The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, August 15, 1930, Image 5

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    TH E
R e n e w i n g a c h il dh o od a t t a c h ­
m e n t, E r n e s t i n e B r i c e l a n d , o f a
w e a l t h y f a m i l y , is a t t r a c t e d by
W i l l Todd , n e w s p a p e r a r t i s t . H er
s i s t e r , L i l l i a n , u r g e s h e r to b r e a k
off th e a f f a i r, b u t E r n e s t i n e r e ­
fuses. A ru n a w a y m a rria g e f o l ­
l ow s. L o r i n g H a m i l t o n w i n s L i l ­
l i a n ’s c o n s e n t to b e c o m e his wife.
W i l l and E r n e s t i n e b e g i n t h e i r
m a r r i e d l i f e In h u m b l e s u r r o u n d ­
J o h n P o o l e , W i l l ’s b e s t
fr i e n d , g i v e s a b i r t h d a y p a r t y fo r
E r n e s t i n e a t R u b y P a s t a n o ’s r e ­
E r n e s tin e and W ill have
t h e i r f i r s t q u a r r e l a s a re s u l t.
W i l l ’s f a t h e r di e s s u d d en ly . L i l ­
l i a n a n d L o r i n g a r e m a rr i e d .
T h e B aby for Passenger
"S Sir W alter speaking. W h e t, S ir
Walter Raleigh? T h e same.
Some months ago he offered pipe lover*
• free booklet on “ H ow to take care o f your
pipe. ’ And the poor chap’s been buried
under requests ever since.
However, we’ve succeeded in engaging
♦wo of Queen Elizabeth’s ladies-in-waiting
to help the old boy out with his mail— so
don't hesitate to send for your copy. It tells
you how to break in a new pip*— how to
keep it sweet and mellow— how to make
an old pipe smoke smoother and better—
the proper way to clean a pipe — and a
lot o f worth-while hints on pipe hygiene.
E I f you’re a pipe smoker, you’ll want to
read this booklet. I t ’s free. Ju st write to
the Brown & W illiam son Tobacco C o r-
{»ratio n , Louisville, K y .
T u N B I n on “ The Rilcigh Revue" ever*
' »rider. 10:00 ro l t :00 p. m. ( New York Tim e).
over the WEAR cout-to-cout network o f N.B.C.
S ir W llter
R a leig h
Smoking Tobacco
it’s milder
Pope’s Title Changed
The pope’s title has been changed
according to the last issue of the Vat­
ican directory. Formerly, In addition
to the numerous titles, the Roman
pontiff bore the title “Soverign of
the Temporal Domains of the Holy
Roman Church,” referring to the pa­
pal territories taken from the Holy
S ee by the Italian government. Now
the temporal title is simply “Sov­
ereign of the State of Vatican Clty.n
Steady W o r k
Convict—I t ’s much more pleasant
Working In prison than outside.
‘‘More pleasant? How so?”
“Because you’re not always being
threatened with dismissal.”—Lustiga
Kölner Zeitung.
No T im e
F irst Executive—Let’s go in this
Joint and try their business men’s
Second—Better n o t I gotta be back
a t the office in three hours.
P aris “ R e fo restin g ”
During 1030 about 1,000,000 francs
will be spent In reforesting the boule­
vards of Paris, hardier varieties re­
placing the familiar chestnut trees in
some localities.
E can never be sure just what
makes an infant restless, but
the remedy can always be the same.
Good old Castoria I There’s comfort
in every drop of this pure vegetable
preparation, and not the slightest
harm in its frequent use. As often as
Baby has a fretful spell, is feverish,
or cries and can’t sleep, let Castoria
soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it’s
a touch of colic. Sometimes constipa­
tion. Or diarrhea— a condition that
should always be checked without
delay. Ju st keep Castoria handy, and
give it promptly. Relief will follow
very Promptly; if it doesn’t, you
should call a physician.
t ¿ t / a 4
W. N. U., Portland, No. 33-1930.
Lillian was In Europe. Mamma and
papa and grandmother had gone to
Langley lake for the month of August.
Ernestine entered into a period of
waiting, of passing through days of
unreality and nights of patient enuur-
ance. Sometimes, waking after she
had slept, she looked about the walls
of the little room with a feeling of
enormous surprise. Was this really
■he, Ernestine Briceland, In this dim
room, with the curtains pinned back to
admit any vagrant breeze, listening
with her heart suddenly quick In the
still night for her husband's footsteps?
