TH E GATE CITY JOL RNAL Canned cantaloupes as a new prod uct may be developed If trials near Ontario prove successful. We Behave The Columbia river steamer Cow Like Human Beings litz docked at The Dalles with a cargo of beet pulp, mill feed, paint and other By GEORGE DORSEY. Ph. D„ U _ D. Principal Events of the Week commodities, to mark the resumption (£1. 1930. W estern N ew spaper Union.) of regular river service to The Dalles. Assembled for Information T h e w o r ld in a l l d a r k o r th e w o r ld ia a l l b r ig h t J. E. Hudson, printer, who lives on History Does Not R epeat Itself J u s t a s w e c h o o s e t o m a k e It: of Our Readers. a farm near Baker, narrowly escaped IN SO far as man has speeded living. O u r b u r d e n le h e a v y , o u r b u r d e n ia and to the extent that he has freed lig h t death when be was attacked by an human beings, he is fulfilling bis des : J u s t a s w e h a p p e n to t a k e it: enraged bull, which knocked him to A n d p e o p le w h o g r u m b le a n d p e o Benton county prune growers start tiny. But bus be completed Ids mis tbe ground and attempted to gore him. sion? Hus be made tbe most of his j p le w h o g r o a n ed picking the first of the week. A t t h e w o r ld a n d a t e v e r y p ro Farmers of Malheur county are dis opportunities? Is he progressing, is he p o sa l Contracts for the construction of W o u ld g r u m b le a n d g r o a n i f th a covering that their land and climate on tiie straight and shining rails, or is Hood River’s hydro-electric municipal w o r ld w e r e t h e ir o w n he in u maze, a blind alley, an appen- j A n d th e a u n , m o o n a n d s t a r s a t light and power plant have been let. are ideal for the production of baby dix to a cecum which bolds the threat d is p o s a l. lima beaus, a big paying crop. A few Jasper Meneneck, Yakima Indian, farmer» arounu Vale have pioneered of gangrene and destruction? There — H a r r ie t S w i f t . nre criteria for life; is there a bio- ' lost his life at Celilo fail« in a strug in the bean field. TO ADD TO THE FRUIT CLOSET logic criterion for progress? gle with a huge salmon he had caught A young chicken killed by Dr. Geo. Note ugaiu that, while culture was in a dipnet Bean of Vale was found to have wo Inevitable because man is a nervous, As sugar is one of the cheapest of A welfare service combined with hearts. The hearts w ere of equal ,ue, excitable, unarmored, defenceless, sel- [ foods In common use, its food value baby show will be one of the features the only variation being a flabby apex fish, self-centered, opinionated, Inquisi high, most house of the Linn county fair held at Al iu one case. Indications were that tive, bullying, cowardly, talking, mar wives are appreci ating the chance bany this week. rying animal, who requires shelter, both hearts functioned. NLY Atwater Kent has this Quick -Vision Dial to preserve and food, and a mixed diet, anil has a big Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer, who A new unnamed mite which attacks head and quick wits and is handy jelly as much oi —all stations always in sight and evenly spaced have lived at their home near Bellevue the evergreen blackberry has been lo the delightful full since 1890, celebrated their 50th wed cated by Horticultural Commissioner with bis hands, the particular bents from end to end—no stooping or eyestrain—easy, fruits as possible culture took were no more Inevitable ding anniversary. Try some of these William A. Aird. A seven-acre field than are the particular words I am accurate tuning from any position. . . Tone—tone— and see what an Plans were announced at Medford of berries in Marion count? has suf now putting down on paper. If Bud TONE. The Golden Voicel Natural tone of every M O D E L 70 for construction of a Blx-story office fered a 95 per cent loss. dha and Confucius, Moses anil I’lnto, addition they will make to your pre serve closet: instrument, living quality of every voice. . . Tone Lowboy Washington and Lincoln, were in building to bo erected by the Kermite The first day's enrollment in the evitable, ttien I can think of nothing Tomato-Raisin Conserve.