THE GATE CITY JOURNAL First-Trouser Suits for Little Boys (Vraporad bp tha United Stataa Dopartmant o f Affrleulture.) Th# clothes worn by a little boy, be­ tween two and three ytars old, may he aiade to help train him In self-reli­ ance I f carefully designed. I f be Is obliged always to run to some older - person to be dressed, buttoned and un­ buttoned, be does not develop the In­ dependence that he should have aa he comes Into .contact with other chil­ dren and people outside of the family circle. Bqlug able to do things for oneself Is a great source of self-con­ fidence. It Is also a convenience to any mother to have her child able to dress himself without her help and go to th#.' toilet alone. He soon begins to take pride In selecting what he wishes to wear, and at this stage can be tanght very readily to take care of bis clothes, both when he wears them and when they ought to be put away or laid out, ready for another day. In the past, one of the greatest ob­ stacles to complete Independence en­ countered by the small boy has been the complicated system of buttons and belts around his waist. There seems to be no reason why boys’ trousers t boy who likes to climb because but­ tons on the side seams often cause binding and are frequently tom off aa a result. As In all th* trousers de­ signed by the clothing specialists of the bureau, these are above the knes and are roomy enough to be comfort­ able, especially In the seuL The blouse Illustrated bos several good points. The simulated collar Is stitched fiat and so are the trimming bands on the sleeves, which are pur­ posely made very short This gives greater freedom and does not Inter­ fere with the bend of the elbow. A printed fabric with a small pattern In colors harmonizing with tha plain col­ or of the trousers and trimming Is ap­ propriate for a boy between two and three, but unflgured materials may be used If preferred. Tiny Capes in Fashion Limelight By JULIA BOTTOMLEY Soy Beans Are Becoming Popular as Table Food Soy beans, long considered In this country as feed fit for live stock only, are gradually finding a place on the American table. Soy beans have been utilised for many centuries by the peo­ ple of the oriental countries In the preparation of numerous fresh, fer­ mented, and dried food products. Extensive experiments In North America and Europe Indicate the value of soy beans as the basis of food for persons requiring a low starch diet, says the United States Department of Agriculture, and for many years food companies have had on the market forms of soy bean flour prepared for persons requiring a diet o f this kind. Investigations have shown that soy bean flour as a gruel Is a most valu­ able food for Infants. W orld Hat a Few A wise wife Is one who pretends to believe everything her husband tells her.—Chicago News. It does not follow because a frock Is sleeveless that the top of the arms will remain uncovered—not with millions of tiny capes doing duty, os they now are. In the absence of sleeves. In almost every Instance where sleeves are minus a capelet la present Very flattering, so youthful, and with a re­ fining touch that does away with the crude lines of utter sleevelessness. So It Is, that aa prettily frivolous as capelets may appear, they really are put here for a purpose, their mission being to look and to act Ilka little By N E L L IE M A X W E L L Practical Suit for 8mall Boy. should have ao many buttons and openings. And In different suits they may be In different places, so that the special manipulation of each suit has to 'be learned. After studying the faults of boys’ suits as made heretofore and the ways to remedy them, the bureau of home economics of the United States De­ partment of Agriculture has designed a number of practical suits which overcome some o f the most undesir­ able features. It Is suggested that until a little boy has learned to solve the problem of how to fasten his own things, the same basic design be used for all his trousers so that buttons and buttonholes will always be In the same convenient place. Variety may be ob­ tained by slight changes In detail, color, material, and so on. Simple front openings are recommended, with biuttons and buttonholes that are eas­ ily manipulated and uniform In size. For a very small boy who wears the Oliver Twist type of suit which has the trousers buttoned to the blouse, a simple end satisfactory design Is shown In the picture. The trouser leg Is cut without a side seam and the placket. Instead o f being on the side Is slanted forward to make a front drop. The plackets are finished ttj simulate welt pockets