Mr. Poole came often to visit them.
Ernestine began to look for him for
late Sunday breakfast. And the Pas-
tunos were kindness Itself.
shining car, with the swart grinning
chauffeur, was often at the door.
One day as Ernestine sat reading
aloud, Will’s mother laid a swollen,
creased hand out over the book, and
Ernestine, looking up at her, smiled
quickly and kissed her.
“What Is It, mother?”
They talked a little about the com­
ing baby, and the plans Ernestine and
Will had made.
“It Is hard for your mother," said
Mrs. Todd, with a smile. “I think
perhaps It Is as great a mistake to
be stiffnecked about favors as It Is
be greedy.”
"Perhaps," admitted Ernestine. “It
Is hard to be exactly balanced. One
must choose a direction In which to
They fell Into a rfrlendly silence.
After a little. Will’s mother pressed
Ernestine’s hand.
“About Will—” she said and hesi­
tated, and Ernestine’s heart beat a
little faster.
“Be patient with him. He hasn’t
found himself yet. But he will. You
are more mature than Will. Children
will Increase the distance between
your wisdom and his childishness.
Just love him. He'll come home.”
Ernestine knew no answer, hut the
words fell Into her heart as though
there were more significance to them
than their stereotyped Importance.
For an hour or more they sat In
silence, Ernestine dreaming of, Mrs.
Todd remembering, Will I
Mrs. Todd lived Just long enough to
see her grandson and to kiss his poppy
silk cheek. Will laid him In the hol­
low of her arms, but after a moment,
with a word of entreaty, she asked
him to take the baby away. He did
so and, calling the nurse to his mother,
who seemed to he swooning, he took
the little one back to Ernestine.
And so the parlor of the little house
was a bower for death. The gray
coffin, the room filled with flowers,
the worn-out shell of the woman Ernes­
tine had understood so little.
Will acepted his mother's death with
more philosophy than Ernestine had
expected of him. The long waiting,
the clinging, had been harder for him
than the final separation. Besides, the
new little life cuddled against Ernes­
tine's heart was so much more than
any loss—It was such an appropriate
The baby had finally established
Ernestine among her new neighbors.
Slowly but surely they had come to
respect her, and now, with Peter In
her arms, with her house clean and by
her own efforts, she found Mrs.
Schluss and Mrs. Pryor and others
showing her real affection, which she
appreciated and respected In full.
Ernestine felt that all sacrifice was
Justified, and they entered Into a new
phase of life, In their own small home,
Will at the oars, Ernestine at the
helm, and the baby for passenger.
It was harder to maintain the high
! level of contentment after Lillian re-
| turned from Europe and established
j herself in her new home on the road,
j out near Loyola. Will went across
with Ernestine one noon shortly after
their return. Mamma was there. Lil­
lian was charming to Will, kissing
him when she greeted Ernestine and
! the baby and flattering him skilfully,
i After Will had left for the Nun the
three women followed one another
about the house, passed the baby back
and forth between them, and talked,
talked, talked, all at the same time,
all listening and talking, all Intent on
catching up the old intimacy. It was
Ernestine could not re­
member when she had spent such a
happy afternoon. There was no one
like mamma—no one !
“I've got to go, because papa Is
bringing a new stone-merger man
home with him for dinner. I am go­
ing to put rock powder In the coffee I”
Mamma kissed them all goodby, with
tears In her eyes.
Ernestine looked at Lillian and real­
ized with a shock how changed she
was In the six months since her mar­
riage. She was satisfied with her lot
and herself. There was almost dunger
—a challenge to fate In her com­
placency. She was gentle and kind to
Ernestine, but subtly patronizing. It
wus especially noticeable since mamma
had gone, for mamma kept Lillian In
But If Lillian was changed, Loring
was startlingly so. He seemed to
Ernestine bigger, handsomer.
blond strength was now set in a robust
vitality which was very different from
Will's volatile excitability. He kissed
Ernestine affectionately, told hpr she
looked well nnd admired the baby.
Mamma had trained a maid for Lil­
lian, and she served In silent com­
petence an excellent dinner, but the
bright vivacity of the afternoon was
gone. The Interwoven volubility of
the three women, their constant Inter­
ruption of one nnother, their exclama­
tions and cries of astonishment or
sympathy, now disappeared, and Lor­
ing talked and the two girls listened.
