THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY AUGUST 20, 1931 OVERLAND STAGE IS SYMBOL OF OLD WEST AT PENDLETON ROUND-UP APPLE VALLEY SCHOOL NEARS Mr. Simmerman is expected to return soon from Valley City, North Dakota, where he has been attending summer school. He Is from Hansen, Idaho. M. A. McDonald was reelected jani­ tor. The board consists of Sam P. Brown, chairman, Fred Fisher, A. P. Norland, J. A. Pettit, J. Van Landing- ham and Mr. Osterkamp. “W e anticipate another successful term,” the latter said. “ Last year at­ tendance averaged 116 daily. We ex­ The stage coach played a leading part In the winning of the west. The stage coach race is a leading feature pect as good or better this year. In re­ at Pendleton Round-Up August 27-29. gard to finance, ours is one school dis­ trict in Idaho that is out of debt.” For years and years, we have endeav­ 1 Governor Meier and the state highway Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDonald return­ ored to secure a road to the outside commission carrying the names of 167 ed recently from a trip to Canada. They world and now that we have a chance taxpayers of Rome, Danner, Arock, visited sisters of Mrs. McDonald in | to get an appropriation from the gov­ Rockville, Jordan Valley and Adrian, T O THE JOURNAL Canada. In Fargo, North Dakota, they ernment, we receive little or no support. asking the building of the I. O. N. We were guests of Mr. McDonald’s brother (Letters Must Be Signed.) We pay taxes. They are collected with­ understand a petition was also mailed who is a member of the staff of the out fall. O ffice seekers remember us from Nyssa to Governor Meier and the livestock department of the agricul­ when they need our vote, but the rest commission. tural college. Mr. McDonald stated I. O. N. BACKERS T A K E PLEA TO I of the time we are ignored or perhaps We have never fought the Yellow- that the Snake River valley looked looked upon as “ outlaws." stone Cut-off. W e are glad to see It GOVERNOR M EIER very prosperous after seeing the hard j nearing completion, but had the I. O. In rairness to our county officers, we hit wheat sections of Canada and the Rockville— (T o the Editor)—Are we N. also received the endorsement of the northwest. outlaws or citizens of Oregon, we peo­ will say that the road is fair to Jordan county, it might now be assured an al- Dairy farmers of Apple Valley at­ ple who request the designation of the Valley. From Jordan to McDermltt it ; lotment of federal money. tended the annual picnic of the Dairy­ I O. N. from Nyssa to Jordan Valley can scarcely be called a road. We wish to add that we appreciate and McDermltt? August 8, we sent in four petitions to The Journal's fairness. We trust that | men's Cooperative creamery in Cald­ SAM JACKSON T R O P H Y PR O M O T ES C O M PE TITIO N A T ROUND-UP The Journal is right about Wm. Han- ley's appointment to the state highway | commission; that he will be able to see on “ two sides of the fence.” A BOOSTER FO R THE I. O. N. (W riter’s name on file at Journal o f­ fice.) LETTERS j j j Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meltvedt and children were here from Cascade Mon­ day, making a brief visit with the Levi Stephens family. Mrs. Meltvedt will move to Boise soon where the children will attend school. Meltvedt will con­ tinue his work at Cascade. Mr. and Mrs. Witt, who purchased the same Brown place last spring, are leaving. for Charles City, Iowa. The Apple Valley ladies gave Mrs. W itt a farewell party. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard have rented the W itt farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade Robinson re­ turned last Monday from a trip to Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Som E. Brown had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Otha MacRae of Rickreal, Or., who were on their way to Harper to attend the funeral of Clinton Buchert, who drowned in a canal. The Brown and Jim Perkins families also went to see the Buchert fam ily Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pielstick of York. Neb., are visiting their nephew Carl Pielstick. Grant Wilkerson was able to return home last week from Ontario hospital. M i 31 - - NYSSA NEWS Oscar G. Boden's residence has re­ ceived a new coat of paint. The im­ provement was finished Tuesday. Roland Haegle, Idaho etomologist, and Mrs. Heagle of Parma called at the Wesley Browne home Monday, Geo. C. M acLafferty is papering the interior of the S. H. Stark residence at Big Bend. Lloyd Marshall received word M on­ day of the death of his young nephew at Pueblo, Colorado. Chas. M. Paradis resumed work M on­ day at Eder’s after two weeks vacation. He and his family enjoyed an outing in the