The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, April 03, 1931, Image 3

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    4-H Club News Item Contest
Mr. W i l l i a m A. R a d f o r d w l, ^ J l i w e r
q u e stio n s a n d g ive advlaa F i.B K O F
C O ST on a l l s u b j e c t s p e r t a i n i n g to
p ra c tic al hom e building, for th a re a d -
a r e o f t h l e p a p e r . On a c o o u n t o f hla
w id e e x p e r i e n c e a e e d i t o r , a u t h o r a n d
m a n u f a c t u r e r , he te, w i t h o u t d o u b t , t h e
h i g h e s t a u t h o r i t y on a l l t h a a e s u b ­
je c t» , A d d r e s a a l l I n q u i r i e s to W i l l i a m
A. R a d f o r d , No. 407 S o u t h D e a r b o r n
s t r e e t , C h ic a g o , 111., a n d o n l y Inc lo s e
tw o -c e n t s ta m p fo r reply.
Ruth Ketchum
Mary E. Boa!s
Friday, March 27, the Busy
Bee Sewing Club had a party at
the home of Miss Helen Brant.
Several handed in report cards
during the short business meeting.
After Ine business meeting we
played a few games. Also Miss
Louis Davis, our leader, enter­
tained us with some piano num­
Delicious refreshments
were served.
Vale, March 30,—Special April 29
the Clover Maids will be enter­
tained by the Progressor’s in the
When the average family begin to
community hall at supper. The plan
to build a new home, every mem­
Progressors will also demonstrate ber has some Idea that he or she would
like to see Incorporated in the house.
“Correct Menus for Supper.’’
April lat
To Parma, Cald­
well, Boise and
Twin Falls:
9:50 A. M. , 4:36
P. M.
To Burley, Poca­
tello and Salt Lake
4:36 P. M.
In some other home, perhaps, such a
feature as appealed to the Individual
was found and gave rise to the
Subscribe for The Gate City Journal.
thought that when or If he wag to
To Ontario
build he would have this feature In
Payette, Weiser]
his home. It Is this desire thnt makes
so many homes entirely different from
P. M. 6:25 PM
There is danger, however, In carry­
For Baker, La-
ing this Idea too far. Odd features
N yssa needs more business build­ either In the exterior or interior of a
Grande, Spokane,
bouse may not appeal to some one
ings to ren t—su re investm ent.
By Leonard Nichols
else, and. If the necessity arises, may j
N yssa
needs stag e connections prevent the sale of the home. Com­
Dough Girls cooking club seem
6:25 P. M.
to be the most active of the w ith a b etter route w ith more towns fort and convenience may be secured
Stages Leave
Kingman Kolony 4-H clubs. from O ntario to Boise.
the plans that have been found most
N yssa needs a cannery and cream ­ suitable to the average family. And
T|iey have completed the 1 divis
From N Y S S A
ion and are organized for the 2 ery, woolen mill and several other when this Is done It is not difficult to
dispose of the place If It Is desirable
division the ones who are in the industries.
to do so.
2 division are Viola Gla>cock, ............
One type of house that appeals to
the greatest number of persons is the
Ella Points, Lois Enos, Georgia
P resen t population of N yssa is story-and-a-half building, such as is
Tooms and Ruth Fenn. Helen 1000 and grow ing every week.
shown in the accompanying Illustra­
Martin who was in the 1 division
We have a splendid grade and tion. Here is a house of the size and
shape that appeals. While it looks
is not able to join.
high school, 14 teachers, 400 pupils. large from the outside. It is not, as It
We have an excellent ligh tin g sy s­ contains only six rooms, aside from
tem, power, and municipal w ater the Inclosed breakfast porch at the
rear of the first floor. It contains
system , w ith good w ater,
three good rooms downstairs—living
churches, societies, lodges, com m er­
and dining rooms and kitchen—and
cial club,
m any lately established, three bedrooms and the bathroom on
By Leonard Nichols
a public library, weekly new spaper the second floor. This number of
rooms will accommodate nicely the
Kingman Kolony’s 4-H club and many lines of m ercantile busi­ average family.
ness in modern fireproof buildings.
are progressing in their work.
