i THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THE GATE CITY JOURNAL OWYHEE ITEMS Lem Wilson left - for McCall from «vhere he will go to Lincoln, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Nebraska, with a carload of lambs. 1 Year ................ .......................91.606 M onth*________ _________ « .76 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holmes, returned from Yakima, Wash., Entered at tha Postoffice at Nysaa, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Saturday where they went to purchase a puee bred Holstein EDUCATION TAKES THIRD OF MALHEUR bull calf. TAX DOLLAR Threlma and Austin McNall, Education absorbs the highest proportion of the 1930 returned last week from school tax dollar in Malheur county—32.78 per cent. The Oregon in Montana. They with their Voter gives the following compilation of the total levies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mc­ Nall visited in Caldwell Sunday. for Malheur county: T. R. Beers of LaGrande was State purposes— % all night guest in the John Wall Soldiers’ bonus..................... ... $ 3,657 .51 home Monday enroute to his Higher education..... ........... .... 33,772 4.67 ranch at Creston General .... ........................... 589 .08 Chas. Huffman was taken to Total, state ................... $38,018 5.26 the Ontario Hospital Monday morning suffering with pneu­ Local purposes— monia. Schools, high, elementary ........ 236,952 32.78 Clyde Kerr and son Elba, of Roads ................................... .... 118,882 16.45 Wahkiacus vVash., who had been Road bonds .......................... ... 11,920 1.65 visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Library ................................ 3,649 .50 B. H. Kerr left for their home Saturday. County, general ................... .... 44,731 6.19 Mrs. James Huffman is helping Cities and towns ............. . ... 68,337 9.45 Mrs. Lynn Kygar cook for hay Irrigation district ................ ... 146,239 20.23 men. Drainage d istric t.................. ... 53,975 7.47 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley Fire patrol ........................... 138 .02 made a trip to Boise Saturday, Total, local .................... $684,823 94.74 bringing Miss Ruby Bradley and guest, Miss Louise Johnsmeyer, Levies by: home with them for the week­ State, state purposes ........... ... 38,018 5.26 end. State, for local schools .......... ... 24,383 3.37 The Kingman Book Club met Fred J. Barten, Editor with Mrs. Peck in the Bend Sat­ urday. The members and guests came dressed to represent a book author or character. Some very clever imitations are reported. Mrs. R. R. Overstreet enter­ tained her sister Miss Ellen Scott and her neice and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Burnett of San Francisco several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Overstreet ot Boise were also guests. An interesting program was given at the Kolony school house where the joint graduating exer­ cises of the districts were held Friday evening. Music by the orchestra and numbers from the different districts were enjoyed. Three graduates from the Kolony were: Miss Gladys Elliot, Wade Nichols and Gorden Toombs; Wade district; Wanda Cantrall, Pauline Hatch and Rex. Ashcraft; Oregon Trail: Anna Holmes, Minnie Wilson and Delmer Keck. Rev. Ivan Peterson of Caldwell was a caller in Owyhee in the interests of the Sunday school, Monday. H u m a n Vocal C o r d s The length of the vocal cords of men Is estimated at seven-twelfths of an Inch. This is a factor In the pitch of voices It Is highly probable that a slight difference also exists between bass and tenor, and between contralto and soprano, but it Is difficult to meas­ ure with sufficient accuracy. State, for county roads ....... 12,191 1.69 County and local bodies....... ... 648,249 89.68 Grand total .................... $722,841 100.00 X I M M M M H M I I X K K X M X I M H I I M X M X H Big C l u s t e r of Islands The FIJI Islands group In the South­ ern Pacific contains shout 250 Islands. They form a British crown colony. That building operations will show a great increase during the second half of the year is the consensus of all branches of the industry. Contract awards which picked up in March and have shown further rise since should be reflected in sharp ac­ tivities in late June and July, it is confidently believed. Conservative observers look for the industry to be on a sound and active basis in July. Among the important factors which will contribute to the revival of construction operations are the huge building programs of the federal government and public utilities, the latter being committed to spend a sum esti­ mated at three and a half billion dollars for new construc­ tion during the year. This alone is as large as the whole nation’s building expenditure a few years ago. The above in brief, are the conclusions of the heating research bureau of the C. A. Dunham Company, which!:: adds: “While home building has shown less improvement ¡ - than hoped for, our branch sales offices in 70 cities re­ porting on orders for differential vacuum heating systems show that large orders for material are going forward in connection with various types of building.” Taken all in all, the general outlook is encouraging, and the work on new projects definitely assured will absorb much surplus labor, increase general buying, and thereby *:: contribute to the revival of prosperity. LET’S GO V a le July2,3,4 Big Rpdeo, Championship Ball Games, Bands, Water Fight, Parade, Street Sports and Airplane Stunts. FREE BARBECUE $500 FIREWORKS Patriotic Pageant Night of July 3 Only We Deliver ***** •ÉtátrlT'.tP '!