NYSSA, OREGON I Gateway to the Owyhee and Black Canyon IRRIGATION PROJECTS THE GATE CITY JOURNAL M ALH EU R C O U N T Y ’S LARGEST rail r-rad. -nettop oi NEWSPAPER NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAR. 7. VOLUME XXIV NO. 24 NYSSA, OREGON Oti the main line oi the Union Plciflc jl the Union Pacific ard wfnch litre to Homed#» !• and other Idtfhu poi.ua. iNoiihtn. tciimmi» oi the receutly incorporated Idaho Pacific rtil- roau to Winuemucca, Nevada. =Ç »1.50 PER TEAR 1930 BIDS TO BE OPENED TUESDAY, MARCH 11 T RANGE DIS­ TRICT ORGANIZED TO PROTECTGRASS BASEBALL LEAGUE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper and j P E R SO N At iC IU J U llflL Mrs. Artie Robertson motored to It Nampa Tuesday and visited Mr Mrs. C. L. McCoy entertained O w y h e e T u n n els W ill b e home near 0ntario’ Mrs. Zittercob is much better at and Mrs. L. E. Stevens and fam­ gaye a the Fortnightly Bridge club A . . • M c . Oregon Trail P. T this time. Stevens was formerly A w a r d e d in Near Future. program Friday evening, observ-, Thursday evening, and a pleasant; ily. “ Mrs. J*. aie™ns was m o « .» All pupils are now back in ing Founder’s Day. A feature evening of cards was spent. F i r s t 183 Thelma Thompson of Nyssa Prepare for the Coming Ball school. Ethel Null came back Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbillj Tuesday. March 11, will mark ^ erta m m en t was two la ge pnzewas won by MrsMohn Moore Monday after a long illness. She Season— Schedule to Bo have moved on a farm on Snake is doing extra work to make up .nether milepost in the construe- b,r, hday ^ " ‘th 33 hghted ^ “T " * by ,Arthu/ river. Arranged Soon. for time lost. lion of the big Owvhee project. caadle9‘ Af^er the pr0frrai” ’ B°Yde11- Deheious refreshments Miss Blokland has received At that time bids for tie con- cake and coffee was served to were served, The Van Zelf family will soon be Delegation of Jordan Valley moving te Owyhee and will attend struction of two large tunnels, cveryone pr*sent and a 8° cidl For S a le -A few bronie toms word that that Rev. V. H. Hall At a meeting Thursday In On­ Citizens Visit Nyasa Com­ Oregon T; ail school. That will cut aggregating nearly nearly 10 10 miles miles hour ®"Joy*d- A birthday offer- and hens. Three miles northwest passed away very suddenly Mon­ tario the I. O. league again organ­ day night at LaGrande. He was of Nyssa. R A Vest. It our enrollment down three. length, will be opened in the o f , 1 in* o f & 45 was received. ized fer the coming baseball mercial Clnb. Last Friday we observed Wash­ season. For a time during the fice o f the Owyhee district at Mr. anu Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mr. | Mrs. Ella Widner is very sick. at the time pastor at LaGrande. and Mrs. Frank rry were enter- He had served seven years at ington’s birthday. Patriotic songs meeting it looked as though tha Mr. and Mrs. Hinshaw enter­ A delegation of citizens from were sung. Miss Thompson read Payette and preached a number Peck home, old league would be broken up, It is expected there will be 1 2 ' a 4be ^bas> tained Mr. and Mrs. Hurt and Jordan Valley attended the meet­ the children a delightful story. of times in Nyssa. to 15 bids received for this work ’ l!i Ben • Bun ay‘ when representatives from Boise Miss Cleo Spencer at dinner Fri­ and probably 50 representatives Mrs. W. A. McNall left Satur- day. Mrs. Arthur Cook gave a ing of the Commereial Club Wed­ "George Washington and the waf­ and Nampa suggested the entry nesday evening to enlist the sup­ fles,,. Nina Mae Wolf read Wash­ •f the various bidders will attend daX morning for a month’s visit birthday party for her son Ar­ of the larger towns into the South Born, to Mr. and Mrs. David port of that organization in hav­ ington the boy and man, and in thur Vernon Saturday afternoon. Western Idaho League. Payette the opening. The bid3 will be ‘ n Missoula, Montana. I v „ „ oc „ „ p a « , « » ox a son. ing a grazing district