sr / New Planet Is in Solar System THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ths first to hare seen It It was pos­ C O SG RAVE IS RE-ELECTED sible to check back through the rec­ ords and find that It had been oh served a number of times before, but had been supposed to be a star. The small planet Ceres, with an on 28 States May Be Affected bit between those of Mars and Jupiter was discovered In 1801, and was tha in Representation. first of what later turned out to be s whole swarm of asteroids, or tiny Washington.—Important changes In planets. In the same region. About the membership of the house will auto­ Kansan working on the staff of the ob­ 1,000 of them have since been re Discovery Confirms Predio servatory, actually detected the new matically follow the fifteenth decen­ corded. nial census, the taking of which Is spot of light upon a photographic film tion Made by Lowell Neptune's Position Calculated. now in progress. which announced the existence of Back in 1902. These discoveries concentrated at A reapportionment of representation new member of the solar family, and In conformity with the growth and thus became the first human being to tentlon upon the planets. In working New York.—A new world, a ninth out the calculations for the new shifting of the nation's population will “see” the ninth planet Major member of the small family be made for the first time In 20 years Further observation was necessary planet, Uranus, It was soon found that Sour milk costs producers thousands which makes up our known solar sys­ to make sure that the pin point of the observations did not agree with and will become ePectlve with the of dollars a year, and usually Is tem, has been added to the list of light actually represented a new body the calculations. The problem awak congress elected In 1932. heavenly bodies by the astronomers of and to prove that It was moving ened an Increasing Interest, and con Under the terms of the renpportlon- caused by using unclean utensils or failing to cool the milk properly, says Lowell observatory, working npon the against the stationary background of slderable effort was expended both In ment bill, passed last year, the census Prof. L. H. Burgwnld of the depart­ calculations of the late Perctval Low checking over the observations and bureau estimates that 17 widely scat­ the stars In accordance with predic­ ell. Announced Just 149 years to the tion, before the announcement could In seeking for a possible new explana tered states will lose an aggregate of ment of dairy technology of the Ohio day after Sir William Herschel's dis­ be made which, as C. O. Lampland, tion. 23 members of the house and that 11 State university. "A little care on the covery of the planet Cranus, this astronomer of the observatory, states The possibility of observational er­ states will gain by the same number. pnrt of the fnrmer would avoid this achievement supplies only the third It Is expected that the representa­ loss.” says Professor Burgwald. It, "appears to mark fulfillment of a ror soon had to be discarded, while a t . "Milk Is an ideal medium for the Important addition to the solar system prediction” made three decades ago early as 1834 the Idea that the ap tion of the larger cities will be In­ since the days of the ancients, says by the founder of the Lowell observa­ parent aberrations of the planet creased, and, since these are usually growth of bacteria. All that the bac­ the New York Herald Tribune. might be due to the existence of an regarded as opposed to prohibition, teria require when Introduced Into the tory. The “new” planet Is estimated to other undiscovered one was advanced. a careful watch Is being kept for the milk. Is the proper temperature, and Believed Larger Than Earth. be nearly 4,000,000,000 miles away; it A number o f astronomers devoted effect of the reapportionment upon the they will multiply very rapidly. Iu It will require time to fill in details growing they break down the milk la Invisible except to powerful tele­ themselves to the problem and both William T. Cosgrave. liquor Issue. concerning the planet X. Remote as scopes and Its effect upon life on the Leverrier, In France, and Adams, In j In the bitter contest that preceded sugar In the milk and convert It Into It Is from the sun, moving In an outer __ ____ worked ___ out _ the _ probable _ Dublin, Irish Free State.—William earth cannot be considerable. Never­ England, po- the passage of the reapportionment lactic acid which la tnrn sours the theless, the discovery has a fascinat­ space which can receive so little solar altlon of the supposed body7n 1846. I T- Cosgrave was re-elected president bill by the house, members from met­ milk. But the bacteria will grow very heat that the temperature would be ing Interest In that it qnddenly en­ Leverrier submitted his calculations to j **ie e3£ecutlve council of the Irish ropolitan areas charged that repre­ slowly, If at all, at a temperature be­ low enough to liquefy air, and with larges our own particular corner of the observers, the telescopes were Free State parliament by a vote ol sentatives o f rural districts were at­ low 50 degrees Fahrenheit. space, it reveals an unknown sister so long an orbit that Its “ year” would trained accordingly and the planet 80 to 65. President Cosgrave returns to “ Milk coming from the normally tempting to defeat the measure In an equal 200 to 300 terrestrial years, con­ planet lying, In comparison with the Neptune stood revealed. Both men had power after only a five day lapse. His effort to prevent nn Increase In the healthy cow Is practically free from ditions upon It certainly can be noth vast depths of space Into which re­ calculated so closely that either set of ministry, having held on since 1922, size of the house wet bloc. The wets bacteria, so when large numbers of cent astronomical discovery has pene­ tng like those upon the earth. fell a few days ago by a two vote In size It Is announced to be cer­ tables