THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1931 OWYHEE DAM PLAYS NAMPA BUCHANAN INJURES ARM WHEN SHARPENING DRILL; 8USTAIN9 PAINFUL CUT. Owyhe« Dam—The General» were downed by Nampa batemen dubbed the Defeaters Sunday 9 to 3. A large crowd saw the game at the dam. George Carney was taken to a Boise hospital Sunday evening, suffering of a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Polk of Nampa spent Sunday at the home of Engineer and Mrs. F. A. Banks. Robert Blckel came from Boise Sat­ urday to spend the week end with the A1 Johanneson family. His parents Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Blckel were over Sunday and he returned home with them. Their daughter Miss Marietta remained at the Johanneson home. Mrs. V. G. Fahmey and children left Saturday for Baker to visit relatives. E. O. Gulley, clerk In the Vale recla­ mation office, and a party were Sunday visitors at the dam. Mrs. David Henderson was hostess at a delightful birthday surprise party In honor of her mother Mrs. Margaret Pruce at the home o f Mrs. Margaret Simpson Wednesday night. J. A. McEachem. president of the General Construction company, Mrs. McEachern and Mr. Gilpin of Portland arrived In camp Monday for a few days' stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duffy and son spent Sunday at the Joe Welssen home. Duffy played with the Nampa ball team The Duffys formerly lived at Owyhee. Mrs. A1 Johanneson gave a dessert bridge party Wednesday. Five tables o f cards were in play. Mrs. Ben Cook received first prize; Mrs. Walker WU- ferth, low. C. E. Dooley, who la responsible for the attractive lawns and flowers sur­ rounding the government buildings here, Is taking a brief vacation at Sumpter. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith spent Sun­ day in Emmett with friends. Mr, Buchanan Injured his elbow Monday when a drill which he was sharpening slipped and lacerated his arm. He expected to be on the Job In a day or two. Owyhee Hotel NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT Steam Heat—Outside Rooms A MODERN HOUSE FOR NYS8A FREE Employment Agency MINERS. MUCKERS. LABOR­ ERS AVAILABLE All kinds of farm help, labor for any requirement, men or women. LAWRENCE SERVICE STATION DR. E. D. NORCOTT, Dentist ---------- WILL GIVE---------- Is cooperating with Nyssa Business Men W ALKER TIRE PUMP in Their First Community Day Event For Community Day Prize See Us for Gas, Oil, Accessories FREE EMPLOYMENT .AGENCY Nyssa, Oregon GIGAR AND CIGARETTE LIGHTER For Your Auto We Appreciate Your Trade SERVICE GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP Herman Towne, Proprietor FREE! o n § n < c " ïg. CO 3 r- a• ^ 51 vj c 0 2 £ 3 3 § # ~- o 3 -. ST 8 ? 3 l v c Myra Vellum Stationery........................... 49c 75c Rubbing A lco h o l........................................59c 25c Epsom Salts.................................................19c Rubber A prons...................................................19c Dollar cash is our prize for Community Day CLOSING OUT SPECIALS Insurance is cheap, and like everything can be bought on the installment plan. 50c 1 lb. Opeko C o ffe e ................................ 27c 35c lb. Baking C hocolate...... .....................18c 35c Va lb- C o c o a ............................................. 18c 30c Bouillon C u b es......................................... 16c 6 Bottles Anheuser Busch Ginger Ale with 3 glasses f r e e .................................... $1.39 y2 ALWAYS ON THE JOB If you have finally come to the decision that it is imperative to get your car overhauled without delay, we’re competent and ready to serve. We perform our duties with the exact skill that gives you complete and satisfactory repair service. Larsen & Hunter Garage NYSSA, OREGON Your choice in a dollar’s worth, in merchandise or trade, is our prize for Community Day contest GOME I JOIN! Prize For A WINNER FOR THE LADY— An Aluminum Angel Food Cake Pan. FOR THE GENTLEMAN— A Safety Razor. BE SURE TO REGISTER Keep cool in the hay field with one of our Water Bags, Canteens or Thermos Bottles. See us for Fishing Tackle and Ammu­ nition for that week end trip. W e have the Freezers for that always good ice cream. Remember to order your Binder Re­ pairs early. Let us take care of your repair needs. We have the John Deere line. $1 Box of Stationery is our prize for community Day Contest SHOP IN NYSSA SATURDAY FREE SACK OF FLOUR FOR A GOOD GUESSER BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT GO. Our Prize for Community Day is One 49-Pound Sack o f Big-E Flour, a brand you will like. NYSSA, OREGON BARGAINS VEAL ROAST 15c Pound FOR COMMUNITY DAY, SATURDAY JUNE 20 INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR BACON 20c Pound Home Cured BREAKFAST BACON 25c Pound LARD 10c Pound • FAT HENS 25c Pound PURITY FLOUR, 49-lb. b a g ...................... 72c -HOME----------- Nyssa Packing Company Nyu«, Oregon FREE SLAB OF BACON Our Community Dey Prize Be Sure to G uom on Gas in Nyu* Saturday CHECKER OATS, 3 lbs................................. 19c CORN MEAL, 9 lb. s a c k ................................29c NOW is the time o f the year to Paint-up and Fix­ up your place. GERMADE, 9 lb. s a c k .................................... 29c COFFEE, Sunbrite, pound package 23c A small amount spent on economical, durable PABCO PAINT will increase its value many times the cost of materials. COFFEE, Del Monte, pound package........... 35c W e carry a complete line o f paint and wall finish. MATCHES, 2 cartons ..................................... 26c BUILDING SUPPLIES CANE SUGAR, 100 lb. sa ck ....................... $5.29 VEAL STEW, lb............................................ 10c Phone 6 5— GALLONS OF GAS— 5 Nyssa, Oregon The Busy Corner SPRING FRYS Dressed 30c Pound -------WILL GIVE------- W e Are Glad to Serve You EDER’S PRIZE Community Day Contest DAVE’S SERVICE STATION For Community Day Prize Don M . Graham LAMB STEW 10c Pound o q Ni West Main— Nyssa Generator Test Equipment 25-Pound Sack of Sugar ROAST PORK 17»/, Pound JORDAN’S GARAGE ------ WILL GIVE------- Is Our Prize for Community Day Contest Quantities of Fresh Meat on Sale Saturday at R ices that will Surprise and Please. 3 Your choice o f anything at Satisfaction Guaranteed— No Guess Work OUR VALUE PARADE J. Langton. Prop. Phone US For Community Day OUR PRIZE IS $1.00 IN TRADE GOODYEAR TIRES —Call at the— OWYHEE CLUB $1.00 PRIZE Boise - Payette Lumber Company WHITE KING, Urge package....................... 39c SOAP, P & G or Crystal White, 10 bars.........29c MALT, 2Vi lbs................................................... 36c WILSON BROS. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Nyssa, Oregon Nyssa, Oregon Quart o f Floor Enamel— choose your colors— is our prize for Nyssa Community Day contest. TRADE AT HOME W e can save you money on your grocery bill