a l lu . Remember, MYERS makes water systems for both deep •n d shallow wells, for opera­ tion by electricity. gasoline engine, wi n d mi l l or hand ower, with capacities from 30 to 10,000 gallons per hour. The nu st CompUt« line in {he world. r mm _ 4 » lf O illn q i W «iler S yvieni» F IO . U K ) » h o w * ■ lo m p lft« W a te r S ytiem U n ii fo l well* up to 12 feet In d e p th , w ith 4- gallon prem ure tan k . Hn- lirclv autom atic In a itu m — •ell M atting, « e lf- s io p p ln g , •elf oiling. C a p a c i t y l i O gallona p et h o o t. REWARD for return of female Boston Bulldog last several weeks ago in Nyssa. Roy Pounds, City. HEATERS Beautiful Circulating Heaters $38 You don’t have to pay a high price to get a good stove—an attractive stove, inclosed in a cabinet model that makes even a stove a beautiful piece of furniture. Many New Fall Bargains Baldridge Implement Company —at— Nordale Furniture Co. FURNITURE— New and Used Nyssa, Oregon Look Us Over In consideration of the proposed sal e of the Assets of the First National Bank of Ontario. Oregon, to the Onta rio National Bank of Ontario, Oregon, for which, as a creditor of the First N ational Bank. I am to receive 70 cents on the dollar of my deposit and 70 ce nts on the dollar of any accrued in­ terest on Savings and Time Certiflca tes, plus my proportionate share of the further sum of $10.000 in cash and any stockholder's assessment liability collectible, the undersigned does hereby waive thirty per cent of any and all amounts had on deposit in checking account, cashier's checks, certifi­ cates of deposit and savings account in said First National Bank at close of business September 12, 1931, subject to the credit of my deposit on any obligation owing to the Bank. The remainder due me under this waiver is to be paid in cash on de­ mand by the Ontario National Bank a i soon as depositer claimants have signed this waiver and the assets of said Bank have been delivered to the Ontario National Bank, and I further agree to assign or endorse at the time of signing this waiver any certificates of deposit, cashier's checks, or saving accounts held by me. and deposit same at the First National Bank. I do further appoint the Depositors’ Committee of the First National Bank my agent to act for me in my stead In collecting the stockholders’ liability, and to act for me In all other matters in which I may be concerned as a creditor of the First National Bank. Address.................. ... ........ ......... ......... ......- — ......................................... Waivers must be in by October 10, 1931. FOR RENT—Furnished house keeping rooms, 3 rooms and screen porch. Swan Apartments, City. Sept24 tf Sweet Cider for Sale at the R. H. Sher­ wood ranch, Nyssa. Sept. 24 tf. MILCH COWS FOR SALE—Jerseys, fresh. J. C. Beam. Nyssa, Oregon. WANTED—2-way plow, must be In good shape and priced right. A. A. Mazac, Nyssa. Oct. lPd. FOR SALE—Mattress costing $20 last year $12.50, good as new; coil bed- springs costing $18.50 last year at $12.50. Call from 5 to 7 p. m. Miss Josle J. Blokland, City. FOR SALE—Transfer business doing from $300 to $500 a month. Complete with 1 Chevrolet truck and I Ford truck. Price $1100. Inquire at Journal office. If you are In the market for city lots, very cheap, see Abe Frils, city. 0.8 pd. FOR SALE—Hay and oats at Qulnby ranch, Nyssa. Sept. 10 tf. ROOM AND BOARD At the home of Mrs. Will Beam, City. FOR RENT—Sleeping rooms. Close in. Mrs. Thos. Nordale, City. Our JUNIOR WAVE —the wave for School Girls $3.50 Up We charge “SOc per curl for this becom­ ing permanent. DE M O N S T R A T I ON HOW to have Foot Comfort will b e explained and show n here by a F oot C o m fo rt Expert o f the C h icago staff o f A m erica’ s n oted F oot Spe­ cia lis t- D r.W m . M . S ch oll. Fie will m ake a T est and Analysis o f Pedo-graph p rin ts o f your stock­ inged feet, and show you exactly w hat your foot trouble is. H e will dem onstrate how perfectly com fort - able he can m ake your feet w ith the I )r. Scholl A ppliance o r R em edy designed to relieve your specific foot condition. A ll o f this without one p en n y 's cost to yo u ! Be sure to rem em ber th e d a te and call while we have D r. Scholl’s representative witli us. T'ach v isito r to o u r sto re d u rin g th is D e m o n s tra tio n will receive a sam p le o f D r. S ch o ll's Z IN O -P A D S for C o rn s an d l ) r . S ch o ll's b o o k le t o n C are o f the F e e t. W ednesday, October 7 GOLDEN RULE STORE C. C. Anderson Co. OWYHEE BEAUTY SHOP Nyssa, Oregon Owyhee Hotel Steam Heat—Outside Rooms We have other models that run higher but they will last a life time. Nyssa, Oregon HUNTERS—12 gauge double barrel shotgun and Remington pump gun, used but shoots like new. Nordale Fur­ niture Store, Nyssa, Or. NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT does a GOOD Water System MYERS. Yet the owner of • MYI RS Wafer SvMcm V . L . « for f . i t wafer . i , „ r than t l i . i n most m i \ « S city n r t i folks 4. .11 c do. .1.