In exterior appearance It Is difficult
A splendid home town, an exxcellont
Monday March 23 the young business town, th e one big chance to find a more attractive bouse than
the one shown. The narrow gables at
carpenters Handicraft club met in the N orthw est.
the end, the steep dormer window set _
the Kingman Kolony school house
In it at the front and the extension of
the roof lines to form the porch cov­
Everett Huffman, Harold Points
ering all combine to give this house
and Billy Points were absent at FACTS SHOULD BE
D ISTRIBU TED FR EELY a graceful, homelike appearance. This
the meeting each member prac­
W ith over a m onth’s investigat- exterior appearance Is greatly en­
ticed the squaring and sawing of ng we find th a t N yssa is very little hanced by the brick foundation and
piers of the porch and the wide brick
of a board. Some of the members known of a few hundred miles away. fireplace chimney in the end wall. The
have squared and sawed the
porch Is Inviting in summer, while the
and people if more people knew chimney gives rise to thoughts of a
board for the club sign.
where it is and w hat is tak in g place comfortable, open fire In the winter
Start and Finish cooking club in our te rrito ry . The fa c t is the time.
Eyesight Specialist
met Wednesday March 25 at Mrs. people would like to know about us.
The floor plans that accompany the
Maurice Judd’s home. At their There are golden opportunities here
and their size. The en­
meeting T elma Glascock and and more people would like to find arranged
the ideal spot. More people on our trance door off the porch leads Into
the care
Vivian Smith demonstrate d the
farm s and in our homes would help a reception room, out of which run the
f 1 of Children’s
making and judging of vegetable pay taxes, help keep up the a p p ear­
sandwiches in which they served ance of a flourishing city, help the
to the other members and their schools, help th e m erchants and
help th e new people wro would come.
local leader.
The Dough Girls cooking club If C alifornia had a project h alf as
g re a t as th a t around N yssa, every
have finished the first division sta te in the Union would be flooded
and are organized for the second w ith descriptive lite ra tu re about it.
As a P ortland man told th e w riter
last week, th ere is no place in all
the world offering more to the be­
Between Ford Garage
Ruth Ketchum
g inner or the se ttle r th a n N yssa.
and Cozy Cafe
He w as re fe rrin g to conditions, gov­
B nsinesa
ernm ent litig a tio n
work, clim ate
Vale, March 28,—Special A joint and th e chance to build a city at
meeting of three of Vale’s cook­ N yssa. We will do our best to let the
ing clubs was held at the Vale world know, b u t a publicity cam ­
Schoolhouse, Thursday. The as­ paign rig h t now would certainly
sistant State leader, Miss Wien- be th e proper move fo r th is district.
We know of no b e tte r place, we
cken, and assistant countp agent know
of no locality offering the op­
Gustave Y. Hagglund, conducted portunities that are here in-N Y SSA
Dough Girls Active
Kingman Kolony
4-H Club News
Dr. J. A. McFall
the meeting.
Miss Wiencken
gave the club girls the details of
demonstrating, judging and scor­
ing cakes, bread and cookies.
She answered all questions which
the leaders and girls asked.
Mr. Hagglund answered quest­
ions about the ‘ 'Newswriting
Contest” for the benefit of the
three Vale reporters, Marjory
Humphrey, Ruth Gegtly, and
Ruth Ketchum.
Employee—I would like an Increase
In salary, sir, as I am going to be
Employer—And you would like to
have a little bigger fund to draw on
for household expenses?
Employee—No, it Isn't that. My
future wife knows exactly how much
1 get, und I would like a little extra
for my own use that she doesn’t
know about.
Our auto service is just that Fort and grew up from JJ
De-Peodable! Yes Suh!
a mere child with “dependability” spanked all overII
Try us just oner
and ee if you don,t think
we g o M
just a little farther than any one else, except when it
comes to co<>L
Our electric work is unexcelled.
Near Depot jg
F ir s t F lo o r Plan.