with a fHlrly wide underlap. The front section laps over the back In these trousers, but only four buttons are used, and they a^e so accessible that the little boy wall have no trouble In buttoning them correctly. This location of the but­ tons lj especially good In the case of The beautiful small cakes and pas­ tries which are so attractively dec­ orated and we find pyscnagM iia joijs so expensive when K it ' - - we come to pur- B ■ n r \ W chase, may be pre- | \ \ \ « pared at home with little work. There are sev- eral kinds offoun- datlons, the puff paste, chow paste (this Is the» kind used when making cream puffs), then the cake founda­ tion and short bread pastry. Almond Slices.— Spread the entire sheet of cake with a tart Jelly or Jam beaten to a paste, then cut It Into strips three to four Inches long and one and one-half Inches wide. Spread the sides with Jelly. Top each with a heavy meringue made with two egg whites, eight tablespooufuls of sugar and one-fourth teaspoonful of almond extract. Arrange with a pastry tube, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and top with shredded almonds. Place In a slow oven to lightly brown. Neapolitan Squares.— Cut the cake Into two-inch squares, sprend half the squares with apricot Jam, currant Jelly or orange marmalade, cover with the squares and press together be­ tween boards until firmly Joined. Now spread the sides with Jelly beaten to a paste with a few drops of water and dip each Into finely chopped coco­ bits a small sweet chile pepper and nut Ice the tops with a thick choco­ toss It about In a saucepan over the late Icing and in the center place a fire with a cupful of olive oil or but­ halved maraschino cherry, cut side ter. When hot add a cupful each of down; add stem and leaves of citron okra and stewed fresh or canned toma­ or green Icing. toes. Cook fifteen minutes and add a Fruit Pastries.— Use the cake foun­ cupful o f fresh fish and half a cupful dation, cut Into strips, squares or of salt fish— mackerel for example. rounds, put together with a custard Cover and cook for twenty minutes cream of orange, lemon or Jelly. Ofi longer and serve with crispy crack­ top of each place a halved pear or ers. peach which has been cooked until Mutton With 8plnach.—Roast a transparent In a heavy sirup, using small leg o f mutton, season well with one cupful of the Juice and three- a bit of garlic and plenty of salt and fourths cupful of sugar. While cool­ pepper. Add a small quantity of wa­ ing baste with this sirup as this will ter In the roasting pan. When half give a nice glaze. When the fruit Is cooked remove the meat and skim the arranged pipe a border of whipped gravy of all fa t Return the mutton cream, sweetened and flavored, all to the pan, surround It with small, even sized potatoes and cook, basting around the sides and top. A tart sauce that will be well liked the potntoes until tender nnd brown. because it Is unusual, Is prepared as Cook three pounds or less of spinach, follows: Dissolve a drain and pass through a sieve. Re­ tablespoonful o f pow­ turn to the sauce pan and season with dered mustard In one- salt and pepper. Add a tablespoonful of the gravy from the pan and sim­ half cupful of fish stock, mer until serving time. Serve the add two tablespoonfuls of white wine vinegar, spinach with the potatoes, about the meat, and serve with the gravy In a or any vinegar will do, bring to a boll, add two sauceboat (Ob. 1110. Western Newspaper Union.) lemon slices and boll a few minutes longer, add two eggs which have been beaten with a tea­ spoonful of water. Season with salt and pepper, heat again but do not boll. 8auct Moussslins.—This Is another good fish sauce. Beat two eggs, add one cupful of thin cream, one table­ spoonful of butter and pepper and salt to taste, stir until It begins to thicken. When of the proper con­ sistency, add a tablespoonful of lemon Juice and It Is ready for the table. Fish a la Marsislles.