P 11 a n d s o m e m r T t T T T T T TT T I T t W T T T T T ? T T T T T T T TT T TT T T T T m T f ? T T TT T TY f T m OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST a n m T T T T T T T T T » T > T f T Tm T1 Principal E ve n ts of the Week Assem bled fo r Information by MARGARET TURNBULL of O u r Readers. Illustrations by IRWIN MYERS B o p T r lffh t b y I fa r g a r r t W. N. n . Ssrvtoe. T u r n b u ll. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, 70c; soft white, tvestern white, 66c; hard winter, northern spring, western red, 63c. Hay—Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, 617.50 @>18; valley timothy, 617.50; eastern Oregon timothy, $190 620; clover, 14; oat hay, 611; oats and vetch, $13.50 014. Butterfat— 22025c. Eggs—Ranch, 14@22c. Cattle— Steers, good, 68.7509.25. Hogs—Good to choice, 69.2509.50. Lambs—Good to choice, 65.5006.75. Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white, 66c; northern spring, hard winter, western red, 64c; bluestem, 6Sc. Eggs—Ranch, 12@24c. Butterfat— 29c. Cattle— Choice steers, 67.5008.50. Hogs—Good to choice,39.15@9.25. Lambs—Choice, 65.5006.75. Spokane Cattle—Steers, good, 67.5008.25. Hogs—Good to choice, 68.85. Lambs—Medium to good,$506. The Dalles-Wasco county chamber of commerce has rescinded its Indorse­ ment of the Umatilla rapids project, made five years ago. It conflicts with projects proposed In the vicinity of The Dalles. Building permits at Roseburg Issued during 1930 represented a total expen­ diture of $67,785, an Increase of 65 per cent over 1929 but considerably behind the year 1928, when the court­ house was begun. Astoria is making a third attempt to obtain an appropriation for build­ ing an armory. An appropriation was voted by the legislature In 1927 and | vetoed by the governor. A 1929 at- j tempt also failed. W. C. White, formerly superintend- | ent of the Jordan valley irrigation j project, has been named manager of the Warmsprings Irrigation district, with headquarters at Vale, succeeding Ted Hon, resigned. The Dnyton city officials have adopt­ ed an ordinance charging 61 a month, or 612 a year, for all trucks delivering wholesale merchandise, which In­ cludes oil, bread, etc. Farmers' trucks will not be affected by the new ruling. would not have done If he had stopped to think for a moment. “ Some friend — 1*— of yours, evidently, since you are so “ August can't make you nearly as anxious to screen him.” comfortable as I can,” Sir George She stepped back as though he had answered confidently and proceeded to struck her. do It. Never, Robert MacBeth ad­ “ Do you mean—” she began. mitted, had ha been made so com­ “ I don't mean anything," he an­ fortable. swered, avoiding her. “ I would like to “My word, you have gentle hands continue my search alone. Go back to for a big fellow," he exclaimed, look­ your guests, or go back to your father, ing up with gratitude at the tall form and explain to him why you blocked that bent over aim to straighten a my way." pillow. He had twisted from her now. II “ Plenty of practice." she had wished to stop him she could Robert MacBeth checked himself not. He ran, with the quick swiftness when he started to say "Where?” He which his long legs made possible, remembered that this tall, slim yonng across the little bridge and up the road man before him had been through a that led to the highway. The road be­ dreadful novitiate during the great war. hind and before him was quite empty. “ Why,” he asked after a moment, ns Emergency employment at The He waited a moment, his senses alert, Sir George moved to ring for the Dalles Is now in full swing, with the for any movement In the brush but waiter, “ why do you so determinedly city water commission starting a crew there was none. Not a sound, so fai C H A P T E R V III avoid rich girls? Seriously Isn't that us he could hear. He went slowly of a score of men to work on the pipe what you came here for—to make a replacement project, on which be­ Some one had been listening at the back to meet, as he crossed the bridge, rich marriage?” various riotous greetings and ques­ tween 612,000 and $15,000 is to be Sir George drew himself erect and window. Though he flung himself so tions ns to where and when he had expended. turned quickly and savagely. Then, headlong Into the pursuit that he was lost his girl. He replied to them In as though the sight of the other man's still carrying In his hand a box of the same Jesting tone, relieved that he Within 30 days the Siskiyou national helplessness checked his natural re­ matches and the single cigarette which had not been seen running along the forest service will have under con­ sentment, stiffened, “That what you he had taken out of the box for Mac­ terrace, and