The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, December 12, 1930, Image 2

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Hoover Predicts Crisis Will
Be Over in Six Months.
Drawing by Ray Walter«.
°* tl>e hiterestlug devel-
l l opments of tlie celebration
t 3% d W . of Christmas in America is
the revival of the ancient
custom of singing Christmas
carols on Christmas eve
J H p S h and the increasing observ-
ance of that custom In all
parts of the country. Of course, we
have always had some Christmas
carol Binging, varying In prevalence In
different parts of the country and cop-
fined mainly to the Christmas exor­
cises In church and school by the chil­
dren Just before the holiday. Hut In
the hurry and haste of this modern
high-speed ago and our departure In
many respects from the old forms of
observing the day, the sinsflng of carols
Is one custom which has been allowed
to lapse to a great extent.
It Is interesting to note, however,
that the Christmas carol Is “staging a
come back” and that In places where
Its appearance seems all the more
•upprlsing because It is In the very
center of our modern commercialism.
In many of the big department stores
In the largo cities, In hotels and In
restaurants groups of musicians,
dressed In the costumes of Old Eng­
land, are playing and singing Christ­
mas carols difflng the week before
Christmas. In some of the railroad
stations In the big cities hurrying
commuters and other railway travel­
ers are surprised to hear the sound
of voices, singing old-fashioned Christ­
mas carols, pealing out through the
cathedral-like spaces of these grent
structures and upon pausing for a
moment they see that the singing
comes from a balcony overlooking the
concourse and that It Is a trained
'choir of many voices which is thus
adding to the Christmas spirit In evi­
dence everywhere.
The first Christmas carol Is said to
be that sung by the heavenly host
when the birth of Christ was an­
nounced to the shepherds. Here Is a
description of that singing as told by
St. I.uke:
"There were In the same country
shepherds abiding In the field, keeping
watch over their flocks by night. And,
lo, the angel of the Lord came upon
them, and the glory of the Lord shone
round about them; and they were sore
afraid. And the angel said unto them.
Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good
tidings of grent Joy, which shall be to
all people. For unto yon Is born this
day In the city of David a Savior,
which Is Christ the Lord. And this
ahall be a sign unto you; ye shall
find the babe wrapped In swaddling
clothes, lying In a manger. And sud­
denly there was with the angel a mul-
tftdfte of the heavenly host praising
God, nnd singing. Glory to God In the
highest, and on earth pence, good will
toward men.”
Probably the practice of singing at
Christmas rose In Imitation of this, as
the majority of the carols declare the
good tidings of great Joy. The word
“carol" Itself comes from two Latin
words meaning “to sing Joyfully." Or
as It was defined long ago In a curious
old stanza*
land was the occasion of a Joyous
“Know you what is a carol?
ceremony and the singing of merry
'TIs singing, with praise of God
songs, such as the “Boar’s Head"
If you praise God and sing not,
carol, still sung at Oxford at Christ­
You utter no carol.
mas which goes as follows:
If you sing and pr- •» not God,
You utter no car«!.
“The boar’s head In hand bear I
If you praise anything which does not Bedeckt with bays and rosemary;
And I pray you, my masters, be merry.
To the praise of God,
Quot estis In convivlo
Though, In singing, you praise,
Caput aprl defero
You utter no carol.”
Reddens laudes Domino!
It is a curious fact that the singing
of carols, like many of our other “Our steward hath provided this
Christmas customs, owes something to In honor of the King of Bliss,
n pagan as well as a Christian origin. Which on this day to be served is,
The early church found that all pagan In Reginensi Atrio
religions celehrnted the birth of a new Caput aprl defero
year. The Druids gnthered mistletoe Reddens laudes Domino!"
on what is our day of Christmas, the Almost every land has Its own
Homans held their saturnalia, the Christmas
They are called
Persians held ngflcultural ceremonies, Wiogenlleder carols.
or Kristlleder In Ger­
as did the Chinese.
many, Noels In France, and carols In
Tlteophllus, bishop of Caesnrea, England. In Russia the ancient
toward the middle of the Second cen­ Kolyada songs, once sung to pagan
tury, recommended “the observance of gods, now dedicated to the Christian
the birthday of our Lord on what day saints, are sung about the streets.
