THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. a glorious spring of new youth and and permanent than the grass of the Easter Message j joy. Only those sad young philoso- j fields ? County Statistics phers try to take the rainbows i Easter appeals to the Eternal F r o m B i s h o p out o f who our dreams and steal a w a y 1 Creative forces at the very center Real Instate Transfers Recorded the beauty fragrance o f the j man’s bearing. He hopes here j W. P. Remington flowers, find and nothing in Easter t o ! where he cannot prove. Those who J. N. Lagnt et u;: to Hazel Crill, Sec. 34- Company. 4, 11, SO. Injunction. Pétition* Filed in Probate Court Estate of Robert H. Wilkinson. 4, Oregon & Western Colonization Co., to Ezra M. Carter. N E H N EH . 8. 30. Sec. 31-19-42. 6, 15, 29. $223.75. Estate of Forrest Jones. 4, 11, 30. Estate of John H. Rust. 4, 12, 30. Andrew M. Wilson to Robert Olund, N E H N EH & SH N EH A N W H SEH , Sec. 12-20-41. 3, 26, 20. Convalescent from illness, A. Rob $1,000.00. inson has returned to his home at Malheur Gmmty to State o f Ore Bruno, Idaho. He was a patient at gon, Metes atld bounds in SEH SEH , the Vale sanitarium. Sec. 3-19-44. 4, 3, 30. $1.00. C. E. Hunt et ux to Ella R. Chap man et al. Lots 19 and 20, Block ► — -------- - ---- -- — « » 148, Ward's Add., Nyssa. 4, 3, 30. ; ' 16920872 * » 5 r « ïï‘ m ' restore their faith in a survival. “ If eurth for some scientific or earthly SEHSW H, Sec. 9-1:1-40. 4, 2, 30. $1. God so clothe the grass of the fields, proof o f immortality will be dis- I Harry B. Cockrum ct ux to A F (By Bishop William P. Remington) which today is and tomorrow is cast ^Pointed. Easter, like love and truth Ketchum et al. SV4NEH Sec 34-17- into the oven, shall He not much and beauty, is an appeal to the in- 44 4 3 3t) «260.00. EASTER! What dreams of the more clothe you, O ye of little dustructible. It requires faith, and Pacific Livestock Co. to Carl C. futura life; what faith and hope it faith ?” These poor bodies of ours, so faith has been the spur to progress Morton, Lot 17, Harper Ranch Sub brings us. The Great Feast occurs at full of weakness, sin and __ _________ and discovery throughout the long suffering, division. 3, 4, 29. $10.00. a time of the year when all nature nevertheless are the crown of all j history o f mankind. No one ever Carl C. Morton to Elmer Towle. bears witness to revival, to the con God’s earthly creations. Is it likely found anything if he did not be tinuance and industructibility of that the central life which now lieve it was there. Discoveries in Lot 17, Harpr Ranch Subdivision. 4, $ 120 . 00 . energies and powers which rise out builds them up and gives them physics and chemistry or electricity 1, 30. $10.00. U. S. A. to Joe Perecz, NH N H E. R. Kemano to Ruth A. Kemano, o f the long winter of their sleep to meaning and personality, is less vital are proved in their respective fields, so are mathematics and astronomy. Sec. 17- 14-41. 2, 17, 2q. NEHNEH Sec. 25-17-46. 4, 10, 30. We build up creeds and doctrines U. S. A. to Joe Perecz. SWH Sec $ 10 . 00 . to explain our faith in spiritual 9- 14-41. 2, 17, 27. W. M. Scott to Thos. H. Goodwin. realities. Without a new birth into Julia E. Lysinger ct vir to Len- N EH N EH , Sec. 24 17-36; W H - the realm of the spirit, it is impos ore O’Connelll, Und. 1-5 hit. Sec. 3; NW H, N W H SW H . W H N E H and sible to demonstrate any article of EH Sec. 9; NE H N W H , Sec. 9; Tp. E H N W H , Sec. 19; W H S E H , E H - the Creed, as it is to prove beauty 34, R. 39. 4, 1, 30. $58.90. SW H , EH N W H and Lots 1 and 2, Julia E. Lysingr et vir to Evelyn Sec. 18-17-37. 