? farm THE GATE CITY JOURNAL H. F. BRO W N . Publisher SU B SCRIPTIO N ____________$1-606 if* . red at the P estoffice at Nyssa, . , - ; ' .75 Oregon, as second-class mail matter MARKET CRAIN VIA THE HOC. I ! j t * a - Lii;; ‘-V .. RATES Months A pertinent message came to the Malheur Enterprise this week from the Los Angeles union stock yards com­ pany. It said the state o f California alone p^ys approx­ imately $50,000.000 a year for pork supplies coming largely from east o f the Rocky Mountains. There is no reason why the states west o f the Rockies should not supply this product and to our mind this would mean an enormous gain to western states. We have the feed, climate and everything favorablt to successful hog production. The article called attention to the barlev situation, stating that it illustrated the need for a more extensive home market. Feed it to livestock. What is true o f the hog and barley argument is true o f other products. Hay fed to dairy cows brings big re­ turns. Corn marketed via the livestock route, and so on down the line of staple Cx*ops, has long been championed by students of the farm problem. J , 4 does not really reduce the size o f existing navies. Futher- more, the treaty contains a clause which will per»111 Uu‘ three powers to further increase their navies m ease other nations which are not in the agreement enter upon an excessive building campaign. It is hoped that France and Italy may be brought into the agreement later, but at London all efforts to recon­ cile the demands o f these two countries were unavailing. So, although the conference did not accomplish nearly all that was hojted for, it can hardly be said to have been a failure. L e g a l Advertisements h in t s NOTICE OK F IN A L H E A R IN G USE MORE BUTTER Some i-eason.« why w n y butter ------ - *‘ ‘ " uld IN THE The undersigned h avin g filed in 2 Butter is an important source the above entitled cou rt, her final o f vitamin D. necessary to the body account and report as e x e cu trix o f for building sound bony tissue, pre- the Last W ill and T estam ent o f J. Boydell, deceased, and the clerk h av­ vention o f rickiti. 3. Butter is s palatable anJ easily ing set M onday, the 26th day o f May, 19S0, at 1:30 o ’clock p. m., as Ike digested food fat. Uberai consumption o f butter time fo r hearing ob jection s to said final account and report. assures . nation o f a rich and de- Notice is hereby given to all per- pendable source o f vitamin A.^Bm prived of this source the people may sonj interested in said state and de- ------ and , sjrin), to ob ject to said accou nt — J 7rom faulty nutrition W H AT’S N E W ? A newly invented typewriter for the blind has been de- vised which weighs only three pounds. Small sewing machines having only 35 working parts iro ^ in e manufactured in Germany. dietary deficiency disea»e. ‘ The latest telephone cables carry 3,6:36 wires packed in 5. Bun' r a diameter o f less than three inches. no« onk miprove the general health, French engineers claim to have made plans whereby but M ‘ .„ „ e a s e , the rate of growth railroad trains may spatd of 125 miles an hour. |as to show greatly accelerated [ in both height and weight. Oil drillers in California have succeeded in penetrat- A woman has to be a lightning ¡ng the earth to a depth o f 9,350 feet. thinker in order to think before she By a newly developed process industrial alcohol can be s p e a k s . ________ ____________ _ manufactured from peanut shells. report or any item By the Rick by the Cord and By the Car ; t •"i- ;! WE F IG U R E Our Architectural Department your service. d ly which heretofore never had been retained. No A rctic belts nor filthy leg straps are used. I guarantee the durability o f my absolutely sweat and moisture proof sanitary appliances. 75 per cent o f ruptured children cover completely through expert mechanical treatment acco-ding to statistics. E ST IM A TE S » is At BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. _ ♦ Do You C ra v e Something Different? > Do not waste your money on wide­ ly advert i *ed mail order contrap­ tion*. V .1 car.nct fit yourself. C. F. I1EDLICH. Rupture Appliance Expert. Home office, 535 Boston Block. Minneapolis, Minnesota. ______ Try our deliciou* Display Extraordinary OREGON MEAT MARKET L ovely New I t ■ h - h - h - m LAMB CHOPS at 40c lb. The Market of Quaiity I*-, — Paid Advertisement. i m m Praetit,! ----Ò J * A^vertJ*^_ wi!1» v ,„ | ÿ ** a d ^ T f ° r t'very menlur jk ” th ereof, BERTSCH BARBER SHOP Near F ord G arage Rupture Shield f SOLICITS YOUR W e S e l l W ood 5! * R Attorney emj, i i i H H H i n u r n t t m attain a At the Bancroft Hotel from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. •i FOR' life. PATRONAGE GEO. E. BERTSCH PROP. PAYETTE On Friday, May 9 » . \«4 COURT fol> said dat, * lhs*ed thb ^ be used liberally: M ALH EU R COUNTY, STATE. 