NO TICE - < In The County Court O f The State Of Oregon For The County O f Malheur. In The Matter O f The Estate O f George W. Wescott, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that F. N. Swan, N e a r F o rd G arage the people the duly appointed, qualified and acting SOLICITS YOUR PATR O NAG E : : administratrix o f the estate o f George W. about timely merchandise w ith Wescott, deceased, has rendered »nd pre­ goodpnnting and watch your sale« We have installed a steam­ sented her final account o f her adminis­ PR O P. volume grow. O th e r merchants tration o f said estate and petition for dis­ »♦ ♦♦ «♦ « i >i ing outfit and can now steam! ♦■m i i< have proved this plan by repeated tribution and discharge as such adminis­ clean and wash your car. tests. W e ’ll help with your copy. tratrix, and that Monday, the 18th day of E. M. B L O D G E T T August, 1930, at the hour o f 11:00 o'clock We have also added to our A tto rn e y and Counselor at L a w in the forenoon o f that day in the Coun­ equipment a new pressure P ra c tic e in all Courts ty Court Room o f said Court in the Court N Y S S A , OREGON gun for greasing cars. House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has been appointed and fixed by the S H E L L GAS. Dr. E. D. Norcott Judge o f said Court, as the time and place for hearing objections to said ac­ T IR E CHANGING DENTIST count, for settlement thereof and hearing Nyssa, Oregon said petition, at which time and place any Office Phone 35F2 and all persons interested in said estate Residence Phone 35F3 may appear and object to said account and contest the same, and all persons con­ X -RA Y E X A M IN A T IO N S WO R K Q l UARANTFED cerned therein are notified to be present and show cause, if any there be, why said account and report should not be approv­ ed, settled and allowed, and the undersign­ Nyssa, Oregon Dr. C. A. Abbott, licensed ed discharged as such administratrix. N O T IC E . F. N. SW AN in Oregon and Idaho. C ar­ IN T H E C O U N TY COURT OF TH E Administratrix o f the Estate of ver graduate. Consultation S T A T E O F OREGON FOR THE George W. Wescott, Deceased. N o r th e r n Islands and examination free. First C O U N T Y OF M ALHEUR. First publication, July 18th, 1930. T lie follow in g Islands are among Electric wiring and In The Matter O f The Estate of Charles door west o f bank, Nyssa, those farthest north : Axel-H elberg I, Last publication, August 15th, 1930. Contracting. A. Backmaii, Deceased. Alexandra land. Hooker Island. Mc­ Oregon. The undersigned, having been appoint­ All work guaranteed to Clintock Island, Siam Island, Franz ed by the County Court o f the State o f J oself land and Lenlnland. These Is­ N O TIC E pass inspection. Oregon for the County o f Malheur, ad­ In The County Court O f The State O f lands are either partially or entirely ministratrix o f the estate of Charles A. within the unexplored portion o f the Oregon For The County of Malheur. A rctic circle. Backman, deceased, and having qualified, In The Matter O f The Estate Of Geòrgie notice is hereby given to the creditors of, L. WesCott, Deceased. By Expert and all persons having claims against the Notice is hereby given that K. N. Swan, estate o f said deceased, to present them, the duly appointed, qualified and acting ! duly verified, as required by law, within administratrix with the will annexed of six months after the first publication of the estate o f Geòrgie L. Wescott, deceas­ Payette, Ida. this notice to said administratrix, at the ed, has rendered and presented her final * office o f E. M. Blodgett, in Nyssa, Mal- account o f her administration o f said T h e successful business man w ill ! heur County, Oregon, said office being estate and petition for distribution and not take a deed, m o rtg a g e o r con­ the place designated where said ad­ discharge as such administratrix, and ministratrix w ill receive said claims. that Monday, the 18th day o f August, tra c t on re a l estate w ith ou t f ir s t hav F. N. SW AN 1930, at the hour o f 11:00 o'clock in the in g the tit le fu lly exam ined. Can Administratrix of the Estate o f forenoon of that day, in the County Court you a ffo r d to be any less carefu l ? Charles A. Backman, Deceased. Room o f said Court in the Court Hous' M alheur T itle and A b s tra c t C om ­ Date o f First Publication, July I I , 1930 at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has Date of Last Publication, August 8, 1930 been appointed and fixed by the Judge of pany, V a le , O regon . adv. Have Your Car STEAM CLEANED! { BARBER SHOP! ATimelyTip BERTSCH Tea :: geo . E. BERTSCH :: ********* Dave’s Service D. E. Hawkins | Watch and Clock. Repairing Leave Orders With Don M. Graham. C H IR O PR A C TO R N o t ic e . IN TH E C O U NTY C O U R T O F THE S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E C O U N T