TUK GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. ding W ork Five New Clubs Make Total 43 West E n d o f ntral O r e . R d . Five new standard 4-H clubs jn the Harney ami L) tt last Peek’s m o ting > : highway commi-sninn, low received on west end work s: Dry Creek-M B Central Oreg n, I ,lm .m ipany, $26,189. ng Bend-Horse Ridge sec W. Feake < K M jSh*!#,' f7.‘l,i*7 of Undertaking es errried in NORDALF [STORE hert Will have %e of funer rangements ance Servid times. at all il servies* will ho held at church t 60—S. D. Goshert trdale Furniture Co bring Malheur county’s total to 43. The new clubs, with their leaders, are: Brogan— Poultry club, 8 mem­ bers, Mis. Gates, leader; Livewire Gardeners, 5 members, Ben Jones; Valley View— Pastry cooking, 6 members, Wilma Brown; Oregon Slope— Parker’s Clover Cooking club, 16 members, Nettie Bartsche; Pioneer school— Calf club, 6 mem- ibers, Norman Van Order. Cockrum Denied D. McLeod Will I Mr. and Mrs. F. L. DeBord and family o f Payette and Mrs. Flora Mackin and daughter Edna Jeanne of Walla Walla. Wash., were dinner guests in the Fred Klingback home Sunday. Mrs. Mackin is a sister of Mesdames DeBord and Klingback. Miss Opal Ivers treated her pupils to a trip Friday to the flour mills at Weiser. Several other treats were thrown in for good measirre. Rev. Peterson o f Caldwell visited here and attended Sunday school in the Kolony. Cakes and Pies are mixed to build health. TRY THEM SWAN BA KERY Nyssa, Oregon HICKOX TRACK STAR Hickox is the star athlete of Weiser institute. In a tri-school meet with Weiser and Emmett last Satur­ day, Hickox was high point man, taking first place in three race events, the broad jump and third in pole vault. In another practice meet with Weiser and Ontario Monday, he made 17 points; Prahl of Ontario 18. They were first and second high. The Hickox boy, a son of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Hickox of Big Bend, has a way o f wininng, whether it be in track or in crop production on his father’s farm. He brought home the I first laurels for Big Bend corn. •otect the Greatest Natural Resource of Malheur County dZING LANDS 1|| On the Special Election Ballot at the PRIMARIES M A Y 16 300 X Yes measure pertains to the establishment o f grazing districts Malheur County. Of the six and a quarter million acres the County $5,500,000 acres are public domain or no man’s [This measure will make possible the control and protection izing for sheep, cattle and ranchers’ interests by administra- your own county officials in cooperation with a district that lizes itself for the conservation o f such natural resources. Valle y Stockmen and Ranchers lj/iite in Plea tor a “ Y E S " Vote by Malheur County , Merely Makes POSSIBLE the organization tzina Districts . I d Advertisement by Jordan-Valley Livestock Association ‘ thl Ki,math "s c r .a tio n . wnore »k-iy ! a,e tcach,B* n h o ‘ ’1 th,s Th'V ' s|,pnt Sun,lay * ’,h ,riend»- Mr ard ! Ml3’ JostPh re!,illents the 1 Bi* B>’n4 and SEV.SW 1/. Sec. 35-16-43. 4, 17, 30. $120.00. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Chas. E. Boor et al, All of Sec. 32-14-.0. 4, 22, Last Wednesday when Jack Brad- 30. $321.50. dock was practicing for track, he Ben Franks et ux to U. S. A. Lot fell and broke two bones in his left arm. He was taken to Dr. Walker at 9, Sec. 16, SE!4SE>4 Sec. 17; Lots Vale and is now recovering as rap­ 2 3, 6, and 7, Sec. 20; Lot 2, Sec. 29 all in Tp. 23 R. 44. 4, 19, 30.. $2,- idly as can be expected. 3075.00. Frank Smith and family moved Interstate Land and Loan Co. to from Westfall to occupy farm pro­ J. C. Harrison et ux; Lots 7 and 8, perty southwest o f Harper. Frank Kime and son Henry went Block 2, Villa Park Ad., Ontario. 