1 U Ë ( i A f E C ITY JO U R N A L , N Y 8 S A , Ó R É tiÒ N . NYSSA NEEDS. AS WE WOULD RAMBLE TH1SWEEK Nyssa needs more business build­ The Best is No Higher Priced Than the Second best PRICE SIZE 440-21 $5.55 450-20 6.20 8.15 450-21 6.30 8.25 475-19 7.40 9.40 500-19 7.95 10.05 525-21 9.75 11.60 550-19 9.95 12.35 The demand for quality tires never has been greater. That’s why we sell Kelly-Spring- fields. This is one case where the best is no higher priced than the second best. Kellys sell for the same price as most oth­ er tires. Besides selling Kellys, we do repairing Powell Service Station Day and Night Service N yssa’s Busy Corner ings to rent—sure investment. Nyssa needs stage connections with a better route with more towns from Ontario to Boise, t Nyssa needs a cannery and cream­ ery, woolen mill and several other industries. ........... WE HAVE .... Present population of Nyssa is 1000 and growing every week. We have a splendid grade and high school, 14 teachers, 400 pupils. We have an excellent lighting sys­ tem, power, and municipal water system, with good water. We have a splendid bank, three churches, societies, lodges, commer­ cial club, many lately established, a public library, weekly newspaper and many lines of mercantile busi­ ness in modern fireproof buildings. A splendid home town, an cxxcellent business town, the one big chance in the Northwest. How Old Are You? Today, Said She, I’m yi O Am I Fat—Not Me Yes! A year ago I had twenty-two more pounds of fat than I needed. I was fat, and very sensitive about it; but now I say it is foolish for anyone to be overweight What did I do? Nothing very hard, can assure you. I cut out pies, candy and all sweets; ate moderately and every morn ing before breakfast I took one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water—never missed a morning I lost fat, gained in energy, vigor, charm and vivaciousness and have a shap-ly figure 1 am proud of—anyone can do the same. A North Carolina woman lost 47 pounds in 3 months. A Montana woman lost 19 pounds in 4 weeks. Wisconsin woman 11 pounds in 6 weeks Nyssa Pharmacy and every druggist in the world sells Kruschen Salts. A bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs 86 cents. M. E. CHURCH NOTES | J " Carnation’sQ ueen To Compete” 100 Snappy Patterns In Large Samples at ONLY $ 24.75 " C a r n a t io n L a v a n d u la ” B. M., 18.1, 7 years, o f C a rn a tio n F a rm Stab lea, P o n .n a, C a lifo r n ia , ow ned b y E. A . S tu a rt, S e a ttle , P r e s id e n t E m e rltu * o f P a c if ic In te rn a tio n a l. A return entry In the Horae Show of the 10th Annual raciflc Interna­ tional Livestock Exposition, Port­ land. Oregon, Oct. 25 - Nov. 1. will be ona of the outstanding harness horses of this country and a con- aletent stake winner In the premier ahows each season — “Carnation Levendula”. This year'« Horae Show with Its Premium List of 135.000 promises to attract the greatest aggregation of entries ever recorded. In the seven evening and three afternoon programs will be provided spectacu lar and sterling performances. In­ cluding the contests (or Six-Horse Teams. Here, too, will be seen for the first time recent Importations by the Aaron M. Frank Stables. The provisions made for amateurs era sure to create Increasing Inter­ est In this popular division of the Exposition. Thirteen complete shows In all combine to make the 20th Annual the greatest Exposition In the his­ tory of Pacific International. Un­ der the 11-acre roof will be found exhibits totaling millions of dol­ lars In value—pure bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Henvy Draft Horses, Sheep, Hogs, floats, Foxes. Mink, Marten, Poultry and Rabbits. Pre­ miums totaling f 100,000 are offered. Other exhibits Include a complete Dairy Show featuring milk, cream. Ice-cream, butter and cheese of all kinds; 2-acre Industrial Exposition; Manufacturers’ and Land Products Shows; Wool and Mohair Show; Boys' and Girls' Club Work; Wild Life Exhibit by Oregon Fish and flame Commission; and Interesting and educational “Truthin-Meats” Exhibits. Reduced round trip fares to the Exposition ure announced by all leading transportation lines. SUIT or Top