Y O F MALHEUR. In The Matter o f The Estate O F Anna M. Spire, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appoint­ ed by the County Court o f the State o f Oregon for the County of Malheur, ad­ ministratrix with the will annexed of the estate Of Anna M. Spire, deceased, and haring qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons hav­ ing claims against the estate of said de­ ceased, to present them, duly verified, as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said administratrix, at the office of E. M. Blodgett, in Nyssa, Malheur County, . Oregon, said office being the place desig­ nated where said administratrix will re­ ceive said claims. F. N. SW AN Administratrix with the will an­ nexed o f the estate of Anna M. Spire, Deceased. Date o f First Publication July 11th, 1930. Date o f Last Publication August 8th, 1030 E. A. Wimp Watch Repairing Robinson The Jeweler Drink milk, save your teeth and dentist bills. A quart a day is a good investm ent f o r y o u r health and your pocket- book. A TANK FULL OF RED CROWN GAS A N D Y O U ’R E R E A D Y F O R T H E T R I P I t m ay take a trip to dem onstrate to you ju st h ow much m ore m ileage and p ow er you g e t fro m R E D C R O W N G A S . Don’t be one o f those w h o use ‘ ‘Just A n y O ld G as” - - g e t the habit o f stopp in g here w h ere you are a lw a ys assured o f gas th at tests high in e v e ry respect. SHELTON’S DAIRY NYSSA, OREGON POWELL SERVICE STATION NYSSA, OREGON D AY AND NIGHT SERVICE :,VASV.VAVA,AVJViVAW//AVJWVVW.,AVW .\W .VAW . n Watch This Space Next Week at r NYSSA FLOUR MILL NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court O f The State Of Oregon, For The County O f Malheur. In The Matter O f The Estate O f Peter Stam, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appoint­ ed by the County Court o f Malheur Coun­ ty, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Peter Stam, deceased, and heving qualifi­ ed, notice is hereby given to the Creditors of, and all persona having claims against the estate o f said deceased, to present them, duly verified as required by law, within six months after the first publi­ cation of this notice to said administrator, at the office of E. M. Blodgett, in Nyssa, Oregon, said place being hereby designat­ ed as the place where said administrator will receive such claims. Joe Stam, Jr. Date of first publication, Aug. 8, 1930 Date o f last publication, Sept. 5, 1930 C U S T O M C H O P P IN G A N D G R IN D IN G ALSO H IG H H EAT COAL THIS PROPERTY FOR SALE P. M. W AR R E N , Prop. Try Our Cherry-Walnut Loaf Special NYSSA REALTY CO. Home Made Ginger Snaps 25c Pound SWAN BAKERY DON M. GRAHAM JACK HUNTER said Court, as the time and place fo r hearing objections to said account, foi settlement thereof and hearing said peti­ tion, at which time and place any and all persons interested in said estate may aop^ar and object to said account and contest the same, and all persons con­ cerned therein are notified to be present and show cause, if any there be, why said account and report should not be ap­ proved, settled and allowed, and the un­ dersigned discharged as such adminis­ tratrix. F. N . S W A N Administratrix with the will an­ nexed o f the estate o f Geòrgie L. Wescott, Deceased. First publication, July 18th, 1930. Last publication, August 15th, 1980. Nyssa, Oregon H t t t I » ♦ « I I 5 1 ♦ ♦ W j NYSSA BARBER SHOP Shaving s .. « We Call Have It! Us When You Need It We Have Three ♦ NYSSA PACKING CO. u I. « Licensed Oregon Meat Dealers No. 112 N YSSA ' Ri! W a ln u t D in in g OREGON r+-*-M-k>*+ **»+ ****+ * » ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦+♦♦•> +♦♦++++»++*+*++4 OF TON ALL PO UND S, PROP. O rego a ; ; A d v ertisem en ts cost m oney and they w ill save you money. Don’t o v e r­ look the ads, th ey have a m essage fo r e v e ry m em ber o f th e fa m ily . You’re Not Buying New Clothes, last NORDALE FURNITURE CO. PHONE 94 AND W ORK K IN D S “ W e A im to P lea se” Come In Look Them Over NYSSA, OREGON B O B B IN G S O R IA L 15 Per Cent Discount For Cash y e a r’s b rin g sp rin g in suit your and m ake it look like new Nyssa Tailor Shop Caldwell Bldg. 1 H A IR ROY 11 N yssa on the floor, priced at $143.00, $96.50 and $74.00. Anyone o f I these suites will be sold-this month only-at I :: ;; R o o m S u ite s ICE! PHONE 6 » H. R. S C O T T , Prop. ♦ WEED CONTROL DISTRICT NOTICE | Gladys M o ir is .c a m e o v e r from Cald­ N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVE N That the w ell T uesday and spent th e -d a y at County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, | the M orris home. Mrs. Glenti V an LaudingKam , o f at its meeting held on the 16th day of July, 1930, by resolution duly adopted, ; Hom edale, spent last week with her declared the entire Count) of Malheur to parents, M r. and M rs. L