THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THE GATE CITY JOURNAL to the states declared that such a move would tend to curb INJURIES PROVE FATAL the expansion of government control and would place TO CALDWELL MAN this state in a position to realize a large amount of money from grazing fees and from the sale of the lands. At the Chaileo P. Powers, 50, of Caldwell, a present time nearly a third of Oregon’s territory is under Spanish war veteran and Idaho Power control of the federal government. It was said several company employe for many years, died in a hospital Sunday night, after being in­ other western states are in a similar position. jured about the head and shoulders when "Word received recently indicated that the Hoover an automobile in which he was riding, commission was of the opinion that there would be little left the highway west of Bliss and over differenc e in the income of the revolving reclamation turned. The accident occurred last fund even if the surface rights to public domain lands Thursday. Powers, with Elbert Carlson, fellow em­ were transferred to the states. ploye were on their way to Pocatella. “At the time Dr. Elwood Mead, federal reclamation The car failed to negotiate a curve. was thrown out. Carlson was commissioner,visited Oregon more tha^i a year ago he Powers still in the machine when it came to rest, said he favored completion of projects already after turning over several times. He was undertaken before any new districts were created. He slightly bruised. Both men were well also expressed himself as favoring federal aid to the known here, having worked in the vicini­ states in financing and developing private irrigation pro­ ty of Nyssa last winter. jects. j .ilff “Mead pointed out at that time that there were large numbers of irrigation projects in the west which were not completed and many of the settlers were stranded and unable to make their payments. The government has been requested to take over some of these districts in order that they may be completely colonized.” Fred J. Barten, Editor 1 Year _____ SUBSCRIPTION RATES ..... .............$1.60 6 Months ..... * .76 Entered a t the Postoffice a t N yssa, Oregon, as second-class mail m atter. BENEFICIAL MILITARY CAMP FOR BOYS Two records have been broken in connection with the Citizens’ military training camp at Vancouver bar­ racks, June 20 to July 19. One is that this is the largest camp in the nine years’ history of C. M. T. C. training at Vancouver barracks. The other is that for the first time, every county in Oregon is represented by at least one boy. Malheur is represented by five, three from the Vale section. Major General J. L. Hines of San Francisco, com­ manding general of the 9th corps area, inspected the C. M. T. C. activities last week, and expressed his surprise and satisfaction at the quality of work, the high type of the young men enrolled and at the progress shown in the few days the boys had been trained. The boys have their own band, drum and bugle corps, and athletic groups, and keen competition is shown in various sports, which occupy much of the afternoons SIDELIGHTS and evenings. Drill, discipline and citizenship training fills the Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, wife of Speaker morning, starting off with 40 minutes of brisk physical Longworth, is known as one of the keenest political ob­ exercise. Reveille is sounded at 5 :45 a. m., and breakfast servers in Washington. She recently upheld her repu­ is at 6:30. From this time until retreat at 5:30 p. m., and tation for astuteness by winning $20 from Senator Allen later taps at 10 o’clock, the boys are busy with training of Kansas. She bet that Senator Reed of Pennsylvania and recreation, leaving little opportunity for homesick­ would vote for the tariff bill—and he did. ness or ennui. At the end of camp, less than a week off, the 700 boys will leave camp for homes, sturdier, more manly and Several days before the birth of a son to Col. and more conscious of responsibility as citizens. Incident Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh there were greeting cards ally, past records show that the boys gain in weight, an bearing a stork towing a baby in a glider, and the words average of eight pounds each. “Congratulations to the Happy Lindberghs.” California continues to furnish by far the largest num ber of families in the list of the states from which new residents come to Oregon, according to the monthly re­ port just issued by W. G. Ide, state chamber of commerce. Five California families were reported as having arrived and bought farms the last week in June. Thomas A. Edison and Mrs. Edison, staunch Repub­ licans both, split the family vote in the recent New Jersey primary. Mr. Edison cast his ballot for dry Mr. Fort; Mrs. Edison not only voted for wet Mr. Morrow but was also a member of the women’s committee which backed his candidacy. Investigate Before You Invest! Here is a good thing to bear in mind: When an investment proposition offers big returns with very little chance of loss, it is not necessary to send salesman around the country letting the public in. The next time a stranger comes to you with a “sure- shot” business opportunity, ask yourself if he isn’t going to a good deal of trouble in order to let you make some money. Ask yourself why he didn t let a few big financiers handle it. If a thing is safe for you, it would have been safe for them. Before you Invest,investigate! The Malheur Coun­ ty Bank will be glad to obtain reliable information for you without charge. IHALUEUH COUNTY BANK NYSSA, OREGON Don M. Graham “I firmly believe and I loudly contend “That a well-serviced car is a fellow’s best friend. “In business or pleasure—on pavement or pike— “An auto’s an asset!” says Gasoline Ike! “ The Insurance M an” Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public Whaddya Mean WELL-Serviced? Everything a motorist wants—when and wherever he wants it—from a gallon of gas to a pull out of a mud hole—that’s the way WE look at it! We have a lot of accessories, too, you know! SEA SCOUT SIPLE Wedding rehearsals are common; funeral rehearsals unusual. But Joseph Sandlin of Lebanon, Ind., had pre­ One of the most attractive personalities in the Byrd expedition, which recently received a royal welcome upon cise ideas of how he wanted to be put away, and had his LARSEN GARAGE its return from the