would have resulted In the dis­ margin on extending old age pensions. hailed the passage of the bill as a bacteria are found It means either trated, almost at our own doorstep. that they have been Introduced after covery. victory. tainly as large as the earth, and per­ President Cosgrave opposed the ex­ Oclentlflo Triumph Repeated. World’s Confidence Won, Although the Constitution provides milking, through the use of unclean haps very much larger. tension as being too great a financial The discovery Is also startling in for reapportionment every ten years, utensils, or that the milk Inis not The question has been raised as to The same process, repeated to re­ burden. that It repeats so exactly one of the whether still more worlds may not re­ the last took place In 1911 on the been promptly and properly cooled, veal a ninth planet, may not seem so most famous of all the triumphs of the main to be conquered. basis of the 1910 census. The law nnd the bacteria have multiplied very There are scientific method—the discovery of the known to be many small planets, or wonderful to the public of today, long passed last year provides that In the rapidly. planet Neptune after Its position had ' ♦ ‘asteroids,” and there are probably accustomed to the astounding accuracy TARIFF MEASURE IS “ The public Judges the quality of future n reapportionment be made by of astronomical prediction, but In 1846 been calculated from the motions of many more In existence than have ac­ the milk by the length of time which SENT TO CONFERENCE every fifth congress, with congress re­ It It seemed more than magical and enor­ the known planets and Its position In tually been recorded. Astronomical will keep sweet. The milk plant taining, to meet emergencies, the pre­ mously strengthened the world's awak­ the sky accurately Indicated. rogative of changing representation at has to use some test which will de­ calculation seems to Indicate that ening confidence In the powers which Finding of the trans-Neptune planet there may be some others of larger termine In advance how long the milk Bill May Be Ready in Three any time. Is the culmination and reward of Doc­ size, but It Is unlikely that any more the Intellectual tool of scientific meth­ The census bureau estimates that will keep sweet. This test takes the od had put Into Its grasp. W eeks for Final Vote. tor Lowell's effort to repeat the suc­ of major proportions are still to be the states to gain In representation form of a bacteria count under a com­ With the far better Instruments and cess In the case of Neptuna As long discovered. are Arizona, Connecticut, Florida pound microscope, an alcohol test, or more refined methods of today, It has Washington. — The Smoot-Uawley ago as 1902 Doctor Lowell, a writer North Carolina, Oklahoma and Wash­ a methylene blue test. The blue color The discovery of Neptune, now re­ and traveler who had turned his Inter­ peated In the discovery of the new long been realized that not everything ' tariff bill was sent to conference as ington, one each; California, six ; of the milk caused by the addition of In the observed motions of the solar the house settled the question by a est seriously to astronomy rather late planet, was a dazzling triumph of the Michigan, four; Ohio, three, and New methylene blue dye, disappears more system can be explained. Even If the record vote o f 221 to 153 and both the In life, predicted from bis study of the Nineteenth century, cited ngaln and or less quickly, according to the num­ ninth planet exhausts the list of large senate and house appointed conferees. Jersey and Texas, two each. motions of the eight known major again to prove the correctness of the bodies In the system, there still will The states which probably will lose ber of bacteria present. The macro­ It Is estimated that the conferees planets the possible existence of a scopic test, however, an actual count scientific method of deduction and un­ be a field for research In planetary may take from three to six weeks to representation are: Alabama, Kan­ of the bacteria present, is the on» ninth in the cold reaches of space be­ doubtedly contributing an Important motions, while a very large field for adjust the differences in the rates and sas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, most commonly used.” yond the orbit of Neptune share to the wave of enthusiasm for research In planetary physics and other sections of the bills passed by Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, 8earch Begun In 1915. science which during the Nineteenth geography still remains open. Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, the two chambers. The great labor of complex calcula­ century swept the world away from The house members of the confer­ and Virginia, one each; Missouri tion necessary to demonstrate the hy­ the old moorings of more traditional ence are Representatives Willis C. three; Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky and Accident Toll Heavy pothesis and establish the location of philosophies. Mississippi, two ench. Hawley, o f Oregon, chairman of the Madison, Wis.