The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, April 25, 1930, Image 2

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    to general traffic.
r council has author-
two year»
I g OB e-mill levy for
the voter» at a *P»-
jued to ruine »23.000
tor airport Iniprove-
on may be held June
f ë
d p l
C l J T T i E U ’D . P i
l i to m e day If
Jgd thut Mn>r>
to kisk tlit ■>
'iV h u t h «§}•*]
thé safety of
m a ’ dividend’ of 15 per cent In the
liquidation of the Bunk of Nytsa. de-
The brooder house owne
Sherwood of Amity was bu
finct, „aa.avthorUed by
state enperlutendent of buuke.
• ground-with
d iv id e n d amounted to | 1 U. 0!3 Claim,
. .¡.eluded J b i ; tpby chicks m
aggregated » 8 953.53, with dlvtdende
- l - She first
.7n.K)«r cent. T he hank was
the precinct of Weath-
iTturqv covering
jg rh r shPW a population
as' compared with 94
l - lb
— the‘ tint* cen
leased the mill and uwuiuu*. -
heeler belonging to tlie Westwoo
I Mrs. S. H. Forshaw. sn
f « cb lp a n y and'will Install a double-cut
> u s i c . a t the feod idleten
leten achwls
hue tendered} her ^ JJ0ny. B8V n ( | make other Improve-
•the last 13 years, ha« tel
menta-ee that the capacity of the » i l l
^resignation to take effect s
will reach 2 UP^hQ feet when it' begins
p t the present term.
to operate In about tiyo months.
. Approximately 120,000 wl
Bend's city and county Jails have
[ I t «nvrovM g and er.lurglng the ca p »
rT'city> o f the Nestles Food plant in Me-, fcecdtne so c r o w e d that it became nec-
r ‘Tginnville. according to announcement
Ray Bush, manager.
ction which lias a bud ef- ! n durrent periodical
li» fii««t* * o f »til*- d * S|tei*Mi d-< fi* w ithout doubt “tin ^
a out to c ; i*; u * “s u * w « » * w
*• ¿ « M r u
,m! husbandry deuilrtwent , A f ut,url) » f hew Tort ring
, 'fin te brflrtrslt.t,**
Uk rngdeavg,
t <(, f>ia« ihtesmiub’sivteàlp«« -A Tliese nre some of the «2
t e n t t J f c * b llei f c < '-W H 'ti'iT *'- A 8t' rk-“ "f WBlua
ns good pagturej* s a * . -4»¡ house» each grouped,*;
- f i f e big rmw Vrfrtlrt, usé'* ‘ l ’ s.d-eud streets giving ,
Is .Mac .«»«uaumr-ewJiBe 4 <»< for motor cun to tkcsg
*> j o * ! « . *''"'(a..ij!.y#i,
“♦>*'*’ m s a « « *
-us.- lifter ",h e n -llle * bi< ¿d.-ktrtaHP . faust
if (tflSl u l t t ^ W e s . b e » C ^ t f 'f ° i} f h ttie courts or pitg
.icm m *.» 4 ,* »lunggntl ■■li.lHMirûceViiiid klttiènl lid’J
Itivi Jbe
l h l | F 1 É l 4 * * * iee "k th e bd«s«s-lott ¡J
Clime i>ack to ' !
