Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1930)
NY9AA, OREGON NYSSA, OREGON GATE CITY OfittWay to the Owyhee and Black Canyon IRRIGATION PROJECTS O;. ine rmiiii .lire of th* Uhion E i, it ...s;.. J»:»’ i. tí*»u of ILe Unión F *iti¡8 'a V to rio intornio and the* y. 'ts. .oithirn terminus ol the recently incori»*»* aceti Idaho Faciîic ¡lÜ- fuuu lo iniictuutta, MALHEUR COUNTY’S LARGEST NEWSPAPER VOLUME XXIV NO. 28 NYSSA, OREQON. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 1 $5,500.000 SUBSCRIBED FOB TBE CONSTRUCTION OF TBE NYSSA- #1.50 PER YE AR YOUNG PEOPLE MEET The W. C. T. U. held a meeting ÜFFIGIÄL KOTIGE OF A M S FOR for the young people Tuesday Easter Program DIGGING OF M E T S R E Ç U evening, April 1, in the basement of the church. A short business meeting was held, with Mrs. Construction Work to Begin Hawkins in the chair. PART l The resignation of Mrs. Cora Within 30 Days AfterCcn* Orchestra Concert, Nyssa High School Orchestra. Newton as president was read 1. Sunny Songs - Ros iter tract have been Signed. and an acceptance voted by the 2. Overture—Youth Triumphant • - Gibb members. Mrs. Emma Hawkins Road Will Probably Be Extended to Northern Idaho and a. The Holy City • Adams was then elected to fill the va Comet Solo, Hershal Thompson, Orchestra Accompaniment Official notices of award have and Montana—Estimated £50,000,000 W ill Be Required cancy. The ‘‘Arcadia True Sports” been received by the successful PART II The program for the young won the first game of the season. bidders on the Owyhee distriku- to Complete the Road—Strong Opposition Expected. An Easter Cantata -My Redeemer Lives - - Wilson people was in charge of Mrs. from Apple Valley on Friday, tion tunnels. As previously an* Church Choir. Mabel Higby, who conducted de- the 19th. It was an interesting 'nounced the following are low 1. Night May Be Dark . . . Choir Robert Phillips and John Leeds “Our present capital is suffi- votionals from the first chapter game, the score being 7 to 8. j bidders: 2. Behold the Lamb o f God - • Solo Kerr, both of New Yolk, two of cien' only for the Idaho Pacific of Daniel. Mrs. Joe Stam Both sides played fair and square' On the upper end of Tunnel the three incorporators of the link and #50,000,000 will be needed A talk was given on the Young ball and neither side had any- No. 1, T. E. Connelly, San Frtn- 3. If I Be Lifted Up . . . Choir 1 labo Pacific Railroad company, to build through the tortuous 4. Joy Cometh in the Morning - - Duet Man’s Responsibility for Law thing but the true baseball spirit, 'cisco, Cal. Miss Edna Dennis and Miss Verna Thompson organized a little over a year ago canyons in central Idaho and over Observance by Ernest Hawkins, The girls greatly encouraged the On the lower end of 5. Very Early in the Morning—Contralto Solo and Chorus to construct 237 miles of new Lola pass into Missoula. Such and one by Victoria Worden on boys by their peppy yells. The j No. 1 and the upper end of Tua- Miss Verna Thompson track between Nyssa, Or., and construction discounts the future The Young Woman’s Responsi lineup was as follows: nel No. 5, J. F. Shea Co., Port 6. Behold there was a great Earthquake - . Choir »Vinnemucca, Nev., Have sub of this vast territory rather far bility for Law Observanae. Mrs. Catcher, Wesley Newton. land, Oregon. 7. Fear Not Ye Soprano Solo scribed to #5.500,000 capital stock in advance, but we believe trans Higby talked on the Work of the Pitcher, Benny Kindall. On the lower end of Tunnel No. Miss Edna Dennis pf the company, according to Guy portation will hasten the grow th Young People’s Branch and Mrs. 1st base, Rodney Vest. 5, S. S. Magoffiin Company, 8. He Is Risen . . . Tenors and Basses C. H. Corlis, western attorney. of this section of the country, in Douglass gave “The Jiners.” 2nd basd, Harold Dail. 9. Where, Grave, Is Thy Victory? Choir and Soprano Obligato North Vancouver, B. C. Mrs H. J. Larsen Games were then played and 3rd base, Basil Newton. Last fall the application of the creasing the population and After the formalties attending about 10 p. m. refreshments were Short stop, Duane Amens. 