soever the 25th of December shall It Is to Austria, however, that we
happen.” There follows a definite are Indebted for one of our best
statement that the first official carol known of all Christmas songs. For
was “Gloria In Excelsls Deo” and the “Silent Night" had Its origin In a
year In which It was sung on the new simple pre-Christmas party to which
date was 129 A. D. Thus the church a young priest, Joseph Mohr, was In­
was able to profit from the mood of vited In Oberndorf, near Salsburg,
merriment created by the pagans. The Austria, in 1818. At Oberndorf it was
spirit of Joy from many religions was the custom shortly before Christmas
merged Into that of one.
for wandering comedians from the
Many high churchmen In the ancient near-by village of Laufen to give
times opposed the Introduction of song crude representations of the Christ­
Into the solemn moments.
mas story as recounted In the Bible.
No power, however, could stem the A shipowner named Maler Invited
tide of Innocent song which had In­ Joseph Mohr, young assistant priest
vaded religious observance. The first who had recently come to the village
crusade preached by Urban In 1095 from Snlzburg, to be his guest at a
gave Impetus to the troubadour move­ little party. As a special surprise for
ment and the holidays for five cen­ the priest, Maler arranged for the
turies were to resound with the songs comedians from Laufen to stage their
of their Inspiration. By 1500 carol festival play at his home.
singing was widespread in Europe and The thoughtful hospitality of the
was being Introduced Into England. Maler couple nnd the touching sim­
In the England of today wandering plicity of %e festival play so stirred
bands of minstrels or “waits” pre­ the young priest that Instead of going
serve the old customs by going from straightway home he climbed the so-
house to house piping Christmas tunes called “Totenlmrg" (mountain of the
on reed Instruments and singing dead), overlooking Oberndorf, and
carols. It may be this that they sing: stood there In silent meditation.
"Wassail, wassail I to our town!
The silence of the night, the blink­
The bowl Is white, and the ale Is ing of the stars, the murmur of the
Salzach river all inspired him. Quickly
The bowl Is made of the rosemary tree. he descended to his parish house, and
And so Is the ale, of the good harlee. late that night the words to “Stllle
Little ninld, little maid, tlrl the pin! Naeht" were written.
Open the door, nnd let us come In I”
The next day he hurried to his
Or they may lift up their voices In chum and co-worker, Franz Gruber,
this eiiually old carol:
village organist and school teacher.
“Here us comes a wassailing, under He requested his friend to write the
the holly green,
music for his song. Happy at this
Here ns comes a wandering, so merry opportunity, Gruber composed the
to be seen,
melody that Is known perhaps to more
Good luck good Master Hodgin, nnd people than *nJ other single melody.
kind Mistress also,
Christmas eve of 1818 came and the
And all the Utile children that round priest
and the teacher were ready to
the table go!
the first time. Un­
Your pockets full of money, your cup­ fortunately song the for organ
of St. Nicola
boards full of good cheer,
out of commission that night. For
A merry Christmas, Gulzzards, nnd a a was moment
It seemed as though the
Ilappy New Year!”
congregation were to be cheated out
The poor women and- children also of
unique premiere. But Gruber
sing carols on the streets and are rnn this
to his home and got his gui­
given cakes by those who listen. Some tar. back
Mohr and
of the carol singers carry peaked Inn Gruber then accompaniment
terns to light them on their way. The the first time as a duet.
bringing In of the Yule log In Eng- |
qfi by W estsra N .w .p a p e r U nion.)
Washington.—In his second annual
message on the state of the Union,
President Hoover told congress, In ef­
fect, that good times are Just around
the corner.
He enumerated various Indications
that the tide has already turned and
made clear his belief that a fair de­
gree of prosperity will have been re­
stored by summer.
To cope with the crisis which exists
In the meantime, the President asked
congress for an appropriation of from
$100,000,000 to $150,000,000 for the ac­
celeration of public works construc­
tion in order to give employment to
men out of work.
Later President Hoover sent to the
house a detailed explanation of where
and how he would spend the $150,-
000,000 emergency employment fund.
Chairman Will Wood of the house
appropriations committee Immediately
Introduced a bill to carry out the
President's recommendations.
President Hoover told the house In
a letter that speed was the essence
of his request; thnt the $150,000,000,
to be helpful in the present emergency,
must be made available promptly for
expenditure during the rest of the
present fiscal year, ending June 30.