1 ¿ ¡W s r F o o « « « .B iM jw iifc J
i«dii<,l f l W l . —
, " m g U> go tojiut.imoliHritaJ
i :,,.«»•*» Hkn Cd*vne 4 li»l 4 n-«se< ti ‘tô èiiter Hie fe¿fa»¿fl
violators of-the
• f* Í ftavmond Shipley, 33. employe of result *lX prisoi
» Jntiie Carnation Lumber company »t t>rii>evl|le bv Ch
o jfd re st Grove, was drowsed In tb»| and given suites
qoaipauv s log pend when ha ta\i i-jall, which was
* * n-oui one of the loading slips. 4o ,, -J o h n timer -
M W « » « ¿ l i l i » “ » '¿ 111 *
profitable to in,nip iS J ie .f tvJ jj l l w i M i i .u u t .u e iiiig jg ]
t a i - t t e W M t W rioefn *'< rijyje nu>»ny« be^ 4 ( ei'&l
r«m?h»ure,-*u«d. dte «teUniMa -4*fcr Hecesunry. ‘
wore « w iá i.íW t l M M U ta i n, tlrt *1 ’Bnrtfrsdè- tedN'btteJ
. v j
• i*., f roPtí*uumt la. appartai d d
oñ t o ¥n¿ cnVbfln mannfW'T ( j t ¿ ^ w| fclu s¡ijj^ j"í y j jJ
n* sh e* stjbihw-a.eaeJreeoA *4 b 4 ii «*, f» ;
wonh/of n l
14 i
i An albino gopher,.said to be.a very
Tire ferey-befa'
" ‘ nnVtuil type of rodent, was captured at .ludepandenci
--‘ -a few days ago on a ranch at TTufly BV ' Mgri.on cojinyee,
•♦líHafít' Mntray, and ■wn® on dispter
coat of pa
ti* o ffice of County Agent M ors* .• »^jody color is to
“ •‘• '■ jlfelirbA 'B a y
be thfi"
-■* - fin elWng 1 pot ■*<>< -HM - auu*
tlugu.’! bu* Al‘e*C. *s . uue..
■ 4 - T t n M day In the yenr. at least
t --
'A v f i
" J,
While there are many splendid crops -trim m ing and th,
Sanator. ¡Kiddle
iron paiMedt hit
iA .^ ip n -O '
illev farmers calling stage of Prater t
Tpnrts that a
j gt "the Islan
! f hate to "reseed portions of theiT tentl.* t
i.h'p n irift »fftntfffg 1
^«vtdeBi rf'l«ia t-»h w l*-th»*
\ i t I J t duugldgt of unk LitfiiWSi..
ami that the descendants
r ™ ' • • * S ‘fh'e ifiuh irdH -w nii-iitf-' ■
tl*». (teepi*# the hiUkortlei* iA ollie.
ifblch .the
•*» -ftecrfnstmction of the Atomms-eot*
4-turation'a plant near Terrahunne if
,i|tfcp««l*Iing rapidly, apd w ill-h e /¡o m ^ A
leted by May 16, according to J. W N
anong. a director of the corporation, t
was Jmildlug. are
ft f!M r l L-flttrMIf aft- '
casn r- - Tlass*Buy 4»-ahe <hm*»ef M f -
'ià'.JWP'v v V kwi I'' w b n ilivP*.in :Aioeplpg.
byit w I ki hpve upt le t been traug-
Amdrfi'iihs by the aT-
cheniy o f the umUtau peK May -1*
uw aw »«d ay J vkj w o u ,st juutlnst. tpc
prevailing imder, o f filings, fur so-
chnirl "W T O d!" 'ai'ftvttre»: W
for lnst-:ib»lfvlsliiv" sfhfch» smneiww ■
li«v W *«eei* tiQCUBie^nl.puuCuiiuHji..
F or..m illion s of Am erkans May 1
n fe a n s * m M e r 'd T ^ o t lm 'r till'd, tlib"
■eml-anuual SphOBS uk t n ' tli»m*»*te■ ar­
rangements and change from old fire­
sides to new, knuwmus "Moving dny.”
But to mllllonl'lBni iBMii Americans,
In our school* aud colleges. Mpy 1 Is .a
ttffT ii ftrrtd- «rfftb lB ln ir and
la T j r i k i 1 ». » f-liiiig aiPl o( dance.
