THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1931 —— e = . BORAH SPEAKS MEN HURT AT ; t AT BEND 4TH OWYHEE DAM ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and Miss ley, Tom Lowe, Wm. 8chwelzer and Alta went to Boise Sunday for a visit John Wall. Dr. Sarazln paid a profes- with Miss Ruby Bradley. Mrs. Brad ! sional call Sunday. ley's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ald- Mr and Mrs. O. R Hite are in Burns ildge accompanied them and remained till after the Fourth. When not fishing Owyhee—Kenneth W a ll* purebred for a week with their grandshlldren in ' they are relieving Oral of the care of Ray Ivfendlzona’s sheep. He Is down | ______ Hampshire sow recently gave birth to a Boise. ! lor a brief stay. litter of ten pigs, one o f which was a Owyhee Dam— Malcolm Nelson and Visitors at the Kllngback home dur On account o f Illness, Lou De Qoede Big Bend— Various committees are peculiar freak possessing three normal Robert Sweep were painfully Injured ing the past week, to see the young son did not present a violin solo for the busily arranging for the enteitainment legs and In place of the usual fourth a last week when they were struck by of all who attend the Fourth of July | short hand-like formation with four who arrived Thursday, June 25, were ! graduation program. lengths of steel while working on the toes. The freak was killed. Miss Marguerite Reeder of McMlnn- celebration in Big Bend park S d. y. steel reinforcing at the glory hole. The Mesdames Kygar. DeOoede, A. C. Brad- ville was a guest of her former school- .W ith Senator Wm. E. Borah, member steel collapsed and fell on the men. mate Miss Alta Bradley from W ednes-lo i congress from Idaho, as orator all Nelson suffered three broken ribs, a may be prepared for a real treat this day till Friday. dislocated shoulder and painful cuts. I year. He is said to be the forem ost; He Is confined to Dr. J. J. Sarazln's Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truleson were speaker of the west. There will be pic- hospital at the dam. Sweep, who sus Sunday guests In the Peutz home. nic, sports and dancing. FOR T H A T F O U R T H OF J U L Y tained a sprained ankle and bruises, Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoede and chlld- Miss Irm a Betts sustained a badly accompanied his father to Caldwell ! ren John and Jean, who have been vls- It mg in the Kygar home, left Saturday nl* ^ n„ cherries at the Saturday' A tlllrd man' 1 S l^ trid g e . -------- - ---- - - --------- -- ------- ladder while picking cherries at tne suffered mlnor bruises. for Ogden, where Mr. De Ooede has a "last week. She is Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clapp had as Un year lease on a service station. They I ,7* ... * „ * ... ... i walking with the aid of crutches, stopped in Wallace to visit relatives. . Wad® p -T a has been postponed to their guests last week end Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Atkinson and children of Los Mrs. F. L. DeBord of Payette Is visit- 1 July 10 when Mrs chas. McConnell Angeles. ing in the Klingback home during M rs.! ^ Mrs Wm oibson will entertain at Ole Sater is In the hospital ill of j K.ingback's Illness. j the former's home. quinsey. | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Betts, Mr. and Mrs. j Bert Hall is leaving for Burley, Ida., I E. H. Brumbach, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. to visit his mother and his family. Mrs. THIS A N D T H A T W itty and the Harry Russell family at- Hall and the children will return with C H O IC E B O ILE D H A M , lb 50c I tended commencement at Kingman him. By CHARLES C R A IL school Friday. Miss Virginia McKinney of Caldwell l i l i S AO bAAw AAA Ob AOOUw P A bAAC COiUUIII Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck, delegates at is visiting Mrs. David Henderson. C lA ba bA C U ' X I I a S t t l i u A is tt b i l l U ie UUwC SPICED H A M , lb. 40c state grange In Medford, reported on Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Banks spent Mon w/ib> ootaiiiti. lia s cuiUiiiii is pianiicu the convention at the recent meeting day in Emmett and Boise. bo uc a uacc ung piace oi me coiumiusu» of Big Bend grange. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cook were visitors Bologna, lb. ...................................... ............ 