Ü M ¡ Some of the detours are not even paved with good in­ tentions. NYSSA, OREGON TRAVE BY TRAI » ■ .. '.4 ' ' *-■- TV Summer Excursions 7W VSCT3SÊM --T ' ; ór rr Daily to September 30 Liberal Stopovers Enroute Return Limit October 31 T ra v el by train ; reach y o u r d estin atio n quickly, co m fo rt­ ably. U n io n Pacific ro u tes take yo u th ro u g h scenes of endless interest. E n ro u te to C alifornia tak e adv an tag e of side trip s t o Z i o n , G r a n d Canyon, Bryce C anyon N a t­ ional P arks at slig h t a d d i ­ tio n al cost. V isit D e n v er and R ocky M o u n tain N a t i o n a l P ark at no extra railro a d fare en ro u te east. ^ Don M. G r a h a m “The Insurance Man” F.xamp!es of Low Romd Trip Faros from/. NYSSA Fire Insurance Bonds Lo» Angele» ...... 56.45 C hicago ............ 85.06 P o rtla n d ............. 25.05 NïW Y ork ........... 140.45 D en v er .............. »59.85 N ew O rle a n s ......... ‘-9 25 O m ah a ................... 70.35 B oston ................ 151.50 K an sas C ity ...... 75.00 W a sh in g to n ...... 140.61 F r o i> i» k tio ts t;te l/ l u u to o t h e r F o r f u r t h e r rie ta ilN c o n s u l t polníN L o cal T ic k e t A g en t Notary Public I represent the oldest and best companies in the United States of America. Any policy written by me will meet your contract with the companies 100 per cent. SPRING IS HERE Don’t wait until the fire chief comes; tomorrow may be too late. * The Overland Route ' Get a permanent Wave NOW The most convenient and at­ tractive form of hair dressing for summer. DUART, the Wonder Wave, only NYSSA, OREGON Phone No. 53 1 MALHEUR COUNTY BANK FOLLOW THE NYSSA BALL TEAM *5* »$• V V V *1* V V V ’V V V V V VV V *1* V •* > V *V * *5* ss. s s Here is a good thing to bear in mind: When an investment proposition offers big returns with very little chance of loss, it is not necessary to send salesman around the country letting the public in. The next time a stranger comes to you with a “sure- shot” business opportunity, ask yourself if he isn’t going to a good deal of trouble in order to let you make some money. Ask yourself why he didn’t let a few big financiers handle it. If a thing is safe for you, it would have been safe for them. Before you Invest, investigate! The Malheur Coun­ ty Bank will be glad to obtain reliable information for you without charge. 12th Annual Show. Some­ thing doing every minute. 3 big days and nights. LICENSED MEAT DEALERS > Investigate Before You Invest! Greatest Program Ever See me teday and let’s talk your insurance needs over. SUMMER SUNSHINE The Boy Scouts, Camp Fire girls, golf fans, youthful and grown-up exponents of the out-of-doors are enjoying benefits of life in the open. They see the things of the world in a new light end understand nature better. T"oy meet *riends in the same rause, swap stories and form congenial companionships. Every student of the big out­ doors gets new object lessons, makes new resolves and forms new links of character with the day of sunshine. Sunshine is the test of summer time. It ripens the grain and the fruit and gives strength to the camper. All nature has a smiling face when the sun causes the plants to grow, the flowers to open and the fruits to mature. Sunshine, induces youth to get out amid the fields and forests, drink in the pure air and enjoy the healthful­ ness of excerise in the open. Ther are profits in sunshine that one does not always reckon on when planning an outing in the open. It creates beauty ad attractiveness and thereby adds to efficiency and usefulness. It helps in fitting one for future work and inculcates a desire for keeping young in order to con­ tinue enjoying the playfields of youth. Yes, there are countless benefits to be derived from mingling with the all-outdoors. The sun paints smiles on the cheek of hu­ manity )r. unerasihle linos. _Florida Tlmes-Lnlou. Three Big Dances Every Night Oregon Meat Market PHONE 1 Look about at the s? r Wrightsman Amusement Company Carnival Cold meats for picnic luncheons or for the family table during the warm days of summer. Strictly fresh and es­ pecially high grade pork, beef, balogna and summer sausage. Let Us Supply Your Ice Needs. Love Is blind. Another thing about borrowing trou- I d e a s o f W o r sh ip The various modes of worship which prevailed In the Roman world were all considered by the people as equal­ ly true; by the philosopher as equally false, and by the magistrate as equal­ ly useful.—Edward Gibbon. 3 SANDWICH MEATS: BUILDING PICKS UP So Why B orrow It 7 B lin d F a t e Box No. 74 $ 7.50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » I l l l l l l l l H I - >» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ■ I I I « > OWYHEE BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP INSURANCE!! When you build or buy a home one of the first things you think of is Fire Insurance and you go to your Real Estate friend or Lawyer and take out Fire Insurance. Did you ever stop and think that insurance against the elements is just as essential as Fire Insurance. IT IS A CRIME to put up good material in a building and not protect it with good paint because the elements are working all the time against your buildings unless they are protect­ ed by Good Paint. See Francis, he can help you figure out your paint problems. BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. NYSSA, - - Oregon Full line of Undertaking Supplies crrried in stock at N0RDALE FURNITURE STORE S. D. Goshert Will have charge of funeral ar­ rangements Ambulance Service times. at all Funeral aervices will be held at churches. Phone 60—S. D. Goshert 94—Nordale Furniture Co Better Lumber—Better Homes No matter what you are building—it is economy to use the best grades of lumber. When you build consult us—we will give you conscientious advice. Nyssa Lumber Company P h o n e 47