that no one had been struction a new scenic highway be­ Beth, Sir George wns not In time to think, too?” alarmed. “ Isn’t It true? Or at least partly see his quarry round the corner. He A toy balloon crossed the storm- tween Grants Pass and Yreka. The Robert MacBeth gave him a quick true?” Robert MacBeth questioned, swept Cascades in midwinter from road will be 12% miles long and will Inquiring look. He answered It with follow a mountain ridge at an altitude taking advantage of his Infirmity. Salem to a field near Bend. a little warning frown. of 4500 feet. “ Wouldn’t It help you put Kandlshrae Lady Sandlson went toward the door Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gibson observed In order and yourself on your feet?" Inheritance taxes collected by the with some of Robert’s guests, saying 1 the 53d anniversary of their wedding The young man’s fnce darkened. In a low voice to her stepson, as she at their home in Cove recently. state of Oregon during 1930 totalled “ Oh, undoubtedly! But I’m not going passed him: “ Dance with Roberta, $1,165,294.12, according to State Treas­ to put Sandlsbrae In order at that The Heppner Women’s auxiliary of laddie. She’s missed you." urer Kay. The amount sets a new price, nor am I sure that It would not the Oregon State Wool Growers' as­ “ I can’t flatter myself so much as record for the Inheritance tax depart­ take me off my feet." to believe that, Aggy. I advise you— I sociation was organized recently. He paused. “ If you will believe ment, topping the 1929 collections by as they say over here—to ‘lay off us.' The first fire of 1931 In Klamath approximately $8600. me, sir, I would like very much to You can’t drive us together.” county destroyed the box factory of have It finally understood that I cnme Walter Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. “ Dear me, dear I” said Lady Sandl­ out here for a Job and nothing else. the Cascade Box company at Klamath son and hurried after her guests. Walter Dent of Lakeview, would like I’d like to put myself on my own feet.” MacBeth looked up at Sir George as Falls. to establish his claim as the first baby He looked up again. “ No mutter what Penitentiary officials discovered a born in the state in 1931. He was the the others left the room. dear old Aggy says, that’s the truth “ Well?” knife blade concealed in a slice of recipient of many gifts offered by lo­ and,” he hesitated, “and I’d be obliged “I couldn’t catch him.” bread being sent to the cell of one of cal merchants for the first baby to be If you would bring yourself to believe “ Who?" the prisoners. It, and to tell Miss Roberta that you horn in Lake county in the New Year. “ The man who was listening at the do believe It." A. J. Bier of Corvallis was elected window.” Tha eastern Oregon state hospital “ Why, particularly Roberta?” Mac­ president of the Oregon State Fox for the insane at Pendleton on Janu­ “ You're crazy I” Beth asked dryly. “ I chased him along the terrace and Breeders’ association at its annual ary 1 had a balance of $37,377.23 un­ “ Because,” the young man’s face down to the water’s edge and then—" meeting at Salem. expended from Its appropriation by paled, "possibly If she was assured of "Well?” Thirteen hundred and fifty cars of ' the 1929 legislature, the largest un- this by you, she might change her “ Then I lost him.” attitude.” potatoes have been shipped from Kla­ | expended balance of all of the state “ Why?" “ Which Is?" "Because a girl got between us. I math county this year. This was two- ! institutions. The money reverts to “ Which Is one that I hnve not been the state general fund. had to avoid knocking her down. The thirds of the 1930 crop. accustomed to," Sir George said sim­ fellow got away.” The fire loss in Eugene during 1930 Monroe held an indignation meeting ply, “ and one which Is not plensant "Who was the girl?” was 634,045, according to a report is­ recently to protest against a new pro- for a self-respecting man. If It will “ Has Sir George Been Scaring You “ Rather not tell, sir.” sued by W. E. Nusbaum, fire chief. j posed highway, which would pass be­ help matters out," he continued, still With His Imaginary Men-Behlnd- “ Then you think she knew some­ with the same quiet simplicity, “you The 1929 loss was 660,000. low Monroe, leaving the town flat. The Window-Curtalns7” thing?” can assure Miss Itobertu that If she Postal receipts at Medford during object of the new cut is to eliminate "I could not say." (lung the matches nnd cigarette from had the wealth of India belted nround Robert MacBeth gazed at him puz­ 1930 showed an increase of $9536.78, a sharp curve over the Long Tom her waist, I wouldn’t look the rond him, nnd leaped over the edge of the she walked