20c ana me reuaeis. xno column suen as ] The Miller and Holly families, with in Ontario last week end. I their visitors from Los Angeles, pic Mrs. Margaret Pruce le ft Sunday for mis can be successlui witnoui me co nicked at Owyhee dam Tuesday. her home in Stevens Point, Wls„ after operation of those who are mteresteu Mrs. C. E. Peck and Mrs. Eva Ham visiting her daughter Mrs. David Hen C O R N BEEF, lb. 35c and take part in it. In talking to peo blin received the sad news Tuesday of ple of Nyssa and the surrounding coun the death of their brother Francis E. derson since December. Wallace Beardsley of Seattle arrived try I find, particularly among tne Wade of Aurora, 111. He suffered of a Wednesday to spend his second summer younger set, a great interest taken in long illness. at Owyhee dam. He attended Washing me early history of this section of the Mrs. Clyde Riggs and baby of Ros ton State college last term. C O T T A G E CHEESE, L U N C H GOODS state. Malheur county, as you know, is well are guests of Mrs. B. G. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith were in Miss Bernice Tureman left Monday Payette Saturday. one of the largest counties In existence, O f A ll Kind« being close to 10,000 square miles In for Baker where she will visit a few Mrs. V. O. Fahrney and children area, a county larger than seven states. days before returning to her home In moved to Nyssa where they will spend Particularly I find that people wish to Salem. She was the guest of her aunt the remainder of the summer and the school term. They live in the Kelly know how names originated, how and Mrs. Joe K ing here. For your convenience we will be open Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Millsap of Notus addition, where Mrs. J. W. Hanks for who by and when different communi and Paul Millsap and little daughter of merly resided. ties derived their names. So In my In until 9 o’clock a. m. Saturday, July 4th southern Missouri were calling on Erdley Glass sustained a painful in troductory paragraph I am going to friends here Tuesday. jury to his thumb. ask our readers to help us all they can J. W. Bruning returned to L a Grande Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bohlson made a In supplying this Information that we last week to resume work on a highway trip to their ranch near Caldwell last younger people do not have. contract. week end. Robert Peck of Owyhee dam spent In driving up from Big Bend Sunday the week end at home. He and Miss evening, I noticed how a few minutes’ Lucile Rogers and Frances Peck were in work on the part of farmers, with Boise Saturday. Farmers under the Riverside ditch j the aid of a mowing machine, helped j eliminate the weed menace that Is are using water in rotation to conserve the short supply. growing larger yearly In our country. 3-LEG PIG BORN O N O W Y H E E FA R M j Fireworks ! I G E T Y O U R ICE E A R L Y NYSSA, OREGON PH O N E 6 FREE Employment Agency j The other night In McCoy's drug store ye columnist finally learned the | only time that a fisherman tells the truth Is when he calls another fisher man a liar. JULY 2 - 3 - 4 Championship Baseball Games Between Ny»«a, 1-0 Pennant Winner and three teams next in line. RODEO! DANCING! Vale and Ontario had a golf tourna ment featuring the mayors of the two towns. Mayor Joe Kizer of Vale defeat ed Mayor Geo. Aiken of Ontario in nine holes by a score of 41 to 45 Wonder If Nyssa couldn't do the same. How about It, golfers? Vale Is ready with Its annual Fourth of July celebration. I wonder how many Nyssaltes will attend. This celebration seems to be almost a county affair rather than a county seat civic pro gram. I understand that in the past Nyssa has contributed one of the larg est crowds representing any of the nearby municipalities. K IN G M A N K O L O N Y P.-T. A. Kingman Kolony P.