THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY JUNE 4, 1931 first June bfltte. She was married to Roy James, also of Nyssa, by Rev. Edgar A. Pollock at the Methodist par­ sonage in Vale Monday. With their license went Malheur county’s blessing and the old-fashioned supposition that the first June bnde will be lucky and happy, above all others of the year. The bride Is the grauddaughter of was Nyssa's Mrs. Mary Felton, with whom she made N y s s a Miss Is Married Monday; First June B r i d e U rn Pauline Walker FORE! Saturday, June 6, is Opening Day at the N YSSA M INIATURE GOLF LINKS ROUND, d a y .........................................................10c ROUND’ night .................................................... 25c ----------- and----------- Pitch Horseshoes For CASH PRIZES * Entry fee: day 5c; night 10c The Nyssa Playground is under New Management JOE M AYER, Prop. Try your luck! Lots of Fun! (Uljurrlj Column her home from babyhood. She attend­ ed grade and high school in Nyssa. James was also reared In Nyssa, al­ though his parents now reside in Baker. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH After a brief trip, the oouple left 9:45 s. m. Sunday school. R. J. Davis, Tuesday for Harper where they will superintendent. make their home tor the present. James 11:00 a. m Morning worship. is employed with the W. H. Puckett S p. m. Evening worship. company on highway construction Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 above Harper. o’clock, p. m. • • • Ladies aid Thursday at 2:30 p. m. BIRTHDAY PARTY The last quarterly conference will be On her ninth birthday anniversary, held at the Methodist community June Wilson was the honoree at a church Sunday. June 14. at 8 o’clock. JOS IE J. BLOKLAND, Pastor. party given by her mother Mrs. Barney Wilson Monday altemoon. Fourteen guests enjoyed a number of lively APPLE VALLEY CHURCH i games on the lawn. Prize winners in a Jnne 7. 1931 race were Marie Sutherland, Jeanette 11:30 a. m. Sunday morning church Gilmore and Leola Harris. Lunch was service. Topic: Songs in the Night. served at a pretty birthday table. A 3 p. m. Children’s service. pink and blue color scheme was carried 7:30 p. m. Epworth league. out. There were caps, whistle and Thursday afternoon ladles aid at the place cards for favors. home of Mrs. E. A. Summy. s e e Thursday night prayer meeting at W. C. T. U. the church. The W C. T. U. met with Mrs. Leon Maud E. Cone, Pastor. Higby Tuesday afternoon with seven members present. It was decided to EPISCOPAL CHURCH hold meetings twice monthly. Mrs. 10 a. m. Sunday school. Mrs. J. Donald M. Graham will be hostess Boydell. superintendent. June 16, when election of officers will St. Paul's Guild convenes the fourth be held. After the business meeting, Wednesday every month. Mrs. Higby served refreshments. . . . OREGON TRAIL SCHOOL 4-H CLUB PARTY • 10:30 a. m. Sunday school every Sun­ The second division o f the 4-H club day morning. Mrs. Glen Holmes, sup­ entertained the first division at a lawn erintendent. party at the country home of Mrs. H. The school Is preparing for a Child­ R. Sherwood Friday afternoon. Lead­ ren’s Day program here June 14. ers of the divisions, Mrs. Sherwood and Miss Thelma Leuck, with their club LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH girls, attended. * • • 10 a. m. Sunday school. Robert Gil­ christ, superintendent. MASONIC DELEGATES Supt. Leo D. Hollenberg. worthy master of the Nyssa Masonic lodge, will leave Monday to attend grand lodge at Poll land. Mira. Hafllenberg, delegate of the Eastern Star chapter, plans to accompany her husband. While In Portland for grand lodge, they plan to attend the Rose festival. • AN E A SY CHAIR Beauties with spring cushion in Jaquard velour. They’re genuines from the Northwestern Chair company. $12.75 to $16 SURPRISINGLY L O W PRICED ICE BOXES $21.50 to $36 CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL N o rd a le Fu rn itu re C o . FURNITURE— New and Used Phone 94 * • MR. AND MRS. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy were hoets for the Mr. and Mrs. club Tuesday evening. Three tables were arranged for cards, Miss Eva Boydell playing with members. Prize winners were Mrs. Frank Hall, first; Leo D. Hollen- berg, second. Ray McLing arrived from Salt Lake last Sunday to spend a week or so at home of his brother W. F. McLing. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Frizzell went to Vale Friday evening for the holiday week end. Mrs. Frizzell remained to spend the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mattingly. Ted Stoppelcamp left Saturday for his home In Baker. He was employed at the Owyhee Barber shop several months. Mrs Douglas T. Sleep, contralto, and Mrs. Bruce R. Kester of Ontario were among the entertainers at the state convention of the P. E. O. sister­ hood at Lebanon the fore part of the week. Mrs. Kester gave a paper. his father went on a fishing trip up the hold closing exercises and Friday will John Day river. | Join with Kingman In the all-day pic- Thlrty pulls are attending the bible nic at the park. school being conducted In the Wade -------------------------- Big Bend—At the regular meeting of school by the Misses Jacobs, of New Mrs. Ruby Newby and her father Mr. Orange Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Plymouth. Thursday evening they will Minton spent Memorial day In Boise. Wm. Stradley were admitted to mem­ bership. After a lively meeting In which taxation, weed control and var­ ious other topics of Interest to farmers were discussed, tee cream was served. