Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1931)
«= M i s s H u n t Is W ANT ADS B r i d e At H o m e FCft U n fT —Nice front bedroom with bath. Lloyd Marshall residence. City. June 11* FOR SALE—Refrigerator new. John Moore, City. Wedding Sunday practically Sunday morning at nine o'clock at a pretty wedding at the country home of PLEASE COME AND LOOK OVER the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. my new stock o f notions. If I can t Hunt. Lillie May Hunt became the sell them for less I don't have them. I bride o f Merritt M. Qreeling, Junior, appreciate customers more than profit. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Oreeling of Hazel D. Glides, opposite Powell S. S. Kingman Kolony. The ceremony was performed by the PRIVATE TUTORINO FOR UNFIN Rev. Miss Josle J. Blokland In the liv ISHED grade pupils. Mrs. J. E. ing room of the Hunt home In the Douglass, Phone 63, City. 20]nl8 presecne of relatives and a few friends, and was followed by a breakfast. Love LOLT, STRAYED OR STOLEN—Nine ly summer flowers decorated the rooms. The bride was charming In a lovely head of cattle branded iw on left hip, both ears cropped, and split In the left dress of white silk mulle with eylet em one. Please notify Wm. Peuta, phone broidery. She carried a shower bou quet of sweet peas and roses. She was 73F1-3, Nyssa, Oregon. June 4* attended by her sister Miss Margaret Hunt, who wore pink chiffon. The groom's attendant was Frank L. Davison, of Boise, a college friend. NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS The bride graduated from Nyssa Town patrons, 3:30 to 5:30. high school In 1922 and In 1925 received her diploma from tlie Oregon Normal Out of town patrons. 2:30 to 7:30. school. She taught In Nyssa three years, and two years In nearby districts. She is a charming girl and the entire community extends good wishes. Mr. Creeling graduated from the University of Idaho In 1930. He is a member of Theta Kappa Epsilon fra NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT ternity. He is employed with the Eder Hardware company at Adrian, but dur ing vacation time has been assisting Steam Heat—Outside Rooms with work In the Nyssa store. The A MODERN HOUSE FOR NY88A i couple will spend July at the Hunt home and will live at Adrian after August 1. Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Oreel- ing left for Yellowstone park. R. D. Lytle Out-of-town surprise guests at the Attorney and Counselor at Law wedding were former teachers o f the Nyssa school. Misses Mary Beck and First National Bank Building Pauline LaMar of Corvallis and Kath Phone 66 leen Hyde of Buhl, who is with the Girl Reserves at Payette lake. Vale Oregon • • • Owyhee Hotel 1930 CLASS REUNION Complimentary to Miss Pauline La Mar of Corvallis, class advisor two years of the class of 1930 of Nyssa high ° h ! school, last year s graduates gathered at the C. C. Hunt home near town Sun day evening for a reunion. Oames, visiting and refreshments made the event a pleasant one. Ouests were John and Annie Stam, Kenneth McNall. Roy Oarrlson, Dorothy Kaylor, Harold Brooks, Lilbum Haley, Clarno Colen- baugh. Oeo. Reberger, Jeanette Mar tin, Pearl Williams, Margaret Hunt, Katherine Leuck, Max Dunaway, Lil lian Austin, Leonard Marshall, of the class of 1930. and Betty Tensen and Margaret Ann Morgan of the class of 1931. Miss Beck and Miss LaMar were In- tertalned at the homess o f Mrs. Leo D. Hollenberg, Mrs, Ralph Haworth and Mrs, Hunt during their visit last week end. DCDT0PU DADDED OnUr CUftD yearsof theclasaoi o t n I d u n BAnUtn BETWEEN FORD OARAOE AND OOZY CAFE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS E. M. Blodgett Attorney and Counselor at Law Practice in all Courts NYSSA, OREGON • • , vss!\ ! * OTIS GARAGE Auto Repairing and Blacksmithing ADRIAN, OREGON LUNCHEON AT OWYHEE DAM Mrs. Charles Clapp gave a bridge luncheon Wednesday for eight friends from Nyssa and elgm ladies who live at Owyhee dam. Tables were pretty with bouquets of Owyhee-grown flowers. Four tables were arranged for cards after the luncheon. Prizes went to Mrs Joe Wood, first: Mrs, F, O. Bohlson, second; Mrs. John A. Moore, consola tion; and Mrs. E. D. Norcott, high hand. 