— Chop Into fine @ T h e Sandman Story for Children sleeves, or at least to suggest them as they ripple from the shoulder, 01 flow and flutter about the arm with an exceeding grace. It’a tha fnahion for tennis frock* to be caped, the model pictured showing an attractive treatment. The material for this frock la os Interesting as tlx , styling of the dress Itself, being dainty wool challls. I f you have not had printed challls suggested as a likable and chic material for the making of ' frocks to wear on the tennis court j you have missed a very Important styla message. In fact, challls Is an exceedingly pop. , ular fabric Just now, for not only | simple dnytime frocks, but for tho blouse to be worn with the suit or fot the entire ensemble. Paisley patterned challls Is ever so smart In colorings . duplicating those of quaint cashmere shawls. Bordered challls makes up stunning­ ly Into three piece costumes. Then, From the day that a too. It Is the fashion to wear short young man starts out to his first position to Jackets of challls In monotone, over seek h the end of his gay-printed challls frocks. business life, hit T o return to the subject o f capelets, health and per­ designers are not hesitating to employ sonal appearance them, not only for simple washable have a world to dresses, but afternoon chiffons revel ; do with his suc­ In all sorts of little frilly contraptions cess. I f you are to give grace to the shoulder lino. not physically Sometimes, even when sleeves are em­ up to the mark ployed, capelets are also Included In —appetite uncertain, digestion poor, and a general sense of incapacity and weak­ the picture. 1)10. W-atwrn Nawapapar Union.) ness. take DR. PIE R C E ’S GOLDEN M E D IC A L D ISCO VERY. It renews the blood with the vital life-giving red corpuscles and promotes robust health, a clear skin, energy, pep. Get “GMD” from your druggist in either fluid or The kitchen table Is generally the tablets. Ingredients printed on label. correct height for the worker If she can plnce her hands flat on the top Beauty's Worth It without stooping. Contrary to public opinion, most a a e beautifying takes a lot of work and For good health In winter, chll- : a lot of courage. Anyone who has dren’s knee* should be well covered. had a permanent wnve will testify to This helps keep an even body tem­ this. And any woman who has re­ perature. duced her weight conscientiously • • • will say "amen.” — Woman's Home Fried fish has a particularly de­ Companion. licious flavor If a tablespoonful of lemon Juice Is added to the egg in which the fish Is dipped. • • • a great deal, and then they sleep. So they decided they would have a family dinner as soon as they bad their new skins. In the meantime they went crawling around, feeling with their forked tongues, and hissing delightedly about their new skins which were growing so well, and of the meal they had bad three months ago. And also of the one they would have so soon now. They were getting up splendid appetitesi ( 6 , ISIS. W estern New apapar U n ion .) Broiled chicken— why not broiled rabbit? Perhaps you hare seen lately In your local market some of the do­ mestic or hutch-raised rabbits that are being extensively produced from West to East. You have wondered whether the faintly would like them; the "gamy” flavor of wild rabbit was not especially popular. Without hesitation you can experi­ ment with some of these tender, sweet- fleshed domestic rabbits The meat can best be compared to that of chick­ en, and It Is cooked In all the ways chicken Is cooked. Get t young rab- Ways of Using Leftover Rice ( Prepared by th* United sta te« Department of Arrlcultnm.) The United States Department of Agriculture recommends some o f the following ways o f using cold cooked rice: Cold rice, or rice reheated by steam­ ing. may be used as a breakfast dish with sugar and cream, with stewed fruits with baked or coddled apples. Rlcs reheated by steaming may be served on a platter surrounded with carrots and peas, or turned over In browned butter or other fat. Rice may be combined with vege table* and served cold with cheese sauce or mayonnaise as a salad. Rice may be used for thickening soups, or In scalloped dishes Instead of bread crumbs, or combined with fhopt>ed meat and seasoned with on­ ion, parsley, or celery iced and made Into croquettes. Rice mixed with a little chopped neat sad green pepper or colory Plenty of vegetables In the diet are better for the family than tonics, for flagging appetites. Try serving one vegetable dinner a week and at least one green vegetable a day. • • • makes a good stuffing for tomatoes or baked fish, or to place between two steaks of fish for baking. The tougher cuts o f meat may be combined In stews with leftover rice. Rice may be recooked In milk, snd a little butter or other fat and sugar added. This makes a nourishing dish for children or Invalids. Rice scalloped with white sauce In which chopped or grated cheese has been melted, makes a substantial and appetizing dish suitable for luncheon for supper. Wster from cooked rice may be used In soups, for the liquid In scalloped dishes, or for starching sheer mate­ rials. Removing Stains From Linen Remove fruit stains at once rroin linen by stretching the stained part over a howl and pouring boiling wa ter over the stain. “M y little daughter was born on a homestead In northern Alberta. I had four other children and I worked to hard that I suffered a nervous break­ down. The doctor’s tonic did not seem to help me and when a friend told me about Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound, I began to take that Instead. 