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peck of Vale, MAJESTIC MAJESTIC and after spending Memorial day with VICTOR Bend relatives, were accompanied REFRIGERATORS RADIOS home by Mr. Peck’s mother. Sunday they took a trip to the pines above Ironside. Mrs. Peck, Sr., returned home Monday. Mrs. Chat Purdy and baby spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Case, while Mr. Purdy and BIG BEND GRANGE AIRS FARM TOPICS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a 8 SA M PSO N -W H IT E M USIC CO. ■ NYSSA, OREGON : W A N T ADS WANTED—Someone to keep my piano free for Its use or will sell cheap. Write Mrs. Harold Nielsen. Draper, Utah. STRAYED—One mottled face brown Jersey yearling, branded ’8” on right hip. Please notify Sam Playford, Box 95, Nyssa. Oregon. Jn.llpd FOR SALE—Refrigerator new. John Moore, City. practically LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—Nine head of cattle branded iv on left hip, both ears cropped, and split 111 the left one. Please notify Wm. Peutz. phone 73F1-3, Nyssa, Oregon. June 4* ■ S For Your Sunday Dinner Appetizing Meals a Specialty at SC H W E IZ E R N C A FE Mrs. Rena Schweizer, Prop. RECORDS 1 RETURNS TO MEMBERS Farmers Co-operative Creamery Average to Nov. 30, including Stock Dividends Dec. 1930 .28 .02 Jan. 1931 .22 .02 .02 .26 Feb. 1931 .26 .02 .02 .30 Mch. 1931 .26 .02 .02 .30 ji D on M. Graham “The Insurance Man” • • ______ Fire Insurance • • WHEN SPRINGS WEAR OUT Bonds Notary Public «» I represent the oldest and beat companies in the United States of America. Any policy written by ns will meet your contract with the companies 100 per cent. Don’t wait until the firs chief comes; tomorrow may be too late. See me teday and let’s talk your Insurance needs over. Phone No. 53 Box No. 74 One thing is sure, they need to be replaced W e can take care of the job to your utmost sat­ isfaction. W E USE GENUINE FORD REPLACEMENT SPRINGS LARSEN MOTOR CO. With such affordable price« 1 Get on the seat o f the John Deere Mower and see for yourself how unusually easy it is to lift the cutter bar and how fully the John Deere meets every field condition. John Deere Mower The Mower with the H igh, Easy Lift The foot lift raises the inner shoe high enough to clear or­ dinary obstructions and the outer shoe from 25 to 35 inches. With hand lever the inner shoe will pass over all o b stru ction s cleared by doubletree and the outer shoe is raised extrem ely high. M ow er cu ts with bar in highest position— not neces­ sary to throw out o f gear in rough fields. You can cut hay with the John Deere in any field in which you can use a hay rake— and a boy can run it. Other advantages o f the \ \ 1 > ! ! \ \ | | ; < > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » »»»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »»» l + M »4' M »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« Your W ork ' * > NYSSA, OREGON ■ • ____ High, Easy Lilt Lightens Cash Dividend »♦♦♦4" **4'4"»+4“»4"M“»4-+4-+4-*4"» + M "l i 4"i'4“M"M"M"9 »+*e ++ee e e T < ' ■ !! 11 J \ Price Reduced to $82.50 39.75 Total Stock Dividend .02 .32 Monthly Price W E SERVE ICE CREAM AND SUNDAES Nyssa, Oregon ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Manning-Bowman ■ Baldridge Implement company has re­ ceived a shipment o f measuring cups for the ladies who registered at our store opening day. If you did not re­ ----------- »------F------ Roy Sterling and family of Payette ceive yours, call for It now. Baldridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Implement company, Nyssa, Oregon. B. Nordale. Miss Marjorie remained for her annual vacation visit with her PRIVATE TUTORING FOR UNFIN­ grandparents. ISHED grade pupils. Mrs. J. E. 29Jnl8 Mrs. Carl Bauer and daughter Jo Douglass. Phone 62, City. took a party of young people to Vale for a swim Saturday. NOTICE OF WARRANT CALL Miss Marla McElroy was in Vale Sun­ Notice Is hereby given to the owners day. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. C. o f all registered warrants of School McElroy had gone to Portland for a District No. 26. up to and Including No. convention of theatre owners. 320, to present same at the Ontario Na­ Having recovered from spotted fever, tional Bank, Ontario, Oregon, for pay­ Houston Wilson was able to enjoy a ment. trip to Owyhee dam with his parents Dated this 2nd day of June, 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson and their CHARLES M. PARADIS. Clerk. guest Miss Esther Richey Saturday. June 4-June 11. SPRING C H IC K E N VICTOR John D eere are: Instant sta rtin g o f k nife; sp ecial drive gear construction re­ duces wear and increases power; no crank shaft end thrust; easily-made adjust­ ments in the field with ordi­ nary tools; improved con­ struction o f cutting parts. Be ready with a John Deere this year. W hen you buy John Deere im plem ents you ore sure of prom pt repair service throughout thoir long life. FORD SALES AND SERVICE NYSSA, OREGON NEAR DEPOT On Smart Furnishings, “ Buying” is less effort Than “alibi-ing.” I f you have been putting o ff new summer accessories with the excuse of cost . . . here Is where you will either have to start buying or dig up another alibi. Beautiful new Spring 8hlrts. . Hosiery. Neckwear and Hand­ kerchiefs ask so little finan­ cially that there is room In every checkbook stub for sub- stractlng the modest total of the things you need. Shirts at________ »1.00 to *3.50 Hosiery a t ------------ 25c to $1.00 Neckwear a t --------- 50c to *1.00 Handkerchiefs ----- 25c to 50c “GOOD CLOTHES FOB MEN" BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. W esley Browne, Manager Nyssa, Oregon TOGGERY BILL Ontario Oregon We have on hand, Meat. Meal, Fish Meal, Bone Meal, Concentrates of all kinds. Gem LayingMash. Make Your hens Lay N YSSA G R AIN & SEED CO.