THË GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1931 hay In progress on many farms as well, this might be called the busiest season of the year In the Nyssa valley. - | Thoe Coward and Delbert Baker fln- Arcadia—Harvest of grain is w«U another appie tpraying this week, under way throughout this district. The Mrs. Ray Amens and ner son Duane crop is good. Many acres of grain are I have been spending a month in the in the shock and several fields are Blue mountains above LaOrande. Mr. combined. W lththe second cutting of Amens went after his wife la3t week. ARCADIA HARVESTS CRAIN; SECOND HAY M O R E COMFORT FOE YO U R HOME A few dollars spent in remodeling your kitchen this summer will save you hours of unwholesome drudgery and turn household tasks into pleasure. MODERNIZE! In one inexpensive step you achieve two goals. A more livable, lovable home! A greatly increased market value! It will also surprise you What a can of paint will do We are here to serve you with a complete line o f PABCO paint, wall finish and build­ ing supplies. Boise - Payette Lumber Company Dwight Smith, Manager Nyssa, Oregon Rhodes Electric HATMAN JOINS OUR EVER GROWING EQUIPMENT FAMILY DROP IN AS YOU PASS AND SEE THE Latest In Modern Hat Machinery The Hatman Puts Any SHAPE In Any HAT and Puts It THERE TO STAY Wesley Newton accompanied him and DR. ROY STARK WAS FALLING STAR WAS he and Duane remained at Island City. J E Vincent family of Caldwell were VISITOR IN BIG BF.ND HIGHLIGHT IN TRIP guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs T E TO MALHEUR tO . .Sager. Elg E«nd—Dr and Mrs Roy Stark Mrs. J. T. Long, with Mr. and Mrs Dart Long, returned from Salem last and Mrs Elsie Nichols, sister of Mrs W P Mathews, arrival here Saturday week. They held a homecoming picnic Stark, of Hamilton. M ont, spent a from Puyallup. Wash., found that he on the lawn Sunday. week with relatives In Big Bend, leav­ had something in common with Nyssa ing Tuesday, people w hen he glanced over a copy of OWYHEE BUILDER IS Last Thursday evening they were last week's Journal. With more than at a family dinner t jy ordinary interest he read the account HERE FROM SEATTLE honored Mrs, H. R. Hatch, sister of Dr. Stark. of a falling star, as he observed it Guests also Included Mr. and Mrs. Tom while camP>n8 in a canyon near An- Owyhee Dam—Jas. Lawlor, of the Ferguson and son of Apple Valley Mr I drews’ Oregon. He stated that in his General Construction company, arriv­ t o d Mrs. Howard Hatch and sons’ Mr’ I opinion the meteor was more beautiful ed last Friday from Seattle. Sunday and Mrs. Homer Hatch and daughter I,han any rocket he saw at a huge ilre' he and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cook made Misses Helen and Pauline. Homer and1 works dlsplay in Spokane the Fourth. a trip to the Theif Valley Indian re­ Paul Hatch. | Mathews has been traveling around servation. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone of bit and 0wyhee dam and Nyssa were in John Burkey, of the Vale reclama- Roswell entertained Dr. -and Mrs hls ltinerary- He haa friends at Owy [ tion office, was a guest of the F. A. Stark, Mrs. Nichols, Mr and Mrs H R hee’ the Frank Lawlor family. Law Banks family last week end. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. S. H Stark and lor’s daughter Gladys was a student in One of the most enjoyable dances Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark. , Puyftllup high school last year I ever given here was held Friday at Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stark " } like your great eountry immense the theatre. The Seattle Jazz orches­ gave a reunion picnic dinner at their ly' said Mathew- "If is inspiring to tra furnished the music A large crowd ‘¿ mev | visualize what an empire it will be attended. The