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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1930)
REGO N JSA, OREGON Owyhee and anyon ’ projects On liit: main line of the Union Pacific laiiraad. Junction of the Union Pacific and blanch tine to Honodato and other Idaho pointa. Northern terminus of the recently incorporated Idaho Pacific rail road to Wlnormucca, Nevada. MALHEUR COUNTY’S LARGEST NEWSPAPER NYSSA. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 9. 1930 •1.60 P E R Y E A R PUBLIC FORUM Jordan Girl Harry Russell caught a 250 pound sturgeon in Snake river. Mrs. J. J. Whalen o f Nampa was a guest o f Mrs. J. D. Lackey Friday. f E N SEN HAD N U SU A LLY NICE IGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Iredale and family of Boise were guests of their He: Club held a spec- parents Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis Sduesday afternoon in Sunday. t ’s day. A splendid Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lackey spent hnt in spite of the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John lovely program was Shuler at Roswell Sunday. psen was in charge of ■d after the business Eof the following pro fen: talk on the tulip t , Mrs. Eddie Powell; y Day fete at Payette, Sit; talk on Mother’s ■e Blaekland; vocal E Larsen, acoempanied enter; art talk on the Kirs. S. D. Goshert; thymes, Miss Kather- tccompanied by Miss I duet by Miss Verna [Miss Edna Dennis. |es were Mesdames [Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Its. Bill Shirentan and bertson. |r. c. t . u. fci’s fatehr, Mr. Sandy his home and the W. C. ieet because Mrs. Haw- ii ave her father. There tin g however, on May ■ill day session will be Methodist Church. The | T. U. president Mrs. I Portland will be pres- Mrs. A. V. Cook’s mother, Mrs. George Lydes and her sister Mrs. Reiger of Boise were her guests this week. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, arriving early Sat urday morning. The little tot weigh ed 9 puonds. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lawrence left Monday morning for Buhl, Ida., to spend the week. The city council held their regular meeting Monday night for the trans acting of routine business. The Eder Hardware company has taken out a city permit for the erec tion o f a large extension to • t.heir warehouse on the railway right of Way. Worrk will start immediately. Dr. J. J. Sarazin purchased a new Ford, Roy Pounds a new Ford sedan, Blaney Boydell a new Ford roadster, and Xiew Rudy a '/ar<\ coupe. Mrs. W. H. Gibson of Bella Bella, British Columbia is in Nyssa viisting her sister Miss Aubin. Harry Russell and Aden Wilson went fishing in Snake river Sunday and caught their limit in pounds in black bass. The largest fish weighed 5 3-4 pounds. » Dr. Norcutt has purchased a new Plymouth sedan. The Nyssa Packing Company is building a new cement slaughter house. This will be very modern and have the latest equipment. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Francis. Mrs. Harry Newby and Mrs. Charles Mc Connell motored to the dam Monday aftdrtiono. [ Austin is very ill at (e took a relapse Fri- een very ill since then. IS T A U R A N T SOLD rs. Frank Edwards sold [taurant Monday to Mr. ftt of Nampa, who have lion of the business. Mr. Hwai'ds left Wednesday I California where they I to visit indefinitely, (arvey in Ogden, Utah, jmpany them. Mrs. Arthur Boydell arrived home from Butte, Montana, Sunady. She was accompanied to Nyssa by her sister Mrs. Chester Naukerois, who will visit her for a few weeks. The Larson and Hunter Garage just purchased and installed a new Laythe. This adds to their equipment in making their shop the latest in up to date equipment. They are now in a position to take care of all kinds of mechanical work, which will be efficiently done. John Prati met with quite a mis fortune Monday when his horses got scared while he was fresnoing and ran o ff into Snake river. One horse broke loose and swam down to shore, while the other two drowned. They were recovered about six miles down stream, and the harness was recovered. fc BABHER SHOP INGES HANDS. » I ’ m Barber Shop changed lay when he sold to [ton. Mr. Pounds intends I Nyssa for a time. Mr. iking possession immed- jollcnberg Entertains [ Hollenberg entertained gldos of bridge Thursday a farewell party to the |ty. Beside faculty mem- present were Messrs. )ick Young, Homer At- Butler. A fter a pleasant cards, delicious refresh- served. cows. BOB L Y T L E A FRIEND Vale, May 5— (T o the Malheur Enterprise)— Friends of Bob Lytle of Vale induced