Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1930)
IË G O N GATE CITY JOU fyh ee and lyôn PROJECTS M ALHEUR 'NO. 32 C Ô Ü N T Y ’S LARGEST sirs NYSSA WELL ADAPTED FDD FOR GROWING DEADS A Ai 77XSZ 7Z 11.50 PER YEAR Gwyliee Dam On Thursday May 8, the Ladies Aid will give ’ another cafeteria linner in the jbasement of the church. It wTR be served from tl:00 a. m. to f:00 p. m. Every body come. WIN FIRST HONORS IN STATE CONTEST We Have It! You Need + + 'M -ft+ 4 -+ 4 :+ + + *+ + + -M -M -M -M -H -+ 'l+ + f+ + + 4 >+ + + * + * + + + + + + + lta + 4 - |gg For SATURDAY, May 3, Only 10-lb bag pure Cane Sugar - 63c 49-lb bag B ig E Flour $1.39 3-lb box Soda Crackers 3 4c 8 lbs. Lard $1.19 Blue Bonnie Catsup bottles Call Us When 2 for 2Fc Sun Brite d e n s e r - 6 for 25c Matches - 2 cartons for 27c No. 2 1*2 Broken S. P. Apple, 2 for c 3 lbs Bananas - - c 6 bars Fairsex Toilet Soap - 29c Oval Sardines - - 3 for 34c Before MaKing Investments For Rent—Nice clean sleeping rooms. See Mrs. Nordale. a!8t Yovr Loyalty Appreciated Lost— Branding iron and sack j of cement. Leave at this office and receive a rtward. a!8-2t POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT I announce my candidacy for the nomination, at the republi can primaries to be held May 16, 1930, to the office of Representa tive o f the Seventeenth Repre sentative district o f Oregon. If nominated ard elected 1 will work tor the advancement and better ment o f every section o f Malheur county. ROUT. D. LYTLE Address: Vale, Oregon. N Y S S A , O R EG O N - 125,000.00 SURPLUS - $50,000.00 N Y SSA P A C K IN G Department ******* ? (f>dd AdvertiwsMatj » CO. PHONE 6 Licensed Oregon Meat Dealers No. 112 OREGON NYSSA Store î irtr-M -H ❖ I Warm days bring to mind and can often b e o f real help to you in solving your individual problems. CAPITAL 27 25 WILSON BROS. Consult This BanK rtRicn NÏSSA BOVS MEET WITH SERiOUS ACCIDENT About fifty more men are now working for General Construction Company. Work is still concen trated in the foundation, and some concrete will be placed in the bottom this month. The con crete pouring on the dam will not "Last Sunitef W ening the church . . . • _ i s t a r t for several months as more was packed to hear the singing » n A G am o f A p p ro x im a te ly 50 excavating ha3 to be done on the Ronald Fenn in Hospital ae riven by tl^ , negro choir, and PerCent Show n b y 1930 foundation before they can go Result of Head-on Col the sermon givgn by Judge Chap- r* „ .. ahead on the main concreting. nan of Bapfe. lision Last Friday. Census en u m era tion . The gravel screening plant is Miss Aiibin is improved in health this week. working, and rapid progress is bei1 g made. The work on the W. A. Austin Roland Fenn and Clifford Field has been busy On Sunday May 11, in the eve during the past road leading to the tunnek is of Parma must face the charge week checking ning at 8:00, the Baccalaureate service will be held at the church. u p o n Nyssa citizens who had ¡nearing completion, and also the ¡o f driving an automobile while been missed by the census enum-* work on the camps. It is thought: into Seated, while Juard Coleman and^the pubhc isinv^ted toatiend" erator and rePort» 54 additionaljthat the McGaffin Co. will start arul Walter Light, Wilder youth, names These names added toi work on their section of the tun- are charged with reckless driv- Reverand and^Mrs. Floyd W hite the 803 reported by the enumera* n«l this month ng as a result o f a smash up on u a - . Meadows are visiting t'or" make "857 as Nyssa’s total The fellows ha ve organized a the Parma-Nysaa highway last A r9‘, I e s 818 C1* ra. Tetierof population. The enumeration of baseball team at the dam and are Friday evening, says the Cald ppleValley- ¡1920 was 563, showing a gain practising after work in the eve well News-Tribune. Fenn is at the Caldwell sanita* Melda Coleman, daughter of during the past 10 years of 294, nings and on Suneays. They will rium suffering with major Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman, who*or approximately 50 per cent. play other teams soon. injuries to the head which has been ill for the past week, is This is a larger percentage he sustained in the accident. His reported to be improving. than the majority o f small towns jaw was fractured. It was said The second coat of varnish has can show> In fact- many o f the Monday that he will be in the been-given the interior o f the l malIer town8’ , espcc“ lly in the hospital about 20 davs. All four East, are showing an actual loss. church and the appearance is were arraigned Monday. The Parma high school girls greatly improved. Details of the accident are Free bathing next Sunday at musical sextet, o f which Ina and meagre. It occurred about 9 Mr. P. J. Bradley,district man Snivley Hot Springs. Bring your Ava Nolt are members, carried o’clock Friday evening on the away first honors for the sextet ager, and George Poures,purchas bathing suits. highway about five miles west e f ¡event in the Idaho state contest ing agent for the Boise Payette Parma. Fenn and Field, with Lumber Company of Boise, were For Sale^-My equity in the Star at ® °'se *as* Friday and the latter driving, declared that Saturday. They competed against in Nyssa Tuesday and accompan Garage. For particulars write Coleman and Light were on th* ied the local manager H. T. me at Lexox Hotel Nampa, Idaho, ■ the champions of three other wrori- side of the road. Thia is districts and won easily. Francis to the Owyhee Dam. room 16. m4-2tp deri^d by the Wilder youths. Saturday evening the winning Wiili the exception o f Fenn, all team broadcasted a musical pro ’73NNS1 (Continued on pug*8) ■ ! gram over the radio. The Odd Fellows entertained the Rebeccas in the I. O. 0. F hall last Saturday night. After an entertaining program, a del icious big feed was served by the men. A social good time and dancing was enjoyed. The pro Otto Fowler Investigating the gram was as follows: il Dick Y o u n g 's Opening address......... Mr. Forbes Possibilities of Producing Looking Backwards____ .8 girls Bean Profitably. Recitation_________Luella Leuck Recitation___ Betty Lou Tillman mates playing S o n g .......... ...........Jimmie Cook Five hundred acres o f beans ^behind him Dick Recitation......... Sylvia Blaylock are being planted this year in ie Wildei br ttere at Recit; ion______Clarice Tillman southwestern Idaho and eastern r six innings and Music----------------------- Ella Martin Oregon. Mr. Otto Fowler who iyssa had a com- Recitation----------- Laynne Wilson1 has spent the past two weeks in eased up and al- Song......................... _Mr. Larsen this territory looking into the llu-, one of which Song-------- Anna Merle Johnson, bean situation, has been askec >y Caddy, with one S o n g --------------------- ; ............ by several farmers how beans iunted for Wilder’s Olive Hunter and Ella Martin would do locally. After studying . Nyssa counted two in R e cita tio n .--------Jean Johnson climatic and soil conditions, Mr. re in the third and Reading----- Margaret Pinkerton Fowler states thah Nyssa land is te sixth for a total Recitation........ .Arthur V. Cook just as adaptable to beans as Recitation...... .......... Grace Jones the Twin Falls country. He lay — Weiser at Song....................................... states that beans should be plant tgton at Adrian, Katherine and Robert Leuck ed soon after the first o f May so M usic................... Hubert Leuck as to get their pods started be X S core . fore the hot weather. They should not be planted on flat R H PO A E heavy soil. Too much water be Mrs. Frank Leuck and her l 2 0 1 1 l 0 0 daughter Thelma will entertain fore the blooming stage will 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 the Sunshine club on May 9. All cause trouble. The ground should 1 1 l 0 0 visiting Rebekahs are invited to be watered before planting and a 4 0 2 C 2 2 b 8 good seed bed prepared with 0 o r ittend. 