on, much less want to terrace and went toward the little zled. “ What would he want under or slightly over 10 per cent, Postmas­ j river. The citizens are up in arms over the proposed change. ter W. J. Warner announces. landing place, where he could see a my window?” marry her.” Ills tone was heated. “Again I don’t know, sir. But there Improvement work has been started Roberta's father surveyed him with man getting into one of the canoes. A total of 1,346,521 letters were can­ He hnd every renson to believe thnt are a lot of your men here tonight celed as to stamps by the Bend post- on the West Linn-Wlllamette road and gathering rage. "Set your mind at They—I mean the gang after your rest,” he declared grimly. “ There's In a moment he would have him In payroll—may have thought you would office during 1930. This number is a crew of men will be engaged for no danger of her ever looking your Ids grasp when Roberta MacBeth rose discuss some of your plans. Some one 45,991 greater than the total for 1929. | about four weeks in widening the thor­ suddenly, It seemed to him out of the road. I have that from her own lips." wns there—nnd he wns listening.” Mrs. Jack Johnson, member of the oughfare. The West Linn city council “ Good l Then If you will take the earth, though It was really only from Robert MncBeth leaned back to has decided to use hand labor Instead trouble to tell her I never dreamed of behind the shrubbery near the landing study the facts agnln. While he did first white family to settle in what lifting my eyes to her, or to your pluce, nnd blocked Ids way. lie flung so the band played a riotous fox trot. is now Wallowa county, died at the of machinery on all improvement pro­ jects to relieve the unemployment sit­ pocketbook, you may make It easier out Ids hand, to keep from falling "If you're worried about the pay­ family home on the Imnaha recently. uation. for her to treut me as a harmless himself or knocking her down, nnd roll,” MacBeth, who had been smoking Ashland is spending about $150 per young mnn, her father's diligent sec­ grasped her shoulders. He spun her and thinking, suddenly said aloud, At a recent meeting of Champoeg day, employing about 35 men, to re­ out of the way, disregarding her gasp retary and no spy.” "the spy went empty nway. Nothing lieve the unemployment situation. Six­ lodge No. 27, A. F. and A. M., at Can- of, “ What’s wrong?" “ What do you mean by that?" de­ But the delny Imd been sufficient. said to anyone tonight about our plans." ty men who have registered are being by, Byron J. Grim of Aurora was pre­ manded Robert MacBeth, and receiv­ “ Good! Then we’ll sleep on It. I worked in shifts. sented a 50-year membership jewel. There was no sign of the mnn he had ing no answer, at once, said even more been pursuing, nnd when he reached have a scheme which I would like to Mr. Grim has been a member of Cham­ anxiously, “ What do you mean by Bids for the construction of about the water’s edge there was no one tell you about tomorrow." poeg lodge for 58 consecutive years. ■spy’ ?” A voice from the door mude them 125 miles of highway and several cul­ Mr. Grim Is the only member having there. Mechnnlcnlly he began search­ “That I am not one. Yet Miss Mac­ ing for some hiding place among the look up. “ Tired, Dad?" Ilobertn verts and bridges will be opened by Beth treats me ns though I were boats, when Itobortn Joined him. She asked. She glnnced quickly at the the state highway commission at a received this honor in the history of Champoeg lodge. continually spying upon her.” wns alone and breathless, and both two men. “ Has Sir George been scar­ meeting in Portland soon. "What reason has Roberta to fenr facts mnde Sir George suspicious. Formation of a turkey pool between ing you with his Imaginary men-be- Registration at the University of that?" her determined father usked January 8 and 20 is planned by the "What happened?” she asked him hlnd-wlndow-curtains? He’s so deter­ again. mined to find us Infested with wild Oregon for this year will soon reach Oregon Turkey Growers. Less than abruptly. “I plead Ignorance,” declared his He answered her with equal abrupt­ men shooting pistols that he sees ban­ the 3300 mark, a new high level for half of the turkeys included in the or­ secretary, Inwardly cursing himself ness. “ You have Just prevented my dits everywhere. Better send him to the winter term. It Is announced by ganization have been shipped. The for having even hinted at It. “ I don’t capturing some one who wns watch­ Mexico, Father, and let his dreams Earl M. Pallett, »egistrar. growers sold 19 carloads for the know the reason for her suspicion. I ing, or listening, under your father’s como true.” Oregon Is entitled to $3,107,000 