1 kept on until I felt well again. It brought back my strength. Today I can do anything, thanks to the Vegetable Compound.” —Mrs. W illia m Parent, 14 13 W , (Sand Street, Seattle, Washington^ FAMILY DOCTOR LEARNED THIS ABOUT CONSTIPATION SUFFERING ELIMINATED 15-years success In treating Rectal and Colon troubles by the Dr. C. J. Dean — NON-SUKGICAL method en­ ables us to aive WRITTEN AS­ SURANCE of PILES ELIMI­ NATED or FEE REFUNDED. Send today hie FREE lOO-pas* book de-enoing ca uses and prop* R E C T A L ^ COLON .UINSC Looseflttlng underwear of knitted fabric Is best for children In winter since It allows for freedom of move­ ment and ventilation, yet keepe small bodies warm. ~ e iiie K S ~ Qi^on Katchsry Huskies - for Pcufoy Profits The Lest Word Claire and a little friend had gone to the matinee at the picture show, and they stayed so long that Claire's mother was Impelled to ask the rea­ son. "W ell,” said her daughter In all seriousness, “ you see, we stayed for the no-veltyl” Not Reliable Currency “ Frnlse undeserved,” said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, “ brings Inse­ cure pleasure. It Is counterfeit money In the currency of fame.”— Washing­ ton Star. Tsndsr, Swsst-FIsshed Donsatlc Rabbit Broiled. ( P ro p sr*6 by tho Unltod Stnton Departm ent , “ Brought'Back M ÿ , St rerîg th* '.*• Some Tim ely Hints for the Housekeeper Broiled Rabbit Makes Tasty Dish of Agriculture.) By M A R Y G R A H A M BONNER “There Is one thing extremely nice almost as fussy to have a suit fit as Is a grown-up. Therefore they are »bout the snake family,” said Mrs. willing to wait two weeks every spring.” W iggle Snake, "and that Is we don't So tlie snakes talked. always wear the same clothes. "How do yon think you will like “How often we see the same crea­ tures who never seem to change their yonr new suit?" asked Mrs. Wiggle Snake. costumes—Hlogs and cats. “ I can’t see how 1 will like It,” said “ Now we have new suits quite Mr. Wiggle, “ but 1 feel as though I often.” “ W e have to put up with hardships iq order to get It, though,” said Mr. W iggle Snake. "It doesn’t all come •o easily. “ Perhaps other creatures don’t care mo much for something new ns we do. “ W e show how much we care about It when we go to such a lot of bother.” “ Ton see every spring, when the snake families awaken from their winter naps, they all change their skins. "W hile they are waiting for the oew skin to. be grown upon them— fo# they have to wait for their new suRs Just as people who go to tailors or dressmakers havt to wait for their suits— they are quite blind. “ Yre, that Is what snakes put up With lo order to get new salts. "A fte r they have shed their old "I Am Sure I Will Llk* Mins.* skins they become blind and for two weeks while their new skins are be­ would, and as though It were going to be all righ t” coming perfect they can not see at alL "I am sure I will Ilka mine,” said “ They feel tbelr way about with their forked tongues which are espe­ Mrs. Wiggle Snake. “ Somehow I al ways do. I love a new skin so." cially sharp and excellent at Just "And we love ours." said the others this time. "W e must have a good meal soon,” "Their new skins have been growing under the old ones, but when they said Mrs. Wiggle. “ It Is Just three months since we have bsd our break­ have dropped tbelr old ones, the new skins hart to bars a chance to be­ fast” For the snakes eat every once In come Just right In every detail. "Ton can Imagine that a soaks Is awhile—but wbea they ea t they eat Bt. Mary’s church, Hnggeraton, London, England, designed by Nash In 1837, possesses an abnormally lofty tower, concerning which two amusing stories are current One la to the ef­ fect that the contractor Inquired o f the architect how high he should carry It, and was told to go on build­ ing until he was ordered to atop. Then Nash went off, forgot all about the matter, and on returning home gome months later, was flabbergasted to find that the tower had grown to Its present unnatural height. The other Is that a local builder, having a quantity o f spare stone on hand, told the building committee that he could afford to build them a very high tower at a very low price. The committee closed with the offer; and the result was— what we now