him to run for the In a nice exhibition o f the Nation office of state representative for al pastime Nyssa took Weiser into Malheur county on the republican camp on the local diamond 2 to 0. ticket at the primaries, May 16. We Young was in fine form and kept think he is a good man for the office. Weiser’s five hits well scattered. Nyssa scored in the first when John FRANK T. MORGAN SAYS NAR He is an earnest speaker, a think er and a man whose ability is gen- ston, first up, doubled; went to third BOW F A U L T /ONE MUST BE i rally recognized every where in on Schweizer’s infield out and scor CONCRETED Malheur county and throughout the ed on Diven’s bunt. While Nyssa got j ' tate where he is known. men on base every inning they lack As a farmer, the first thing that ed the punch to drive them in until ! comes to my mind in the interest of the sixth when with two out, Ser- I his candidacy, is the fact that during voss singled over third and scored the last year, I personally know he from first when Johnston hit a long arantee [Firm Base for Great has made a constructive fight for the two bagger over right fielder’s head. '»undatiert Hundred Foot Sec removal of the alfalfa weevil quar This ended the scoring for the day tion Mutt Be Replaced antine on Malheur county hay. and fans went home at the end of the game well satisfied with the I know he isn’t a man who merely brand of hall they witnessed. talks but one who does things. On Excavation f«fcr the foundation of his own time and money, for Mal Score by innings: the dam has heap one of the big jobs Weiser 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total at Owyhee. F o j months contractors heur county, he went to Salem sev eral weeks ago and discussed the Runs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 excavated with '¡dragline and shovel weevil ban with numerous state of Hits 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 5 until now a st ' ta about 300 feet ficials, with the result that now we Battery— Jackson and Hutchinson. wide and over (50 feet deep below the have been assured an investigation level of the original Owyhee river Nyssa of the weevil situation this July. has been reached. Here a fault zone, Runs 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Mr. Lytle is as interested in all a rod wide, IzO- feet deep and a Hits 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 7 couple o f hundreft feet long was en farm problems as we farmers, as he owns considerable farm acreage. Battery— D. Young and J. Young. countered. The fault zone consisted We can always give Mr. Lytle a Summary— Three base hits, Diven; of shattered ro^k presumably was two base hits, Johnston 2; Sacrifice broken up when tome shifting in the generous share of credit fo r the good hits, Diven, D. Young, Schweizer; earth took place^ Its depth is rather highways of Malheur county as he has always taken an active part in struck-out, by Young 15; by Jackson extraordinary. Engineers and!contractors debated road booster organizations. He has 5; earned runs, Nyssa 2; base on balls, o ff Jackson 2; o ff Young 1. over the safety of building the im been a leader of several o f our state mense irrigation dam on the founda highway associations. tion which would include the narrow He was one o f the first men of fault zone. Frank T. Morgan, sec Malheur county to be very instru retary of the Owyhee district, here mental in securing a more equal Huntington ..................r ..... 6 13 £ Wednesday from Nyssa for the ratio of state taxes, which resulted Adrian ............................... 8 13 1 May session of county court, said in a saving of many thousands of Batteries— Miglioretto and Macri Engineer F. A. Banks recently called dollars to county taxpayers some Brewer, Hudson and Benton. a conference of Qwyhee project con- years ago. culting engineers, with the result W ILDER DOWNS V A L E Mr. Lytle is at the service o f Vale ................... .............. 2 6 3 that they decided the fault zone must townspeople, the farmers, the stock- Wilder ............. ................. 