—Accidents have tak­ Best results can be obtained by the supposed body was not completed Uranus Discovered by Chance. house ways and means committee; en three times a greater toll of lives until 1914, when Doctor Lowell pub­ feeding calves three times a day, with From the time of the ancients until Allen T. Trendway, of Massachusetts in the United States than were suf­ Senate to Act on Bills lished his memoir, “A Trans-Neptunlan the periods between feedings ns near­ 1781 the solar system had existed as a fered during the World war by Amer­ and Isaac Bachrach, of New Jersey, Planet” ; and the actual work of compact arrangement of six planets, to Reduce Unemployment ly equal ns possible. When calves are Republicans, and John N. Garner, of ican troops, declared L. W. Hutch- searching for the predicted world did Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupi­ Washington. — Legislative remedies fed but twice a day the feedings Texas, and James W. Collier of Mis not begin until the year following. should be 12 hours apart. A calf ter and Saturn, In the order of their croft, statistician of the state board for unemployment, including a stabil­ slssippl. Democrats. of health. Doctor Lowell died In 1916. It is distance from the sun. nerschel’s dis­ weighing 50 pounds at birth should ization agency with authorization for The senate conferees are Senators only now, a decade and a half Inter, covery of Cranus was accidental; It be given eight pounds of whole milk a $150,000.000 federal appropriation, Reed Smoot, of Utah, chairman of Arrested in Church that his work has been flnnlly Justified. appeared In his telescope ns he was a day, while a 100-pound calf should the senate finance committee; James are slated for final discussion on the A special telescope, with delicate pho­ sweeping the heavens and be first set have about twelve pounds. The Millville, N. J.—While he was busy floor of the senate ou Tuesday, E. Watson, of Indiana, and Samuel tographic recording apparatus, was It down as a comet. playlDg In a Sunday school orchestra amount of milk shvtfld he gradually April 15. Shortrldge, of California, Republicans, Installed last year expressly to carry Observation through a few weeks here, Ansley Howell was arretted for The senate agreed to take up the Increased until at the end of the sec­ on the search, but, even so, the first established Its character ns a genuine stealing chickens. The school sang and F. M. Simmons, of North Carollnn ond week the calf should get from result did not come until January 21, planet. Interestingly enough, Herschel, the closing song without orchestral and Fat Harrison, of Mississippi, Dem­ measures by Senator Wagner (Dein., 14 to 16 pounds per day. At the be­ N. Y.) after its commerce committee ocrats. when Clyde W. Tombaugh, a young though Its discoverer, was by no means accompaniment. ginning of the third week either skim Senator Smoot said he expected the had approved them. The committee action followed In­ or separated milk may he given for bill to come out of conference for a whole milk, at the rate of one pound final vote In about three weeks, and tensive investigation of present condi­ per day, and the dally ration In­ added that the senate conferees would tions by a subcommittee that heard creased from two to four pounds, de­ come back to the senate for Instruc­ William Green, president of the Amer­ pending on the vigor of the calf. If tions on the flexible provisions und ican Federation of Labor, and others the calf does not drink eagerly when the debenture amendment. The house Identified with labor paint dismal pic­ milk Is offered, the quantity should he leaders hnve an agreement with cer­ tures of the existing situation. Witnesses unanimously indorsed the cut down. At the end of the third tain western Republicans that votes will be had on cement, sugar, lumber three Wagner measures. These would week the ration should approximate nnd shingles before the house con­ expand government machinery for col­ one-half skim milk. At the end of ferees are permitted to settle the dif­ lecting unemployment Information. the fourth week only separated milk ference in rates on those Items. The Provision would be made that on the Is fed, unless the calf Is very delicate. house action In sending the bill to con­ basis of this Information a federal sta­ The quantity fed can be increased ference was taken on a roll call vote bilization board could accelerate or re­ gradually to 18 or 20 pounds per day. on the rule brought In for that pur­ tard public construction to meet chang­ Six months Is a good average age at which to wean calves from the milk. ing conditions. pose. When good pasturage Is available, the calf can he weaned earlier. If skim I. C. R. R. Adds $2,000,000 Lindy and W ife to Fly or separated milk Is available, how­ ralves, especially If tlvy are in Orders for Equipment at Loftiest Altitudes ever. available, may be fed on It with Chicago.—Expenditures for equip­ Burbank, Calif.—Col. Charles A. profit until they are eight or ten ment by the Illinois Central railroad Lindbergh Is wutchlng the construc­ months old. for 1930 will top such appropriations tion In un airplane factory of a new for 1929 by $2,000,009. The road speed wing for his private air speed­ ■ i - i - i - h - i - :- h - h - !-- i - i spent $8,000,000 in 1929 for new loco­ ster. The wing was designed with re­ motives, cars and other Improvements, cesses to receive the lauding wheels j but this year the equipment approprla- while the plane Is In flight. The snug shape of the plane with ■f-H - M- H - H- H - H ' l-;..|,■;■■!■H -H- H - H i tlons will total $10,000,000, It was an- j nounced iu a statement Issued by L. the wheels drawn into the wing is A cheap bull Is ahout the most ex­ expected to add twenty miles an hour pensive Investment a live stock man A. Downs, president. can make. The road soon will ask for bids on to Its top speed. o • o When the colonel and Ills wife fly 2,330 nnlts of equipment to cost about Sanitation In the management and $9,000,000, In addition to orders total­ East at the conclusion of their winter ing $1.000,000 which already have been visit here, they will wear newly de hlood testing are the methods of con­ signed electrically heated flying suits. trolling abortion. placed. • oo Included in the new equipment will Their Pacific and Atlantic sea coast Immediate nnd adequate cooling of flight is to be made at the loftiest at Left to right: Capt. J. M. Shelton of New Orleans, La.; Lieut. George B. Hudson o f Columbus, Ohio, and Lieut I be 9 electric locomotives, 1,000 auto- milk Is necessary to prevent souring. furniture cars, 1,000 gondola cars, 200 titudes ever used for such a trip. Donald D. Sawtelle of New York city, officers of Troop E, Third cavalry, o f Fort Myer. The troop was adjudged the A temperature of less than 5