He assumed Ernestine knew all
about their European Journey. Over
there, he said, he had got a new slant
on things. It was a good thing for a
man to get away from his desk for a
while. Now he had decided to forego
the idea of the bench and go in for
They laughed and he twinkled at
them, but all the same, he Insisted, he
meant It.
"The Judiciary qualities are excel­
lent, but not remunerative—unless one
becomes a corrupt Judge, from which
fute Heaven deliver m e! The crim­
inal lawyer is the Important lawyer of
today. He is the man with power in
the courts. It will be a new kind of
litigation for our office, but If I can
get the business I can handle It. I
went to see that Greek chap—Pastano
—this afternoon, and recalled to him
our acquaintanceship and our mutual
friends. He remembered me perfectly
and asked about you. He seems much
interested in you and Will. He's the
man to see, Tom Kelly told me, at the
City hall. He lias the say about all
that Clark street colony. There’s no
end of money there and I'm going to
dig some of It out for us.”
Ernestine’s face was flushed. She
could not deny her anger.
“But It seems Inconsistent to me,”
she said quickly, “for you to tHke ad­
vantage of his friendship for Will when
you disapprove so of our knowing him.
I don't understand."
“Wnat has friendship got to do with
business?” Loring asked, and his own
face flushed with resentment. “I tell
you I've got to make new contacts If
we’re to bring a different kind of
clientele Into the office. Besides. I
didn’t disapprove of Will knowing
him. It was only his taking you to
that dive. Do you think I would mix
Lillian un with that crowd?”
" I can’t see any grand difference,"
retorted Ernestine. “Lillian Isn’t a
baby. She's your wife, anyhow. Be­
sides, the Pastanos are all right—all
of them. I know them well, and the
two girls are as fine as any I have
met. There's not a month pnsses that
we don't visit them, or they don’t
call. Mr. Pastano admires Will. He
once hurt my feelings, and lie’s been
making It up ever sipce. We’ve been
friends without asking about his polit­
ical activities or how he makes his
“It's all very well for you to take
an attitude with me," declared Loring,
“but I’ve come home with the deter­
mination to make money—and a lot of
It. Chicago Is rich. I may as well
take some of it as others. And If an
acquaintance with a powerful min like
Pastano falls to my luck, I’ll pursue It.
Will would want me to.”
“Will would," admitted Ernestine,
but her looks were cold. “You’ve
changed, Loring. You used not be so
“I've acquired a new sense of
values," he admitted. “Of course I'm
not saying at all that a man should
stick at nothing to make money.
That’s a mistake, and no good any­
how. But I’ve been around—I saw
one thing everywhere. It Is the pas­
sion for the possession of money—as
much as a man can lay hands on.”
"Don't he silly, Loring,” said his
wife mildly. "Look how happy Ernes­
tine Is, and she's as broke as broke.”
”1 am happy," declared Ernestine.
“Yes,” admitted Loring, "hut that Is
because your capacity for happiness Is
great. Your pleasure In your marriage
and your child wouldn't be spoiled at
all by more comforts."
“I don’t want anything changed.’’
“Not now—not at tills moment. But
if you'll be honest with yourself, you’ll
find that one reason for your content­
ment is your great expectations for
the future. You feel that your condi­
tion Is only temporary. Come now,
Ernestine—Isn't that so?
You are
confident that there will he* money for
you and Will, when Peter grows older,
and Will’s work develops into more
Importance. Being poor can be a
game If It’s only an Interlude. But If
yon had to look forward to nothing
The truth of hig logic hurt Ernestine
”1 aon’t care whether Will ever makes
money or not,” she declared passion­
ately, almost in tears.
“You think you don’t,” said Loring
Inexorably. “But Will wouldn’t say
Every man wants money—
every woman wants her man to have
I t It's a symbol of power. If Will
doesn’t get It he'll feel that he’s failed
j your confidence In him.”
( © by Bobba-Mtrrlll Co.)
WNU Sarvlce
Ernestine found herself trembling.
Lillian picked the buby up und dan­
dled him and spoke quietly to Loring.
“You are disturbing Ernestine and It
isn't a bit nice of you. All this shout­
ing makes me wonder if you doubt
your own ability.”
She took the baby and put him In
his mother’s arms.
Loring apologized.