of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New only know that It Is so, und she window.” “ Who told you nbout It?" MacBetb federal roads funds wtlhout any pres­ makes me feel It.” Year's markets, making a total of She gave him a quick startled look, look from one to the other. ent expenditure by the state, accord­ about 35.000 turkeys. It is expected The waiter entered with the supper nnd then raising her voice a little “ Oh, Sir George, o f course," Roberta and arrnnged It on the library table. higher, whether with Intent or aston­ laughed. “ I met him when he was ing to announcement by Secretary to market in excess of 80,000. Hyde of the department of agriculture. MncBeth settled himself on his pil­ ishment he could not he quite sure. hot on his wild goose chase.” Statistics of mineral production In lows and, ns he plckrd up his soup "What things you Imagine. How could MacBeth stared. “ Did you? He Condemnation proceedings will be Oregon in 1930, Issued by the United spoon regarded the young nmn with he have come tills way without my didn’t tell me that. What were you launched within the next 60 days in States bureau of mines, show total amusement. “ Funny way to s|>end an seeing him?” doing when you stopped him?" which the city of Salem will attempt value of $309,100, a decrease of 6176,- hour at a party. I appreciate It, of Sir George did not answer. He went “Nothing,” said Roberta, and bit her to take over the local plant of the 300 from the preceding year. The de­ course, but It makes me wonder." down to the wuter's edge and then lip. What a fool she was! Sir George Service crease was general but largest in cop­ “ There’s no cause to wonder." The started toward the bridge which lay In would be certain to fasten all his silly Oregon-Washington Water younger man's tone was so weary— shadow. Instantly tills provoking girl suspicions upon Jack I How easy It company. per. Gold production aggregated so disillusioned—that It startled Mac­ was In front of him again. All mills on Coos bay were hum­ 6285,300, decreasing $68,000. Most of would hnve been to have said she wns “ I asked you—" Beth. "I don’t give twopence for looking at the wnter or waiting for ming busily again after a shutdown the output came from placer mines. In the heat of his anger at her her dance partner. parties, sir. Haven't for years. Never before Christmas. More than 500 men Oregon granite from Ashland or really at home, really enjoying my­ persistence he answered her as he (TO BE CONTINUED.) went back to work In the Coos Bay limestone from Yaquina can be used self. That’s why 1 would ruther eat Lumber company plant and logging in the postoffice at Corvalljs and Kla­ ************* WH ********************** with you, sir. Somehow,” he added, operations. math Falls, according to Information “ despite the fact that you are older, Non-resident motor vehicle registra­ received by Representative Hawley. and my ‘boss,’ I have alwnys had a Changes Have Made Men Subservient to Women feeling that you like me—for myself." tions In Oregon for 1930 will show a Contractors are authorized to use “ You are not far off," Maclletb told decrease of approximately 10,000 from either or both Oregon products, sub­ All fights for freedom, that suc­ ductive and domestic activities of him, “ I liked you from the first. I’m the 1929 figures. For the first 11 stituting them for Indiana limestone. ceed, go too far, and become In turn man over all his previous military going to sit here day by day, doing or adventurous or flaunting activities months of 1930. 90.179 such registra­ The ruling will satisfy demands for nothing, and watehlng you bring home tha luflictlon of a tyranny. Like Na- |x>leon or a Soviet. And like the free­ la a triumph of the woman In the tions were made. In 1929, there were using local material and also will en­ the bacon.” home. 103.008. courage Oregon industry. Sir George stared at him In amaze­ dom of women. Perhaps the greatest revolution of The male Is subservient to the fe­ o - iireseocatives oi tne county court Eugene's fire loss in 1930 was $34.