organized closing Mrs. Abbott gave a Ten boys were present, and after opened at 10 o’clock. | Oregon Trail Sunday school is decided to withdraw from tha old in that section as a matter of description of her trip to Wash­ The cost of building the two growing in interest and attend- 1 Richard Lewis of Fruitland, a an afternoon of games a 6 o’clock league as that town desired • protection to the stockmen o f the ington’ s old home at Mt. Vernon. former Colorado friend, visited tunnels will amount to approxi- ance. Everyone in the neighbor-' dinner was served. faster class of ball than put up proposed district. According to The large boys have organized by the 1. O. league. Weisar area matcly $4,000,000, almost as much hood is especially invited—10:30[ the D. Karnes home Tuesday. Mrs. Leland Fenn of Hunting- the visiting delegation, sheep­ a base ball team and noon hours For Sale—Three purebred reg­ ton was in Nyssa visiting rela­ lukewarm te any kind e f ball and as the dam itself. At the letting'a m. men from Idaho drive their floeks are spent in practice. The girls istered Hampshire hogs and tives last Saturday. the Ontario delegation was divided of the above contraots about one-j onto the range so early in the have organizeda pep club and may ! three purebred white Wyandote with the majority favoring tha halt of the Owyhee project will A 10-pound girl was born to spring that the range is stripped be seen in groups practising yells. Idaho-Oregan league. I roosters. Phone 73F12, or see Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Richardson either have been completed or bare by the time the local stock- Less than three months of scheel ¡Clayton Wall. contracted for. Temporary organization was Thursday evening. The new men are ready to turn their herds now remain and the children are perfected and Wilder was admit­ John Braga is ill at his home. arrival was named Rose Marie. onto the range. Not only is the gathering forces for the last long ted to the league. As it now Evangelistio meetings have( Don Graham has purchased the Rov. N. H. Lines of Ontario grass all gone, but driving stock pull. The attendance has been stands, the league oenrists of, been held in the Bodfish hall for j insurance business o f C. F. Mil- called at the parsonage .this week. on while the ground is toft kills exceptionally good and we are Nyssa, Vale, Wilder, aad probably the last two weeks. Mr. and j ler and is pleased to announce Mr. and Mrs. B. Alford and the grass out. The question of hoping it will continue so. Ontario. A meeting will be held Mrs. Hurt and Miss Cleo Spencer, the taking over of the Home In- Evelyn Schweizer motored to forming the district will be vote- A family birthday dinner Sun­ are conducting the meetings, surance Co. of New York, there- at Nyssa next Wednesday te per­ ed on et the primary election in day celebrating Glenn Holmes They have been giving those w'ho! by adding to the most represent- Boise Thursday. fect the permanent organization, Frank Lynch, who has been May and the Commercial Club birthday was an enjoyable affair. attended the meetings a musical ative companies in the United elect officers, and arrange the shearing sheep, returned Wed­ promised its enthusiastic support. Besides the immediate family treat. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt are states, schedule. It is ezpeeted that the already represented Don Graham as chairman of nesday. those present were Mr. Holmes’ both finished musical artists, Mr. 