see. A re Y o u S u c c e ssfu l? Some Good Dishes for the Table Nothing Is small! No Illy muffled hum o f summer bee But Onda some coupling with the spinning stars. No pebble at your foot but proves a sphere: Earth's crammed with Heaven, And every common bush afire with God But only be who sees takes off his shoes. — Elisabeth Barret Browning. Church’s Soaring Tower Not Idas of Architect bit to try, and broil It. Put It on the table without comment and some members o f the faintly will sup|K>so they are eating chicken. These hutch raised rabbits eat rolled cereals, alful fa hay and leafy vegetables. As a re salt the meat Is delicate In fiHvor and tender In texture. They may he eaten at any time of the year. The bureau o f home economic* of the United States Department of Agri culture gives the following direction) for broiling a rabbit: Wipe the rabbit with a clean dmn|r cloth, sprinkle It with snlt, pepper ami flour. Place whole, back down, on » rack In a flat baking pan. Place gen­ erous piece* of butter In the hollow places. C’ook In a moderately hot oven (87f> to 400 degress Fahrenheit) for 40 to (50 minutes, or until tender. Turn the rabbit over, baste with pan drippings and place under the flimi« o f the broiling oven to brown. Cut nnd serve th# broiled rabbit m a hot plat­ ter and pour over It the dripping* mixed wlib one fnble*pooofbl of finely chopped parsley. How to Mend Summer Underwear When men's or boys’ summer under wear tears at the armscye scrim* th« back, sewing tha tear up means that you will bare to do It after every wearing. A better way Is to rut stralglr. across th* back of the garment t< the other armscye and Insert a plec- of thin muslin or dimity at amt tw< Inches wide, nstng a double scorn Then hero th# Inserted piece at the armscye* end your trouble Is «¿dec for that part of the garmeuL (Dr. Caldwell loved people. H is years of practice convinced him many were ruining their health by careless selection of laxatives. He determined to write a harmless pre­ scription which would get at the cause of constipation, and correct it. Today, the prescription he wrote in 18£5 is the world’s most popular laxative I H e prescribed a mixture o f herbs and other pure ingredients now known as Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, in thousands of cases where bad breath, coated tongue, gas, headaches, biliousness and lack of appetite or energy showed the bowels of men, women and children were sluggish. It proved successful in even the most obstinate cases; old folks liked it for it never gripes; children liked its pleasant taste. A ll drugstores today have Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in bottles. R. I. Reds, R. I. W hites, White Rocko, Barred Rocks, Black Minorc&s, Black Giants,White ! Leghorns — all from carefully super­ vised flocks. Also W. L. Pullets, year­ ling hens and day old turkeys. Order I now to insure delivery v/han wanted. Write tee Specie! Discount. 10058 livs delivery guaranteed. 20 years' reputation your safeguard* | (JAY TCDD) QUEEN HATCHERY 24281st Avenue ■ Seattle C o u ftW v STOPS Boschee’s Syrup soothes instantly, #nc j irritation quicklyl G U A R A N T E E D . » •a l N ever be w ith o u t IVtCfl j Chjje's! For Young Boschee’s A t all druggists S y r u p W. N. U., PO RTLAND , NO. 15-1 #38 Don't Overdo It Slaying Distance Sir. Van Nngg—June, I think y in The automobile has taken people fib a little occasionally, out Into the country from twenty to Mr«. Van Nsgg— Well, I think It i* forty miles awny from their places a wife’s duty, John. o f business. The airplane will en­ Mr. Van Nagg— A w ife’s duty? large the commuting zone to nt least Mrs. Van Nagg—Yes, to speak well ” 0 miles.—Country Horne. o f her husband occasionally. When Babies CRY Babies will cry, often for no apparent reason. Y ou may not know what’s wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor. Don’t experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems o f adults I M ott of those little upsets are soon soothed away hy a little o f thia pleasant-tasting, gentle-acting children’s remedy that children like. It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. O r in the case o f older children, a sluggish, con­ stipated condition. Castoria is Mill the thing to give. It is almost certain to clear up any miner ailment, and could by no possi­ bility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So It’a the first thing to think o f when a child haa a coated tongue; won’t play, can’t sleep, is freifut or out of sorts. Get the genuine; it always haa Chat. H Fletcher’» signature 00 the package.