T H E G A TE THE GATE CITY JOURNAL L oom S crew s If loot* screws are drawn out pt o m ini re, dipped into glue and screwed oack quickly, they will stay pot. PAU L ROBINSON, Editor W . S. Brown, Publisher 1 DUART SUBSCRIPTION RATES __________ 91.60 6 Mjnths Y ear . 9 .76 The Wonder Wave E ntered at the P ostoffice at N yssa, Oregon, as second-class mail m atter A Permanent Wave, Soft, Natural and Alluring Only $7.50 mm HOXIE ■ mm Service Station ■ 1 0W',HEE barber and M Selection o f Feeds for Ration for Dairy Cow When you wish to make up a ratloo fo r the Individual cow or for the herd there are two Important Ingredients to be considered In selecting the feed a These a re: 1. Digestible protein. A Total digestible nutrients. Protein Is especially important to milk production and all dairy rations should be liberally supplied with this element, but the use o f too much pro­ tein may be detrimental. The feed­ ing o f high protein feeds may be carried to extremes with the result that many cow* will he prematurely burned out or become shy breeders The increased use o f alfalfa has given a protein roughage that does not re­ quire the high protein grains that we have become accustomed to using with our lower grades o f hay. m m m •nF PX U '^l W i WTM um i v l M. E. CHURCH NOTES ■ M Towing Dave’s Service Phone 83 ^ M N yssa ^ ■ IHHMXIMXIMMII Nyssa, Oregon SH E LL G A S. Owyhee Hotel TIRE CHANGING GREASING, WASHING Newly Furnished throughout We have also added to our Steam Heat, Outside Rooms equipment a new pressure A modern house for Nyssa gun for greasing cars. gillllHIIlllliMKXIXHIMXXIMI * m * m M m m n ■ m m m m. m m m mm m mm m m M In Giving You the BEST BREAD we are using m m m Gold M etal F lou r m m M You Know What it Is m M mm M mm m M m m M m m m No Cheaper Grade Flour is used by your home bakery H o t H om e M ad e R olls E very D a y Between 4 and 5 o’clock, Eight For Ten Cents m State Inspected, Clean, M mm m m Sanitary B ak ery TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KL1NKENBERG >♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ +■< Here To Dress You Up Bring in that business suit or dress suit and make it look new. — Cleaning and Pressing— Nyssa Tailor Shop RETURNS TO MEMBERS Farmers Co operative Creamery Monthly Advance Average 1929 January February March April May June July August Sept 33 38 39 38 34 33 33 37 37 Cash Dividend Stock Dividend 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total 50* 38 43 44 43 39 38 38 42 42 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 H. R. SCO TT, Prop. We Have It ! Best In Meats Full line of Undertaking Supplies errried in atock at NORDALE FURNITURE STORE S. D. Goahert Will have charge of funeral ar­ rangements Early WaR Decoration Inhabitants to in d en t Pompeii were specialists to wall decoration, painting their plastered walls In rich, flat tones and to decorative medallions. "T rench M ou th " Vincent's Infection or trench month was first noticed about 1897. It be­ came epidemic during the World war. M T he Best is N o t T oo Good M m M Josie J. Blokland, Pastor M Phone 13 Sunday School 9:45 A. M, M R. J. Davis Supt. * Regular services Sunday. Morning worships 11 A. M. Evening worship 7:30. P. M. M Evangelistic Service. M Epworth League 6:30 Choir Practice, every Thursday 7.30 P. M. at the church. The choir is giving special music at every Sunday Service. Wednesday Prayer meeting, n City Transfer j; Oil, Gag, Greasing ■ m Town patrons 2:30 to 5:30 out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 BEAUTY SHOP Service in all garage work ^ Repairing, Batteries m NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS — o Complete M Separator Care Pays Reports from herd Improvement as­ sociation testera show that heavy losses In bulterfuf occur whenever sep­ arators are poorly adjusted or not properly cleaned. Among the more common causes are separators not aet level, excessive vibration, Irregular ■peed, failure to keep clean, flushing with cold Instead o f lukewarm wa­ ter, and so on. It has been found that losses o f fat may be three times great er In separators which have not been washed after each use. M In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur DAIRY INDUSTRY In the matter of the Estate NOW IS IMMENSE of August Truelsen, Deceased Notice to Creditors The undersigned having been Milk Represents Fourth of appointed by tne County Court Production on Farms. of Malheur County, Oregon, ad­ ministrator of the estate of Aug­ d oou r.icicr at Law Practice to all Courts NYSSA, OREGON DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE NYSSA, OREGON ■ n M m