2 1 about t vo inches .of dry dirt at 1 0 0 , 1 1 A baby girl was horn to Mr. least on top. Plant the beans 0 1 2 2 about three and one-half inches 0 0 0 1 15 f 4 Dennis Toombs on April 24. T h e i , .... , 0■ 2 7 0 0 itte m e was named Ruth Rose, deep.’ Wlthp en] y ? f cultivating, < n I and if possible don t water them 6 0 and weighed 7 27 33 ' 9 It pounds. until they bloom; then just water AB K H PO A E Revised Schedule Idaho-Oregon i b5twPpn ^ other row, and 4 0 League: 0 0 x 2 « about twelve hours is enough. 0 0 3 6 0 h 4 May 4 - Vale at Wilder; Weiser Do not let the water stand .on 5 0 6 0 0 n .* 1 • 1 1 0 0 at Nyssa; Huntington at Adrian.. them. . Proper drainage is most 1 1 14 0 0 ’May ll- W i jt e r ..a t Huntm g-il83^ 1^ es? ecially o n h o t d ^ a . 0 0 ton: Weiser at Vale; Nyssa tat Beans do not require much wa 0 © 0 0 6 I 0 0 ter. 0 • 0 3 2 Adrian. Mr. Fowler has had several May 18*-Wilder at Weiser; *M 1 0 • 1 1 2 years o f experience with beans • 1 0 e l Adrian at Vale; Huntington at :f.p It in different localities and has just 2 3 27 14 5 Nyssa. finished eight years o f successful • responsible for, Col May 25--Nyssa at Vale; Ad lisoti Colley II, Young rian at Wilder; Huntington at bean growing in Twin Falls. He is trying several different varie- Caddy; sacrifice hits, Weiser. Ramuaud, Herb Hoxie, June 1--- Wilder at Nyssa; des in different localities here. 1). Young; stolen base,, . He also states that he has found on balls off Colley 4; Weiser at Adnan; VelePtH unt- a good many successful growers )Colley 2, Packwood 1, ington. June 8—Wild«.! at YaL; Nyssa on a small scale here already, 4 s 6 7 8 9 T! at Weiser; Adrian at Huntington. with some yields as high as 40 bushels. That would net better 2 4 *1 o o o it j June 15—Vale at Weiser; Ad- than $100 per acre. o o o 2 0 0 2 rian at Nyssa; Huntington at He would like to get the grow oo 1 2 0 0 3 Wilder. ler games June 22— Vale at Adrian, ers to cooperate with him and ÌW eiser 4. Weiser at Wilder; Nyssa at Hunt- asks that everyone who is going to plant any beans, even from a 0, Vale 15. ington. fraction o f an acre up, to send his name and address to the Cald well Cnamber o f Commsrce. Also all others who are interested in bean growing. We all know beans de well in our gardens and by just leaving them a few days longer they world be ready for harvest beans. Why can’ t we grow them out in the field just as well? Don’ fail to send in your name anr address, as you will receive a -¡•♦•f+4 + H I I lot of information, and it is all free. It will also help Mr. Fow ler in his experiment with beans this summer to call and see the different fields all through the • 1T , HIS bank strives to build up you territory. He will also see that 11 * and your community , arrangements are made to take care o f the crop as to cleaning We are pleased to help and foster ; and marketing. any good thing for the community SUNSHINE CLUB v hn t! t m»tn lie* of th* Union Pkdfie fiüi a'1. luTictfrm of the Union Pxeific „ir.i hiMtich lire to Homc«:*ie and otb«r V. Wl polliti. VdYt.irm untumi» of tbe tfcaUl.Y iiuwrpu'st* 1 idabo Paoilc rail road to WfnncmurcH, »Nevada. ■Vi- NEW SPAPER NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY-2, 1930 ODD FELLOWS EN TERTAIN RSBEKAHS NYSSA, OREGON l ;;i FURNITURE We ; Three-Piece Suite - $72.50 ii A beautiful light blue reed suit that ia equipped with ar tistically colored cushions. Strongly made, guaranteed to give years of hard use. Not only a beautiful addition to your home, but a very comfortable suite that the while family will appreciate. A N Y PIECE M A Y BE P U R C H ASE D SE P A R A T E L Y NORDALE FURNITURE CU. Caldwell Bldg. NYSSA. OREGON ♦t u n » ♦♦♦»* i t » » » 4 t n i i i i m m PBOKE f4 » ♦♦♦♦« 11 » » ♦ « » ♦ m m » Recommend— For every medicine essentials: cabinet these Carron Oil (for bums) Castor Oil Boric Acid Vasaline Bandage Cotton, Tape Mercurockrome Antiseptic Solution Replenish your supply today ----------------------------- a t ----------------------- Nyssa Pharmacy Oregon Ny* ■ W *2 " • S P W 'S 'W '