9, to Vale Friday after the Chevrolet 25, 15. $1.00. sedan recently purchased. F. Kime and E. Casto families were Sunday guests of Mrs. Martha Anderson at Westfall. Mrs. R. C. Fry and Bernice were accompanied home from Star Fri­ day by relatives, who were here un­ til Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jordan were here Sunday. Mrs. Jordan remained j to take care of her mother, Mrs. Joe j Carter, during a brief illness. Winners o f the zone spelling con­ test here Friday were: Floyd Fuchs, Harper; Clarice Hyde, Westfall, 8th grade; Hazel Fahy, Barbara Bush, 7th; Evelyn Fuchs, Hazel Hay, 6th; LaRue Gale, Irene Hanna o f Bully Creek, 5th. Master and Mrs. J. C. Medlin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kime and Mrs. J. Car­ ter represented the local grange at the Pomona meeting at Boulevard Saturday. Young folks had a jolly party at the Rumiser home Saturday night. A huge bonfire frolic was enjoyed. Guests were George and Florence Corbett, Catherine and Margurite Weagant, Inez and Catherine Carter, Margaret Shira, Rube Price, Joe Shelton and Orville Nolton. Robert Rumiser wa§ painfully in­ jured on the leg when he was kick­ ed by his horse. Dave Kime, Mrs. Orville Kime and Mrs. Bud Hartley were here from Vale Tuesday. Mrs. T. F. Anderson and son are here from Lime to visit Mrs. E, All- strom. Frank Marchek was in Caldwell over Sunday. C. M. McCarter has a big setting, 3000 turkey eggs, for incubator hatching and he plans to set 6000 more. Other Harper farmers arc strong for chickens. Mr. Chidsey is moving his family to the Sells place. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shaw returned to Harper, the former to work on highway construction. Bert Coble also recently returned to engage in road work. After completing road work at Halfway, A. Mills and family and Tony Biggi returned to Harper. For a vacation from railroad con­ struction at LaGrande, Mr. Burti3 came home for a few days. A. R Turner has a fine stand of wheat on his 80-acre tract. Bobbie Copeland returned from Boise where he attended Links Busi­ ness college the past winter. Lucile Warnock accompanied Flor­ ence Corbett from Vale Friday even­ ing to visit with her and Naomi Gal« until Monday. Cheer up men. The house cleaning •eason will soon be here and then you can have business out o f town. Ora A. Davis to Earl V. Lofton. S% SW % Sec. 27; SEWSE»/« Sec. 28; NEViNWU and NEH Sec. 34-14-38. 10, 30, 29. $100.00. Nyssa Cemetery Association to Geo. Closson, Cemetery Lots, Nyssa. 3, 19, 30. $15.00. Nyssa Cemetery Asociation to H. T. Francis, Cemetery Lots, Nyssa. 3, 19, 30. $15.00. J. F. Wood et ux to Jas. B. Mc­ Cain, Lot 4, Block 1, Pioneer Add., Jorlan Valley. 3, 8, 30. $10.00. Whiteurth Products Corporation to U. S. T. Metes and bounds in Sec. 32-19-42 and 5-20-42. 4, 23, 30. $210.60. Minnie F. Manley to I. W. Hope, Adm. Und., 1-5 inter, in SEMSE14 Sec. 20-18-45. 4, 23, 30. $261.34. Marriage Licenses Issued Brooklyn Ivin Lamoreaux and .Myrtle May Houston. 4, 24, 30. Clinton J. Allen and Uarada Mar­ garet Miller. 4, 24, 30. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court E. G. Chatman vs. Mabel Norwood et a. 4, 23, 30. Foreclosure of Mech­ anic’s lien. $160.00. Lulu M. Simpson vs. Joe Bankofier et al. 4, 25, 30. Injunction. C. J. Sergren vs. August E. Young. 4, 26, 30.(Recovery o f Money. $203.21 John A. Oliver vs. Jordan Valley Cattle Co. 4, 26, 30. Injunction. PUBLIC FORUM Nyssa, Oregon Office Phone 35F2 Residence Phone 35F3 C H IR O P R AC TO R 4-4ri-M-+4-4-4rt"l' M » * 4'4^ 4 ' 4' l I | H-4 1 I U ■ City Transfer j: You’re Not Buying TRUCKING New Clothes, bring in your last year’s spring suit and make it look like new TR AN SFER RIN G •j* Phone 15 and Phone 28 Fletcher Oil Company et al to Fletcher Oil Company, Mete3 and bound3, Bock 7, Nyssa. 7, 18, 29. $10. DENTIST Dr. C. A. Abbott, licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Car­ Transfer and Baggage • - • « • ver graduate. Consultation All kinds of hauling ir ;; and examination free. First door west of bank, Nyssa, City limits Oregon. ! Nyssa, Oregon Phone 5 County Statistics Real Estate Transfers Recorded Dr. E. D. Norcott H. D. Holmes and HARPER Stockmen are feeling good over ; the encouraging outlook for good ' range conditions. Grass in the hills shows an abundant spring growth. Jordan Valley, Oregon COUNTY LIBRARIAN HAS LIST OF BOOKS Mrs. T. M. Lowe was hostess to h ; be l i re Mon.’ay for a law suit Owyhee community club Thursday >n which they were interested. Mr. at a luncheon. and Mrs. Robert Currier came from Mrs. Cecil Fetter and son have moved to the home of her father D. P. Pullen. On the testimony o f Harry Cock- For several days Hugh Glenn was rum, one o f the beneficiaries named o ff duty on the government road on in the will purported to have been account o f illness. made by Donald McLeod, deceased, The J. P. and Alvon McCinnis fam­ in 1924, Judge H. Lee Noe refused ilies, Willie McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. to admit the will to probate as ap­ Claude Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil plied for by Mrs. Susan Roethler, Smith were dinner guests in the chief beneficiary, by her attorneys, Howard Connaughy home Sunday. Richards and Richards, o f Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klingback and Mr. Cockruin gave testimony con­ Kenneth McDonald, visitors in Pay­ trary to the assertions of the Port­ ette Wednesday, were dinner guests land lawyers. in the Frank DeBord home. The S. D. Bigelow and Chas. Fisher George Eldredge, senior in Vale families attended church at Nyssa high school, made a remarkably good Sunday evening. Mr. Chapman and showing in two examinations in the his singers of Boise conducted a Thomas A. Edison scholarship con­ wonderful service. test. By a nice margin, he scored Mrs. R. R. Overstreet was hostess higher than contestants from Mal­ to the Kingman Book Club Saturday. heur, Baker, Harney and Grant Mesdames C. C. Hunt and J. P. Dun­ counties, the southeastern Oregon away o f Nyssa were invited guests. district. A report from a member Chas. Huffman is recovering from o f the examining committee says spotted fever. George is the winner in this div­ The Harry Russell family were ision, which entitles him to compete overnight guests of Oce Schweizer’s with 10 other Oregon boys in the Thursday. state finals at Portland. Rollo Fenn was badly injured in an auto accident on the Nyssa-Parma According to statistics the horse road Friday night. He is in a hos­ census o f the country is decreasing. pital in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Simmons took Sometimes we think that the horse sense of the country is doing the their son Jimmip to Ontario Tuesday to have his tonsils removed. same thing. 0 ur Bread VALE OWYPEK I I! C. KLINKENBERG I 4 I M"|. | I f n .+»» l I | | m H h . E . A . W im p Electric wiring and Contracting. All work guaranteed to pass inspection. PHONE 64 Nyssa Tailor Shop H. R. SCOTT, Prop. H NYSSA BARBER SHOP f Shaving KINDS HAIR BOBBING AND TON SORIAL WORK OF ALL “ We Aim to Please” ROY POUNDS, PROP. Nyssa Oregon . . ♦♦♦♦♦♦< | I H t i MILK The Food For Everybody Are you using the right amount of milk to insure a healthly diet for your fam ily? About one quart of milk fo reach child and a pint for each grownup each day is desirable. Let us supply wour needs from our sanitary dairy. • S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y 6.£MSfc. .is)», ; . -ju s t : rw sigt. When Planning ^ Your 1 V'-'î- 'T. •-1 * . . i * . . w ^ j * 3 , . ; -»s 73D Garden Enrich the Soil With Lily’s Morcrop Fertilizer 50 Lb. Sack, $2 100 Lb. Sack, $3.50 Packages, 35c and 65c FRIEND TO VALE-OWYHEE RALPH E. WILLIAMS To the Editor— Ralph E. Williams of Portland is a candidate in the May Primaries for Republican Nat­ ional Committeeman for Oregon with one opponent. The people of Malheur County, ir- xespective of party, are under great obligation to Mr. Williams for his work in getting started the Vale and Owyhee projects. He worked inces­ santly with Senator McNary and Congressman Sinnott in Washington to help us. He urged the construc­ tion o f these projects repeatedly, both with Secretary Work and the Presi­ dent, and kept on the job with us till they were put over. This is the first opportunity we have ever had to show Mr. Williams our appreciation of his help, as he has not had an opponent for several years. Mr. Williams is now first vice- chairman o f the national committee, and you can all appreciate the value of a man in such a prominent posi­ tion who has our welfare in mind. I urge every Republican voter in Malheur County to vote for Mr. Wil­ liams on May 16. His record of ser­ vice for the party, in addition to what he has done for you and I personally, entitles him to your sup­ port. He was first made a member of the national committee in 1908, 22 NYSSA GRAIN & SEED CO. Don M. Graham “ The Insurance Man” Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public I represent the oldest and best companies in the United States of America. Any policy written by me will meet your contract with the companies 100 per cent. Don’t wait until the fire chief comes; too late. tomorrow may be See me today and let’s talk your insurance need* oyer. NYSSA, OREGON Phone No. 53 Box No. 74