10. I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Soprano Solo company to build this mile wealth of the territory affected.” the signing of the contracts have Mrs. U. J. Larsen served. The Epworth League, Right fielder, Herbert Davis. been completed the contractors age was dismissed without prej In commenting on the recent 11. Christ The Lord Is Risen . . . Choir Crete Marie Foster president, L. F. Kenneth Vrnderpool. udice by the interstate commerce order of the interstate commerce will have 30 days in which to b > 12. Lo, I Am With You Always - - Bass Solo commission to force the Union wen the prize for largest attend- They are looking forward commission to be resubmitted at to]gin operations, but it is believed Mr. H. J. I.arsen ance according to enrollment, the game with Apple Valley and a latter date. Officials of the Pacific to construct the cross-state that actual work will start soon >r 13. Alleluia - . . . Final Chorus The price was a basket of home- to other scheduled ones, company stated at that time that line, Mr. Phillips said: “Two re than that. Choir made canday, which was enjoyed The children had a good fire no construction would be attempt cent orders of the interstate com Mrs Cor.nne M. Ward . . . Director by all. drill last Wednesday when a fire Work at the Owyhee dam is Mrs. Monty Hunter . . . . Pianist ed pending the outcome of the merce commission most likely The Young People’s Branch was set to a bunch of tumble now confined to the foundation j , cross-state line which the Union will be challenged by the roads will meet in the basement Thurs- weeds and in turn they set fire where excavatien, drilling and Pacific has been ordered to build. concerned and force the commis day evening, April 10, for the to a bunch of dead t It was grouting operation are in sd »- In the meantime engineers of the sion to take steps to stop con purpose of choosing a new! . . . “ V, struction of a new line of railroad company have approved a north- leader, Mrs. Newton having re- an excitln£ time because the gress. em extension which will reach jin one case and force the building Mr. and Mrs. William Butler j Notice is hereby given to all signed. j trees »re very close to the coal The screening plant at the the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul;of a new line in the other. ---------------------- i house, which would have made d~... is finished ready to receive and occupants of prop Ontario took Sunday dinner | owners it very disastrous had it caught ; and gravel from the Dun..* & Pacific at Elk River, Idaho, a3 [ The Union Pacific must start of erty, including vacant lots, with fire. The children were very pits. well as at Missoula, Mont. construction of the Oregon cross- at the R. R. Richardson home. [ in the city limits, that the same, faithful in carrying water and The new application of the state line by July 31 of this year. Mr. R. R. Richardson has gone including the alleys abutting such company most likely will involve If construction is not started by t 0 Veiser to relieve the second property, must be cleaned up and to extinguish it. Although BRIDGE Miss Grace Waters, popular dirt the drill wasn’t called for it pro- A v l U l i l U U l l i l D H 1U \|L the construction of the long- that date, and the Union Pacific I ^ lck o^er^tor there who is ill. all rubbish, weeds and other ob Nyssa girl and a graduate of the vided som practical experience. Mrs. E. D. Norcott entertained dreamed of system from Montana should refuse to build such a line Mr‘ Kjchardson expects to be gone jectionable matter removed by j local high school, was married to the Fortnightly Bridgeclub Tue;* to Ca ..oriiia through central' or start its construction against.8 weeK* the 20th day of April, 1930. i Mr. Stewart Aiken Sunday at La The Nyssa Pod and Gun club day night and a pleasant eveniu ; Idaho. ✓ its better judgement, the com-! Mr. an(* Mrs. Jack Short of By order of :,aty Council. Grande, where Miss Walters was scores for last'. Sunday shoot i+ig of cards whs eqigyed. Hig i A. R. Millar, Recorder. attending Robert