'through his office. several towns nearby who want Mrs. Frank Leuck, assisted by the publicity committee told father and mother, his daughter Hurt having a beautiful tenor baseball but cannot afford to Im­ Harry Leuck, son o f Mr. and Don Crr.ham has called our at- progress had been made toward Thelma Leuck, gave a party for Gladys and her husband, Frank voice, and Mrs. Hurt, soprano tention to a typographical error Mrs. Frank Leuck, who is a ma­ port salaried players will be pre­ her daughter Katherine last Fri­ the erection of the large sign Byers, from Owyhee darn, and and pianist. sent to eater the league. rine and has been stationed in day night in honor of her 19th in the issues o f February 21, near the depot. Arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ilolmes of Miss Clea Spencer has been where it states as traffic officer Shanghai, China, for the past two have been made with the rail­ birthday anniversary All the Nyssa. surprising her many Nyssa he was instructed to make ar­ years, will land in the United road company to have the sign girls of the senior class were Other chests were, Mrs. George M cK çj, was visit­ friends with her sweet “ whispe rest«. Mr. Graham states that States on April 3. His term ex­ placed on the railroad right-of- present. A number of citizens Miss Saadon, pires in September, when he way and it was decided at the Mrs. Haworth, ing in the Wilder neighborhood ing baritone” voice. She ¿Is he is not a state traffic officer. have purchased radios d ty jlg the Miss FYshbura, Miss Hyde and expects to return to Nyssa. Saturday. assists with her saxaphone. meeting to have the sign elec­ Mr. and Mr». Lucien Cunning- past few days. Among them are Miss Pauline Fisher. A delicious The church board of the M. E. trically lighted and it will be I ham and family o f Ontario, visit­ dinner was given, with a center­ Audea Nelson, Robert Rirby, CIVIC C L U B F IN A N C IA L STA TEM EN T ed Mr. ond Mrs. Karns the first | church held a meeting Tuesday placed in position in the near piece of a white birthday cake Thos. Nordale, George Hill, H. j night, and Mrs. Joe Smith was future. Receipts Expense j of the week. decorated with green candles and R. Porter, Guy Wise. The ra­ elected cradel roll superintendent S 7.04 Balance January 1, 1 9 8 9 ......... A number of other important Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hurt and to fill the vacanoy left by Mrs. white roses. The house was al­ dios are of the Majestic make and 127.37 I 36.11 Feb. Old Fashioned Dance.. matters were discussed and such 48 00 Miss Cleo Spencer were enter­ Duet Frank Miller. Max Dunaway action as was deemed advisable so charmingly decorated in the are sold by W. A. Austin, acting 106.2S May Park Improvement .................... tained at 1 o’clock luncheon at was elected as superintendent of senior class colors of green and as sales agent for the Nyssa taken. 3 0C A u g . Park Im provem ent.......................... i the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. missionary department of the white. The evening was spent Pharmacy. 1 : 8.30 1 .88 Flower Show .................... Ward last Monday. Mr. and Sunday school. dancing and having a good time. lit., i 4. .66 Nov. Library Dinner 75.00 ¡Mrs. Reverger entertained Mr. Librarian Mrs. Leo Hollenberg was hos­ 15.40 and Mrs. A. D. Hurt and Miss Pary Improvement ............................... tess to a charming birthday party Services will be held in the 6.00 Wallie Johnson celebrated his Methodist Basem ent........................... Cleo Spencer at dinner Tuesday. given in honor of her daughter seventh birthday anniversary last Episcopal church Sunday, Manth 1400.76 $311.30 Mrs. J. P. Dunawav and Mrs. Marzene, aged 10. Games were 9, at 11 a. m. Everybody wel­ Saturday, March 1, by inviting 311.30 R. H. DeArmond of Vale spent played and delicious refresh­ come. Ven. S. W. Creasey. a number of his young friends $ 89.46 last week-end in Baker attending ments were served. The yellow Balance Jan 1, 1930 to spend the afternoon with him the basket ball tournament. color seheme was carried out in at the home of his parents, Mr. Many sightseers have visited vanth nut baskets and candles. Ten the dam during the past week The Civic Club is giving the and Mrs. Emil Johnson. Beauti­ Cash reaters for 40 irrigated ! feed for the Commercial Club guests were present. ful decorations of pink and white to witness the construction the