Republican leaders declared their
purpose to press for passage of the
bill within the next ten days with a
view to final nction In the senate be­
fore Christmas so that the President
can begin spending the money.
Wood's bill places the fund directly
at the disposal of President Hoover.
“Our immediate problem,” said the
President, “Is the increase of employ­
ment for the next six months, and
new plans which do not produce such
Immediate results, or which extend
commitments beyond this period, are
not warranted."
Surveying the finances of the coun­
try, the President broke the news
gently to Income tnx payers that the
Income tax reduction allowed on 1929
Incomes cannot be continued on 1930
Incomes, the tax on which will be pay­
able next year. The rates automat­
ically revert to the regular levels.
Mr. Hoover did not specifically state
that the Income tnx reduction Is to
be discontinued, but the financial
statement he submitted Is clearly
based on this assumption.
On the basis of the Income tax re­
duction now In effect, applying to the
last six months of 1930 but not to the
first six months of 1931, the President
calculates that the government will
wind up the current fiscal year with
a deficit of $180,000,000 Instead of the
surplus of $123,000,000 which the treas­
ury estimated a year ago. Then, as­
suming that "the temporary tax re­
duction of last year be discontinued,”
the President said that a surplus of
only about $30,000,000 Is in sight for
the next fiscal year.
“Most rigid economy,” the Presi­
dent added, “is therefore necessary
to avoid increase in taxes.”
Mr. Hoover recommended thnt the
appropriation of between $100,000,000
and $150,000,000 be made distributable
upon recommendation of a cabinet
committee approved by the President.
With that amount available, the Presi­
dent said It would be possible to ex­
pend a total of $050,000,000 upon con­
struction of nil kinds in the next 12
At the instnnee of the administra­
tion, Senator Otis F. Glenn (Rep.,
111.), member of the senate appropria­
tions committee, Immediately Intro­
duced a bill providing for the appro­
priation of $150,000,000 as the emer­
gency unemployment fund requested
by the President
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled for Information
of Our Readers.
Mary “Mother” Jones.
Washington.—Mary “Mother" Jones,
militant crusader for the rights of the
laboring man, died at her home n
nearby Maryland. She was 100 years
old. The celebrated labor lender, who
had championed the cause of the work­
ing man for 60 years, succumbed to
the ravages of old age only after her
dea‘ * had been expected a number of
tlim > during the lust year. The body
was shipped to Mount Olive, III., where
she was burled among “her boys” who
were killed in 1898 In Vlrden mine
Tardieu Loses in G reat Fight to
Remain at the Helm.
Paris.—Amid an uproar not heard in
the halls of the senatorial palace for
years, Premier Andre Tardieu’s sec­
ond cabinet went down to defeat by a
margin of eight votes, when the senate
voted on an order of the day Implying
mistrust in the government. The
young premier, who went down smil­
ing and fighting to the bitter end, had
previously posed a question of confi­
dence against that procedure.
The actual vote was 147 to 139. It
was the fourth time in the history of
the third republic the senate had
forced a government to resign instead
of the chamber of deputies.
Premier Tardieu did not wait to
hear the vote, for he had left the
building a few seconds before, grimly
grinding Ids teeth on his famous ciga­
rette holder, realizing that all was lost
despite his vigorous fight and the sup­
port of his prpdeeessor, Raymond
Poincare, who almost turned the tide
of battle.
The premier and Ids colleagues vis­
ited President Doumergue at the Ely-
see palace and presented the resigna­
tion of the entire cabinet.
The overthrow of the Tardieu gov­
ernment creates the most serious gov­
ernmental crisis in many years, and,
coming on the heels of a month of fu­
tile bickering between the chamber of
deputy groups, threatens gravely to
discredit the parlimentaly regime.
It is generally admitted that M.
Poincare Is the only man who can
hold the “wild horses” in parliament
together, but the ageing “savior” of
France insists his health will not per­
mit him to return to power, and stead­
fastly resists all efforts to draft him.