Tamarack, Ida., section. Gayle McCoy accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Long from their Ironside camp Thursday. Mrs. Long is remain­ ing at home while her husband will continue hunting in the timber for the biological survey. Rev. and Mrs. Mark White of Can­ yon City were overnight guests In the W. A. Austin home Monday when they Jake McClure, New Mexico Cowboy, won the Sam Jackson trophy at the were en route to conference at Buhl. PPendleton Round-Up last year. The t ophy which must be won three times Their car stalled near Vale but they for permanent possession will cause a lo t of hot competition at the Round-Up were towed in by Howard Larsen. this year on August 27th to 29th, Inch slve. R. B. Scott, formerly owner of the M E A K1 is It I - N e r v i J* B N A M B L The »deal all purpoae ename for furniture sad P .IIIO ol.lfb.ld T 7 f Dries ia 4 hoars. M m P A B LO M ullí - f c r v le * V A R N IS H iU M The superior qualitv all purpoae varatali Es» t romei y durable l o r uae »aside or outsid*. Guaranteed T P A R I » H i l l l . S « r v l t « FLO O R E N A M E L For uar oa aay I Drieu ia 4 hours. Gai P li« . . 1 8 .0 0 1 7 .8 0 I7 .0 X 1 6 .1 0 j . . .O S S .6 0 5 .5 9 8 .5 6 1 J . .M X .2 5 0 .a s o .2 3 4 U n d er T r r .d . . 0 5 0 5 . . f.a o so. o s 5 .2 0 4 . 7 s 4 75 «6 .6 5 S 4 .S S «1 .8 5 W id t h . T T T ir . . * . T b ir k n r u , M e r « N o ii- S k id D r p i h , Guaranteed. 4 . 5 0 - I I T i r t t i e n t ♦ 4 Spc. ...1 Brand • Sentinel M a il O r­ T ?p* der T ire . M e r « W e ic h e M » k T lr « ♦ t Special Brand M a il O r­ der T ir e e M a lil.S « r v l« t P A IN T First quality, all purpose paint. Ute it oa say •arface Easy lo use Guaraaleod. . . j l ................................. ★ A <* Ib tr ik a t s n «ach «a • a s m « tha t é*9t «•$ (¿ r a t if y r k a lM s Sta V # ( f a t l l i v " H » fa P A RCC l a p r a v e d IN T E R I O R F IN IN ’ !. «Spacial $4.98 5.60 5.69 4 .7 ,1 9 woodwork F battona Santinal Typa Cash Pilca Each Fim len. OldIU Id T y ». fir end Mall O n )« Tb. oiTTn.. E k » 4.40-21 4.50- 4.50- 21 With each purchase touting $10 ar more at rom nUr retail prices of the PABCO PAINT j bated: us the next time you wish any print« Ing.Our equipment enables us to turn out first quality work—our experi­ ence enables us to in telligen tly aid you In p lan n in g your circular,letter or whatever print­ ing you wish done. The results you get w ill prove th a t ■ ■ ■ Nyssa, Oregon s NYSSA PHARMACY PAK » I LARSEN MOTOR CO. m •ad continuing until "■ w 'r u tten tp m b er B a B In these days of speed, the careful motorist will keep his car in first-class shape. A few dollars now may protect you from disaster. Ford Sales and Service COMPARE TOM ORROW i 7y 2 d b . BEEF STEAK Shoulder K ills H a rm fu l B a c te ria beginning PORK STEAK Delicious (AP- L e t U s C heck The Car S ud ? Firestone extra values are the result o f great savings in buying — groat savings in efficient and economical manufacturing and distribut­ ing, plus the patented process o f Gum-Dipping — the patented two extra cord plies under the tread — and a more efficient non-skid tread, which makes them safer than any other tire. s t e p la d d e r 25c lb . 25c l b . I 111 iB l well Tuesday. _________ The ladies' aid will meet with \irs. Sam P. Brown today. A t the last ses­ sion at the home of Mrs. Roy Tenor plans were formulated for the ice cream social at the school house last Wednes­ day night. FOUR TEACHERS EM PLOYED FOR Mrs. Ora Nugent and Miss Elsie Har­ AC TIV E R U R A L SCHOOL; 116 PU ­ rison visited the Nugent timber claim PIL S ENROLLED L A S T YEAR ; near Lewiston for a recent vacation. D IS T R IC T FREE OF DEBT. Robert M cIntyre has returned to Kennewick, Wash., after spending vaca­ Apple Valley—School begins in the tion with his grandparents, Mr. and nearby country school of Apple Valley Mrs. R. S. McIntyre. They gave him a September 7, according to F. W. Oster- farewell party last Wednesday. kamp, district clerk. Four teachers, | Mrs. W. C. Morris was complimented Miss Lennle Sponsler of Houston, Ida., Miss Grace Schwaslnger of Nampa, at a birthday dinner at the home of her Mrs. C. Danforth, newcomer from Jor­ daughter Mrs. Walter Newell In Cald­ dan Valley, and Ed. Simmerman, prin­ well. With Mrs. Paul, mother o f Mrs Morris, four generations were present. cipal, have been employed. For intenor walls sod woodwork Dries u.tb a • “ * by F lm t a a r W ar* (ha *iu > ( I m t a a ia # and aan. T a * a.-« I BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. Dave’s Service Station n r w t a a « S erv ice D ealers a n d S erv ice S l a m U v * Y a a M e a e y mmS S e r v e T e a B e t t e r C m DWIGHT SMITH, Manager Phone 16 Nyssa, Oregon J