Mid j > m they. wUiy dregseA w u,ve ip .
apd out with the lung, streamers at­
tached ttf ftie top b f t Mnypole erBtted"
on etmi. level rtrclch AP- greeosward.'
they are perpetuating un old custom
“ bringing In thp May” which truce»
c T " Irf "ifii 'hnbriHfeil I W r td flife
«tteMa iBBr ilajw «n .«d rrle - ihMdaml.
b* th»*t. respect*,> . dtp , 1 » .tiannet
unique. Few, If any, o f the holiday»
which we celebrate are observed in a
manner so closely resembling Its
one o f the popular custouis o f the
tig ago which nnr»UU> after otliays
ivtt long since ^ b s M u w u A
j A
rThe month o f s l s l Is A m e d a jm
ptla, the Itoman g o t A s s M fs r tll^ ^
ittu was the personl™atlon ofwprm g
id was thought to have every bios-
lining wild flower und shrub under
ir special care and protection. Tlie
piuuiis engaged In elaborate floral
kineir-dJtet»* the bvwt UsedE
'May. I
i tlie-Mtsy day celebration o f u .luter
»rlod had Us moots \fi tlie ritfs'brtg-
ally - s ** t »8 . M> - Inauii of «Ittt.wMt
las Mala. But I t . was another Ro­
an festival d'ftWti hfoii'dliL fd Sidy'
iy the character o f the ceremonies
litch made It distinctive. This was
le Floralla, held In honor o f Flora,
|e goddess o flflS t f c * . A -à I J i
ere gay o » ' uieejlP rtr/ri»ri-
«ces and dances. When Christianity
wan to prevail over Europe,**wtiua
scan customs were retutned In a
day day celebration. In medieval
1 it became an Important festival
Sfaybeth Multey, -ft. daughter -bt ’
^ l » r : ‘ b n d -M m . Frank Koitpy o f ‘T e * -
• f hiU. died in a i MaMlnuYille hoanlttl4 J
,< 19 ivinjuries received ¡when an »Htn. f^
mobile in which she was riding over 1
“ Pi
*> *— '.-f-
Albany wfll be the scene df the ad- 1
'* gual Lfmt-Betrton cmmty Jrewey Jdhl-
lee .o w 5 Mayt. 2 a. It waa decided. b i. thi»
•O LinmBe.bton Jersey Cattle club4 TUp ^
itb local show will be staged at the Linn
^jjtouuty fair grounds.
was , sear'd, with .huiate«rdlk-fa and ;
tingues streaming on the .lup.”^ .
The toiiypole having" beim rafsed,
wftiht TolfOWi ts "resented by •» Thirheii
w niter Lhtw: "Aiid .thttU.ieU tluu. tp
banquet and feast, to loupe und dance
about it, us the henthen p c , - '
the dedication of tlielr idols, whereof
this Is A perfect put te n , or ruther the
tblRg, Itself.’ ', „
The beloved festival, called by the
Puritans ^‘an Impious atid pagan
superstition," was long celebrated by
the rich and poor alike. Chaucer
both most and lest, to fetch the fluw-
eys fresh and blouie." Stow, In Ills
IlS ijh e A of liA ” 1002, says “ In
flieJM jRh o f Ma^tekery man, except
InardUqgnt, wo J b \wulk Into the
* m A'le ^ nen dow ^ iiin w greeue woods
there to rejoice their spirits with
the beauty und savour of sweet flow­
As already Indicated, these May-
flole. Ailliuw. pare inbiwxlpji«,,le the;
Pqrituus, To them the revelers were
oWiy hertAicHs/' Hir ibb May *1 fray <*b-
servpyjvm w ry . lurhig^eui^y, pprya-
uient In 1014, but same Into favor once
more « t IbntwHWlln.' *•
4 k -« i » i
A Maypole once set up might re­
main for many years and annually be
made tlie focus o f popular amuse-
mstflsf f r y - ■ » | w | In the cela-
b r « u * I n * •ul-uVtW i. » the country
folk. Stow, In Ids "History of Lon-
&oui'Muie<tUu<ls several Jlaypole«. one
of which stood at what Is now St.