-T. A. cleared funds at a recent chicken sale, netting money for the budget that was raised for sending Kingman Kolonq delegates. Leonard Nichols and Viola Glascock, to 4-H summer school at Corvallis. The next meeting is Friday. July 19. at the home of Mrs. Maurice Judd. w o rk s r-T«> All highways lead to Vale, the Fourth of July town. Meet your friends and Celebrate! SO M E TH IN G D O IN G E V E R Y M IN U T E ! u Iron Rusts, so young Oerald Rust must be mostly iron. A 13-year-old boy who can take care of himself when snake bitten is all man. LET US Paint the Car BAND Barbecue • 4th (Continued From First Page.) under hill, bluff and mountain, was de termined by the trianglation method. Tunnels meet at the ohea camp as the company Is constructing the Inlet end of the big diversion tunnel and also the outlet end of the 414 mile tunnel that will carry water to the Gem unit In Idaho. The second tunnel Is 9 feet 4 Inches In diameter. S. S. Magoffin company Is excavating the inlet end. Faces o f the two tunnels come within a few yards in Shea camp. Estimated cost of the Owyhee pro ject complete Is $17,000,000. It contains 73.000 acres of new land. 12,000 acres under the Owyhee Ditch company and 40.000 acres under pumping districts of the Snake river. Guided over the project by Engineer Banks and his assistant C. A. Betts, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing of The Journal and Dr. J. J. Sarazln, director of the district, enjoyed the hospitality of folk at the Owyhee dam immensely. W ill somebody, preferably an old- timer or pioneer In this section please write me a letter telling how Kingman Kolony, Adrian. Mitchell butte, or any other local place, received Its name, and when? Just because you think per haps your neighbor will send in this in formation Is no reason for you not to send it in yourself. L E T ’S GO! VALE O W Y H E D A M U P 330 FT. T U N N E L S N E A R M EET 600 FT. U N D E R E A R T H W e have a large assortment of Firecrackers, Rock ets, Roman Candles, Cap Guns, Sparklers, etc., to make the Fourth of July complete. A-Fourthing With our spray outfit. Just name your favorite color. A . real job for less money this spring. SERVICE GARAGE At P O W E L L S T A T IO N NYSSA PHARMACY Remember W e Carry Outing Need« a In Low Priced Packages 1 fhlhÛndet; W orld’s Greatest Low-Price T iret Here, too! — More People Lawrence Service Station —Call at the OWYHEE CLUB Nyssa - Oregon Ride on Goodyear Tire* —shouldn't you find out why? Goodyears consistently stand up better on our roads— grip bet ter, ride farthef, look bet ter, give less trouble, cost no more to buy. What’s more, we can PR O V E the exact reasons. Goodyear builds more than •/« o f all tires sold in Am erica! Goodyear O U G H T to offer greater values! O U R F R E E S E R V IC E SA V E S YO U M ONEY First, we clean and straighten your rims — then carefully mount and inflate new tires. W e shift other tiree to best ad vantage. Next, we’re always here to watch your tires and help you to get a ll the extra servier Goodyear builds into them. Real money-saving serv- lee— no extra c h a r g e .__________I Holstein Milk H ealth Uitalihj Uiqor W henever y o u s e e bright-eyed, active young sters brimming over with health and vitality it is certain they are receiving a plentiful supply of prop er nourishment. Milk it the only single food prod uct which contains all the nutritive elements neces sary to promote health and growth. A liberal use of it strengthens the mus cles and vitalizes the blood. There is no waste to it, and it is a very eco nomical article of diet for the whole family. Herman Townc Prop. Shop Phone 16 Residence Phone 99— Call at any time. ♦ NYSSA, OREGON All kinds of farm help, labor for any requirement, men or women. J. Langton, Prop. Phone 112 i See U » Before You Go MINERS, MUCKERS. LAB O R ERS A V AILAB LE FREE EM PLO YM E NT ..AGENCY Nyssa, Oregon I FOR TH E KIDS Picnic Dinner Nyssa Packing Company ® It Makes the Youngsters Grow Kiddies thrive on Holstein milk because it comes from large, vigorous, healthy cows and contains an abundance of nature’s vitalizing and growth-producing elements. Its fat content is such as not to cause digestive disorders. It contains lime for strengthen ing the bones and teeth, its proteins build muscle and its vitamines produces growth. Holstein milk is produced for this city under strict sanitary inspection standards. It comes from healthy Holstein cattle and it reaches you through dependable distributing channels. sk Your Dealer for Holstein Milk S U N S H I N E M IL K A Oualitv Product Deliveredlce Cold K e e p s l o n g e r — t r y it S U N S H IN E D A IR Y F. W . O ST E R K A M P, Owner ACROSS the BRIDGE from NYSSA it g