7 12 i be excavated and filled with concrete men, every community of Malheur Batteries— Kitchen and Ackerman to assume a firm strata. The work county and Oregon in development will probably require about two activities. When he can be of help, Colley and Parrot. months time, Morggfr* said. He add he is ready to serve. He is a good N EXT SU ND AY ed that contractor? who will build man for the office. Nyssa at Adrian; Wilder at Hunt the $4,000,000 tunnels arc establish EARLE O. BOSTON. ington; Weiser at Vale. ing their camps, S. S. Magoffin will Earl DeCordova moved his family begin excavation o t his 4-mile tun- to Adrian last Sunday, after a year’s nel in the very ( e j p ' future. residence In Vale, during WllTifi tlnSe he did contract work oA the project. R. R. TAXES NICE SUM Malheur county Monday received It is said he has opened a poolhall a $27,203.19, tax payment from the and confectionery store in Adrian. Union Pacific System, which repre sents the first half of its 1929 tax. Payments of the last half will fall due November 5. The Union Pacific’s total tax in Bridge Club With Mrs. Morgan Oregon for 1929 amounts to $1,330,- The Tuesday evening bridge club 178.60 which places the road among met with Mrs. Frank T. Morgan. the heaviest taxpayer in the state. First prize was won by Mrs. Arthur Boydell and second by Mrs. H. J. OW YHEE Larsen. Especially invited guests for the evening were Mrs. Dick Tensen, There will be an achievement day Mrs. Harriett Boydell and Mrs. H. program given by the pupils of the Diven. Delicious refreshments of ice Owyhee school on Monday afternoon, cream and cake were served. May 12, at 2:30. Everybody, espec SENIOR SN E AK D AY The senior class in company with Miss Fishburn, Mr. Young and Mrs. day Hunt observed (their sneak Tuesday by going by auto to Starkey Hot Springs, this side of Payette Lakes. They took their picnic lunch and swimming and hiking was en- ially parents are urged to be present. The school children enjoyed a party at the O. R. Hite home Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary j of Micky Hite. y r Miller, who has been visiting hig daughter Mrs. Ray Cantrall re- t urned to Long Valley Saturday, joyed. MaKing Investments Before T H I S bank strives to build up you * and your community We are pleased to help and foster any good thing for the community and can often he of real help to you in solving your individual problems. Yovr Loyalty Appreciated Mr. and Mrs. W ill Morey and two daughters of Caldwell and Arthur Morey of Nampa visited at the S. D. Bigelow and Chas. Bradley homes Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane of Kingman Kolany at Parma, April 19, a son. He has been named Ross Eugene. , Miss Juanita Bigelow and Carl °r ' _______________ ___ Jungquist of Vale were Sunday M. E. CHURCH NEW S guests of the Bigelows in the after- Next Sunday morning at 11:00 noon. Mr. Jungquist an! John Bige- will be held the special Mother’s day low made a trip to the Owyhee dam. service. Special music will be given Miss Elizabeth Krell of Tacoma, and a sermon by Rev. Josie Black- Wash., former teacher of Owyhee, is land on "Our Mother.” Seats will be visiting friends in this community, reserved for mothers and sons. Chas. Huffman who has been quite In the evening at 8:00 p. m. will ill with spotted fever has returned be the Baccalaureate services. Special to his home in the Kolony. mugjc. R. R. Overstreet, Maurice Judd and -------------------;— . John Wall families were Sunday Hugh Coleman, superintendent of afternoon RUestg o f thc T _ y . ;,ow the Baker schools was in Nyssa, and famj,y at the Hot Springs, viewed the gymnasium. He was so J(lhn Adams ¡g WOrkin a h impressed with the way it was con- KOvernment road in plac- o ’ Hugh structed that he is going to bring the ¿¡lenn who jg ¡|] t),is week. Baker school board to see it. They Mrg Jne j j arris and bat / deught r may have one just like it. of AdHan and Mrs. fjt.rria of Wil- GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scouts entertained at a dancing party in honor of their two senior members, Miss Margaret Hunt and Katherine Leuck. A fter the dance, delicious refreshments were served. The Parish hall where the party was held was beautifully dec- _____. , NYSSA, OREGON TAL - »25,000.00 -»LUS - $50,000.00 , ..u n ir u o D U U M T der were afternoon gu POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT C|arence EUiott Saturd.v. < ( Mr I announce my candidacy for a . i _______ tho ronnhli. visitors Wm. Peutz and Lyle K ayb r were in Nampa Fr.di FENCES UP SAYS OFFICER F. FLEETWOOD Wire fences that are down are n menace to livestock, said I* niton j Fleetwood, state humarr officer fur j eastern Oregon, who wss h*»ie Tucs | day on one o f his regular U in. If knows of many instances v,!t .