Well, it happened. Fire'dam aged (
r ^ ^ 'f t r e station In Baker.' The fire. (
?! wkfteh -«tarteft from a lplpt* -leading L
] Jrom the stove used in tha..U* 8 eia«»t ¡4
h f i o dyy hose, .burnejl about .the plfiep 1
I a antli they becam e red hot.
W.“ j . Smith. Redmond postmaster'.
^4 states tbar the pdBtoffiee I tier eased
cent - mi 4nminee» uvar'thfc 4 ast
e f QBa»itr. The-, uoptofijoe. soon w-ij( be i t|
rem oved Into new quartgrs Jn a brick
M-building being constructed.
ti4tteKs under date or
'to W ,
*. wheerthere ware neither Mivelopes nor •
ii, staoipe, when oedpippu paid poata^fc...
t for.^acb letter aa xeqei\wbi »erg.^jR.^
1 T exhibit for Information of schopl stu- ^
rod en t« at the Cove library recently.
lent funilsh addïui
o f m u d i de «kMe iteti
ecttise Sf-Oe Si t Hill
ejif^calljB g « i t e M j
miiTò* e'rnénV tu tft»
slot) dairyman,,Kunsas State j ^ rlcu ^ l
(oral collegb’.' Tier c-dTTH rtlTriff nPeyr
nds ua . skude-trs* «ten
not be ‘Wgh-Hi 1 liwt«dtv*-i»sis*Antewb»*«'
<W . A1“ '
, feeds .will balnuce g b g PUjUJirR-.A
5 on roadside property wl
[lu re o f 40<> pounds of xprB and f W - '
i e 'f i 'm f h r stitF« iW
pounds of oatB s b h W V T ^ l ^
iltailNify of NccytateSAi
’ rtte o f one bin^nd e f rgM^^w-♦e*ealM, ^
ip^pupers. k
four and (>M*<UaU puUOiU. J tL lR i) JSHf1' g - 'c i •The forestn' depart»«Ij
tb« Ayrshire,__Jeysey nn^ r.pernsey,jU^ [.
reft nfT etfucatfonil p M
' l u 11 cl one potinif o f grain fo 6 v e p n b n u * T j
,u ,j t the" state. a» 4 M pis*M
of milk from tb e-fleteteim 1*» * * * l**ut
1 uibiwAl'd. pt^llc.higliWlJI
| Dry pasture co»UiiUAunl«iit
!JJdiil?ed sc an lypnwsj
1 third as piucb tr"l.ejn . us We S g c f i ; ' y'TnTnd'otthhc^W®«
succulent grftsi. An unoerstnndlng 0 “
iitHhiing' o f tlie i“!:B
tils fact nmfces ih p -sn r»cuB>nl dtee.w—» j
YUS.".,Mr. .Beflei « H j
man begin to aild.s lrb:(i.A>iah B ait
te big .gruln ratjon u|^ sootijus austi
IfW-Hw C oT .ce l'ark jl =r 1
starts to dry” Tlie grain mix' rliep
*4 lM p n JVhn«Ts srusf’kf'f«*!
conlftoCbff of
b L|limuiti.’ . s i . . . -
pouetlsi o a it^ M b l M ni 4 * lu n d A e ^ F
tonseed uiepl
i£!t JT'K
changed to one p o u n d o f grnTn da
t T i : , " “ n>ni! A
tp every pound o f fat produced .
' week.