Phillips, president of mission will be faced with the Boise were in Nyssa Tuesday Charles1 score for the evening was wc’i school. They wiil were: Aden YViJson, 24; Charles the Idaho Pacific, in a recent in problem of enforcing its order, visiting the home of Jack’s Short, 19; Dr. Norcott, 23; Art ■ by Mrs. Arthur Boydell and sec* make their home at Biggins, For sale-baby bed and mattress Idaho, and stopped in Nyssa Moore, 23; Robert Melborn, 22.; terview, stated: ‘ We expect It will probably be an easier mat- brother, Chas. Short, tremendous opposition to this ter to obtain court assistance to ! The Epworth League is buying good as new, $6.00. Painted Wednesday en route to their new George Ferguson, 19; O. M. Wil ond by jjrs. Frank Hall. projected system from the car stop the Piedmont & Northern varnish to decorate the interior dresser, good mirror, #6.50. R. L. home. Mrs. Stewart has many son, 22; Sid Burbidge, 20; A. V. Patton, E. O. L. Co. no. 3 ranch. friends here who extend best Cook, 24; W. E. Schireman, 20; riers concerned, but we are pre construction than it will be to of the Methodist church, pared to fight this proposition to force the Union Pacific to build i Mr. and Mrs. Monty Hunter Mrs. Arthur B. Cockrum of wishes. E. J. Powell, 2; George Green, 18. At 11 a. m. will be a servica a successful conclusion if it takes the cross-state line across cential and Mrs. Hunter’s parents, Mr. Ontario visited several days this for the whole family and Mis.) 20 years. In the meantime a Mr° Phillips, a Ne v Yo k at- and For sal« - the best Rhode Island Blokland will preach on “Th s W. A. Connell of Ru- week with her parents, Mr. and parent holding company will be torney, has haJ » va ied exper- pert, Idaho, motored to Baker Mrs. R. J. Davis. Secret Society in tht county court held a two- Red baby chicks, also one 13 Greatest gin developing the resources of ience inrailroAui .j ov.r a long Wednesday on a pleasure trip, If you need an irrigation pump day The session World.” In talks will and month old Jersey heifer calf be given by the the evening «entral Idaho and eastern Oregon. period of years. A large stock- Mr. Connell renewed acqoaint- buy a Parma Water Lifter from Thursday of on this Wednesday delegates who J. S. Vest, on the Nick Smith week. The A strong cash position will be S e d in T u th W ic /a n d f f ie *nc.e with a boyhood friend whom Rose Bros., Parma, m28tf, attended the conference at Boiso county court consisting of Judge \ p ace> afterwards Miss BloklanJ built up and by the time the orient, he has been associated with “e kad not seen f°r ^ years. Lee Noe, Frank T. Morgan and ‘‘AH nationalities, we know no and proposed construction is finally many enterprises throughout the Service in the Episcopal church will preach. For Sale. Jack Fairman went to the dam! race, creed or color; women, men approved we will be in a position(world.— PortlandOregonian.Tues- Sunday, April 6, at 7:30 p. m. 200 Locust Posts, 7 feet long, Wednesday morning, and the who are desirous of preparing to start the work immediately, day, April 1. Ven. S. W. Creasey. 20a each. D. R. Linder. m282tp county road was inspected. for the detective profession, com-. m M K M lJIM M B IM haCM IM M H W M lIim ) A few lots for sale cheap. municate with Scotland Yard D ! Owners of dogs are hereby nc- Must be sold. See Nyssa Realty REPORT OF CONDITION tective Bureau, Gorman Bldg., tffied that unless licenses and a Co. a4tf of the Malheur County Bank at Nyssa, County of Malheur, Oregon, at close of busi 56 Division St., Albany, N. Y.” , ta«s are bought and paid for on ness March, 27, 1930. ■ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davis, ac m21tf. or before April 14 such un- RESOURCES ■ companied by Mrs. Arthur B. Loans and discounts____ __________ ____. I licensed shall be killed. .. $,354,116.15 Cockrum, spent Tuesday in Overdrafts ..................................................................................................................... 1,304.39 ■ I By order of City Council. 