<* stork has been seriously cut hy wire. M r.' Fleetwood asks that ram hi r i cither . repair their fences or take the wire completely down and roll it up. Killed in Crash Jordan Valley— The accidental death of Miss Clara Morgan, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mor gan of Jordan Valley, seems doubly tragic as she was just completing a self-earned education. She had put herself through high school and would have graduated from Mon mouth Normal this spring. She was killed Friday when an automobile in which she waa riding overturned as she was attempting to pass another car on the Salem-Dallas highway. Burial was at Jordan Valley. The entire community is grieved at her untimely death and her family is ex tended the sympathy of many friends. Ethel Aczuenega came from Boise to spend last week end with her par ents. The grade school held n spelling contest, the winners o f first and sec ond places taking prizes o f $2 and (1. Winners were Ella Payne, Emilia Telleria, seventh grade; Esther Tuck- ness, Joe Arritola, sixth; John Con ners, Robert Ross, fifth ; Gabriel Chertudi, Charlotte Mills, fourth. Lewis Yturraspe returned home recently from Caldwell where he was confined in a hospital fo r many weeks. When W. R. Helm returned from a Boise trip last week he was ac companied home by Mrs. Helm, who spent the winter in Boise. The high school cleared $213.07 from its benefit play and supper. Proceeds will be used for student body activities. We Recommend— For every medicine cabinet these essentials: • Carron Oil (for bums) Castor Oil Boric Acid Vasaline Bandage Cotton, Tape Mercurockrome Antiseptic Solution Replanish your supply today Oregon Frank T. Morgan For County Commissioner Vote 32 X A fter a man has filled a County office for one term, with credit to hiltiself, and given full and equal consideration to all questions of public interest within the County, irrespective of location, we believe he is entitled to re-election, and that every nght thinking voter should vote for Frank T. Morgan at the Primaries, May 16th. He is completing his first term as County Commissioner and has submitted himself subject to the wish o f the voters as a candidate to succeed himself. His record as Commissioner is a very enviable one. He has supported every movement for the advancement and develop ment o f the County. During his term all County taxes, over which the County Commissioners have control, have remained comparatively low. He has taken a very active interest in good roads, the County Library, the County Fair and everything pertaining to the agricultural development of the County as well as more railroad transportation in the County. There is every reason why Frank T. Morgan should have made a good Commissioner. His training and experience fit ted him fo r just such a position. He was raised in southeastern Wisconsin. Graduated from the University o f Wisconsin, majoring in engineering. Came to Oregon twenty years ago and took np farming, purchasing sage brush land in Kingman Colony which he lived upon until two years ago. Again last fall the call of agriculture was irresistible and he purchased what is known as the Sheffield 160 between Nyssa and Ontario which he is now living upon and developing. During his twenty years in Oregon he has held the following positions besides that of Commissioner of Malheur County: President of Colony Drainage District, Member of the Kingman Colony School Board for twelve years, is now secretary o f the Owyhee Irri gation Distrirt and was appointed and served as land ap praiser of both the Owyhee and Black Canyon Government Projects. His training and experience have given him a keen knowedge of agriculture, engineering and irrigation. The highest compliment we can pay Frank T. Morgan is that those who know him best, his neighbors who have known him for twenty years, are his strongest supporters. Even his opponents have to admit that he has made a good, fair and square Commissioner. Mr. Morgan should have your vote Mav 16, at the Primaries. (Paid advertisement for the Morgan-for-Commissioner club. Nyssa, Oregon.) J. J. SARAZIN J. P. D U N A W A Y E. M. BLODGETT C. L. McCOY A. H. BOYDELL E. C. WILSON H. T. FRANCIS DICK TENSEN S. D. GOSHERT J. B. SMITH M. L. JUDD C. C. H UNT THOS. B. NORDALE DONALD M. GRAHAM E. H. BRUMBACH C. E. PECK THOS. W ELSH F R A N K A M ILLER LORA E. PILLSB U R Y E. L. T A T E H O LLY BROS. ROBT. R. OVERSTREET C. M. BEAUMONT J. M. KAKEBEEKE J. D. F A IR M A N MRS. J. B. SMITH M A R Y I. BRUMBAOH JESSIE M. PECK A N N A E. WELSH ROMILDA H. M ILLER M ABEL D. T A T E GEORGIA OVERSTREET M ARTH A O. JUDD EMMA BEAUMONT M AR Y M. H UNT E TH E LW Y N S A R A Z IN H. R. DUNLOP H. G. K EN N ARD M. G. TH A Y E R J. D. ROGERS F. B. G LENN C. M. ROBINETTE ROBERT B AR N E Y L. P. LUM PEE C. B. WOODWARD