—Take two Metals corporation. Control! Four definite shadings give you self-expres junior high and grade schools at Med less Illuminating ns a guide to human quarts of fresh ripe tomatoes, two There is still a shortage of compe ford showed an increase of 80 over conduct than human history. sion in radio music . . . New harmonious beauty— lemons cut fine, four sour apples Variety of other beautiful models for tent labor to assist in harvesting the the same day last year with prospects Note, too, that history does not re cored and" cubed, six sticks of cin the kind of radio you like to live w ith . . . Extra all-electric or battery operation. Price* fruit crop near Medford, the govern that the total will be more than doub peat Itself. Why should It? Who wants namon, one tablespoonful of whole slightly higher west of Rockies power and distance range! More than a year ahead ment employment bureau reports. it to repeat? To the best of our knowl cloves, two pieces of ginger root, one and in Canada. led when the fruit harvest is over. small piece of mnee. Tie tiie spices edge, nothing on this planet repeats. with Screen-Grid . . . Once more Atwater Kent sets A $2000 addition to the Baptist Bend residents who scaled Mt. Jef The New Exclusive church at Cove is under construction, ferson Labor day found a record left While tbe elements and the energies In a bag. Cook all those Ingredients the pace . . . By far the finest radio in all of Atwater enlarging the malu auditorium and by a party of scientists who climbed change not nt nil, or imperceptibly, together until a thick mass is made, Quick-Vision Dial Kent’s eight years of leadership. the forms matter takes and the work then add two pounds of sugar and adding two Sunday school rooms the peak 35 years ago for the purpose energy performs do change. The or boll 15 minutes, or until a Jelly stage Control of wild morning glories and of arranging a plan to send helio ganic needs and hungers inhere; they Is reached, which Is when the mixture For either all-electric or battery operation. other noxious weeds by means of graphic messages from peak to peak. drive man today, as yesterday, as in drops off in sheets from tbe side of Convincing demonstration and the spoon. Add one cupful of nut pre-Cambrian days, they drove his an chemicals applied from a power spray Prospect of still another water pow convenient terms at your dealer’s NOW'. meats Just before removing from the machine has been started in Wasco er filing on the North limpqua by the cestors. Drove? IIow? By a stepping up, a fire, If liked. county. California-Oregon Power company is raising of the potential of the power. Carrot Marmalade.—Grate 12 me More reduction of potato yields evidenced by the fact that a largo As a result, the machine became more ATW ATER KENT M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O M P A N Y dium-sized tender carrots, add four Easy to read as a clock. Greatest aid from virus diseases than from any camp has been established by the complicated hut more highly Inte cupfuls of sugar, three lemons. Juice A. Atwater Kent, President to fast, easy tuning in all the other fact was shown to exist by company at Smith spring. Men are grated; Its parts became larger hut and peel; one teaspoonful each of history of radio. 4764 W IS S A H IC K O N A V E N U E P H IL A D E L P H IA , P A . field tour of the potuto region near engaged in making soundings and oth under better control; It wus capable ground cloves, cinnamon and allspice, of more refined work, could vary its tied in a small cloth. Before adding Hood River. er preliminary work. R a c e r M a d e of Tin E ngla nd B e it M eat C ustom er Eldorado for Jobless Two outstanding Douglas county The dedication of the new $45,000 output, forecast tbe future, provide for the spice let the mixture stand one Tin was largely used in the mnk- John Bull was Uncle Sam's best in O utskirts of Tokyo products, Italian prunes and Dillard Columbia grade school building in unforeseen contingencies. Tills is cre hour, then cook slowly one hour, turn '.n0 of the Golden Arrow, the car meat customer last year. The United ative evolution. It is real, It Is tangible, Old coins, semiprecious stones nnd Kingdom bought $70,583,000 worth cantaloupes, will be featured at the McMinnville was held Monday. This its history can be rend in the rock Into sterilized glasses and seal. alth which the late Major Segrave Pear and Apple Conserve.