12, 3, 29. $10.00. music or poetry, until the unseeing eye and the dull ear has been op Martin, Und. 1-5 All Sec. 3, EH See 9; N E H N W H , Sec. 9; Tp. 34, R. 39; Complaints Filed in Circuit Court ened to new sight and hearing. Union Central Life Insurance 4, 7, 30. $58.90. “ I believe in the Resurrection of Julia E. Lysinger et vir to Eliza Company vs. Melvin S. Spaulding et the Body, that Spiritual Body which is growing in me now and will find beth Reigel, Und. 1-5 All of Sec. 3; al. 4, 7, 30. Foreclosure of Mortgage. its completion in eternity; I believe EH and NEH NW H Ec. 9; Tp. 34; 31,924.86. C. F. Cox vs. Murray Brown, 4, 3, that Jesus rose from the Dead and R. 39; 4, 7. 30. $58.90. Julia E. Lysinger et vir to DeEtta 30. Recovery o f Money. $206.65. by that act gave assurance that Geo. F. Phillips vs. Owyhee Ditch too may live if by faith I can appro Harrison, Und. 1-5 All of Sec. 3, EH N NEH NW H Sec. 9; Tp. 34; R. 39. Company 4, 11, 30. Injunction. priate that He has done for me; John Stam vs. Owyhee Ditch Com believe that Life after death will not 4, 7, 30 $58.90. Julia E. Lysinger et vir to Mary pany. 4, 11, 30. Injunction. differ greatly from what I know Estella Sprague. Und. 1-5 All of C S. Skinner vs. Owyhee Ditch now. I will start there with what l -- 1 . J. -1---------- -------------- -T— = have made myself here. “ Because I believe these things rejoice in Easter, when the Winter o f apparent death changes to the Spring of renewing life. I will not fear death, but welcome it every day as the putting o ff o f my earthly garments. I will praise God for every evidence that my Spirit is growing, drawing to itself new ener gies and powers to build the final Home o f my Soul.’’ Join the glad and happy throngs who come to the House of God every Installed by our laying experts. Free offer: Free service on all Easter. inlaid rooms sold for a short time. Some wonderful buys in - H. D. Holmes j Transfer and Baggage ; All kinds o f hauling if City limits will give you an entirely new idea of inlaid linoleum. And we would like to tell you the rest o f the story about the lasting qualities, the economy, and the labor saving advan tages of the new soil proof inlaid. The price? It won’t bother your budget one bit. Peterson Furniture Co. Phone IS and Phone 28 C. KLINKENBERG [■ ■ ■ ¡I E. A . Wimp Electric wiring and Contracting. 1 ■nenC T F R ROADSTER e w 4P M ■ a \ M OR OK A « . „ S . lactur/ VS«», ‘ Jh N r __ ( « W ir t U M l i S tonW ord) 1U Thm Ligh t DmHmmry Chmmmit Thm Smdon Dmtimmrv tk • 1% Ton c a » « o i H e t - u p Bom Kmira) ROY POUNDS, PROP. Ny*»a Oregon Our Plant Is Modern SANITARY AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION to the public at anytime YOUR BUSINESS IS SOLICITED MILK - 12c A QUART CREAM - 30c A PINT i S H E L T O N ’S D A I R Y L e— ____ SEEDS EASTER ENSEMBLE SEEDS SEEDS FIELD SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FRESH AND OF N YSSA GRAIN & SEED N. IT. Pinkerton, Prop, COM PANY f M V . V A ,.,, V . V . * . W A W . V . . V . V . '. V ^ W A ,A :A W A r / / A V . Phone 26 8**8— {*<S**l**8,ifi*8**«** NYSSA JUST RECEIVED! Don M. Graham F U L L LIN E OF ‘ The Insurance Man” ICE B O X E S Fire Insurance Bonds Notary Public in latest colors and finishes. I represent the oldest and beet companies in the United State* of America. Moderately Priced Any policy written by me will meet your contract with the companies 100 per cent. Don’t wait until the fire chief comes; tomorrow may be too late. m * W ILSON-ACKERM AN MOTOR CO. OREGON f» » » » » » » » l» l» 4 -» » 4 » » -H -» » » » » » » » » r » » i 1 MM *** HIGH QUALITY Slurting Mash— Chick Scratch Poultry Remedies Nyssa Art and Variety Store > ONTARIO, OREGON Shaving PHONE 64 Ï Thml'S, Ton Chammii w ith C o b i U ra . NYSSA BARBER SHOP KINDS HAIR BOBBING AND TON SORIAL WORK OF ALL ‘We Aim to