'Other guests were Mrs. Ben Cook, Mrs. W. 8. Adams. Mrs. F. A. Banks. Mrs. F. Oreen. Mrs. Earl Harman. Mrs. A. Lewis, Mrs. C. L. McCoy, Mrs. Frank BARBER SHOP T. Morgan. Mrs. F. B. Schlapkohl, Mrs. New and N ea t--------- Service to Please J. J. Sarazin, Mrs. A. H. Boydell and Room East of Drug Store Mrs. F&rnham Sills. • • • YOU’LL FIND IT O. K. IMPROVE CHURCH Partition curtains Improve the sp ire arance and add to the convenience of the basement of the Methodist church. The new curtains are appreciated by Sunday school classes In particular. Funds for th purchase of curtain ma terial were received from cooked food sales given by the ladles aid. CHIROPRACTIC • • • TEA FOR SCOUTS Phon• 29—Ret. 25 Mrs. Dick Tensen and her mother NYSSA, OREGON Mrs. Betty LaFrens gave a tea last Fri day for the Olrl Scouts. Others are planned for the near future. O THË GATË CiTV JOURNAL, THURSDAY, 3 CAR IS STOLEN AT OWYHEE DAM APPLE VALLEY TRIMS BEND 8-4 AT NYSSA JUNE 25 , 1931 Our Neighbors Apsle Valley—Big Bend end Apple In Nyssa and Nearby j Valley ball teams played at Nyssa Sun day. Apple Valley won 8 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Copeland had as SUMMER’S ADVANCE SEES IN OUR BUTCHER BACHELOR CREASE IN NUMBER OF SIGHT their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hard times? Sidney "Butch" Bur- SEERS AT OWYHEE DAM; WORK Ketchum of Frultland, old friends of bidge an remember the time when he Wallowa county days. SPEEDS AHEAD. Ladles Aid met with Mrs. R. S. Mc worked for 48 cents a week and board Intyre Thursday. Thirteen were In at in Boston. Lincolnshire, England—and Owynee Dam—A Pontiac cabriolet. tendance. _ Among other business It was owned by Tom Ostram, was stolen dMlded to have'a benefit Ice cream liked it. He smoked (one package of from here last Wednesday night. O f social at the school house Wednesday cigarettes per week), attended the ficials report that It has been located ¿veiling theatre (one show) and had a few in Kimberly. Wyoming. j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell and pence to spare. Although Butch was content at his Mr. and Mr». J. R. Gregg of Ontario I daughter Lorene were Sunday dinner arid Mrs. Oregg's daughter. a visitor guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Caldwell, first job a year or so, he became dis- Cedrlc Caldwell went to the Owyhee satisfied when he heard glowing ac-1 from Minneapolis, Minn., were at the dam with Olen Vau Landingham Wed- counts of America. He planned to leave dam last Friday. ■ - J ' ------------ ^ ----------- " Summer days are bringing the usual nesday. number of sightseers to Owyhee dam. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacTague, old ! They never fall to marvel at the great friends of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, are canyon where each passing day sees here from Oklahoma. They have been progress on the irrigation dam that Is In California and Washington and are now more than half completed. They ' visiting the Martin family on their way marvel at the modern man-saving ma home. chinery used by the General Construc Mr and Mrs. R. S. MacIntyre and tion company and they are always grandson Robert Jr., were business vis pleased with the pretty village of homes itors at the county seat Monday. at Owyhee. Parties were here Sunday Miss Maud Cone was entertained at from Nyssa. Caldwell, Homedale, Fruit- the Rucker home Sunday. land, Payette and elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gibbons of Mrs. Agnes Wilson arrived Wednes Swan Falls and Miss Mary Nicholson day to spend a week with her son Hal of Weiser were callers at the home of ley Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston Sunday. Mrs. Mrs. A1 Johannesen gave a small Boston, Sr., and Pauline Rogers were evening bridge party Sunday. Two dinner guests. tables of cards were in play. Prizes ►There is one kind of printing went to Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wtlferth, that you want—printing that pays 4-H MEMBERS LEAVE high; Halley