Loyola University Bans
Intercollegiate Football Iowa Girl, Missouri Boy,
Chicago.—Loyola university has
Healthiest in 4-H Club
abandoned intercollegiate football and
Otis, Mass.—Four hunters perished
and six were burned and wounded by-
exploding shells when a camp in which
14 men were housed was destroyed
by fire near here. The dead were
Otto Rlttner and Joseph Gennlv of
New Britain, Conn., and Thomas Hill
and Daniel Reilly of Shelton, Conn.
Chicago.—Blue eyes, flaxen hair cut
In boyish bob, a sweet, modest smile, a
blue sailor dress, complete the picture
of Marian E. Syndergaard, fifteen
years old, of Grundy county, Iowa,
winner of the national health club con­
test of the 4-H club.
She was the winner in a group of
20 girls from all parts of the United
States, examined by nurses, dentists
and doctors at the McCormick Me­
morial Institute. The 4-H club held
Its ninth annual congress In Chicago
and 1,400 members were here, each a
winner In local contests.
Fifteen boys also contested, and the
high score here was made by William
E. Bodenhamer, twenty years old, of
Johnson county, Missouri.
It was a close contest and the doc­
tors had to look over their candidates
several times. Marian's score was
99.7 and William got 98.7.
Marian is a senior in high school
and is the seventh child in a family
of eight, her parents being of Danish
W ant A rm y S urgeo n E xecuted
B rokers W ho F ailed S ent to P rison
will confine Itself to Intramural con­
tests on the gridiron. President Rob­
ert M. Kelley, S. J., announced. The
school built and dedicated this year a
fine new stadium. Father Kelley stat­
ed that “It is our belief that the In­
terest and appeal of these spectacu­
lar football games are getting away
from the colleges and universities and
are being centered on the public; or,
In other words, the colleges nnd uni­
versities are competing with enter­
tainment agencies for the patronage
of the amusement-seeking public.”
Four Hunters Die When
Forest Shack Is Burned
Kansas City. Kan.—Government at­
torneys announced they would ask the
death penalty for MaJ. Charles A.
Shepard, fifty-nine, army surgeon, on
trial In the Federal court on charges
of killing his wife.
F arm W om an K ills H u .b sn d , Self
St. Louis.—William and Fred Young,
investment brokers, who failed In
March for approximately $2,300,000,
were sentenced by Fvderal Judge C. B.
Karls to serve six years each In Leav­
enworth prison for using the malls to
Allegan, Mich.—Ed Niekling, forty,
E nds C aban M artial Law
was shot and killed by his wife, Havana.—Martial law which was
llaude. thirty-five, who killed herself, put Into effect before the recent Cuban
on a farm near here. She used a shot­ elections, was ended by decree of
gun and lred eight shots.
President Machado.
The Clatsop county cranberry crop
fell far below normal this season. The
estimated crop for the county is 6400
bushels as compared with 13,000 last
Banking conditions In southern Ore­
gon are In better shape at this time
than for many months, according to
A. A. Schramm, state superintendent
of banks.
Out of approximately 146 miles of
market road outlined by the Marion
county court two years ago as Its five-
year program, 77 miles have been
The total net indebtedness of Ore­
gon and its political subdivisions ou
July 1 this year was $185,643,456.88,
says a report prepared by State Treas­
urer Kay.
Fire starting after midnight in the
basement of the Mint cafe in Klamath
Falls damaged several buildings in
the block, with the total loss estimat­
ed at $20,000.
Lawrence Pippin, 47, fireman’s help­
er, was suffocated when he fell head
first into a sawdust bin at a sawmill
in Klamath Falls. He was not missed
for 15 minutes.
Two does were killed when an au­
tomobile driven by Henry Menth of
Bend crashed into a herd of five black-
tails. The deer were turned over to
Sheriff McCauley.
Thieves entered the Clatskanle high
school and stole 15 typewriters, two
adding machines, and personal effects
of teachers and students. The loss Is
estimated at $2000.
A 2-year-old Aberdeen-Angus bull,
owned by D. E. Alexander, Klamath
Falls, won third place In the breeding
cattle division of the national live­
stock show at Chicago.
Frank R. Neil, 63, native of Jackson­
ville, was killed Instantly when his
shotgun discharged while he was
crawling through a barb wire fence
on his ranch near Butte Falls.
