NYSSA, OREGON Gateway to the Owyhee and Black Canyon IRRIGATION VOLUME XXV PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NO. 3 CITY COUNCIL 13836625 NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, O ct . 10 NYSSA TAKES GAME 1930 NYSSA, OREGON Busiest and Fastest Growing Town in Oregon INVESTIGATE— LOCATE 11.50 PER YEAR Personals, Society, Nyssa Home Locals P. T. A. NYSSA CLUB IS PREPARING FOB FILL WORK The Swan Bakery is putting in A special meeting of the O. E. State Senator C. O. Oxford, a new Marshall Middleby oven at S. was called Monday for a school Representative J. D. Billingsly, Fast, elusive running around an expense of $3500. They are of instructions given by Mrs. An­ Co. Agt. R. G. Larson and Co. The Fall activities of the King- ends and off tackles, together also putting in new tables and na M. Ellis, the Grand Conduc- Com. F. T. Morgan are in Port­ man Kolony P. T. A. are well with a vicious passing attack, floor, four gross of bread pans trees of Oregon. Mrs. Hilda Ten- land, trying to get the quarantine started. The September meeting The Nyssa City Council met accounted for Nyssa’s 26 to 7 tri­ and two bread racks. sen presented her with a beautiful lifted from the hay. The gentle­ was held at the Conrad Martin We are glad we live in Nyssa Monday night with Councilmen umph over the Weiser H. S. foot men drove down, expecting to gift from the Chapter. After the home with Mrs. Moses and Mrs. and another fact to be glad about Barney Wilson, Jesse E. Thomp­ ball team, last Friday. All of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brunell of meeting refreshments were served return Sunday. Bach assisting. The annualjelec- is that we have here a good Com­ son, Dick Tensen, R. A. Thomp­ Nyssa’s scoring was done by Geo. Boise, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christa Minton on Mr. and Mrs. O, G. Bauer and Doing job printing that took tion of officers was held, making mercial Club. At the last meet­ son and Mayor H. T. Francis in Johnston, flashy quarterback, Sunday. family visited friends in Nampa, much of our attention from the Mrs. R. R. Oyerstreet president, ing of the Club there were sixty their chairs. The cemetary ques­ who carried the pigskin for long paper this week. Bring in your Mrs. D, Holly and Mrs. Charles people present. A live organiza­ Sunday. tion was discussed. The Ceme­ gains on line plays and passes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Britch visited work. Schweizer vice presidents and tion can accomplish much for a tary Association is negotiating Gerret Muntiewerff, playing left friends in Parma, Sunday, who Mr. Jack Evans has gone to The Dslles to visit Mr. J. R. Hunter at County P. T. A. Convention at Mrs. Conrad Martin sect’y-treas. city, especially a growing city like with the City to sell the cemetery half for Nyssa, attempted twelve they knew in South Dakota. Oregon Trail sehool tomorrow. An informal reception for the Nyssa where so many things will to the city. The Council set Oct. passes during the game, seven of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dragich the hospital teachers, Mrs, Schweizer and Miss have to be accomplished right now. 15 as tne date for a public caucus which were received by Johnston were visitors in Boise, Monday. Charles Leuck was taken sud-1 Go to the foot ball game on Johnson, was held the evening of Everything that Nyssa does now to nominate city officials, to be for gains averaging 25 yards. denly ill with acute brights dis­ Nvssa grounds this Friday after­ must be done for a city three Sept. 12. voted on at the November elec­ Muntjewerff’s punts were all Roy Willoughby left, Monday, ease, and is in the hospital at noon. Nyssa vs Prairie City. for the coast. times the size at the present day. The October meeting was held tion. well over 45 yards. Nyssa’s line Ontario. He is reported to be im­ The first of the week was w et By planing for three thousand Friday at the Walter Nichol home Mrs. Peary Beam is cooking in although considerably outweighed proving. Three days of showers, and after with Mrs. Clarence Elliott and people now the work will not the Electric Cafe. held the Idaho boys in check ex­ Bert Barker and Mr. O’Othoudt, a shower “No Fishing” signs Mrs. James Hare assisting hos­ have to be done oner in a couple llse Your Paper cept for a few minutes in the Herver Hodson, of the Ontario- Mrs. Barker’s father, took a busi­ would have been appropriate on tesses. Plans were made to join years at more expense. A crying Your Gate City Journal is here fourth quarter when Weiser ral­ Nyssa Taxi, was run into by a ness trip to Cresent City, Calif., Nyssa streets. the Oregon Trail P. T. A. in en­ need right now is for more hous­ to serve you. Use it in you in­ lied to score a touchdown and Utah car, causing damage to leaving Nyssa Thursday, Oct. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were tertaining the County Council on es. We met five families looking Dale Garrison, both cars. dividual business if you are a added point. | and back last Sunday. in vain for a place to live, this pleasantly surprised, Sunday, by Saturday, Oct. 11. business man.» Use it in building Floyd McEwen, Leonard Mar­ Dr. Abbott is making some im­ Mrs. E, L. Southerland and her a number of La Grande friends, The Kolony circle will entertain week. We need a business block shall and Rosel Hyde shifted to your community if you are a citi­ provements to his office. daughter Marie were at the dam Those visiting the Smith home at a Halloween Party Friday eve­ with four store rooms below and zen. The editor welcomes, wants tackle in the second quarter, led Evening church service will be­ for the weekend, visiting Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Price ning, Oct 30, at the school house. modem apartments above. We and needs advice and is anxious 'the forward wall attack. Nyssa’s gin a half hour earlier. and son Carrol, Mr. and Mrs. Plans are also progressing for need a sewer system the length C. S. Hale. and willing to aid in business, first touchdown was made near The harvest sale will continue Mrs. Ruby Jordan, of Vale, Lloyd Purdy and daughter Mar­ the Bazaar to be held early in of main street. We need a can­ social and development affairs the close of the opening quarter. jorie and Mr. and Mrs. Will Woik December. Work on the quilt nery, creamery, woolen mill, pre­ where and when he can. Every­ Taking the ball in midfield, John- over Friday at the Blackman died, Monday morning, with apen* and c^ughter Helen. for the bazaar will be resumed at serving plant and numerous oth­ dicitis, at the Holy Rosary hospi­ body, nearly everybody, in this ston, Hyde and Muntjewerff j building. the November meeting to be held er business and industrial con­ territory reads the Journal and it marched down the field on line | MiM Blokland attended the tal. She was well known as Ruby Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Aungst, of at the C, C. Cotton home Nov. 7. cerns. Here is work for the Com­ plays to the 1 yard lire where County Court Baker, were guests of Mr. and can be made a big influence for session, at Vale, Ivers. Splendid cooperation is evident mercial Club. In getting any­ good, Another mission of the Johnston carried it over. Muntj- Thursday Voters registration closed Sat­ Mrs. Joe Smith Wed. and Thurs. between the association, the teac­ thing Nyssa needs publicity. It paper is to tell hundreds of peo­ ewerff’s try for point was un­ urday with an additional 68 names Parma is getting a new hotel hers and the school board. An is backward in this surest invest­ ple in other cities and states about successful. Nyssa threatened in J°e Miller has been reinstated and apartment house. example of this cooperation is ment. We have never seen a John Moore has the tickets for Nyssa. Use your paper. It de­ the second quarter when passes by the G. S. L. and went to Salt evidenced in the way the hot pamphlet or card or a line for C. J. Keizer and family and Mr. the night football game at Cald­ votes many columns free for the nad brought the oval within a Lake< Tuesday, to take examina- lunches will be handled. The Nyssa. A caller last Saturday, a and Mrs. Boyd, of Camas, Wash., well. College of Idaho vs Willa­ few yards of the goal, but the gun tions. Nyssa community. district, through the board, will traveling man, had never heard are Dewcomers, who intend mak­ mette University. cut short the attempt. After re- Mrs. C. M. Caldwell and son ing homes in Nyssa. supply the materials, the P T. A. of any dam project. It’s pitiful. ceiving the ball on downs in the Sam returned to Kent, Wash., on Mrs. Leo Hollenberg and Mrs. Good Stores Need the dishes and kitchen equipment We should not hide our light un­ Watching the usual Saturday third quarter, Johnston on the Tuesday, after a long stay in Ernest Wilson will entertain the night crowd and many machines, and the teachers have charge of der a bushel, lots of people are O. E. S. Kensirigton on Wednes­ Not be Chain third play dashed across for Nys- Nyssa. looking for investments. Anoth­ the preparation of the lunch. a citizen estimated that there was sa’s second counter Muntjewerff