- ment. modern times Is the emancipation of male need, and outwardly, man It 045. of which $24,977.79 was recovered of Harney and Lake conntles, the “ I mean watching you do the work women, and perhaps the deepest tight submissive to the demands of woman. that I ought to do.” by Insurance, according to W. E. Nus- Barns chamber of commerce and the for 2,000 years and more has been "Oh— Odd expression that I I banm. fire chief. During the year the Lake county chamber of commerce the tight for women's Independence, or thought It meant a little marketing Wide If Not Widen department answered 226 calls. This held a Joint meeting at Lakeview and freedom, call It what you will. The on my part for the household, and I New Orleans claims one of th« year's loss was fourth highest since selected James Donegan of Burns to was Just a trifle bothered. I never light was deeply bitter; and, tt seems world's widest streets, for Its Florida represent both counties before the did market, but of con se that's no to me, It Is won, I). II. Lawrence walk covers 438 feet between property 1924. writes. In Scribner’s Magazine. Fifty-five ranches and farms around highway commission and the depart­ reason why I shouldn't begin.” It Is even going beyond, and be­ lines. Redmond were given names In 1930. ment of the Interior. He will press “ Atta boy I Reach me a cigarette. Don't you like the boys here?” Mac­ coming a tyranny of woman, of the Farmers believe that giving their the request that the Kinds now avail­ Splitting Cobblestones Beth asked ns the younger man rose Individual woman In the house, and places names is good advertising. able by virtue of the Oddle-Cclton law To spilt cobblestones for masonry of the feminine Ideas nnd Ideals In to get the cigarette«. Signs are being put up and the names be used In the construction of a high­ work requires an experienced atone Sny what we will, the “ Oh, Immensely! Only they seem tho world. are being registered with the county way connecting the central Oregon cutter. A pitching tool and hamnise world Is swayed by feminine emotion very young to me," said Sir George, and Fremont highways. court. M he discovered thut the mutches today, and the trlvuipli of the pro­ ars used. C H A P T E R V I I — C o n t in u e d were not with the cigarettes, but on a stand near the window, and moved to get them. Robert MacBeth opened his Ups to tell him that Ray Browne and others had been In France during the war and were fully as old If not older than Sir George, when he remembered that the boys who went over from here, though they fought and suffered as bravely as any there, had at least come home to a land of settled peace and plenty, which had not been Sir George’s case. He was about to put something of this In words, when to his amazement the cigarettes were dashed on the desk and Sir George, with a quick low exclamation went plunging through the window and ulong the terrace, In rnpld pursuit of some one or something. I ta lia n P e a s a n t* C lin * t o U n s a n ita r y H o m e * A tradition of centuries' standing Is handicapping Italian engineers In their work of reconstructing the buildings destroyed by the recent earthquake In the region east of Naples. Dozens of new homes have already been constructed to replace the loosely built old dwellings de­ stroyed by the quake recently. They are pleasant structures with several rooms, far more comfortable In every way than the buildings which they replace, and one would naturally ex­ pect the peasants to acclaim the work and to struggle for the hand­ some new homes. On the contrary, many peasants have utterly refused to live In them, one of the objections being tha: farm animals, which gen­ erally live In the same buildings as their owners In the hilltop communi­ ties, are not furnished accommoda­ tions In the new structures. Iu many other ways they are too “ new-fan­ gled" for the medieval-minded people who Inhabit the region. Eventually, however, simply because they bave no other habitations, the people are expected to retreat front tlielr stub­ born position, and to accept tlie mag­ nanimity of the government with thanks. # PRESCRIPTIO N in use over 47 Years Really Helps Bowels Don’t you want this way of mak­ ing the bowels behave? A doctor's way to make the bowels move so well that you feel belter all over I Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin doesn’t turn everything to water, but cleans out all that hard waste clogging your system. It cleans you out without any shock, for it's only fresh laxative herbs a famous doctor found so good for the bowels, combined with pure pepsin and other harmless Ingredients. A doctor should know what is best for the bowels. Let Dr. Cald­ well’s Syrup Pepsin show you how soon you can train the bowels to move freely, every day, the way they should. It's wonderful tha way this prescription works, but It's perfectly harmless; so you can use It whenever a, coated tongue or. sick headache tells you that you’r* bilious. Fine for children, too (it tastes so nice) and they ought to have a spoonful the minute they seem fretful, feverish, or sluggish, or have a sallow look. You can get the original prescrip­ tion Dr. Caldwell wrote so many years ago; your druggist keeps it all ready In big bottles. Just ash for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and use It always for constipation S h a k e r F u r n itu