Plea**” Fancy Work and Hemstitching no other car coets less for service, Because of Its modern engineering, Chevrolet also assures a high re- gale value. „ , „ , , Chevrolet gives you fully-enclosed, weather-proof, 4 -wheel brakes, a m odern fuel system w ith the gasoline tank ,*? I n r l/d s ’ m o u n t^ ^ e n g ^ w lJ Pin the dirSc-’ tfon of car travel. It gives you beautiful Fisher bodies built of combination hardwood-and-steel. it gives you a heavy, rigidly-braced channel-steel frame. And It gives you a full ball bearing steering mechanism. Before you decide on any car in the low-price field, see and drive the Chevrolet Six. The more thor- oughly you Investigate, the more certain you are to conclude that it’s wise to choose a Six—for value. for performance . . . and for eco- nomical transportation! P H A E T O N Thm C o « * or C o m p , .......... MM P H A fclU IX r h . s p u r , U < w ................ MJ r s . s p o n c o up • ................ m s ThmCluhSmdmn ................. MS Nyssa Tailor Shop ALSO » six/ There U one eure way to get greater value In a low-priced car today— choose a six. Thls greater value is Instantly obvious when you drive a Chevrolet Six. You notice first of all its greater smoothness. There is no tremor in the steering wheel—no rattle in thefloor boards—norumble ordrum m inginthebody In addition to the finer perform- ance of its sii-cyllnder motor, the new Chevrolet gives you truly remarkable economy. Its six-cylinder smoothness saves the entire car from the strain and wear of vibration. This, of course. lowers the cost of maintenance and assures a longer-lasting, longer- mtisfying automobile. From the standpoint of operating expense, Chevrolet is equally eco* Domical. No other automobile con- sumes less gasoline and oil. Noother shows a lower expense for tires. And New Clothes, bring in your last year’s spring suit and make it look like new AU work guaranteed to pass inspection. A NEW SHIPMENT EVERY 30 DAYS it’ s wise r to choose You’re Not Buying H. R. SCOTT, Prop. OREGON :: Newest creations in STRAWS for your y C H EV R O LET Â if ♦ ♦ ♦ + »> • »♦ « I I I I I M I I t » PHONE 6 Licensed Oregon Meat Dealers No. 112 \\ HATS! HATS! HATS! Dr. C. A. Abbott, licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Car ver graduate. Consultation and examination free. First door west o f bank, Nyssa, Oregon. TRANSFERRING V ^ V A V V A V . V . W A V A V / A V A ’A V . V A V A V A V A ’W V W W , for Economical Transportation CHIROPRACTOR and N YSSA PACKING CO. jj N YSSA Office Phone 35K2 TRUCKING First—forget your old conception o f inlaid linoleum and see latest Floor effects. Their lovely colors and artistic designs Oregon Residence Phone 35F3 Ü City Transfer jj JAMIESON L. R. Wrinkle, Nyssa, was here Monday to arrange to have his sheep sheared. Mrs. R. Browning and children visited with Mrs. Alex Smith at Fruitland Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Mack and Mrs. J. L. Pope attended the P. T. A. council at Ontario Saturday. The Brogan Sunday school teach ers met at the home o f Mrs. J. L. Pope Wednesday to combine study with a discussion o f Sunday school work. Orville and Pete Presley played with (he Ironside ball team Sunday in a game with Unity. Nyssa, + + ♦ » » » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « t !» ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » » , short end rolls. the New Armstrong and Congoleum soil proof inlaids in the DENTIST Nyssa, Oregon Phone 5 Caster Greeting* Quickly Attractively Dr. E. D. Norcott NORDALE FURNITURE CO. See me today and let’* talk your insurance needs over. NYSSA, OREGON Caldwell Bldg. NYSSA. OREGON PHONE 94 :: Phone No. 53 Box No. 74 !■♦♦♦♦♦ !♦♦»♦♦♦»» »>>♦♦> m m » » i m u m ! » >♦♦♦<■»♦♦