TIIK GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AÜGUSf lJ, 1931 THE GATE CITY JOURNAL * « ü the f » W. F, AND ALMA McLINO, Publishers W. 8. Brown. Owner WHEN THE CITV LOSES ! surance coverage that is what we think | it Is than to wake up afterwards and find ourselves wiped out. If only a small private business, or heavy losers, as with I La Qrande taxpayers —Oregon Voter, PENDLETON SET FOR ROUND-UP is programmed this year for the closing Saturday morning. Thousands of whites and Indians appear in frontier cos­ tume. The Southwest is expected this year to rer.d a large delegation of skilled cowboys. Among them undoubtedly will be Bob Crosby, Monument. N Mex., who took permanent possession of the Roosevelt trophy in 1928. and Jake Mc­ Clure who got a leg up on the new Sam Jackson trophy last year. McCarty and Elliott, Chugwater, Wyo., and George Drumheller, Walla Walla, Wash., will bring their famous relay and flat race strings. Mabel Strickland, one of the most ( famous all-around cowgirls, will ride the Drpmheller horses in the women’s , relay. In our review of Mrs Fowler's defal­ cation as city treasurer of La Orande. It was set forth that the surety bond re­ Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, as Second Class Matter covery was only $25,000 on thefts ag­ gregating $108,000 over a long period of years. The question has been raised as IT’S THE FARMERS’ TOWN, TOO to why recovery could not have been on each year's defalcation under $15.000 PRIZE MONEY EXPECTED Pride in the home town should not be confined to those made TO DRAW RIDERS; THOUSANDS the surety bond In force for that year, who live within its coporate limits. The farmer should be Inasmuch as the city paid premium OF INDIANS WILL AGAIN TAKE interested in the town in which he trades, because it is his each year. The trouble seems to have PART IN ANNUAL SHOW. been the city renewed the same bond town, too. He helps to make it what it is. and paid Its annual premium Just the In this connection some thoughts by an unknown editor same as If a brand new bond were pur­ Pendleton.—(Special)—This is the ----------------- - chased. Hence the face of the one bond, Pendleton outfit's busy season. It is are worthy of consideration. He said: busy overhauling Its chuck wagon, New subscribers of The Journal of $25,000, was the limit of liability. If the 4 Prosperity in the community is closely linked to its city had taken out a new bond each j checking over its corrals and wrangling the past week are Mrs. E. L. Suther­ retail business. When the people buy and the merchants year, paying the same premium for a up its rempda in preparation for the land. Ralph Griffiths and M. M. Greet­ sell, when money and merchandise move, then the com­ new bond as for a renewal, the defalca­ 22nd annual Round-Up and its com­ ing of Kingman Kolony; R. L. Patton, A. Burns, Wm. Beaton and Julian tions of each year would have been re­ panion piece. Happy Canyon. munity is prosperous. With some $15,000 total prize money Johnson of Nyssa; Joe Corto of Jordan covered up to $25,000 for each year. As “Spending money at home, to maintain and develop In no one year were the defalcations in as the magnet, eyes of top hands all Valley. a more prosperous home market—means better and excess of $25,000, the recovery of the en­ over the West are turning toward the | more prosperous communities. The fanner fares better tire $108.000 stolen over a period of event which is set for August 27, 28, or nine years would have been and 29. the closer ne cooperates with the local merchant, andboth ; eight complete. Instead of losing $108,000 One of the annual chores connected must progress together. LET THE minus only $25.000 recovery, LaGrande with the show is finding room for the "When we separate farmer and merchant, we tear taxpayers would have made complete thousands of visitors to lodge. Last and lost nothing except the week the accommodation bureau was NYSSA BARBER SHOP down the fabric of community life. When we bring them recovery opened to list all available lodging cost of the criminal prosecution. togather W '* build for a stronger agriculture ar.d better It may be well for city councils and places and see that no prices are Keep you looking trim. other governing bodies to check this boosted. community life.” Two pre-Round-Un events are now MAKE OUR SHOP HEADQUARTERS situation up as to their bonded officers. WHEN IN NYSSA Even If a higher premium has to be waited eagerly—the arrival of the paid, it would be wise to have a new rangy Texas longhorns, scheduled for HANLEY AND THE I. O. N. CHRISTY MINTON, Prop. August 5, and the dress-up night p a ­ bond each year. rade, August 15, when the whole city A somewhat a n a 1 a gous situation Why is it presumed th it the appointment of William exists as to the $1,000 surety bond re­ and country round goes cowboy. After Hanley of Burns to the state highway commission is a quired to be posted by each licensed that night it will be a heinous offense blow to the I. O. N. Cut-off?. Simply because he is realtor. Is that $1,000 to cover an ag­ for anyone to appear in Pendleton in gregate of separate losses, or only one anything but cow country going-to- a friend to the Yellowstone park route through Burns and loss, is the entire recovery limited to town garb. Lakeviev.'