r e H a d I ts D i s t i n c t i v e C h a r m The Shakers anticipated by many years the modern vogue of finishing furniture “in the natural," although they often washed a thin coating of yellow ochre or Venetian red over the wood. Their construction was solid and workmanlike and featured expert pegging nnd doweling. Their woods for the most part were native Kentucky timber such as plain and curly maple, pine, birch, chestnut, and occasionally walnut. Not infre­ quently the chairs, *>°d3 nnd chests had wooden casters. The Shaker furniture is austere al­ most to the point of crudity, particu­ larly many of the trestle tables and benches, which are decidedly primi­ tive, but their primitiveness has a distinct charm.—Chicago Evening Post. O r . W. B. C a l d w e l i ' s SYRUP PEPSIIM A D octors Fam ily L axative S p eak in g o f G o l f John D. Rockefeller has been play­ ing golf now for 30 years. He has owned at one time three private golf courses, but never a pair of knickers. —Collier's Weekly. MAKE Y O l'K OWN COALr— Wood Saver. Details Free. - - - - - Dietrich, Idaho. Box 24P GOITRE VANISHES “IN 4 W E E K S ” r Feel Always Stiff c ^ A c h y ? Avoid Dangerous Operation! Home Treatment Get Free Book It Mai) Worn of Disordered Kidneys. ” Your four weeks home treatment ended my goitre.” — Mrs. J. M. Spencer, Attica, Ohio. ‘ ‘My doctor said operate. But by your treatment I ended goitre ------------ in 1 month. That was 3 years a go. G oitre has never returned .” — Mrs. W . A. Pease, Creston, B. C. Are you troubled with back­ ache, bladder irritations and getting up at night? Then don’t take chances! Help your kid­ neys at the first sign of disorder. Use Doan’s Pills. Successfulfor more than 50 years. Endorsed by hundreds of thousands of grateful users. Get Doan’s to­ day. Sold everywhere. End Goitre Quick 200,000 oth ers have treated g o itr e at hom e by this h arm less, easv H P method. Ends goitre quick BB without danger or opera- ES [ tion. Many say they had 1 » tried oth er m eth ods in U R vain. B u t this m ethod * * * — ended goitres — often in U tb Goitre Gone only 4 weeks. Method explained in big, illus­ trated 44 page FREE BOOK by eminent Battle Creek Goitre Specialist. Send for book today. Learn how to end goitre quick* D oanS ills FREE— Send^ No Money A DIURETIC FOR Physicians Treatm ent aniTXclvTsory,"co!" 8473 Sanborn Bldo., Battle Creek, Mich. r 7HEMD\EYS Send me F R E E book H o w to End Goitre Quick | at Hom e without Danger or O ik ;ration. | Name—______________________ _________ W. N. U„ P O R T L A N D , NO. 3-1931. ^Address.________________________________ Hopeful The large size of the feet of the younger generation Is un ever-frult- ful topic for discussion anieng moth­ ers, most of whom hnve become ac­ customed by this time to what used to cause them astonishment and sur­ prise. The mothers of two boys were chatting the other day, nnd the moth­ er of the younger said, “ Do you know, I bought Joe a new pair of shoes yesterday and he now wears size nine!" The mother of the boy who was two years older and correspond­ ingly larger remarked indulgently, and in all seriousness, “ Yes, he's go­ ing to have right good-sized feet!” Honor lies in honest toll. Not So Exciting First Movie Actress—M ercy! A man just fell from that airplane Let’s go over. Second—Oh, let's not bother. If was just my husband.—Chicago Daily News. I Ready-to-Wear Budget In 1929 the women of A meric A spent $1,200,000,000 for dresses, pluff another $000,000,000 for coats and suits.—Collier’s Weekly. Just Wet Feet “ noney, I*ra knee-deep in love with you.’* ‘‘All right, I’ll put you ou my wading list.”—Tit-Bits. For • T E E T H IN G troubles F u s s y , f r et f ul . . . . o f course babies are uncomfortable at teeth­ ing time! And mothers are worried because o f the little upsets which come so suddenly then. But there’* one sure way to com fort a restless, teething child. Castoria — made especially for babies and children! It's perfectly harmless, as the formula on the wrapper tells you. It's mild in taste and action. Y et it rights little upsets with a never- failing effectiveness. That’s the beauty o f this special Children's remedy! ft may be given to tiny infants— as often as there is need. In cases o f colic and similar disturbances, it is invaluable. But it has every-day uses al! mothers should understand. A coated tongue I calls for a few drop* to ward off constipation ; so does any suggestion o f bad breath. W henever older children d o n 't eat well, don’ t rest well, o r have any little upset, a more liberal dose o f this pure vegetable preparation is usually ail that's needed. Genuine Castoria fia* Chas. H. Fletcher’s signature on the wrapper. D octors prescribe it. ^ P *