—Take Irregular pieces of metal found In In California state fair at Sacramento marks (he dedication of the second record, can he measured in the cortex Hoke the speed record at Daytona of meat products from the United one pint of diced pears, one pint of jeaeh last March. No other known creasing numbers at Tokyo, Japan, States, about three-eighths of tills this month. grade school building within the city of the brain, and can he seen in the diced apple, one lemon Juice and grat may turn the city's “bnck yard" Into metal would stand the friction with country’s exports. Approximately $300,000 in second during the last two years. Last year fields of waving grain and in tbe ed rind, one cupful of seedless rai an Eldorado for the unemployed. out overheating and melting. half payments under the state intan the $50,000 Cook grade school build (locks of sheep and the herds of rattle. sins, one-half cupful of walnut meats, It all started when a man out of Selfishness prevents the brother It wus in tbe direction of freedom. three and one-half cupfuls of sugar. gibies tax act were turned over to the ing was dedicated. work happened to be wandering over H e a r t's “ P a c e m a k e r " Steam tiie raisins for 30 minutes, add a large tract of land which lias been hood of ma n; and many other de state treasurer this week by the state Fire in the big prune drier belong There Is a small mass of tissue In reclaimed by the city since the earth sirable things in life. What Is freedom? No two diction them to the other Ingredients and cook tax commission. ing to Jess Shambrook at Umpqua, the human heart which Is called the quake and which will be used for nrles define it alike. No two genera until thick and clear. Turn into When William Blachly. 80, of Junc destroyed the building. The loss is tions define It alike. No one genera glasses and cover with paraffin. Nuts pacemaker. In this the beat of the factories. The man found about a When a cynic feels benevolent, he heart has Its origin. It was discov dollar’s worth of coins the first day doubts his feelings; nt any rate he tion City, left Tuesday for a trip with estimated at $5000, with insurance thin agrees ns to who shall lie free. may be omitted and a smull amount ered in 1905 by Mr. Talvara, a Jap and twice that amount the next. analyzes them. his grandson for eastern Oregon, it partly covering the property. The The framers of our Magna Cliarta of if preserved ginger may be added. anese medical student. was the first time ho had left Lane drier waa electrically equipped and freedom went right on killing Indians The news sprend rapidly and a min Pickled Pears.—Peel four quarts ol had been modernized throughout. The and breeding slaves. We shall get lit pears. Boil two pounds of sugar with county in 40 years. iature gold rush started before the M o r e E d u c a t i o n N e e d e d city authorities stepped In and di Members of the state reclamation plant had just begun to work on this tle insight Into freedom from the law two cupfuls of vinegar, one-half ounce Our fulth In the advance of educa vided up the land for exploitation courts; we must look deeper. Can 0 stick cinnamon and one-fourth commission have been called to meet year's crop. tion Is shaken every time we read by the Jobless. we find a biologic concept of free ounce of cloves for 20 minutes. Place With the opening of the fall fishing K-R-0 (Kills R ats Only), writes at Salem to consider a recent audit about fellows who lose money In any dom? Is there n goal, ns it were, to s few of the whole pears In the sirup The explanation is that the land M r . ----- , Hulbert, Okla., brought of the books and accounts of Rher season In the Columbia river, Astoria creutive evolution? of the nnclent race track swindles. used for the reclaiming project was this remarkable result. K-R-0 is the and cook until tender, then place In packers have announced prices to he —Milwaukee Sentinel. Luper, state engineer. Our vision Is so limited! We know the cans. Fill each Jar to overflow taken from districts which were original product made from squill, an paid for the fall catch. Steelheade so little of life! Who shall say? swept by fire following the earth ingredient recommended by U. S. ing with the hot sirup, then- seal. During August the ferry Oregon The pill of adversity Is never su will lead the list with a prioe of 7 Government as sure death to rata But we shall try. All tbe cats, dogs, quake of 1923 and which were made link in the Roosevelt highway between gar-coated. and mice but harmless to dogs, cats, rnls, niul guinea-pigs martyred in the cents a pound. Sllversides will sell over for the construction of roads North Bend and Glasgow, set across DAINTY DISHES. or even baby chicks. You of science hare died in vain, and and parks. Countless pieces of poultry Coos bay 47,901 passengers, 