Wilson and his mother a dividend on the investment. Mrs. Agnes Wilson, low. SUMMER SCHOOL ►A letterhead with right sort o f Mrs. Clifford Betts and children have type properly balanced is a real gone to Connecticut for a visit with Corvallis—Leonard Nichols, King- business asset. It wins the approv relatives o f Mr. Betts. They also plan man Kolony, winner of second place In al o f the person receiving your letter, and w hile he is in this to stop in Iowa to see Mr. Betts' peo the state finals of the 4-H news writ frame o f mind your letter is read. ple. ing contest. Viola Glascock, also of Mrs. F. A. Banks and Mrs. Earl Har Kingman Kolony; Ruth Ketchum, ►The same reasoning applies to any other job o f printing. Neat mon and daughter were In Ontario Vale; and Marie Imbler, Oregon Slope; ness,the right weight and kindof Monday. were among the more than 700 club paper, the color o f the ink, the Engineer Banks and daughter Lau- boys and girls who returned to their selection o f the type, all play an rina left Monday for Nampa where homes after the close of the 17th an important part in the production Laurina will spend the week with her nual 4-H summer school ending June o f dividend printing. grandparents. Mr. Banks will attend 20 at Oregon State college. W e ora e q u ip p e d to business affairs In Boise. They brought with them new ideas to give you A that kind of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bohlson were and methods in agricultural and home printing. ^ G ^ ^ L e t u t Caldwell visitors the first of the week. making practices. prove it to y o u . Mrs. H. Hanford arrived Saturday Olrls outnumbered the boys at the from Ellensburg and Is at home in her summer session nearly 2 to 1. Each new residence at Owyhee dam. Mrs. morning during the session was given Sanford completed a year of teaching over to class work, agriculture for the in Ellensburg. boys, home economics for the girls. Mrs Ben Cook and Mrs. Henry Simp Supervised classes In sports, programs son entertained three tables of bridge and parties added to enjoyment of a Friday as a sort of consolation party never to be forgotten sojourn In Cor for the ladles who could not attend the vallis. circus in Nampa. Mrs. V. O. Fahrney, first; Mrs. Dick Adams, second; and C. Frank Miller, formerly local agent Mrs. Jack Mitchell, low, won prizes. for the Idaho Power company in Nyssa, M. Harper and daughters left Friday was here from Ontario this week to for Nyssa where they plan to spend a look after company business during the month. Illness of Bernard F.oct. Miller Miss Margaret Roethler and a party brought his children Ethel and Barbara of friends from Ontario were visiting to Nyssa Tuesday and they spent the NYSSA, OREGON day at the Oscar Bauer home. here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Greene and daughter attended the circus In Boise Saturday. Mrs. Oreene was the recipient of a delightful birthday surprise last Thurs day night. Bridge provided diversion and Mrs. Dick Adams was prize winner. Harold Hlnkleman and his bride are living at Owyhee. They were married recently In Baker. The bride, formerly Miss Mildred Utley of Ontario, was an employe at the Ontario telephone of fice the past year. N y ssa J ou rn al P rin tin g Dept. BIG SPECIAL - ‘ Sprise Dance — At The — VALE PARK PAVILION Saturday, June 27 MUSIC BY THE CANADIANS Admission 50c Dr.C.A.Abbott,D.c, Ladies Free! XHM H XM M M XM XM M - - - Travel aroui d with your car looking like a highway tramp’s. It is always Fix Up— Clean Up Time At Lawrence Service Station Phone 10 Nyssa, Oregon We Lubricate It “BETTER AND QUICKER” Our Curtis Rotating Auto Lift makes it possible for you to get your car thor oughly lubricated with the greatest speed and s^iety. We can't help doing it better and quicker with the Curtis Lift. SAVE VALUABLE TIME—GET REAL SERVICE AT POWELL’S SERVICE STATION NYSSA, OREGON LET U S ............ Paint the Car With our spray outfit. Just name your favorite color. A real job for less money this spring, SERVICE G A R A G E At POWELL STATION Herman Towne’ Prop. Shop Phone 16 Residence Phone 99— Call at any time. W e Pay Cash For POULTRY CASH PRICES FOR NO. 1 LIVE POULTRY AT NYSSA STORE Heavy colored hens, 4 lbs. and over, per l b ... 