month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. ^ en “ J * ■uppUed, anoth« r 10° Several members of the Idaho de w h ? T “ T * 1 C° P | partment of public works were at the Clyde Riggs underwent an intestinal j T J f f ™ ’ operation at Caldwell sanitarium last ° f The Journal t0 his home clty' dam Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple of - Roswell Wednesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell of Parma Mrs. Joe Bruning, H. E. Peck and daughter Frances were in Caldwell | were here Sunday. Engineer F. A. Banks made a busi Wednesday. ness trip to Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bosshardt of Parma were guests of the N. S. Phelan family last Wednesday. PENTECOSTAL SERVICES IRONSIDE YOUTH “Assembly of God" meetings at the A crowd, almost as large as the WEDS IDAHO GIRL Fourth of July crowd, picnicked at Big L. D. S. church in Nyssa every Sunday Bend park Sunday at the Nampa-Cald- evening. Subject for July 26—Where Are the Ironside—Arthur Beam, son of Mr well Masonic picnic. A splendid music­ Dead? and Mrs. E. J. Beam, and Miss Celia al program and baseball rounded out Come and hear this important sub Olson of Buhl were married in Canyon the day. It is estimated that close to ject explained from a biblical stand­ City a week ago Monday. Friends gath­ 1000 people attended. Joe Bruning was home from Hun­ point. Everyone welcome. ered at the Beam home Sunday even­ G. H. Ragsdale, Pastor tington Sunday. ing and charivaried them. Miss Miriam Colwell, student at La- Herbert Van Cleave and wife moved M. E. COMMUNITY CHURCH. to Hereford Tuesday where he has Grande normal, visited the Phelan 9:45. Sunday school. R. J. Davis, family Saturday. highway work. Arch and Kenneth Parker, Erie Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oakes and Mrs. S, D. Duncan were in Weiser visiting rela­ Mausling, Henry Hatch and Dyre Rob­ erts left Monday to fish at Strawberry tives last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Elms and Mr. and lake. REDUCTIONS IN R. L. Haworth and daughters were Mrs. Chas. Elms of Haines went huckle- in Caldwell Saturday. berrying at North Powder. DRY CLEANING Mrs. Earl Ripley has been 111. Floyd White delivered some hogs In Men’s Suits Cleaned ADRIAN MERCHANT Ontario Thursday. and pressed .... $1.00 Eli Rose, Wm. Westfall and Mrs. GOES TO SEASHORE Myrtle Rose and chllldren were In Vale Single pan ts........ 50c Wednesday. Adrian—To escape the July heat, Suits steamed and Ray Duncan accompanied Ivan E. John E. Holly, Adrian merchant, and Oakes of Ontario on a trip to Portland pressed ............ 50c his family left Sunday for Seaside and | last week. other beach resorts where they will I Silk Dresses....... $1.00 Mrs. Omer Presley was called to spend three weeks vacation. They mo­ Westfall by the illness of her mother tored over the Oregon Trail and plan toj Mrs. L. Lamberson. NYSSA return via the John Day highway. The ladies’ club gave Mrs. Pete Pres­ Mr. Holly and his nephew Raymond ley a shower last Wednesday at the TAILOR SHOP Holly were in Parma Saturday. home of Mrs. Orville Nichols. Thirty The Otis garage looks much im prov-, H. R. SCOTT, Prop. guests attended. ed since it received a coat of paint from Webb Otis. If your subscription is due we will Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeldon moved appreciate your renewal. If we have Into the Chas. McConnell cabin Satur­ the circulation we can make The day. Journal the biggest paper In Malheur Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McConnell and county. children Vera and Ellen returned Thursday from a pleasant vacation at Payette lake. WANT ADS E. G. Hopkins and family spent the TRUCKING WANTED—WORK OF ANY KIND. week end with Mr. Hopkins’ brother in cooking preferred. Inquire at