17,515 au for 5 cents a pound while the price for name can depend on K-R-0 (Kills Rats Valuable experience Is the kind money and other valuables were left nil the laboratories built to serve sci dog salmon will hit the rock-bottom of Only), which has become America’s Some time when entertaining one’s tomoblles and eight teams. you can’t exchange, for real money. by the flames and never recovered. ence are illusions, If the net result is leading rat exterminator in just a 1 cent a pound. The second annual Northwestern but a few human lives saved and no friends at a dinner, try this method of These are now being dug up after few years. Sold by all druggists on serving sweet potato: Sale of approximately 1500 bales of light thrown on what it Is that Is Turkey show at Oakland, December being transported to their new loca a money back guarantee. Orange Sweet Potato. tion. The record find to date In the 19 and 20, will tiring to Oregon scv new crop bops in the Salem district saved and whether It Is worth saving. —Cook the sweet potato Intelligence is vague; we must give exploited area Is a semiprecious ernl men of national experience and last week at prices around 13 and 14 In their skins, peel, cents a pound was reported. One of It renllty. It means to learn. But stone which used to be part of a ring prominence In this field. mash and season with and which the tinder sold for $25. the largest sales was made by Romeo every animal learns—ameba, oyster, butter, salt and white According to present Indications be Goulet, who disposed of his entire fish, groundhog. The squirrel stores Positively erad icates from th e skin all ta n , moth p e p p e r . Prepare the tween 25,000 and 40,000 pounds of pur nuts for a wintry day. The Instinctive p atches,sallow com plexion, pim ples, eczem a,etc. P e r i ls o f E x p lo r e r * crop of 350 bales. With about two halves of oranges that dept, sto res o r by mail. P rice $1.25. behavior of many animals is remark- ple vetch will be harvested in Coos weeks of picking remaining, estimates Members of the Field museum re A t d ru g and BEA U TY BOOKLET F R E E have been squeezed of aide. But we can speak of tbe evolu county this year. The crop will come cently made a 4,000 mile archeolog D R . C. H . B E R R Y CO. of the crop in this district aro placed tion of intelligent behavior. And that their Juice by removing nil the white • C h ic a g o , 111« from approximately 40 acres. ical survey of the North Arabian 2 9 7 9 M ic h ig a n A t «. Inner lining of the skins. Fill them at 70,000 to 75,000 bales. Is no mere figure of speech. Nor Is It desert by motor car. The chauffeur George Wilhelm, proprietor of the with the seasoned potnto and about A new crop of army worms hns without significance that with man, P A R K E R ’S had to steer by compass, ns there are twenty minutes before serving time bank at Harrisburg, hns been acquit H A IR B A L S A M hatched in the Jacksonville district and with man only, we find human no roads In the Interior, nnd the car place them in the oven to become Removes Dandruff-Stops Hair Falling ted in the justice court of the charge and is ravishing the alfalfa crops. intelligence. Of nil primate Infants, simply had to plow Its way through Impart« Color and of allowing Canadian thistles to spread The farmers, who are large growers the human Infant alone learns human hot; a small piece of marshmallow Beauty to Gray and Faded Hall sand and bump along over huge rocks 60c and $1.00 at Druggists. may be placed on top to brown or a behavior. on a ranch he owns near Coburg. H iscox Chcm . W k s. , Fp.totiogue.N .T. and deep holes. To be lost In the of alfalfa seed in the Jacksonville dis Why? Because It has n larger learn sprig of parsley used on top for a desert—for awhile the party did get FLORESTON SHAM POO - Idea! for use in trict, instead of cutting four crops ing equipment, more ways of obeying garnish when serving. THE MARKETS with Parker's Hair Balsam. Makeethe lost, but It managed to get back on connection hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug- each season, let the third crop go to Impulses, a greater enpneity to modify Portland Coconut Drops.—Grate a fresh Its course again—meant the danger grists. Uiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue. N .Y . Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, 9414c; seed for threshing, but since the Impulses In the light of experience. coconut nnd ndd to it half its weight of running out of fuel, which In turn in sugar, stir until well mixed, then soft white, western white, 7914c; hard worms are eating the bloom they will meant the peril of attacks by | add one beaten egg white nnd drop Man. ns no other nnlimil does, can & Redoun brigands or death from winter, northern sprlug, western red, he compelled to cut this crop for hay. on buttered tin nnd bake in a slow starvation and thirst. The same 7614c. Sheridan has added a new lumber delay Ills reactions whereby he ad oven until brown. The common cause of digestive hazards faced them If the car broke Hay—Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: mill to its list of industries. The justs himself to circumstances; he thereby gains a measure of control Oyster Soup.—Add four talilespoon- difficulties is excess acid. Soda can down from the hard driving. Alfulfn, $17.50018; valley timothy, Yamhill River Lumber company re over his environment denied all other fuls of quick cooking tapioca to a not alter tills condition, and It burns $16; eastern Oregon timothy, new cently moved Ita plant to this place living beings. Such control is biologic quart of rich milk, two tenspoonfuls the stomach. Something that will C h e a p H e a t i n g f o r City crop, $18.50; clover, $14; ont hay. new and is getting ready for active opera freedom, the goal of creative evolu of salt, and cook until the tapioca is neutralize the acidity Is the sen On the recommendation of the Ice «rop, $13.50; oats and vetch, new crop (Ion. Much timber in the neighbor tion. Intelligence. What this control clear, stirring often nnd cooking in a sible thing to take. That Is why landic Engineering association Rey hood of Gopher valley has been pur can lead to Is Just beginning to he un double boiler. Add one cupful ol physicians tell the public to use $13.50. kjavik, the capital city, is to Inau Phillips Milk of Magnesia. chased and crews soon will begin cut derstood. Scientific intelligence may oysters nnd the oyster liquor, a dash Butterfat—37c. gurate the system of using its nat One spoonful of this delightful yet lie horn. Freedom ia as yet only h of cayenne and paprika and four ting and hauling logs to the mill. Tho Eggs—Ranch, 17030c. preparation can neutralize many ural hot springs for city heating pur Cattle—Steers, good, $7.7508.50. capacity of the mill is 40,000 feet o( goal nnd a long way off. but progress tablespoonfuls of butter. S ene when times Its volume In acid. It acts poses. At Wash springs, near Rey toward freedom will speed up: it Is the oysters are curled. Hogs—Good to choice, $10.50011.75. lumber a day. Instantly; relief Is quick, and very kjavik, a pumping plant Is being of the nature of living organisms to Sour Cra^m Pie.—Mix the yolks of Lambs-Good to choice, $607. apparent. All gas Is dispelled; all built and heavily insulated pipes will ASSURED TREATMENT Especial significance will be at grow by what they feed on nnd to two eggs well beaten, one cupful ol sourness Is soon gone; the whole carry the hot water Into the city. Write today for FREE book describing the Dr. Seattle tached to the Old Fort Dalles Frolics' climb by their own steps; the greater non-surgkal method of treat system is sweetened. Do try tills A numbe. of public buildings are ex L* J. Dean famous Wheat—Soft white, western white, parade this year in view of the 100th freedom, the faster tbe pace toward sour cream, one-half cupful of sugar, ing Piles and other Rectal and one tablespoonful of flour, one cup perfect anti-acid, and remember It pected to be equipped with this new Colon ailments, which we use northern srring, 79c; hard winter, anniversary of the On to Oregon move tiie goal. exclusively. Also gives details of ful of raisins and one teaspoonful ol Is Just as good for children, too, heating system by winter. our WRITTEN ASSURANCE western red, 78c; bluestem, 98c. That I*, if man is really on the ment. The vehicle» will be the same and pleasant for them to take. cinnamon. Cook together until thick T O E L IM IN A T E P IL E S , Eggs—Ranch, 29036c. Any drug store has the genuine, i n o m atter how severe. OR type as those which started westward trnok—nnd that we cannot know. We then pour into a baked pastry shell. T h is R e g u l a t e d A g e do know that countless kinds of living Whip the whites of the eggs until prescriptlonal product. Butterfat—39c. 100 years ago. Cop—Let me see your license. organisms dropped from slight because Cattle—Choice steers, $708.50, A lime deposit has been discovered they were on a by-path. But assuming stiff, ndd four tablespoonfuls ol Autoist—Marriage, car, driver's, RECTALTi COLON CLINIC sugar and spread over the fop of the Hogs—Prime light, $12012.15. In the Powell section near Redmond that man Is on the road of freedom, fishing, dog, hunting or builder's li pie nnd brown slightly In a slow Lambs—Choice, $607. cense? The deposit lies two or three feet un how can he keep going? Is there any this » a » « « T hin w i i t i m c Spokane der the surface and extends down 20 thing In his nature which conditions oven. Ozark Soup.