13c Light colored hens, 4 lbs. and under, lb ...... 10c Leghorn and light breeds, lb................ ............ 10c Leghorn broilers, 1 1-4 lbs. and o v er............. 16c Heavy Springers, 2 lbs. and over, lb..............18c Old Cocks, lb......................................................... 4c Price* subject to market changes W e are opening for business here and assure you honest dealing -Management- BOISE VALLEY AMUSEMENT COMPANY REAL WORK OF THE FARM BOARD * Auto Hearse Service—Pbooe 77 jjj DON’T Divideml Printing K The most valuable, most permanent Dr. E. D. Norcott aid given by the federal farm board to DENTIST the farmers, during the last two years Nyssa, Oregon did not consist in 1U operations to stabilize prices by providing funds to Office Phone 35F2 buy surplus crops; it consisted In ex Residence Phone iSFJ tending and strengthening co-opera tives. In this respect. Chairman Stone X-RAY EXAMINATIONS showed In an address to the American Institute of Co-operation at Manhat tan. Kan., the board has accomplished much. It has enabled large scale co operatives to gain 33.4 per cent In membership and 28.8 per cent In vol LET THE ume of products handled. It has assist NYSSA BARBER SHOP ed in unifying co-operatives handling eight principal commodities with sales Keep you looking trim. agencies on a national scale. It has MAKE OUR SHOP HEADQUARTERS made loans exceeding $240.000.000. al WHEN IN NY88 A most half of which has been repaid. It has saved several co-operatives from CHRISTY MINTON. Prop. collapse as a result of the decline In prices. The aim of the board Is to build a co operative for each commodity or class of commodity on a national scale which shall be owned and controlled by Its T. T. NELSEN member» Some of the new co-opera NINA D. NELSEN tive» have been called "farm board co operative»." but there 1» no such thing. habalmera, Vale j j The board helps them to organise on » 5 Up-to-date Undertaking Parlor m plan that will qualify them to obtain loans from the board. The co-opera 3 Fine Line of Undertaking ^ tive then goes "on it* own." * Supplies That is in Unt with the American lyvCem of leaving the people free to their own business —Oregon- i brick Owyhee hotel. Dewey Ray be came associated with Burbldge in 1922 and today they have a meat shop that Is clacted as the best in southeastern Oregon by the state inspector. Their assistants are Lester J. Ernest and Al In America good fortune awaited bert Bosch. him, a job at 830 a month and board for the Vale Meat company, the first It Is said that If men of Nyssa were six months, and then a job at the same high figure with his brother, the late entered in a popularity contest, Butch would be an easy winner. Yes, he is Horace Burbldge, In Nyssa. single. He was bom In Ketton Rutland. Butch began the butcher trade here In 1913 In the old “ tin shack," that has England In 1894. He is old enough to since been replaced by the attractive wed—but he doesn't. his old home and then the Titanic dis aster delayed him. His mother per suaded him to wait three months, long months to the ambitious English lad Then he sailed for a new land. Nyssa Produce Co. “ Cash Buyers of Poultry and Eggs” Louis A. Grenier, Prop. West Main Street Flu« I» a primary ’ noi only on th* pointer’* » — It'» a color o f pri mary Importane« In Sto word- tab« o f n on who d r « ., watt. Mon It M«*«rv » i — ond wa'vo pick«d a Uno o f «mort bitte D a irym e n ATTENTION! Liberty Theatre W e have a 320-pound ice capacity NYSSA, OREGON USED REFRIGERATOR of pood taite In dm*«. Tttey'ro Middiihodi — niodi by Mw “World** lorp«*t M fgkoi *p«d«ll*f* — op«rotl«tq on FOR SALE AT $35 In good condition. Original cost $165 • IU I avite only.“ A bargain you can’t duplicate Thank» to *p«c la fixation, lb« prioa I» *nty SEE IT T O D A Y ! <37.50 "OOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN" T0G6ERY BILL Ontario Oregon Nordaie Furniture Co. FURNITURE— New and Used Phone 94 Nys»a, Oregon WATCH The Billboaad