Jour­ the Boise section. The Hopkins re­ and turned Monday. nal office. W. E. Ashcraft and C. E. Winters TRANSFERRING FOR RENT—4-ROOM modern house made a trip to their mining claims near unfurnished. See Mrs. Chas. Mc­ Silver City Sunday. Raymond Holly spent Sunday in the Connell, City. Phone 15 and Phone 2 8 Jess Johnston home. FRUIT CANNED WITH HONEY has C. KLINKENBERG superior flavor. Heat honey—do not Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing spent boil—pour over cooked fruit like syrup Sunday with Mrs.. Annie B. O’Neill and Cup of honey same as cup of sugar other friends In Vale. Call for Foster’s honey. YOUR OLD HAT NEW FOR $ 1.00 (Div. Ontario Laundry) Everybody - Washes - With - Rain - Water - Jones A SPECIALTY ---------- At---------- DICK STOVER’S Ontario, Oregon DRIVE IN (ßljitrrlj C o lu m n S A I L IE P R IC E S Fortieth Anniversary Sale— Alexan­ der's at Ontario. 10 Days, Starting July 16. K O II O K FLÖRSHEIM SHOES AH Men’s Styles now and TOGGERY BILL GOOD CLOTHS FOR MEN C ity T ra n s fe r ONTARIO OREGON L isten t o t h e N ash P ara d e o f P rogress and Max Bendix, Official Bandmaster o f the Chicago IN NYSSA YOU NEED the articles. I need the money. I sell for less. Why not ex­ change? Two customer’s premiums in August. Hazel D. Gildea, City. THE PRESSARY W ashing and Greasing j FOR SALE—One good work horse. E. J Beam. Nyssa. LET US MAKE superintendent. JOS1E J. BLOKLAND. Pastor. 11 a. m. Morning service. Re.v Jcsie J. Rlokland will be present after her va- METHODIST LADIES AID ! nation at Wallowa lake anJ i .land c'*ty. i P in. Epnorth league Jclhod. r ¡«die: will meet at the « p. in. Evsnm* servic*. home va aitò. C. A. a c L ou July mj . We bid you welcome to any and all of at 2 o'clock All members urgecfTo be our servier- pre*,tnt. Visitors welcome I9 J J orld’s Fair, and his Band. Coast-to-Coast,Tues­ day E v en in g ! o ver N B C N e tw o rk , 9 :0 0 E a s te r n D ayligh t S a vin g Tim e BUILT BY E L I BRIDGE COMPANY JACKSONVMÍ PIANOS AT REDUCED PRICES by adjustor of collections: Cambridge piano, rebuilt............( 75.00 Kimball Mahogany case......... — 150.00 Gulbra.isen, like new ................. 165.00 and others. Monthly or fall terms. For details write J. E. Brown, General De livery, Nyssa. Oregon. ILLUSA STATEMENT OF CONDITION NEW NASH F irst N ational Bank of Parm a, Idaho CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30. 1931 RESOURCES Loans and discounts ...... _____ $191,622.5« 8tock Federal Reserve Bank ........... 2,250.00 Banking house .................................. 30,000.00 Furniture and fixtures .........„......... 10,000 00 Other real estate............................... 5,628 32 Capital Stock _______________ Surplus ..... ..........—..... ..........— Undivided profits and reserve Circulation .......... .................. Deposits ____ ________________ „...$ 50,000.00 .... 25.000.00 .... 19,431,61 .... 30,000.00 ..... 296,390.40 Cash Assets U. 8. Bonds ____ ___ „... $31.000 00 Other bonds ................. 46.600.00 Warrants ....................... 7.020.94 Cash and exchange ...... 96,700 09 Total Cash A ssets_____ Total Reaourcea HELPFUL --- -------------- I LIABILITIES THE BIG SHOW -AT- 181,32103 «420.821.91 Total Liabilities BANK OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W B MITCHELL. President E. O. JOHNSON, Vice President W E. KERRICK, Vioe President R b MITCHELL, Cashier L. J. r i t s u h l l URTH and C. J. KNIFEL. Assistant Cashiers JAS. B. NEWPORT EDOAR DILLY FRANK A, MILLER 8. O TUNING $420.821 91 SERVICE Nyssa, Oregon Tuesday, July 21 TO Saturday, July 25 Announced June 28 th " " S ynchro S a fety S h if t S ilen t S econd Drive it f From $795 to $202 5 . . . f. o. b. factory Unusually low delivered prices, $998 to $2326 Powell Service Station Nyasa, Oregon