Notice is hereby given that tie unde­
signed as Superintendent ot Banks for the ■fr M -4 ♦
State of Oregon is in charge of the assets
andj affairs of the Malheur County Bank,
Nyssa, Oregon, tor the purpose of liquida­
tion. All persons who may have claims
against said bank [are hereby notified to
make legal proof thereof by filing a duly
verified claim, as by law provided, with
the Deputy Superintendent of Banks in
charge at the office of the Malheur County
Bank, Nyssa, Oregon, on or before May 29,
A. A. Schramm,
Superintendent of Banks.
First published,Feb. 27,1931
Last publication May 29, 1931
1 »■
» >
$ 50 .
Diamond special
Here is the Correct Engagement Ring
for the modem esemble.
Beautiful perfect center Diamond with
wmen is puucnea in sum a pnuciu
that when the two sides of the sheet
are pulled outward series of keys are
formed in the metal, these forming the
bond for plaster. Various weights and
sizes of tlie lath are made, and gal­
vanizing or other protective processes
are given to the sheets to eliminate
The wire type of metal is also made
In various weights for exterior and
interior use. Cross Joints of the wires
are usually spot welded. Treated pa­
per backing in some types guards
against plaster falling behind the lath
and automatically back-piasters it.
The paper backing also affords Insulat­
ing value.
While both expanded and wire types
are in general use, the expanded type
has of late years received wider usage
than the wire type.
For particular locations metal lath
in strips and other forms expedites
work and is a valuable adjunct to
wood lath. Cornerite, corner bead,
invisible picture molding, steel win­
dow and door casings, with strips of
metal lath attached, and other spe­
cial types are coming more and more
into extensive use.
selected side Diamonds, 18K solid white
gold hand engraved mountings, everyone
Compare these rings with others up to
Bought direct from America’s
leading Diamond Ring Works.
Remember we are specializing on this
price Diamond engagement ring and will
have large stock at all times.
Have you ever wondered why one
home has charm and another lacks it?
Money isn’t the answer. Even with
moderate amounts to spend, those who
know can often obtain lovely things
of real authenticity. The answer Is
good taste applied to home planning
and decoration.
Up goes the sale», Down goes the profit;
it is turnover that makes this value pos-
Write for cuts and more information.
URohinson, tbe Jeweler
The Store of Personal Service
This Home Building Design Is
One That Is Favored by Many
A L O N G L I F E ’S
Dean of Men. University of Illinois.
I was talking to Corliss about things
In general when the subject of scho­
e d g e d its way
Into the conversa­
tion. Corliss had
not m a d e any
very a p p a r e n t
ripple In the scho­
lastic puddle so
far and s i n c e
seldom do better
during their un­
dergraduate life
than they do dur­
ing the first few
weeks, was not
very likely to do so.
We all like to Justify our own posi­
tion no matter whnt It may be, and so
Corliss liked to feel that mediocre or
Inferior work In college was not an
Indication of whnt a man would do
after he got out of college and took
up the real work of life. One studies
so many things while In college, he
held, for which In after life one finds
not the slightest use.
‘‘You don't really think, do you,”
Corliss put up to me, “that a man's
grades In college—In English for In­
stance—In any wny suggest what sort
of success he will attain In later life
In the profession or business In which
he may engage?”
"That's exactly what 1 do think,” I
said to him.
In my desk were my grade books In
which were recorded the grades of the
students I had had In my theme
courses twenty, twenty-five and thirty
years or more ago. I took up the rec­
ord of the students who bad been
graduated twenty-five years.
“I’ll pick out the six best men 1 had
In English twenty-five years ago and
see what they are doing today.”
Not one of them Is teaching English.
Each man has attained more than or­
dinary distinction In the profession
which he adopted—a distinction that
Is In complete accord with the grades
each obtained In his college courses.
“It looks as If I'd better get down
to work If I expect to get anywhere.”
Corliss said when I was through.
“I should advise It,” I answered.
Tasteful Planning
atairs to the second floor. To the }
right, through double-glazed doors, Is
the living room, 12 by 15 feet in size.