6,215 36 Boise. They attended ‘ ‘The Vag Bonds, securieties, etc...................................................................... A. R. Millar, Several new Electric Incuba Banking house, $8,009.00 furniture and fixtures $7,0*9.09 ............................ 15,000,00 City Recorder. abond King,” which is playing m Real estate owned other than banking house ................................................ 11,456.75 tors, 250 and 500 egg size, half. this week at the Pinney. Cash, due from banks and cash items ................................................................. 40,028.99 especially built for hatch- A baby boy was born to Mr. If you need an irrigation pump Total.......................................................................................................................... $428,120.64 price, ing turkey egg. N. H. Lire:, and Mrs. Howard Fetter, Friday, buy a Parma Water Lifter from LIABILITIES Ontario, Ore. Phone 103R. a llp March, 28. Rose Bros., Parma, Idaho. m28tf Capital stock paid in................................................................................................. $ 26,000.00 50.000.00 A. M. Nelson is building a cot Surplus................................................................................................... is a symbol of success, on expression Undivided profits—Net ............................................................ 3,706.78 R tage in the north part of town on of common sense, and the badge of a Demand deposits ....................................................................................................... 214,783.13 * some lots recently purchased ef Time certificates.......................................................................................................... 134.63t.73 f business man. Brown Bros. Total.......................................................................................................................... $428,120.64 i i»«? State of Oregon, County of Malheur, SS: Don Graham was in Vale I The machinery of the MALHEUR I, J. P. Dunaway, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the Thursday on business. COUNTY BANK is adjusted to give Gordon Ray and wife and C. above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.J. P. Dunaway, Cashier A a 100 per cent perfect service to P. Lackey of Huntington were in [SEAL] * * i Nyssa Sunday to visit friends. Correct—Attest: H. J. Ward, J. F. Reece, J. J. Saraxin, Directors. checking accouunts. Howard Evans, prominent citi Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ird day of April, 1930. They Are Worth 18 3-4 Cents Each zen ef the Milton-Freewater dis | My commission expires November 23, 1932. E. M, Blodgett, Notary Public for Oregon. trict, is in Nyssa today onbusi-| We have taken the agency for Brunswick »2 ness. Records and as an introduction we make For Sale—Good Majestic Range this offer. Bring in four wornout records and Baby Iron Bed with Mattress. and we will allow you 75c on the purchase »2 Mrs. C. A. Crawford. m28tf of four new Brunswick records. You pay »2 for three and get the fourth one FREE! Only Victor, Brunswick and Vocalion ree- NYSSA, OREGON records accepted on this deal. »2 Hear the latest Brunswick Records dem Make your home beautiful with a On account of poor health I will sell all or a part of »2 more flower», especially Dahlia». onstrated on the Majestic Combination ■ my farm adjoining the city limits, consisting of 53 *2 Radio-Phonograph TRY PLANTING OURS a CAPITAL #25,000.00 acres, all under irrigation. Will accept reasonable pay Varieties and colors to suit everyone. SURPLUS $50,000.00 >2 ment down, balance on terms to suit purchaser. E Nyssa Methodist Church, April Twentieth Seven-thirty P. M. Arcadla BIFF! BAKU LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTICE POPULAR LOCAL GIRL WEDS AT LAGRAKDE FORTNIGHTLY SUNDAY SERVICES COUNTY COURT a Ï m ! 5 r NOTICE a FOR SALE A Bank Account a a a I aa s a a a a i n E a Dahlias! Dahlias! A SNAP Price list mailed on request. Ï* SNAKK RIVER DAHLIA FARM Mrs. W. 9 . Rees R. D. 1 box 110 Ontario, Ore QUINBY RANCH East of railroad track. * ►2I « »2 * 4 *2 Trade in Your Old Records Nyssa Pharmacy Nyssa Oregon