« A 4 actually pays le$§ MYERS Junior Direct Water System for shallow wells Cotta onlv $75 00 complete with motor ready for Install­ ation and delivers 250 gallons of fresh water an hour. For $105.00 you can get a complete MYLRS pressure tank system ready for Installation like that pictured. And even If you use lots of water, the daily power costs fo r running o n e o f these systems 1s only a few cents. FOR SALE—200 quarts dandy home- canned fruits of all kinds, also pre­ serves, butters, tomatoes and meats. Prices 10c and up per quart. See it at the S. D. Goshert farm Just out of town. F. M. Mason, Nyssa. Oct. 1 Pd. FOR RENT—Five room modern house with furniture $25 per month; with­ out furniture $20 per month. Eulah Kel­ ley, City. Sept. 17tf. Pool Room—Fountain—Candies Mike Dragich, Prop. Nyssa, Or. T HERE are no better wafer sv*fem» built than t be WANT ADS WANTED—Good, soft, clean rags. Will pay 5 cents per pound. Powell Servlet Station, City. Electric Cafe C ? y -/ W. L. Adams bloated so with gas after tneals that his heart missed beats. Ad- lerlka brought out all gas and now he eats anything and feels fine. Nyssa Pharmacy, City. Vale SURPRISED Phone 36F2 MAN’S HEART STOPPED BY BAD STOMACH GAS FOR RENT—Front sleeping room with bath and furnace heat. Close In. $15 month. Lloyd Marshall residence. Oregon aaaacnatt&»~*3+ last week Rev. Platt and family. While here Rev. Platt held several services at Dr. E. D. Norcott FARMERS! the Apple Valley church. He and his family went on to Payette for the Bap­ It's about time to oil the harness DENTIST tist ministry. 3 and get it in shape for Its winter Nyssa, Oregon Ivan O. Brown, forest lookout this = vacation. Wt will be glad to serve Office Phone 35F2 iurtuner and his wife have returned to ± you. Residence Phone 35F3 the valley from Ball Mountain. Mr. | NYSSA SHOE SHOP Brown has been ill. X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Ross Parkinson. Prop. Ivor Courter left the forepart of last week for Winfield, Iowa. i in mm ini iirtriiriii imuHin imiiiiinimiiuiiii Mrs. Minnie Dillon, former music teacher here, came from her home in Caldwell to make a visit with Mr. and WAIVER Mrs. J. A. Pettit and other friends. 1931 Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phone 66 You’d Be ; L ____ ...... '... NEWCOMER 3UYS FARM IN APPLE VALLEY Don't Delay—See or Write Prepared to Wet Wash—4c per lb. Rough Dry 16 lbs. $1.00 Pin : : /• X A rock—W. S. Bruce and C. E. Lan- ning of the Jordan Valley irrigation dis­ trict met with Mr. Pranks of New York and officials of the state reclama­ tion commission in Portland to discuss business in connection with the reor­ ganization of the Jordan Valley district and bond settlement. They report a sat­ isfactory meeting. Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Lannlng accompanied them and report an enjoyable trip, from which they re­ turned last week. John Lannlng accompanied the party as far as Walla Walla. Several men and teams are at work on the feeder and other canals, clean­ ing and repairing for the coming year. Miss Gereta Lannlng Is attending high school In Vale. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Breashers have returned from outside points. Extremely Low Rent When Monday comes around and you’re not feeling right, You look upon the washing, and big bundles are in sight. Send them all to us, and you will find the prices right. Washed, beautiful and clean, all the colored clothes and white. Ironed fine and up to date And this story to you, relate, That the mangling of the clothes Are finished beyond debate. T. R. Pashley, Mgr. IRRIGATORS FROM AROCK AID WATER BOND SETTLEMENT Spacious LA RSEN M O TO R CO. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Mi i i i i i i i i i i ni i i i i took high prize and Mrs. Ben Cook won low prize. A guest prize was given to Mrs. Greene. Mrs. C. 8. Hale entertained Wednes­ day. September M in honor of her daughter Mildred's birthday. Twelve little guegts were in attendance and each received a favor. Mrs. C. O Clapp and Mrs. Allen Johanenson were in Boise last week­ end. Miss Ardell Smith spent the v.ecl: end at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. P. A. Banks and family spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bohlson entertain­ ed friends from Nampa last week end. Morris Worthen has left the General Construction company. si*-? Liberty Theatre NYSSA, OREGON A MODERN HOUSE FOR NYSSA Friday-Saturday, October 2, 3 IDAHO-OREGON AUTO FREIGHT DAILY FREIGHT 9ERVICE Richard Arlen in “CAUGHT” With Louise Dresser Boise, Nyssa, Vale, Weiser and all intermediate points PHONE a Sunday-Monday, October 4, 5 “SPORTING BLOOD” With Clark Gable HONEY SALE 7c LB. Bring your own container while we are extracting and get your winter supply of honey at this iow price. Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., October 6, 7, 8, COME NOW! “IRON MAN" HONEY FOSTER * Nyssa. Oregon Lew’ Ayres in