THE GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON. tuous dinner was served in the after- | went to Drewsey Tuesday to fi I Ironside team Sunday and carried will beautify its hall. Big Bend IRONSIDE 11 away the honors, 15 to 8. and Harper-Westfall have not 'I . and guests. The children enjoyed j ‘s an °ld timer here. On Monday he announced their plans as yet. Dr. E, D. Norcott The Owyhee primary grades held bathing and wading in the pool. Hus- and his family went to Ironside, Tom Cooley and family were here 1 Mrs. Thelma Elms of Unity visit ed her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. R. their last day picnic at the upper bands’ day is an annual event held j Mrs. Erma Pierce, who has been visiting his brother Abe. This was V'an Bureu, Sunday. DIES IN JAPAN DENTIST Klingback ranch Tuesday. with the Lowes. Guests of the clu b , visiting her mother Mrs. Lex An- quite an event as the brothers had Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and not seen each other for about 20 Daily vacation bible school will were the J. P. Dunaway, C. C. Hunt derson, returned to Ontario Tuesday Chas. Boor went to Baker Monday. years. Her daughter accompanied her. start in the Kolony school house and Bruce Kester families. Nr— . Harry Maranaka, who for a number Oregon S. A. and E. V. Lofton and Earl Mrs. Orville Nichols returned from Miss Jessie Choate, county librar Monday. Misses Carol Heston and The upper room of the Owyhee of years was a truck gardener of the Lois Jones of Star will be in charge. school held a picnic at the Snively ian, was through here from Juntura Payette Wednesday after a sojourn j 1{iPley were in Vale Monday on bust- Office Phone 35F2 Vale-Ontario section, died at his All children are urged to attend, 9 Hot Springs Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Wednesday. She took the old supply with her mother, who has improved j ne3S* Residence Phone 35F3 home in Japan of heart trouble. He from illness. ; Millous Lawrence and family, of of books with her and will send a a. in. till 12. School lasts two weeks. Krell was chaperon. new selection. Mrs. S. A. and Mrs. Earl Lofton I Vale and Mr and Mrs. Q. H. Law- and his family returned to Japan Mrs. Mildred Hite was hostess to Mrs. T. T. Elliott of the Kolony Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fitchett went went to Payette Thursday for baby ■ rence were dinner guests of Mr. and last fall. Many friends m this vic the community club Thursday. Ten is enjoying a visit with her sister, to Ontario to see his mother Wed chicks. j Mrs. Sylvester Rose Sunday. inity will be grieved to learn of his ladies attended. Mrs. Frank Blakley and two sons j nesday. Mrs. Anna P ratt came from the After the close of school here Mrs. death. Sherman and Leroy and daughter Mrs. A. M. DeBord of Payette call Sir. and Mrs. John Muir, who have coast to see her son Gene and his Oliver Sandy returned to her farm ed on Mrs. Lowe at the Hot Springs Mrs. Asa Whisler of Oklahoma who been at McDermitt the past winter, wife. Mrs. White, Mrs. Gene P ra tt’s horae near Bonita, Dr. C. A. Abbott, licensed arrived by auto Friday. Mr. and Mrs. arrived Wednesday to spend some Tuesday. mother, is with them also. Marvin Blakley of Twin Falls, an time with her mother, Mrs N. Butler. in Oregon and Idaho. Car Guests in the J. R. Lynde home GRANGE WON FANCY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woods and j Mrs. Henry Fitchett’s brother is Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. I. S. other, son of Mrs. Blakely, were week ver graduate. Consultation children and Mrs. Jasper Woodcock POMONA NAME QlIILT here from Emmett. Prater, Mr and Mrs. Irving Bra- end guests of the Elliotts. were here Sunday. and examination free. First School was out Thursday. Mr. and shears and two children and Pearl The Oce Schweizer family were C. Smith and family were dinner Life’s first Major Task To Harper-Westfall grange, Lynde of Caldwell and Bill Lobb of dinner guests of the Harry Russell Mrs. Warn were Thursday night door west of bank, Nyssa, Completed guests of Mr. and Mrs. Payne. They guests a t the Elmer Molthan home the infant of the Malheur family Jordan Valley. family Sunday. Sunday. Oregon. of five granges, went the pretty left Friday for Ontario. Pupils who were neither tardy nor Mrs. Oscar Pinkston and son W. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Beam and Mr. Pomona name quilt. It is divided The election was held at the school .. If a watch be your choice, none absent for the entire year were Lau L. Laurence and granddaugther into section, each having been and Mrs. Herbert Van Cleave motor 1 so combines accuracy, smart- rence and William Peutz and Doris Mary Laurence arrived from Ohio house Friday. Thirty-nine of the 72 ed to Frairic City Sunday. embroidered with the names of • ■ ness and recognized distinction Kingback. Louis Klingback received Sunday and are domiciled in the registered voters visited the polls, A. E. and Orville Nichols are members of one of the five 33 republicans and 6 democrats. a.> do the new line of Gruen an attendance certificate also for an Oscar Pinkston home. shearing sheep. Lee Brothers from granges. It is sure to be a treas In spite of the rain quite a num l and Elgin watches we carry. 