Mp<; and Mrs H T Francfa day afternoon, Oct. 29, at the er important matter is to prevail 1250,000 parked along the main Publicity Committee t the weekend jn Eminettf home of Mrs. Hollenberg. All There are both business and drop kick was not high enough to street curbs. on people in the Nyssa territory , , farm openings in and near Nyssa. clear the bar. Within a few min- ... ., . Eastern Stars invited. to trade in Nyssa. If we havn’t Mrs, Dean Smith visited several Many people think the chain utes Nyssa again had the ball. A surprised bunch of friends days in Caldwell, Idaho, last week W. C. T. 1. Meeting got what they want, let’s get it. Earl Marshall made a 15 yard Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lawrence store brings more people to town who learn that Herbert Hoxie and Prices on commodities and rent to trade and that the more peo­ gain; Hatch and Muntjewerff ad- and family were dinner guests at Miss Virginia Bartlett were mar­ as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight on houses must be fair. The ple bring more money, hence the ded a few yards and Johnston, the home of Mr. and Mrs. War­ ried Monday, Oct. 6, at Caldwell. Smith. We are told that we have child­ The Nyssa W.C.T.U. met last trading public must be catered to. opinion that the independent receiving a pass from Muntje- ren Richardson, of this city, Mon- ren in Nyssa of school age who Tuesday at the home of Mrs. L. A. To the stranger a cheery word, Bridge Club met at the home store will also do more business. werff, brought the score up to 18 daY evening. Higby. Mrs. Emma Hawkins, V. The public knows that advertising Johnston converted by a line Mrs. Ada Hawroth was an over of Mrs, A. H. Boydell, Tuesday, are not attending school. We do P., presided. Mrs. Higby con­ smile and friendly greeting mean pays £and the public want to see plunge. The last period found night guest at the home of Mrs. Sept. 30. Mrs. Ernest Wilson not know particulars, but do know ducted devotionals, subject “The a whole lot. In other words, every man and woman in Nyssa won first prize and Mrs. J. J. Sar- that in this day it is a sin to per­ these ads. The women, espec­ Weiser making long runs, finally H. T. Francis, Monday, Spirit Filled Believer”. The Un­ should be strong for Nyssa. Our azin second. mit any boy or girl to loose this ially, shop by ads, and the prices scoring a touchdown and try for ion voted to adopt a mite box own citizens must believe in our “ •. “ H. • Martm has gone and quality count. New busi­ point. Nyssa then, in a series of R. Dick DeArmand, of Vale, was advantage of a good school. system to help the Waver ly Baby hunting. town. Surely we can afford to find means ness houses are needed in Nyssa; steady gains, brought the pigskin hunting. He is being relieved of in Nyssa Monday, on business. Home at Portland. Mrs. Margar­ his duties at the depot by Walter to have all in school who are en­ with stocks not represented now; to within a foot of the goal. et Klinkenberg was elected Coun­ Jesse Swan, of Boise, visited titled to it. in that case no one would fear Johnston pushed it over for the J. Smoak. his parents here Sunday. ty Vice President from Nyssa. He received a competition. We are not respon­ final touchdown. You will find on another page Voted to send Mrs. Emma Haw­ Nyssa Boy Plays For Rent: Sleeping or light the large advertisement of the sible for opinions of the public, pass to add the point after touch­ kins and Mrs. Mary Toombs as College Foot Ball housekeeping rooms. but our present stores can do as down. Public Sale to be held next Wed­ delegates to State Convention to Mrs. Nordale nesday a mile and a half north of well as chains, if the fact is known. be held at Roseberg’ Oct. 14 to 17. Oregon State College, Oct. 2— Let’s patronize them and they Late reports are that machinery Mrs. R. F. Reberger and two town. Better attend this sale as Mrs. Josie Douglass also is to be Dan Hanks, former Nyssa H, S. will disclose their prices and new is enroute for an oil well to o R. A. Miller is a county delegate. small sons, of Vemonia, are visit­ it is a big Mrs. Posey foot ball star, is one of the hun­ arrivals. ing her parents here, Mr. and selling everything. Read the ad. and Mrs. Hawkins will each take dred or more freshmen football j be started, eight miles from Nys­ Mrs. B. M. Warren. Farmers Wanted, as well as Stores sa, near the John Day Junction. Powel Service Station is adver­ a party to Payette on the 9th to aspirants who answered the first Of more importance is more President Hoover says: “ The Born, Sept. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. tising in earnest, this week, tell the Southern Idaho Convention, call for practice this week. Coach farmers. Time to be looking and; progress of the race is upon the ing you about the newest Nash, a The meeting closed with prayer Dick Newman is well pleased with Ed Warren, a baby daughter. wonderful car. getting in before the new water. marching feet of the healthy, in­ by Miss Blokland, after which this large turnout of freshmen Mrs. Myrtle Dalzel, from the Nyssa offers the best oppoi tuni- structed children, and if we were Mrs. Higby served refreshments. and is expecting a good season. A Buick sedan wrecked and a boys and girls society at Portland Hanks, who is 6 ft 2 inches tall ties in the West today. Surround­ to suppress our educational sys- j visited at the L. A. Higby home badly cut up man sent to the and weighs 176 pounds, plays end. ing our city potatoes harvest i JO , tern for a single generation, the ¡hospital, Tuesday, when the ¿Margaret Turnbull Clyda Beam, who is teaching at Wednesday. bushel to the acre, wheat 65 bu, equipment would decay, the most ' driver failed to make the curve Joseph, came home Friday for He will probably see action in bailey 48 bu, oats 70 bu, alfalfa of our people would die of starva- at the Chas. Garrison corner. A the weekend at the home of his most of the five games scheduled. 6 tons, clover hay 3 ton, onions j tion, and intellectually and spirit­ bottle of houch in the wreck at parents. Jack Phelps and J. E. Since Vale s 'a r t‘d advertising, 300 .racks, apples 300 bu, corn 70 ually we would slip pack four least proved no safety valve. Stiles, engineers of LaGrande, ac­ their merchants ar i doing a tre­ bu. These are average yields. A thousand years in human pro companied him. 1 mendous business. good marked, main line railroad, gress’’. House to House best climate and long growing Party, by Girls This tale is delicious in Payette, Ida , 10-6 30 season. Editor. The Gate City Journal Notice of Caucus its humor and romantic Nyssa, Ore. About thirty Girl Scouts enjoy- Enjoyable qualities. Story o f an A Caucus will be held in the Dear Mr. Robinson. I thank ed a House to House Supper, Mon- impoverished young you for copies of your paper and day evening, Oct. 6 It was plan- A story tells of a traveling man Council room on Wednesday, October 15, at 8 o’clock P. M., enjoyed reading them; your paper ned to have the cue first course at Englishman who wanted who, remembering his wi e’s Ella Martin’D home, but with the is far above the average and birthday, sent her a cheque for a t)r the purpose of nominating a wife and would not ob­ would be a credit to a town five rain it was decided that it would thousand kisses. In a few days c indidates for City offices to be Total Stock Cash Monthly ject if she were wealthy; • I voted upon at the election on times as large as Nyssa. I like be more satisfactory if the first word came in reply: “Dear hubby: Dividend Dividend Advance your optomistic spirit—“As we course was eaten at the Parrish but he was no ordinary I can’t begin to tell you how much November 4th, namely: 50* 1 Mayor Average 1929 Hall. The other three cources think, s j it is.” I enjoyed that cheque for a thou­ fortune hunter. In America 38 4 Councilmen 3 2 were served at Schlapkohl’s, 33 Read the article in Payette En­ January sand kisses. You could not have he found a land o f joy. 43 3 1 Recorder 'Ihe 2 Pinkerton’s and Crawford’s. 38 terprise, this week, relative to February remembered my birthday with 41 1 Treasurer 3 2 39 ous opportunity. * organizing a “Lower Snake River planning, cooking and cleaning up March anything that would have given 43 By Order of City Council 3 of each course was done by a 2 38 and Payette Valley Chamber of April me more satisfaction. I turned it Happy New Serial fo r 3 39 A. R. Miller, Recorder patrol. Even though each girl 2 34 Commerce.” Get behind this May over to the milkman this morning 38 3 2 had her special work to do it did June 33 move and let’s put it over. and he cashed it.” Anyone having a room, apart­ 38 3 not seem to hinder their having a July 2 33 Yours very truly Our Journal readers, starting in Two furnished ment or house to rent, can rent this week’s paper. Start i t on 42 3 good time a3 could have been August For Rent: 2 37 S. P. Bailey it through the Journal. We get 42 sleeping rooms, reasonable. seen if one had watched the group. 3 2 37 Pres. Ida.-Ore. Business College Sept another page. Phone 1 calls daily. MONDAY NIGHT The H andsom e Man ^By RETURNS TO MEMBERS Farmers Co-operative Creamery