"'the1' Wal^poht HVrdwoid Jcfinipa4y ,
|i,5the tmtAe- if? the-"Ahw* tfMer rftifff
wbieb-starteiP sawing alder
the a»- ~
an energetic, talented yew . A Puri­
tan writer sa ys‘d f'fh tn n •**^H 1 f*PhaWB1' cently completed mill M M'lOdpqrti ,
their hobby horses, thel* <J«tttt»a«.i»ttil , T.he logs are_ rafted from up river
other antiques, together with their polhTs and the dry k\ln“is' he^ngTflit«!.
handle pvpers and thundering drum-
fW P P on U j t l j l i . r f 'V i M £‘A #:!lti£iU .LTny W - * , ' W
aumpne g dayiqp:. tljm rjicU j iugliiu:.
their handkerchiefs nutrenig about
theff hb«(M 'mtirTii(IA«i*ib#a 1 lie 0%rA)+*t$
Mbrrts '«BtreinrHstti < *M i»»l h l* i* 1
final the* urdiuarg.GiA 4 tU 'Y4it liPM;'
;cL“iii«a a «W "
SWnw faswCPSwr■ • or hay
if to meet the needs o f
kng the comtngArffcter.
L e it that Soy B H t l
lit ion Soy benflw Jkew *
^mny be cut for hay or
threshed and used as a
ement. TWgg aiM JVfW
fare. In bis day It was 100 feet high.
The last Maypole erected In London
* ' at
dans there was a spring festival ! personal suiiervlslon o f James II, tiuq^ about the countryside damimi? uifiî^ftt '
»rated by tliw boys muk girls with l, duke o f V
and terd high ndmiruig mkMV a* plA*r b f t l i e e f *Wr th e*
antica. *.. —
» . . < . 1 * 1:44
Their fiddler played early In the
to dance.”
morning “ to entice
and M» lMy* s e e 1
tersi 1
men usually had thel!
t1tnea, "ée», tb^ * d i e d I r o d j i e
that oiu-time hm ^gwiifl (MWrti. UW-
Another celebrated Maypole wt^f* "nmu-jioinuii," jvho^by tee fautaey yf
tils costume u*n’d" Aie in aeceWy o r m i *
that from whjfhJSt, Apdri-ws Unde»
shaft In Leudenhall street In Londt^j* etmOttetoms** rsvnsfsTif^eiig4*t>M» Hie~
broad Buuded J l * i s u b » u»n 4WÌ4fUP£,..,
»alt them. ' ^bose trees Cíe» wets
wl to • M ny"'m e dhonrtff fhwTibptf
• houses In tim Y ll.»» «* It t* ttfta
ktom which wtrfvtwss In -the hnnytug
May bunk»*» by «hw uMhlr«o t»f
pow ever the “ Msyere" went Into
k woods pijraarlly to d io -se tbs
llest, stralgtifMl TWtfteMiie,' fb Hif
down and. Wlth” H»*grertme*s -still
sshly fragrant to bring It-tetn rts-
Ibllc tquartty S b e i* 1 « row. * fu*
s esnter o f their long day s festivity,
key did It with much ceremony.
A writer ln the FlfteeuMi evirtery
ars: “ They bring home with great
Deration; b »»y MWv IBentle or
^tis yoake o f oxen—every one hav-
S a sweet nosegale o f flowers tied
the tip o f his horws sh M M m W"f 4 <
N>w boms the k ls v f t e M li i^ i St*H
■ed all over w lA
(lowers and
A ^ u n d a n f^ u ip T j* " *
o f , B o u i d i a ^ e f i f q r « J a i f l k t fc#o^?.-in W u
rim fh t it iu » o f g o o d
: the past nTnier should Insure an j B l l . l ' i ' - i f
unBaflf »Bpply of this t B h i i V M j T t shiiu!d he. W ^ I
■d during the future. Sometimes we , IrfVTTJitrvfifi
s l 'a Hbl » - a v i a o r d e r « » Bs-» ; 1^*— >*' U * “ 7 V 1 ;
The solidity,
uinily fee Imi
sibility, whicn »
to lime. T he seed should tlons o f our cu''
| to give the lje a k ri»iU | l i orai f**1. W 1
sir and pisi , i>9'
Ï K o n d itio n
tM E M A t t l t e » « * • !«
P o itiS B g „ii.,«H
, Wheat—Big Bend bluestem. El y ;
soft white and western whltq, f l M ;
^aa alestad.president o f the Eastern
hir'd’ winter, northefn spring’ah(Tl?edf-' Oregon ..UJiJer Boya’ conference lor
era red, 11.08.