Coat Nyssa Tailor Shop Subscribe for The Gate City Journal NYSSA LIBRARY HOURS Town patrons 2:30 to 5:30 Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 On the main line of the Union Pacific railroad. Junction of the Union Pacific and branch line to Homedale and other Idaho points. Northern terminus of the recently incorporated Idaho Pacific rail­ road to Winnemucca. Nevada. In 1950— Same Back Seat Driver We hold to the general proposi­ tion that there is only one rule for the back-seat driver—SHUT UP! This applies nowand it will apply just the same in 1950: Shut your eyes and hear the conversation, 20 years ahead of now: “George, why in the world dont you look where you’re going? We nearly hit that biplane. “Now there’s a nice monoplane, painted green: why can’t we have one like that? “There you go, through a cloud again, and you know I’ve asked you to ayoid them because they take the curl out of my hair: I believe you did it on purpose, “Don’t go so fast! Three hun­ dred miles an hour is quick enough for anybody. I won’t have you speeding: let him pass if he wants to. “I don’t Relieve you know where you are! Why don’t we stop in Greece? Now we’ll have to eat in Egypt, 'and you know I hate sand for a picnic. Don’t take your hand off the joy stick. My nerves—” SHUT UP. Exchange, Sales, Service | Quit Blowing Bubbles # And start Making Brick. “ALL’S WELL,” cried the watchman, as he went his rounds at night. Our registered pharmacists are modern watchmen who guard your health in filling prescriptions, accurately and with the prescribed ingredients. ''All’s well,” when your prescriptions are filled here. Nyssa Pharmacy Nyssa Oregon “ Try the Drug Store F irst.” Heating sieve soon Look over our Heaters and cur Kitchen Stoves. We have New and used stoves to suit at prices From $10. to $110. NORDALE FURNITURE STORE Nyssa WANT ADS You have articles you dont want that other people want. Use this column SITTIN’ PRETTY ■ --- " Says Billy Der: “This billet doux Is meant for you, and you, and you— A home is just the very thing To make a man feel like a king! Tell Them at}Low Coat ror rent; Sleeping or light house­ keeping rooms. Mrs. Nordale. Miss Berniece Vorhies, accred­ T h ere’« no denying th a t it« ited violin teacher, will be in a joyous feeling to move Nyssa on Saturdays to give les­ into a home of your own! sons. Anyone interested see Mrs. Sunday School 9:45 A. M, H. R. Quinby for appointment. 2 If you’re contem plating R . J. Davis Supt. one and are undecided, let FOR SALE One roll top desk us explain to you how in good condition. Price $25. In-1 Regular services Sunday. quire Nyssa Realty office. little it will Cost to build a house. We handle all of Wednesday Prayer meeting, John R. Hunter. the necessary m aterials, from th e foundation to the 8 P. M. chimney cap, and we can even furnish floor plans. Friday Choir Practice, Josie J. Blokland, Pastor Phone 13 Dave’s Service Nyssa, Oregon SHELL GAS. O K B A R B ER SH O P Come in and talk it over. COAL and WOOD—o rd er now NEW and NEAT------- Service to Please Room East of Drug Store You’ll Find It O. K. Dr. RINEHART D E N T IST TIRE CHANGING GREASING, WASHING Guaranteed Dentestry at mod­ We have also added to our equipment a new pressure erate prices, without sacrific­ ing quality. gun for greasing cars. Nyssa Lumber Company Phone 47 The Home of Friendly Service j Lamb Travels To Exposition By Air J o B P r in tin g Quick Service if you want it—reliable service always. We always place our guarantee of satisfaction back of every printing job we do. We are good printers — know it— and are willing to back our judgment with our guarantee. IPRICES AS LOW AS Plates...............................$20.00 Bridge work,per tooth 7.50 Gold Crowns, 22k fine 7.50 Porcelain crowns........ 7.50 Gold I n la y s ....... ......... 5.00 Plate repair................. 2.00 In The County Court For Malheur Couoty, State of Oregon Fillings........... .............. 1.50 In the Matter of the Estate of C lean in g...................... 1.50 Samuel M ThomPson: Dec” *«i Tk N° T' C E ™ CREDPTORS Teeth extracted Thi undersigned h*v,nK ***" «PPO'nted painless method............ 