“I t’s a bad habit I have—arranging
my own thought In an argument. It
dosn’t mean a thing—sophistry pure
and simple. I know you are sincere,
Ernestine. Don’t pay any attention to
The talk fell Into safer lines, but
Ernestine was no longer happy. Lor-
iug got out hts car, and, with Lillian
and Ernestine in the back scat with
the sleeping baby, he drove to her
home. They left her now as they had
left her In Erie street, disrupted, un­
happy and at odds with Will.
She was awake when Will came In,
and she fixed a light supper for him
She Was Satisfied With Her Lot and
and told him all that Loring had said,
with some small editing.
“He’s a capable lawyer, I suppose,”
Will said. “And If Ituby wants to give
him work to do, and Loring wants to
do It, what's the difference? lie ’s not
the only lawyer that would like to get
his fingers Into Pastano’s pie. But
anyhow, I've got something to tell you.
Underwood's going to New York, and
Tucker’s to be head of the art room.”
Ernestine felt a cruel shock of dis­
appointment. She knew Will had ex­
pected this—had hoped for the Job
”I!ut Tucker's so young,” she pro­
“It Isn’t that—he’s capable. I’m
glad he got It,” said Will.
Ernestine thought of what this Job
might have meant. The pay wus near­
ly double. They could have rented
this house and, with the rent and the
Increase, moved Into an apartment In
“Oh,” she cried to Will, aghast at
her own mental processes. “It’s so
hard not to consider money. Not to
want It! Not to care! I don't want
to be greedy und grubby. I don’t want
to crave success. But I am—I do.
Isn't It horrible?"
He looked ut her with some humor.
“You aren't greedy and grubby,
And us for success,
there's a legitimate way to want that
—not for the money hut for the work.
I don’t think this has any effect on
my future. It’s really an executive
position, and I'm a solitary worker.
I’d be no good at bossing. It’s an edi­
torial Job, and Tommy has an editorial
slant on things, lie ’s fitted for It."
A few days later he came home
with a shining face.
“I’m to be Poole's assistant," he said.
“Do you realize what this means to
me? It’s worth ten thousand In cash
—to work under him. If a person went
to him and offered a hundred dollars a
lesson, he wouldn’t teach him to draw,
but would curse him out of the office.
And he’ll teach me, and I’ll be paid
for It. It means no more night work.
Ten till six. I do detail in the art
room until Mr. . oole comes In and
then I work for him all afternoon.
He does a copy for a New York syndi­
cate every day, and there's always
work to plan ahead and sketches to
lay out. He’s been boozy a lot lately,
nnd I think McDermott feels that If he
has somebody to help him he'll keep
ahead and not run so close to publi­
cation. Wlston didn't want to send
me In there—but Poole Insisted on
me." He sighed with happiness and
added, as an afterthought, "It means
another flve-dollar raise— maybe more
He was so thrilled nnd excited that
Ernestine commanded her heart to
yield Its disappointment over Tommy’s
Job. But she could not see any real
future for Will In losing himself In
the great man’s shadow.
“I don’t want mamma to know,"
Ernestine snld. “I'm nfrald she won't
go to Europe. Besides, you know what
a fuss there’ll be.”
“Then don’t tell her,” said Will In
his simplicity. "It Isn't really any one
else’s business, Is It?"
Ernestine sighed. “You don't know
how they’ll take It. Of course It’s
their business—they'll have enough
to say. And I feel embarrassed with
mamma. She’ll wonder why I didn’t
tell her.”
Will kissed her cheerfully and went
away to hla beloved Job. He was ra­
diantly happy and his happiness
seemed to affect her Inversely. Every
day was an adventure to him.
“Tommy gives me plenty to do,” he
admitted one evening. ‘‘Tommy's a
good boss. He keeps ns all humping,
and gives every fellow the kind of Job
he can do best. But It’s the work for
Mr. Poole that makes up for any
chores. Ernestine, I tell you he Is a
great mnn. He comes In there—some­
times he doesn’t know whether he's
eaten or not, but as soon ns he gets
in that little office, which tits around
him like a glove about a hand, he be­
gins to function—the way Ids mind
works Is always a surprise. Wlmt’s
the mntter, honey?—you’re not eating.”
Ernestine leaned on her hand and
her eyes filled with tenrs.
“I hate to have mamma go away
now,” she said.
Will’s methods were Infantile.
"Then tell her. You know she’d
stny In a minute."