Antartic, is Sea Scout Paul A. Siple lodge brethren gather for practice, he occupied a coffin. of Erie, Pa., who was selected from all the Boy Scouts That was 24 years ago. A few days ago the ritual was in the country to accompany the explorer to the far south. carried out as he had directed, with Mr. Sandlin in the From reports on Siple’s conduct during the long ab­ role of a real corpse, he having died at the age of 90, sence from civilization it appears that his selection for this honor was well merited. Shortly before the expedi­ Justice Morschauser of Middletown, N. Y., believes tion set sail for home, Admiral Byrd gave a radio talk in giving erring youth a second chance. To Milton Y'oung, in which the young Scout’s activities were featured. The 16,who confessed to taking a neighbor’s automobile, the admiral said: Justice said: “I won’t make a thief of you. Promise to re­ “Sea Scout Paul A. Siple took up his work in the turn to high school and graduate in two years. If tempted expedition as a man among men. He stood regular deck again, think of a fat-faced man on the bench who has a watches on shipboard and turned himself into an able reformatory sentence waiting for you.” seaman on a full-rigged sailing vessel. At the base he was given a dog team to drive and soon learned to handle the dogs like a sourdough. Paul was given the young pups Heaven must be a place where the fish bite 365 days to train and turned out a most useful team. As zoologist year. he got many specimens of Antartic bird life. He also did good work in taking depth soundings in the Bay of Well political issues change along with the times. Whales. Along with the rest, he has taken his turn at Back in 1900 the issue was the full dinner pail. Now a The Wonder Wave menial tasks, such as shoveling snow, house duties, kit­ ot of ultra-modern politicians are trying to make it the A Permanent Wave, Soft, chen police and standing night watches.” : full demijohn. ; Natural and Alluring Every Boy Scout should be proud of the accomplish­ ments of their representative in this greatest adventure Only Our idea of a real vacation is an electric refrigerator, in which an American boy has ever participated. a couple of electric fans, the latest mystery novel and a $ 7 .5 0 LUPER ON PUBLIC LANDS comfortable seat on the shady front porch at home. Complete Here’s a new slant on the public land proposal of Jackie Coogan’s record of being a retired movie star interest to Oregon and Malheur county. It is a statement OWYHEE BARBER AND « at the age of 11 has been slightly bettered by little Michael i! by State Engineer Rhea Luper. BEAUTY SHOP 1 ♦ ...................... “Everything should be done by Oregon to induce the of Roumania. who is an ex-king at eight. federal government to transfer to the state all unreserved public lands within its borders. ' “These lands if transferred to the state, could be so administered that the revenue derived would assist ma­ terially in defraying the cost of government. Under fed­ eral control these lands return no taxes to the state and According to statistics nine out of every ten people Full line of Undertaking can only be sold with the consent of government officials. who are sick would get well anyway, if they never had ♦ Supplies errried in stock at “A few months ago President Hoover issued a call a doctor. ♦ for a meeting at Salt Lake City, Utah, to discuss the pro­ NORDALE posal to transfer these unreserved public lands to the 11 Not So With Your western states in which they are located. All of the 11 Automobile, However FURNITURE STORE states were represented, and the question was discussed at some length. The principal objection to President When a little thing gets wrong with your car, if not Hoover’s plan was that the mineral and oil rights were S. D. Goshert Will have reserved by the government. This reservation would re­ attended to, it will keep getting worse until-bang, and ♦ charge of funeral ar­ sult in making some of the lands virtually worthless and she goes haywire altogether and you have a big repair rangements a liability to the states. bill to pay. ♦ “During the recent conference held in Washington at Ambulance Service at all You may neglect yourself and weather it through, which state and federal officials were questioned as to times. but you had better have your car attended to when it the advisability of transferring administration of the needs it. You know-“ Prevention is worth,” etc. lands from the department of the interior to another fed­ Funeral services will be held Bring your car in and let our mechanics check it for ♦ eral department or deeding the lands to the 11 western at churches. needed repairs, lubrication, battery charging, etc. states, subject to settlement of claims of squatters and Phone 60—S. D. Goshert completion of survey work already undertaken. ♦ 94 —Nordale Furniture Co “Reports were current that in transferring the pub­ lic lands to the states,the reclamation program in Oregon ♦ would be menaced. This is not true, and tne government - ■ A dvertisem ents cost money and would continue to assist in reclamation activities. they will save you money. Don’t over­ “Oregon officials here who have given considerable X N y s s a , O re . P h o n e 83 look the ads, they have a message attention to the question of transferring the public lands for every mem ber of the family. DUART I represent the oldest and best companies in the States of America. United Any policy w ritten by me will meet your contract w ith the companies 100 per cent. Don’t w ait until the fire chief comes; tom orrow may too late. be See me today and let’s talk your insurance needs over. | NYSSA, OREGON % Phone No. 53 •H 't l1 » X --XX-fr»-X-fr X"X~X-X-X"X-X~X--X-4--M-4-X-X"X»4"X"X"X- * < ! • * Box No. 74 • SANDWICH MEATS: Let Us Supply Your Ice Needs. We Deliver * m u m m Oregon Meat Market " Cold meats for picnic luncheons or for the family table during the warm days of summer. Strictly fresh and es­ pecially high grade pork, beef, balogna and summer sausage. PHONE 1 LICENSED MEAT DEALERS i i i u i i u i i B i i f l i R B e i i K i i n R i I NATURE IS A SKILLFUL DOCTOR X X X X i X I jj X X Hoxie Service Station i ^ J 4» Better Lumber-Better Homes No matter what you are building-it is economy to use the best grades of lumber. When yt>u build consult u s-w e will give you conscientious advice. Nyssa Lumber Company Phone 47