—Cover a fresh soup Cattle—Steers, good. $6.5008. Others don't want you to be "use- I feet or more. Samples sent to Oregon progress—ns there nre hormones which hone with cold water and simmer ful" to them ; they want you to ad- | Hogs—Good to choice, $11.50. Slate college showed it to be more regulate growth? mire and like them. On* o f P O R T L A N D ’S N ew er H o tel• Lambs—Medium to good. $5.5006. The human being that can learn no until the meat Is tender, adding salt than 90 per cent pure. A ll ro o m s h a v e s h o w e r o r tu b ,|2 .O 0 u p . FIREPROOF. more has parted with the only price toward the end of the cooking. Strain 221 W . P a r k 9 t. C offee S h o p . G a r a g e o p p o s ite . the broth and to one quart of the less possessions in hnmnn Inheritance. Boston s broad A now seems certnlr Chicago U not yet one hundred broth ndd one medium sized potato S p e c ia l w in te r to sweep the country All the bes' years old and see what terrible Habits The men, women, or nations that hard cut Into dice, and one-half cupful ol ’ rate by day, week en In their mold, get set In their _____ r ’ or m onth "tnlkle" actors are using It. It has developed. wnshed rice. Let cook until tender, PO RTLAND. O REG O N ways, crystallze their opinions and be Absolutely Fireproof then add one can of tomatoes, bring liefs. nnd swear by ami live according S un , wind and w eather tend to Corner 6th and H oyt 8ta., N ear Union Station . We presume French women think In the old days, unless we are to the boiling point, ndd a table- fat men make the best husband* tie wholly mistaken, they did not refer to to their routine habits—sncli men. spoonful of flour mixed with one cup roughen the akin. Protect it by using .E A R N B IG M O N E Y women, or nnlions nre old; senile de I *6 to 50 per oent paid w hile emise they nre easy io keep track ol. the “accommodations" in a prison. C a t i r n r a S o a p every day and t 'a t l - cay Is nt hand. In them creative evotu ful of sweet cream, boll five minutes, I _ " learn in g. P osition secured. L ectures w eekly . 3J college». Write for catalog. tlon has ceased to function. Anil they. ndd seasoning of snlt and pepper and r a r a O in tm e n t as needed. Nothing That dull comedian who shows up M O L E R S Y tT K M OP COLLEGES The office cynic thinks that the fel In their vain yearnings for Immortal serve. For further flavor add one m u i.c n 7 1 Third St. - Portland. Ore. better for keeping the skin smooth, soft and so badly beside hi* solntlllnilng part low In the song who was singing In ity, forget how they teamed to be teaspoonful of sugar, a little chopped ner has to he In the act. lie wrote it the rain was In a doorway. celery, a pinch of curry powder and clear. C 'n tit'ttra T a lc u m is pure, smooth have like human beings and how life Itself til human beings renews Its a bit of mace with a few dashes of and fragrant, an ideal toilet powder. SA N F R A N C IS C O 'S NEW FINE HOTEL There ia one drawback to the proe By tho way, what has become of youth and speeds up the race for free cayenne pepper. E v e r y room w ith b a t h or s h o w e r . to f3 5& ess of gelling a persons goal. I’he those long skirts that were going to dom : J o n e s a t E d dy. O a r a g e n e x t door. S ~ p IS*. O ISe. ami Sfa. T . l c m I V . beast is likely to hicul ail over the hide the dimpled knees? S Proprietor* i Potter D ra g A Chemical Corporation, Malden, Man. As a little child, with an open mind W. N. U„ Portland. No. 38-1930. ^ lot. Lsm . ( £ by Qtforg« A. P o r t.) ) OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST The New W hy A twater ■with the GO LD EN V O IC E Here it ! is l O «119 OKLA. FARMER KILLS 172 RATS IN ONE NIGHT KREMOLA FACE BLEACH Acidity Oregon California Directory PHILLIPS 1 Milk . H otel R o o se v e lt o f M a g n e s ia Skin Protection Hotel H oyt ■ Start How' HOTEL ROOSEVELT 'H u l!L >