1.00 *7 the County Court for Malheur County Open occupied by early spring. sa y » In Jefferson's Honor The Jefferson Memorial foundation was formed April 13, 1923. on the one hundred and eightieth anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s birth. It has ac­ quired Jefferson’s home, Montleello. Furniture For Every Need and Is devoting Its efforts to Us up­ keep and restoration. NOTICE OF MEETING Owyhee Irrigation District Malheur County. Oregon Notice i, hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Owyhee Irrigation | Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Laok at Nyssa, Oregon. Best located town in Malheur District will meet on Tuesday. October Samuel H. Thompson, deceased, and hav­ FREE Estimates and ing qualified; county—capital of the Owyhee Project. Try the test of edg­ 17th, 1930, at 8 o'clock P. M. at their office Notice is Hereby Given To all creditors Examinations ! *t Nyssa. Oregon, forth# pnrposa of re­ ing your way down Main street Saturday night. Govern­ viewing and correcting the assessment of. and ail persons having claims against iPhone 150 R m ent spending tw enty million dollars on irrigation project; and apportionment of taxes for the ensu I the estate of said deceased, to present the ing year. The a^ssm enT Urt^nd ^ “orf “ me »> Provided by law. to dam forty percent completed. Nyssa will thrible in popula­ may be inspected at the office of the the und"*'Kned or ,0 hfr »«orney. Bruce Out of tow n patients work completed in 1 to 2 days tion. Best agricultural and stock country, with largest pro­ Hoard, at Nyssa, Oregon, by any person R K” ‘" ' *' hi* office “ 0nUrio' within interested 7 7 ^ , Six (6) months from the date of the first ductions and greatest variety in all Oregon. A* near per­ By . Order . of , the . Board of Direct»,, * * * * * * I * i 14 *“ T h • n no«ici' . . m nann Leila Thompson. Administratrix Dro E. A. RINEHART, Dentis fect clim ate as has been found. No crop failures. Various r Dated this second day of September. 1930 of the Estate of Samuel ■. Thompson Frank T. Morgan, classes o f business needed. A needed investment is a two or Ground Floor, Moore Hotel Bk deceased. of the Owyhee Irrigation District three story building, three or more store rooms, offices and Secretary First publication. Sept. 26, 1930 Ontario, Oregon First publication Sept. 12 js s t publication, Oct 24. 1930, appartments. It is an opportunity and should be finished and Last publicstton Oct 3 IN DEMAND OLDD^CBIRD Evenings O. M . P lu m m e r an d g ra n d -d a u g h te r D o ria -A n n B a rn e a ; C h a u n e e y H u b b a rd and C h a u n e e y J r . g re e t H a m p s h ire E w e (d o n ate d to B o y and G ir l C lu b E x h ib it o r s b y F le m in g an d H u b b a rd , S u n n y tld e , W a e h .) on Ita a r r iv a l In D ic k R a n k in ’s p la n e a t 1929 P a c if ic In te rn a tio n a l. Approximately one thousand head of outstanding breeding sheep In America will be exhibited at 20th Annual Pacific International Live­ stock Exposition, Portland, Oregon. Oct. 25 • Nov. 1. The Sheep Divi­ sion la one of the stronger depart­ ments of the Exposition, offering almost $10,000 in premium«. With the assistance of the V . S. Dept of Agriculture and Pacific Co-operative Wool Growers Asso­ ciation a Wool and Mohair Show will be staged exhibiting fleeces of all breeds shown in the Sheep Show. Eleven other complete shows combine, under the 11-acre roof, to make the 1930 Exposition the great­ est of all Pacific Internationals— Pare-Bred Livestock Show; Fat 8tock Show; Manufacturers’ and I.and Product! Shows; Industrial Exposition (covering 2 acres); Fox Show; Poultry and Rabbit Show In the new T. B. Wilcox. Jr.. Hall; Boys’ and Girls' Club Work Exhib­ its; "Truth-in-Meats” Exhibits; world-renowned Horse Show; Wild Life Exhibit by Oregon Fish and flame Commission; and a complete Dairy Show featuring milk, cream. Ice-cream, batter and cheese of all kinds. Premiums offered total $ 100 . 000 . The Pacific International Horse Show le the Exposition's great en­ tertainment, providing seven even­ ing and three afternoon programs and $35.000 In cash prises. All leading transportaUon lines offer reduced round-trip (area to the Exposition. j