8 months record having only missed Ray Elliott and Don Scott of the ber from here attended the dance at Unity are helping them. ured possession. one day. Kolony left by truck Thursday for Harper Friday night. Mrs. Lizzie Whittemore spent the The proceeds from the quilt Word was received by Mrs. T. T. Port Angles, Wash., to work on the contest were divided between the The Indian and Bully Creek week end with Mrs. H. C. Elms. Elliott of the Kolony of a son born roads. We were very sorry to hear that :: Gruen’s $27.50 up granges, each receiving $33.49. schools combined and held their last to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGregor The Vale grange H. E. C. voted day of school picnic a t the Jenkins Geo. Madison passed away in Baker May 6. McGregors moved to Medford Saturday. Interment was made in to purchase dishes with its al place Saturday. :: Elgins $11.50 up in the fall. WESTFALL lotment, Oregon Slope will add Miss Velma Wood, who taught the the Ironside cemetery Wednesday. New Clothes, bring in your Clarence and Mike Elliott came The Unity sluggers visited the to its building fund, Boulevard Mr. and Mrs. Steve Woodward re Bully Creek school, left for her home last year’s spring suit and home from French Glenn Thuisday turned from Juntura and Beulah last at Elgin Sunday. where they had been working with week. They were looking for range make it look like new George Wilson returned from sheep. Washington Sunday. He has been for their sheep. The Jeweler The Kingman Book Club held their Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jordan and rela shearing. He went on to Beulah. Among recent visitors in Ontario “Husbands’ Day” gathering at the tives from Sweet, Idaho, are visiting The Store of Personal Service 1 ! T. M. Lowe home Sunday. A sump- the Jordan family. Both families and Vale were Steve Woodward, Rus PAYETTE, IDAHO H. R. SCOTT, Prop. sell Zimerman, J. R. A m en family, T J Y r^t V t&t T V W T r •Serfs r i ,a. » >P. v >ji t t >%.Ae T T ' J ^ T V , V S V V . V . V * Francis Cammann, Roy Stewart and mother. Mrs Mary Smith was in Ontario last week .Her sister and neice re turned with her. Chas. Johnson and wife, who have been in Okahoma the past wintci arrived Friday for a few days stay Chocolate Cup Cakes They will reside in Ontario. Mrs. Rupert Brannock and Mrs. Every Friday KINDS Rachel Muir were visitors in VaU Dozen—30c Monday. HAIR BOBBING AND TON * Mrs. Oliver Sandy served on the SORIAL WORK OF ALL - Westfall election board. She recently ”We Aim to Please” SWAN BAKERY completed a teaching term at Iron ROY POUNDS, PROP. I side. She and her husband plan to Nyssa, Oregon 1 Nyssa Oregon ■ > spend a part of the summer on then « » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ » » 144.11 ( | » » ranch above Westfall. • OWYHEE C H IR O PR A C T O R GRADUATION // You’re Not Buying Robinson LIGHT FOR BOTH SPECIAL Nyssa Tailor Shop E. A. W im p ; j NYSSA BARBER SHOP 1 Electric wiring and Contracting. All work guaranteed to pass inspection. Shaving PHONE 64 BEGINNING MAY 1st Every Woman ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN W ants the C onvenience o f an • An Electric Range, Electric Water Heating In stallation and Electric Refrigerator are the Most Highly Prized Possessions of Modern Women There is a vast difference be en and you will marvel at its spick and span appearance and tween the old-fashioned kitchen comfort. You will be impressed, and the modern All-Electric too, with its efficiency and the Kitchen wherein the three economy and convenience with major home services—Cooking, which the daily tasks are per Water Heating and Refrigera formed. tion—are done with electricity. Visit any of our stores and These automatically operated see the latest models in these appliances help women do their All-Electric Kitchen appliances. work. They ,save countless I vet us explain their advantages hours of time that were former and tell you how simple a mat ter it is to make your kitchen an ly spent on disagreeable tasks. All-Electric Kitchen. Step into an All-Electric Kitch T hese Special O ffers M ake It E asy General All-Steel Electric 10 Refrigerator $ DOWN Balance in Convenient Monthly Payments Hotpoint Automatic A Complete Water Heating Electric Range Installation $500 $■ ^00 DOWN Balance in Convenient Monthly Payments DOWN Balance in Convenient Monthly Payments Idaho Power Company The price of milk will drop and we can supply your needs for an indef inite period at Quart—10c P int—05c Cream, pint—30c I I S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y NYSSA, OREGON When • I. Planning Your * Garden MULTI-SERVICE PAINT AND ENAMEL Pabco, I’abco Pabco Pabco Pabco • House Paint, ................................................$3.19, per gal. Enamels ..............................................................$1.35, quart Varnish .............. .89c quart Justice Paint ..................................................$2.45 per gal. Floor Finish .......................................................... 89c quart Sale Starts Sat. BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. MAY 17, AND WILL CONTINUE FOR TWO WEEKS We Call Have It! Us When You Need It ♦ Enrich the Soil With L ily’s M orcrop F ertilizer i 50 Lb. Sack, $2 100 Lb. Sack, $3.50 Packages, 35c and 6 5c N Y SSA G R A IN & SE E D CO. 4-4.4 4-4 44>4.4-4-444»4-î-{-fr4»444444444444>4»4~f44-444-t-4 44-4-4»4,4 4 4 4 4 l l ■ . i . . Don M. Graham “The Insurance Man” Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public I represent the oldest and best companies in the United States of America. NYSS \ PACKING CO. PHONE 6 U l l l l Don’t wait until the fire chief comes; tomorrow may be too late. Sec me today and let’s talk your insurance needs over. Licensed Ore gon Meat Dealers No. 112 NYSSA Any policy written by me will meet your contract with the companies 100 per cent. OREGON 4 «-+4- NYSSA, OREGON Phone No. 53 Box No. 74