“Go on talking about the office,
please—so I can think.”
Will laughed. He took a half-dollar
from his pocket and spun It on the
kitchen tablecloth.
”1 won me fifty cents, shooting
craps at the office,” he said. "We can
go to the movies."
<H W >qr>g<H >CH KH K)<H ?tKH 3rK H K H K K H K K H W K i<K 'C><>O O 0 t>O0 0 O 0 C-OCyOOOO
Press Agents Unknown to Medieval Writers
“A striking feature of medieval lit­
erature Is Its general anonymity,"
writes W. H. Schofield in “English
Literature from the Normuri Conquest
to Chaucer." Of the many who wrote,
the names of but few are recorded, and
of the history of these few we have
only the most meager details. Nor Is
this a simple accident. Formerly, the
Importance attached to an author's
personality was far less than now. In
ease either of a narrative or a didactic
work, it was the substance above all
that attracted attention. Originality
of matter was deplored as a fault.
“Independence of treatment meant
to our forefathers contempt of au­
thority, a heinous offense in their
eyes. It was ns unsafe for a story
teller to depart from the well-marked
lines of inherited tradition as for him
to disregard orthodox beliefs.
even the greatest dared not present
Ancient Road Builders
The ancient Homans were great road
builders and were most nctlve between
the second and fourth centuries after
Christ. These roads were universally
straight and varied in width from eight
to fifteen feet, going over hill nnd val­
ley In spite of grades.
slaves and criminals were employed
in the construction of these highways,
the durability of which Is shown by
the fact that. In some cases, they have
sustained the traffic for 2,000 years
without material injury. The Roman
forum Is said to have been the point
of convergence of 24 roads, which,
with branches, had a total length of
52.D04 Human miles. The Romans are
said to bare learned the art of road
building from the Carthaginians.
new views without at least claiming
august support A prudent author
sought a powerful patron In order to
Insure success, or fathered Ills Inven­
tions on some ancient worthy who
could not deny them. But the last
thing he would have deemed wise
would have been to copyright them as
his own.”
Newspaper “Stock”
There nre four commercial proc­
esses of making paper pulp from wood.
They are known as the groundwood,
the sulphite, the sulphate, and the
soda processes. Each Is especially
adapted to the manufacture of certain
grades of paper or to the pulping of
certain woods. News, cheap magazine
nnd cheap catalogue papers are made
mostly of groundwood - Hint Is, of un­
cooked wood mechanically ground Into
a pulp. The groundwood process Is
the cheapest of all the pulping pro
cesses, and the pulp yield Is hy far
the greatest. The quality of the pulp,
however, Is so low that even In cheap
papers It Is not strong enough to use
alone, and considerable quantities of
longer nnd stronger fibered pulp must
be added.
Do Bees Know Beekeeper?
One often lienrs the statement that
bees know their master. Tills Is not
true. During the working season a
bee lives for only about six weeks,
two of which nre spent In the hive. It
Is hardly likely that a beekeeper
would examine a hive frequently
enough to become known to such
short-lived crestures even If they had
the ability to distinguish between dif­
ferent human beings.
Ernestine plucked the flfty-cent
piece from his fingers, and he made a
pretense at regaining It.
“Now my thinking process Is en­
tirely disrupted,” she told him. "I
thought Mr. Wlston was going to fire
the next person he caught shooting
craps in office hours.”
“I don't believe he’ll do It," said
Will comfortably, and Ernestine did
not believe It either. The men were
always matching pennies or rolling
dice or making up pools.
Will pushed back his chair, came
around and cupped Ernestine’s face
In his hands, kissed her cheeks and
lips and pressed her eyelashes down
hard with his caresses.
“Don’t be blue, honey—don’t worry,"
he bade her cheerfully. “You’re the
prettiest, sweetest woman In the world.
It's nnturul for us to have a family.
You’re not going to be unhappy about
the new baby, are you, Ernestine? It's
the way of love.”
“I know,” she snld. She drew him
down and kissed him. But her face
was strangely sad. “Nothing can make
me unhappy, Will, as long as we love
each other. I get hurt because we go
for weeks without seeing my family—
I seem to he drifting away from them.
Mamma and Lillian are always so
busy, and papa Is In New York. And
I get proud and avoid them on my
part. But as long as we have our love
for each other—this oneness—It’s the
best thing In life— what can we lack?"