? This seems to be the ultimatum. Pendleton is like that about its $1,000 to whoever gets it, and let other However, we see no reason for crossing a bridge be­ victims content themselves with radio Round-Up. The show is a community affair and everybody seems to realize fore we arrive. Hanley has stated that his ambition is to music? In the long run, we get what we pay his part ownership in it. Even the In­ see the completion of the Yellowstone route and the only for. It is wise to pay enough to buy dians look forward to the affair, with remaining link, not under contract, is nine miles between what we really need, rather than pay Its pageantry on streets, in arena and the night show. Speery and Juntura in Malheur county. It has been re­ too little and assume unknown risks. in The MINERS, MUCKERS, LABOR­ big parade is Westward Ho and ported that the highway commission plans letting of this Better pay higher premiums and get in- ERS AVAILABLE Employment Agency sector in November. At longest, it won’t be long until the road is complete. Then, we will have a road to San Fran­ cisco. Will Hanley retire from the commission and all in­ terests in eastern Oregon when his great ambition is re­ alized? Will he overlook the fact that construction of about 140 miles of federal-aid highway in Malheur coun­ ty will give this county, the Snake river valley, yes, Idaho towns as well as cities in his own state, a connection with a direct route and market to Los Angles? Will he over­ look the fact that the people of Jordan Valley have la­ bored unceasingly for this bread and butter market route? That they desire an outlet as keenly as did th e1 people of Burns many years? That neither highway nor train serves the Jordan Valley country ? That tne I. 0. N. is a direct route to Los Angeles and not to San Francisco, the end of the Yellowstone Cut-off? Not “Big Bill Hanley!” We believe this old timer can see on both sides of the fence. SHEA’S BIG JOB When Nyssa folks read of Charles A. Shea, it’s like reading of John Brown or Ben Jones, so familiar has the likeable name of Shea became in this locality since work began on the Owyhee irrigation project. Just as the com­ munity takes nride in the success of one of its inhabitants, it rejoices witn Charles A. Shea in his step forward in the engineering world. Shea, a member of the firm that set a world record in , a tunnel drive on its Owyhee contract, will build the huge Boulder dam. The Shea company and Pacific Bridge company of Portland and four other western con­ tractors combined to form the Six Companies, Ine., low bidders for Bo alder dam. To each member of the Big Six was allotted a definite part in the work. The big job went to Shea. He has the responsibility of construction and engineering. He will build the dam. We can scarcely encompass the immensity of the Boulder project. Its estimated cost is $80,000,000. Work has started and completion is scheduled for 1938. A com­ plete city will be built eight miles from the site. More than 50,000,000 pounds of reinforced, steel 4.200.000 yards of gravel will go into the dam. About 2.500.000 foot of lumber will be used. There will be 1.900.000 yards of tunnel excavation. Shea’s brother Gilbert Shea is director of work on the Owyhee tunnel contracts. His capable assistant, Martin Boss, was in charge when Shea recently made the world’s best tunnel run for day, week and month. It has about reached the point in this country where you can get everything needed in the kitchen in cans except elbow grease. Washing and Greasing A SPECIALTY D IS K S T O V E R ’S Ontario, Oregon DRIVE IN It has been our observation that a bald spot is often the only thing that will make some men reflect. Our Work Is Guaranteed— Our Price Is Right HERMAN T0WNE SERVICE GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP Call Day or Night Shop Phone 16 Residence 99 RETURNS TO MEMBERS Farmers Co-operative Creamery Average to Nov. 30, including Stock Dividends 39.75 Total Stock Cash Monthly Dividend Dividend Price .32 .02 .02 .28 Dec. 1930 .26 .02 .02 .22 Jan. 1931 .30 .02 .02 .26 Feb. 1931 .30 .02 .02 .26 Mch. 1931 .25 .02 .02 .21 Arpil 1931 .24 .02 .02 .20 May 1931 .24 . 02 .02 .20 June 1931 HISTORY P R O V E S ............. (I FREE EMPLOYMENT ..AGENCY S HELTON’S D A I R Y NYSSA, OREGON UNITED LAUNDRY SECOND STREET, NYSSA Under management of T. R. Pashley and Company LAUNDRY CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 20 Years Experience in Washing and Ironing 1TL u ffiu } Patronize Home Industry Give us a trial—you will be pleased PHONE 36F2 MAKEYOUR DOLLAR GO FARTHER See This New Irrigated Fields Now Produce Uniform Well Developed Crops Eversm sn m achine level* g ro u n d so w ell th at uni­ form planting is accom plished. U niform gro w th follow s w ith no w asted tim e o r w ater. T h at’s why irrigation farm ers praise this lereler. AultmatKMUy re­ moves the high places and dis­ tributes d irt evenly over low ones w ith enough extra for settl­ ing. Sm ooths and levels as it goes. Saves tim e, lab o r and w a­ ter. A real m oney m aker. Ask your dealer for a d em onstration Eder Hardware Co Nytta, Oregon We Put Your -AUTO- MODEL F MAYTAG WASHER at LESS TH A N $110 The world leadership of the Maytag year after year should make you hesitate to buy a washer be­ fore seeing the Maytag and washing with it. One trial washing with the Maytag will convince you of its superior speed, carefulness and convenience. The new Model “F” Maytag w’asher gives you more outstanding advantages than ever before offer­ ed in a washer at its price. Call and see this newest Maytag product. Divided payments you’ll never miss. In Tip Top Shape Don’t let your car go to pieces while you are napping. Our service is prompt, courteous, effic­ ient ; our rates are low. TRY US FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION A good wife is one who always asks her husband’s advice when she has decided what to do. A rich man is one who isn’t ashamed to ask the clerk to show him something cheaper. To give you a quicker, more efficient and any kind of welding job desired Our milk is pure, wholesome and clean—use more of it. OWYHEE CLUB Nyssa, Oregon J. Langton. Prop. Phone 112 Time now moves so swiftly that it seems only a step from the highchair to the rumble seat. Any married man can tell you that the honeymoon is over when he eats whether she does or not. Electric W elder That successful, healthy people have used a substantial portion of milk in their diet. —Call at the— -------- At--------- To get right down to brass tacks no girl can live on the interest her boy friend shows in her. You may be able to make your friends think you are important, but if you want something hard try making your wife think the same thing. All kinds of farm help, labor for any requirement, men or women. JUST INSTALLED POWELL’S SERVICE STATION NYSSA OREGON NORDALE FURNITURE STORE NYSSA PHONE 94 1