farms. dinner on the evening of March adorned the rooms and delicious mammoth dam which, when com­ NOTICE One man and two teams for 10 117, in h»nor of Governor Norblad. refreshments were served. Those pleted will be the highest dam in Don’ t forget the SI. Patrick’s present were Robert McCoy, Nor- the United States. Most of the days. A trap shoot was held Sunday R. J. Davis. tea to be given by the Methodist bert Sarazin, Kenneth Mason, work at present is on the founda­ | by the Nyssa Rod and Gun Club Ladies Aid in the'basement af Doris Graham, Claudina Parish, tion. £ at 10:30 and was well attended NOTICE the church on March 13, from Alta and Gladys Campbell and The concrete mixing plant will g , by the Parma and Nyssa clubs. City dog tax for 1930 ia due 2:30 until 5 p, m. be finished very soon and the Clarence Johnson. 0 j While no record scores were work in general is progressing and payable to A. V. Cook, mar­ Games were played and a fine g made, the average was considered shall. For Sale. time was had by the little folks. steadily. gf ’ good for the first shoot. 400 bushels Federation wheat ■ The Ontario and Nyssa town for seeding, sacked at 2c. About Mrs. Leo D. Hollenberg attend­ is is useless—to follow his example a basket ball teams played Tuesday 20 sacks heavy Oats, also alfalfa ed the Baker tournament, leaving « wise. at the Nyssa Gym, enhing in a & red clover Seed. Albert Hinsch, Friday and returning Sunday. H score o f 20 to 15 in ravor of Nyssa, Oregon. At the bottom of every successful m73t * Nyssa. Tre Nyssa and Ontario man’s success will be found the SAV­ For Sale. U grade teams also played, the Lost—A red sow. Reward for Y O U ’LL ENJOY U S1N G -- ING HABIT coupled with good m White Plymouth Rocks. m7tf return. J. C. Beam. SS game ending with a score o f 13 judgment. Baby Chicks —$15 per 100. A to 3 in favor of Nyssa. Have 3-lb frys at 10 weeks. For Sale—Wagon, horses, cows, A growing account witn THIS BANK E. M. Blodgett, C. L. McCoy n Pullets lay at 5-6 months. grain, hay, plo/v, harrow, cul­ is the right start. M and Cliff Tillman were in Vale Mrs. H. H. Weideman, Nyssa. tivator. Just across from pipe n Wednesday and met with the We invite you to make it. Oregon. f!4-4tp f28tf county court and took up the line. See Sittons. matter of improving the market For Sale—I have all kinds of Fine for Bath and Champoo road near Adrian. A delegation canned fruits, some jams and from Adrian was also present. Lathers freely in hard or seft water pickles for sale very cheap. S P E C IA L Gerald Brooks has returned f282tp. Mrs. Ira Cole. from the navy, after being gone 8 coots per cake B four years. B Jess Spencer has leased the 3 far 23 cents ■ Arlington hotel in Vale and will N YSSA, OREGON B | assume charge in the near future with delicious tuttie frutie Make your home beautiful with more flowers, especially Dahlias. — at ths— B filling; consists of cherries, J. R Hunter on account of his TRY PLANTING OURS nuts, raisins, citron peel and! j health has had to resign his posi- Varieties and colors to suit »25.000.00 |honey. CAPITAL ] tion with the McConnon Co. and everyone. j in the future will write life in Price list mailed on request. $50,000.00 SURPLUS | surance for the Mutual Life of SN AK E RIVER DAHLIA Ny« ¡New York. He has formed a FARM partnership w: ’ h Don Graham in the real estate business and in the Mrs. W. S. Rees R D. 1 box 110 Ontario, Ore. future Mr. Hunter will be found fag H M l * ■ at the Nyssa Realty Co. office. C on tra cts ~ Ead Waiters and family spent I Q f AI AW|) fo r C onstructing Sunday at the parental Walters’ L v L H - j n l W ARCADIA in EVANGELIST HOLDS MEETING IN NVSSA OREGON TRAIL CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY PURCHASE RADIOS BIRTHDAY PARTY EPISCOPAL SERVICES MANY SIGHTSEERS VISIT OWYHEE DAM I T ! T o E n v e y th e S u c c e ssfu l M a n 1 McKESSON LEM ON C 0 C 0 AN UT O IL S O A P Dahlias! Dahlias! BEAD P A W S 30c a doz. Nyssa Pharmacy SWAN BAKERY ■ W W W