lo yd C ald­ M onday M r. and M rs. he and constitute a weed control district well. On under the terms o f Chapter 265 o f the Van I.andingham and the Jack Van General Laws o f Oregon for 1923 and Lau den ggh am fa m ily le ft fo r Sho­ amendments thereof for the purpose of shone, w h ere th ey exp ect to rem ain destroying and preventing the seeding until about Dec. 1st. M r. and Mrs. R a y T e n e r spent and spread of noxious weeds snd plants, and that the follow ing weeds and plants fro m Satu rd ay until M onday at N e w are determined and declared by said reso M eadows, w ith R ev. and M rs. F lo yd They w e re accom panied lution to be noxious weeds within the W h ite. home by A lla n W h ite , who is spend­ meaning of said act, to-wit: in g th e w eek w ith them. Morning Glory, Russian Knap Lois V an Landingham spent the Weed, California Puncture Vine week end w ith M rs. Linn V an L an ­ Canadian Thistle, White Top, dingham , w h ile Linn and his m other Bull Thistle and Milk Weed. Said court by said resolution, appointed went to Boise to v is it th e ir cousin R. G. Larson, County Agent o f Malheur and nephew, E a rl M orris, who is in County, as weed inspector, and after pub­ the hospital. M r. and M rs. C hris M eltved t and lication of this notice for two weeks as I M orris and M rs. provided by law, the said resolution will children, H a rry become effective and said weed inspector E dn a Barnes and baby spent Sun­ will have the authority conferred upon d ay in W e is e r a t the A r th u r Reed him by law for the enforcement of the home. M rs. Clendinlng, son T om and provisions thereof. dau ghter M y ra d rove to B u rley Sun­ Dated this 22 day o f July, 1930. day. ROY D A LE Y M r. and M rs. C edris and M rs. County Clerk o f Malheur County. L lo y d C a ld w ell spent M onday in First Publication, July 25, 1930. Boise, w h ere C edric underwent an Last Publication, August 8, 1930. operation at the o ffic e o f Dr. Lan- baugh. T h e y returned home the same eve n in g and he is g e ttin g a- lon g nicely. ■ --------------------------------------------------- m Apple Valley Items J. A . P e ttit, J. W . H elton and C edrie C aldw ell w e re C a ldw ell busi­ ness visitors Saturday. Mrs. Edna Barnes and baby, o f M y rtle P oin t, O regon, a rrive d last week fo r u v is it w ith her parents, Mr. and M rs. W . C. M orris. M r. and M rs. S. P . Brow n and fa m ily spent Sunday w ith th e ir son Ivan and w ife , who liv e beyond V ale. R. R. R ucker and fa m ily , Grandpa Rucker and Lan o R ucker spent Sun­ day in Nam pa. Mr. and M rs. R alph E van s have m oved fro m P arm a onto the Leo. Frierm u th place. Mrs. F . E. O re n d a rff, o f Sunny Slope, returned home F rid a y , a fte r spending tw o weeks w ith her daugh­ ter, M rs. F re d C a ldw ell. She also visited at th e L lo y d C aldw ell home. M isses E lizab eth P a y lo r and Edith Conway, o f Nam pa, spent one day last w eek at the M c In ty re home. M r. and M rs. F red M ille r and d aughter H elen spent Sunday at M el­ ba. Mrs. H ugh F rie s is qu ite ill w ith g a ll stones. M r. and M rs. C arl P ielstlck w ere C aldw ell visitors S aturday evening. M ay M onlton w en t to Sucker Creek last week to spend the rem a­ in der o f her vacation w ith her cou­ sin. M rs. E v e re tt P ow ers, o f E m m ett, M rs. C arl P ow ers and M rs. M a ry C. Pow ers, o f Parm a, spent S aturday w ith W . S. Adam s. The news cam e to A p p le V a lle y Sunday th a t M iss Bloklan d’s fa th e r was k illed by lig h tn in g at La Grande, Ore. M iss Blokland has the sym p ath y o f the en tire com m uni­ t y in her berevem ent. M r. and M rs. W a lte r N e w e ll and Nyssa Locals I f you want good cake or pas­ try buy at the Civic Club Cooked Food Sale, at the Gym. Aug. 14. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Calkins o f Eugene, visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Mor­ gan a few days the first o f the week. Mr. and Mrs Mort McManigal and three children, departed for their home at Happy, Texas on last Monday after a short visit at the Frank Leuck home. Will do home laundry, reason­ able price. Will also do other housework by day or hour. Mrs. Baird, Nyssa. 4w Doctor and Mrs. C. A. Abbot! had as their guests on Monday night, M>. and Mrs. Jack Burnett o f Mason Wash., who were oa their way home from Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beam, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garrison at­ tended the Andrew Van Blokland funeral held in Island City on Wednesday. Mr. Sterling and children of Vale were guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nordale home Sunday. Mrs. Sterling is at Bellview, Ida., assisting in the care of her mother who recently had a partial stroke of paralysis. Watch Our Store For SATURDAY SPE C IA L S EDER H a rd w a re C o. Nyssa, Oregon