Three windows opening onto the porch
and the high windows on either side
of the fireplace admit plenty of light |
and ventilation. The wide fireplace at
the end of the room, with bookcases
on either side under the window, adds
to the attractiveness of the room’s fin­
Back of the living room Is the din­
S e c o n d F lo o r Plan.
ing room, also a light cheery room, 12
by 13 feet 6 inches In dimensions. And
Is located In the center of
opening off the lining room and con­
nected with It by double doora Is a this floor, so that It Is accessible to
all three bedrooms. Both front and
large. Inclosed breakfast porch, 14 feet
rear bedrooms are 15 feet 0 Inches by
long and 7 feet 6 Inches wide. This
10 feet, while the one at the end of
the house Is 11 by 12 feet.
The basement extends under the
whole of the house and Is reached by
stairs Just Inside the entrance at the
side of the house.
room also makes a secluded cheerful
Taken altogether this Is a very de-
sun parlor.
<0, l l i l . Western Newspaper Union.)
alrable home building design—one that
Adjoining the dining room at the
combines exterior attractiveness and
left Is the kitchen, 11 feet square,
whose size and shape make It sn effi­ Interior comfort, and it is not expen­ After Freshening Feed
sive to build.
cient workroom for the housewife, a
Small Amount of Grain
place where the cooking and other
After freshening only a small
Many Metal Lath Types
kitchen activities may be accomplished
amount of grain should be fed. A
with a minimum of steps. The sink Is
Individually Effective warm bran mash Is also beneficial
placed under the window In the out­
Metal lath, which of lute years has during this period.
In fact, bran
side wall, with cases for utensils and
dishes on either side. The side en­ been given wide acceptance In quality should form most of the grain fed for
construction, because of Its flre-re- two or three days after calving. The
trance leads to a passageway, which
alstance, plaster protection, ease of cow may be brought on feed gradual­
Is large enough for the Icebox and
Installation and adaptability to decora­ ly. depending on the condition of the
baa a closet alongside It for the linens
tive requirements. Is made In a variety udder. If the udder la badly caked or
needed In the dining room and kitchen.
of types for nse at various points congested, grain should he fed spar­
Back of the kitchen also la a good
about the home.
ingly. If the udder la not badly con­
sized pantry.
The main division In metal lath gested, then the cow may be brought
The stairs lead Into a short hall on
manufacture Is between the expanded onto feed gradually, having her od a
the second floor, off which open the
and the wire types. Expanded metal full grain ration at about three weeks
three bedrooms, one at the front, one
'* •"»a» from a niece of steel after freshening.
at th® »Me s"d one at the hack. The
i >:
1 * ♦ ♦ ♦ »
Utilizing By-Products
in Economical Manner
Wisconsin farmers, In spite of the
fact that prices of dairy products
have been relatively low during the
past year, are neverthelesa feeling the
agricultural depression leas thnn the
farmers of most other states, says
,the Wisconsin Agriculturist. For many
iyears the efficient dairy cow lias been
I the most consistent profit producer In
■ the whole field of agriculture. The
•average Wisconsin farmer, however,
could secure even greater profits If
,he would moke the best possible use
of his byproducts In the shape of
skjm tnllk, buttermilk and whey. These
•^e -ducts have a higher feeding value
hogs and poultry than most peo-
| After Forty Year»
Plant Ha» Blooms
North Great River.—After 40
years ot careful attention In the
home here of Mrs. M. E. Nor-
man, sev entv-two years old, a
night-blooming cereus rewarded
Its owner for her lifetime of
X care by producing a bloom
Y which remained In Its prime for
ff nearly three hours.
Persons from a considerable
distance uround caine to view
the fragile llly-llke blossom, and
Henry Norman, Mrs. Norman’s
son, took flashlights of It
You Tell ’Em!
Bill Der, who real! is quite smart.
Believes in making a good start:
“ Begin with lumber from this yard.
And you can't lose,” declares our
W e don’t care how large or how small your order
may be, we are ready to serve you efficiently.
stock embraces everything needed by the builder
and we never run out cf anything.
A constant
check by our competent yardmen precludes this pos
sibility. Phone us to day and see how quickly we
of course
C O A L and W O O D —order now
Nyssa Lumber Company
Phone 47
The Hume of Friendly Service