Sleighing is ideal in Pine valley—
Just enough snow to make the roads
fine for sleighs or cars. With the
thermometer around zero the young
people are thoroughly enjoying them­
Roy Hise of Eugene has been award­
ed $2250 in a suit against the city of
North Bend for personal Injuries. In
1928 Hise drove his automobile off a
North Bend dock in a dense fog while
passing through the city.
Fire believed to be of incendiary
origin destroyed the old sawmill of
Cobbs-Mitcbell company at Falls City.
The loss is estimated at $75,000, part­
ly covered by insurance. The mill
had been idle eight years.
Marion county will pay about $4000
more for transporting high school stu­
dents this year than last. There are
758 pupils, and at the rate of $40 each
the total cost will be $30,320. The
cost last year was $26,000.
Alfalfa grange is the third grange
organization in Deschutes county to
protest against the proposed removal
of County Agricultural Agent McDon­
ald. The other two granges protesting
are Pine Forest and Eastern Star.
Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, 81c;
soft white, western white, 69c; hard
winter, northern spring, western red,
Hay—Buying price, f. o. b. Portland:
Alfalfa, $18@18.50; valley timothy,
$17.60; eastern Oregon timothy, $190
$20; clover, 14; oat hay, $14; oats and
vetch, $13.50014.
Eggs—Ranch, 18©30c.
Cattle—Steers, good, $8 0 8.50.
Hogs—Good to choice, $909.25.
Lambs—Good to choice, $6.50 0 7.00
Wheat—Soft white, western white,
northern spring, hard winter, western
red, 70c; bluestem, 79c.
Eggs—Ranch, 22©38c.
Cattle—Choice steers, $7.2508.25.
Hogs—Good to choice, $909.25.
Lambs—Choice, $5.5006.50.
Cattle—Steers, good, $707.25.
Hogs—Good to choice, $8.7508.85,
Lambs—Medium to good.$5©6.
Our position on channel swimming,
as recreation, remains as formerly:
Anyone healthy enough to try I*
healthy enough not to have to.
Something else that does the ner­
vous system no good is watching a
four-year-old maneuver a large piece
of currant jelly onto a small segment
of cracker.
A working girl listing her living ex­
penses in a western paper puts down
$22 a year fir chewing gum. For
$22 you could start a chicle orchard
In your yard.
if you must convince youc»
„ .r, try some ordinary tobacco-
in an old pipe- Note result in chalk
on the bottom of your left shoe.
Then try some ordinary tobacco
in your favorite pipe. Note on other
shoe. Finally, try some Sir Walter
Raleigh smoking tobacco in any good
pipe. You won’t have to note it any - 1
where, fir you’ll notice with the very
first puff how much cooler and milder
it is. It stays so, right down to the
last puff in the bowl— rich, mellow
and fragrant. Your regular tobacco-,
nist has Sir Walter, of course. T ry *
tin — today.
I T ’S
15 /
—and milder
D ried P ears 10c, A pricots 15c, P runes 5o
per pound. Money refunded if n o t satis-
fled. N. E. Jacobson. H ollister. Calif.
4tk and Ploe—Portland, Ora.
Hotel irAere vou are iri’tceme
R oom -bath $2.00 u p
Remove. r-uidruff-Stop. Hair Felling
Impart. Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Heir
60c and SI .00 at Druggist..
Higeor Chem- Wl».. Patchogue.N-Y.
FLORESTON SHAM POO - Ideal for use in
connection with Parker*. Hair Balsam. Makea the
hrur goft and fluffy. 60 cen t, by mail or at drug-
Ciata. Uiacox Chemical Work«, ¡‘atchogue, N.Y.
Dog G iven H onor
Chinook, famous sled dog which
died on the Byrd expedition, lias been
honored In New Hampshire, his home
state. The road from Tamwortb to
Wonalancet has been officially desig­
nated as Chinook trail.
Blessings of poverty are imagin­
ary. To have enough and not too
much is the best condition.
M other of Four
•‘Although I am only 22
years old, I have four babies to
care for. Before my first baby
was bom my mother urged me
to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound because
I was so terribly weak. I had to
lie down four or five times a
day. After three bottles I could
feel a great improvement. I still
take the Vegetable Compound
whenever I need it for it gives
me strength to be a good
mother to my family.”—Mrs.
Vem L Dennings, 510 Johnson
freer, Saginaw, Michigan.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
I »Jit E Pinkham Med. C* , L*nn. \1as%>