*••»*» #.«l*» ,,1
y®Af at the fellowship dinner In
ton j valjjiy thie Y. M. C. A. building at Baker.
- 9 m ,. rta I m s v .s ti" k ^ ve lífJL
tlielr turns the people, whose fete lit » timothy, E20.50<3;i; eastern Oregon OOief'"¿ffTcera elected were Wesley
« ¿ b tly 'ls , «B jC ÍH ifrtrR rtetelH eC rM ^ tlkiio'thy; »TS 50® 2
¿IdVA’. i f f : Mr HeriAieyrCfA'e, first rlce-preiident;
tier, f t f ; rmis and v « b h . Wff
ARdn Turrterl Caras, 'seedad Tlee-pres-
Butterfat—3G tHOS. 1
UttMti gnd, Arnold EberL.JEchs, ssers-
» E^gpr: Rap ch, ^ iJ 24c. M .
lajTu t he coiHerenc^ .dglegalei: voted
Cattle— Steerg, good. U1.25011.8V
.D’ eetine ln Enterprise next
* Togs - G ó 6 <r fo'cVrilce.
: year. *ftie ¿fate was not selected.
Lam be —Good fb • rtmtef, I » t2 9 ijl* .-J
At the end of the first quarter of
Saattis-, -j
. „
3930. Ashland held the record ln the
Wheat— Soft white, western wjiite. 1
1 1 . 10 ; hard winter, western red, $1.09; ’
hfrBm iO bltwitewi.'diiAS.-^ ' " » 4 : te
ciounhsr at cota marre office * . » .
U ll m i M
lan^ s iota} .registration to April first
Buttorfau—g a t
, L j „ ,u i was 2032.
Cattle— Choice steers. 19.50011.00.
ItoW rl W Léep. who has been dlrll
Hogs— Prime light. $10 60Q10.75.
dflEffflbffr rb f the Eastern Oregod Light
" t a n f M —CbMe#, $n 0 * fir ’ * *** I
* Power com [ten y fer tee last f«nr
* "*
“ ' Sgnksn* i » «
Iteara. was «rpointed by tbs Baker
► Cattle— Steer*, good. t lO J E a u , 4
comply *oqrt as couaty engineer. Mr.
4 # M W -G o b d tft Choi*»
Eteep will maintain an otile* ln tp#
Lanibs— Medium to good, $ 9010 . 50 "" courtboua*.
o f« J «»«*
nati Enquirer.
I r f it T i m e o f C a l v i n g ¡
j M i rM d u io^ a h f K t e . d '« . l
i M freshening has a jlytect ■
-■ m * it «”11
milk prodnctlon 'rorT fie‘ |"
■ B in |w»teo 4 i airsstdin ,M s > W H « « » *
claims ,n .hJ,°S|
dew Experience s I h > ws that
frr tb ea »'ri9 : ‘l
^ A ns in poor"pTvTìcn I' W Í
reiulw M - bwvlns|he*i lied«
was effected W
nsafor a perlpd preceding, -fre t .Tfker-n «
,co*i,iei% W y fíeliW h Ê f W "
fulled to ose F
« f , mil! k production and no
« H i l i n i it * M *> V on the strife!
I) » t e r bring her op to the
say that nlj
ow d have renched hud she ter problenjl
hgr condition.
■ value f « - T i e r * ra h”
/ages in
S stu re. w l m r ^ V ^ « $onlM V
■ o esrly or too rT.iseTy. In g POP'
• even
íM $ ar* 96 are j
y| an abundance o f pro- ber, 7>H
lalrr en w * svMdMjg$$tures compre!
^itqiiemented by highly the usJ
such as
" . ■*> t-.’T ^ a l n
. .
pm i