He picked her up, sat down in his
mother’s little rocker, cradled her,
sang silly songs In her ear and teased
her. But after a little while he was
talking about the office again, nnd she
was resting against him, entirely In­
attentive, her thought on her own af
Here ii a never-failing
form of relief from
sciatic pain:
Take Buyer Aspirin tablets and avoid
needless suffering from sciatica— luah
bago—and similar excruciating pain^
They do relieve; they don't do any narnft
Just make sure it is genuine.
“ Evil Spirit” Kills Seven
Superstition has gripped the peo­
ple of Alium Kara Hlssar, in Cen­
tral Anatolia, following the death«
of seven Turkish women In a ravine.
The side of the ravine caved In bury­
ing the unfortunates under tons of
stone and earth. They were part of
a party who were collecting lime to
beautify the walls of their homes In
preparation of the festival of Kour-
ban Balram, and as similar accident«
happened In 1896 and 1923, the vil­
lagers are convinced that an evil
spirit dwells In the ravine and at
times demands women as victims to
appease Its anger.
Employer—“Are you a married
man?” Sambo (applicant for Job)—
“Nnw, suh—Ah makes Utah own
W ill and Loring
Loring succeeded In securing for
Ituhy I’astnno the deed and title to the
old LeQulnne place In the restricted
colony at Langley lake. Ernestine
was filled with Indignation that be
should do such a thing.
“Mamma won’t like It at all," she
told Lillian. "LeQutnne's land runs
right down to ours with nothing but
Stone creek between the two plnees.
You know how It will be with the
Greeks there. The house will simply
be bursting with visitors all summer.
They will hnve speed boats, and there
will be children in the water from
morning till night."
“But I thought you liked them," pro­
tested Lillian. “You are friends of
theirs. Mrs. Pastano Is so happy
about It, I thought you would be de­
lighted, and so dhl Lorrie. In fact he
counted on your help In calming maiu-
ma If she objected.”
Ernestine shook her head.
"He can do hla own calming. It’s
plain to me that Lorlng's Ideas differ
from ours. Will and Ituby Pastano
are real friends, yet Will would never
hnve thought of selling that place to
Ituby. He fits Into his own place, In
Chicago, hut ho won't fit In there.
The people— the Hendersons and the
Mayces and the O'Tooles won't be
kind to them. They'll not belong to
the country club, nor be In the tourna­
ments. I suppose It’s not my place
to worry about It, only I am thinking
of mamma."
“Mamma won’t go there after this
summer, or next. Didn't you know,
darling, that this stone-merger thing Is
going to make papa rich? You know,
papa owns altogether nearly seven
quarries In Indiana where some of the
best limestone Is cut, and then he has
proxies for the Langley quarries. For
the last year he and Lorrie have been
buying options and small Interests In
other quarries. Now they have made
a merger. The quarries are worth at
their present rating five or six million
dollars altogether, but the merger will
he worth twenty-five million. Don’t
you see what it means?"
Ernestine stared at her. ‘‘Papa—
worth millions?”
Lillian nodded with complacent
pride. “Yes, und Loring Is getting
some of the stock. He Is to be counsel
for the merger, and he has a holding.
You don't need to worry about mamma
at Langley lake. I'm going down to
open Lake Haven next week. C'an't
you come with me, Instead of waiting
for Will’s vacation?"
“1 don’t like to leave Will alone In
Chicago, In the heat—” said Ernestine.
"But I am leaving Loring. Are you
well, Ernestine?”
"My feet bother me," Ernestine ad­
mitted. "I askerl Docto» Giey about I
It, but he didn’t say much. He's put !
me on a diet. I'll be all right.”
“I think you ought to stay at Lang- i
ley lake all summer."
"It would he nice,” said Ernestine
vaguely, feeling hurt because she had I
not known uhout papa, or the stone
merger—feeling out of things, "but I )
wnnt to be with Will."
In July they went to Langley lake, I
where Lillian was established and ¡
where somehow she appropriated the j
role of hostess, although It wag not
her house any more than It was Ernes- I
tine’s. Will refused to worry nljout
the Pástanos living on the point, and |
Ernestine saw that he lacked her own I
snobbish prejudices about the lake
colony, lie took Peter and went to
visit the Greeks the first morning he
was there, and stayed all day, romping
with the young Pástanos, tensing
Alexandria, who adored him. and eat
Ing Madame Pastano’s pickled fish,
M akes Life
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