1 Butter is » concentrated source 0 F OREGON, of vitamin A. necessary to the body , n thp Matter o f the U S W ill and for growth, protection against is- j Te>toroe„ t o f J. B O Y D E L L , De pood general health and ong teaged. Vale rejoices with Bums, the Harney county seat, in I j :ts bright outlook for continued growth as a result of the , p • i building o f the Hines sawmill, one o f the largest in Ore- £ X p C r t v -O IfllU g t 0 :on. pleasure the Malheur Enterprise acknow- r THE NEW NAVAL PACT • It is with . D „ n , .... ... ,. . , _ . ledges an invitation from the Bums Times-Herald to the Although the five-pow er naval treaty for the limitation Burns celebation Mav 8. All who can attend, let’s o f armaments which it was hoped to make effective at give them a hand. the Ixondon conference has not been realized, a three- power agreement has been made between the United Four words constitute the text of every' primary can States, Great Britain and Japan. lidate's campaign— I want the nomination—but some Under the new treaty President Hoover declares that have a better way o f saying it than others. Evening- by telephone appointments United States will spend about a billion dollars less on Some daring girls are now wearing skirts reaching al­ only new warships than would have been spent if the confer­ most to the ground. ence had not been held. Id other words, while we must still spend about 600 No Charge for Consultation Filipinos are showing the effects o f American culture. million dollars to bring our navy up to parity with Great In Manila they staged a riot at a baseball game. Britain, the plans previously made would have caused We may sometimes admit that our enemies are honest, Mr. C. F. Redlich. the successful the expenditure o f 1,600 million dollars. expert says: The "P erfect Retention Shields" While the new treatv does limit naval construction it but we will never agree that they have good judgment hold the rupture perfectly, no mat­ Most candidates favor building rpore schools, roads and ♦ 4 other public w orks; also favor lower taxes. So do we, if ter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight y ju lift. They it could be done. give instant relief, contract the ♦ pemng in a remarkably s h o d time Uncle Sam got out easy after all. It will cost him less and sttengthen the weak tissues ( the ! than a billion dollars to build enough warships to comply •eal cause o f rupture) so that they ! with the disarmament pact. frequently recover their previous An exchange denies the story about a souvenir hunter natural retaining power, needing n outside support. Stomach S picking up a half-smoked cigar thrown away by Mr. further ■rouble, backache and constipation Coolidge. It says the former President is not that waste­ often caused by Rupture promptly ful. disappear. One o f the building experts says that the American Truly remarkable and prompt re Mow /* the Time to Order Your WoMt people need four million homes a year—to stav awav suits have been obtained not only with recent and not fully developed from ? ruptures but also with old, long neg­ Our PABCO MULTI SERVICE PAINT lected ones. W A W A V A W A W W . , A W , , A ,, W , , i V , V . , A W A V A V . S W . V . has proven itself to be one of the best Ingenious, recently perfected dc paints en the market. vices are now holding ruptures firm ­ I COUNTY *»ch obj*^ ■+t I » >♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»I » [ NYSSA FLOUR Ml CU STO M C H O P P IN G AND GR1NDIMC A L S O H IG H H EAT COAL THIS PROPERTY FOR SALE P. M. WARREN, Prop, The Right Grade of Quality Oil M e a n s M o re Mileage Good oil elim inates w ear, decreases the tart« deposit on yo u r cylin d er head and pistons and am greatly to the e ffic ie n c y o f your motor, —just try our Quaker State, Zeroline and Mobil Oil—tka decide fo r you rself. H U S M -. PO W E LL SERVICE STATION NYSSA, OREGON bay and Might Service Phone 1 Draperies Licensed O re g o n Meat Dealers l ■ I ***** R EAL E ST A T E SP E C IA LS THREE-ROOM HOUSE. C O N- crete Basemen, and Garage. $1.250, terms. F IV E ROOM HOUSE, o o n v p e t f Rawer vent. W ter in the h o««. M .000 *2w) down. $2» p .r u.otuh, 7 wo Real Snaps i NYSSA REALTY CO. JACK HUNTER DON M. GRAHAM \ carefully selected aetecticii of gorgeous, as well as quaint designs in unus mliy ]. vely new Draperies, featuring quaint t!d floral 2< r.gL as well as modernistic patterns. Gay and c o .g e o ws. To secure new drapes to harmonire with your color scheme will he a pleasure when you choose from cur moA-r. ately priced stock. FRENCH MARQUISETTE 36 inches. 18c to 60c. RAYON MARQUISETTE 36 inches. 35c to ib c. DAMASK DRAPERIES to $1.95. CRETON CRASH IES » c to 63c. FILET NETS 30c to «Or. FLORAL PONGEE RUFFLED 20c to SILK OLINE 18* to 25c. 49c yard. VOILE S5c. Ready-made Curiains for Every Room Our Big St. re w.ll he fitted w th Curtains and Curtain * “ * "* 1 * We want ™ , ^ *»d ** lovely new Drapes. Specially Priced for This Week may j ro MAY 10 MILLINERY Q tor Drens g and £ Street O Supplì, linen-like straw hats var.-mg trim, are strem- •d n this »bowing o f summer styles. K eep O u t Flies Now is the tim e to get ssa yn®r door and w indow screens. Ours are d ily built and m oderately priced. BOYER BROS. & CO. Department Store “ M ARIO, OREGON -----------------------------------------------^■w - ^ v w w .v ,..v ^ Nyssa Lumber Co.