The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, February 14, 1930, Image 9

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T he gate city journal
‘i h
r m
(© . 1*30. W e s te rn N e w s p a p e r U n io n .)
“ A U ttl# ru le , a l i t t l e s w a y
A s u n b e a m In a w in te r 's d a y
I s a ll th e p ro u d a n d m ig h ty h a v e
B e tw e e n th e c ra d le a n d th e g r a v e ."
Feen-a-mint is
the answer. Cleansing action of
smaller doses effective because
you chew it. At your druggists—
the safe and scientific laxative.
“Why Bring Thai Up”
And some people are forgotten but
not gone.—Pathfinder Magazine.
Millions now use Russ Ball Blue.
Makes clothes snowy white. Get the
Perfect Food
Fruit, vegetables and milk—the per­
fect food triumvirate for power and a
kingly enjoyment of life.
Mother of Five Healthy;
Children Speaks
Everett, W ash.—
“There is nothing so
helpful in mother­
hood as Dr. Pierce’s
F avorite Prescrip­
tion. I am the mother
of five as fine, healthy
“children as any one
could wish for and I
give this medicine
great credit, f or I took
it each time and it
Mi«. Iran. Armstrong k ep t m e j„
physical condition that I was always able
to do my own work right up to the last
—never lost my strength at any time. I
would not think of going thru expectancy
without taking this tonic."—Mr*. C. E.
Armstrong, 2811 Victor Place.
Fluid or tablets. All dealers.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Ho.
tel in Buffalo, N. Y., if you want a trial
package of Prescription Tablets.
A Household Remedy
For External Use Only
Balsam of Myrrh
Mon«» bick tor tint bottle II n t lulled. All tn lm .
M rs . E d i s o n ’s V ie w
“The word housewife,” says Mrs.
Thomas Edison In the American Mag­
azine, “Is the worst misnomer In our
language. She should be known as
a home executive.”
))n rn in jr S k in D is c u s e s
q u ic k ly reliev ed a n d h e aled bv Cole’s
C a rb o llsalv e . L e a v e s no sca rs. No m e d i­
cin e c h e s t co m p lete w ith o u t I t 30c an d
«0c a t d ru g g ists, o r J . XV, Cole Co., R o ck ­
fo rd , 111.—A d v e rtis e m e n t
Too Bad It Was So
“So Janet’s birthday party didn’t
amount to much?”
“No, she deserved a better fete."—
Pathfinder Magazine.
Help Your
Deal P ro m p tly w ith K id -
n ey Irregularities.
TF bothered with constant backache
A bladder irritations and getting up
at night, help your kidneys with
Doan’s Pills.
Used for more than 40 years. En­
dorsed the w o rld o v e r. Sold by
dealers everywhere.
50,000 Users Endorse Doan’s:
J a m e « A . M c C la r d , R e tir e d M e rc h a n t*
906 H o b s o n A v e n u e , H o t S p r in g s , A rk.*
says: " M y kidneys didn't a ct right and m y
back ached lo r q u ite a «pell. T h e use of
D oan’« P ills quickly rid m e of this attack."
A Stimulant Diuretic tolheTi^nèvs.
A t L a s t R e lie f fo r f t c h in g o r P r o tr u d in g P ile *
w i t h o u t t h e k ni fe , s e n d f o r f r e e t r i a l p a c k ­
a g e . p r e s c r i p t i o n 90 1 -A a n d be c o n v i n c e d .
C a n n n D r u g C o „ B o * 4143, P o r tla n d , O r*.
G a r f i e ld T e a
Was Your
Grandmother's Remedy
For every stomach
and intestinal 11L
This good old-fash­
ioned herb home
remedy for consti­
pation, stomach Ills
and other derange­
ments of the sys­
tem so prevalent these days Is In even
greater favor as a family medicine
than in your grandmother's day.
W . N. U ,
P O R T L A N D , N O . 7 -1 9 3 30.
0. IT V t m t N h t w i t u oN<OM
— ■
There Is nothing that adds to s
menu where cake Is served more than
a good-looking, fine-tex-
tured, tender cake. If
It Is a layer cake the
filling Is as Important us
the cake Itself.
C a k e.—
Cream one-half cupful
of butter or other short­
ening and stir In one
cupful of sugar gradual­
ly, then add two beaten
egg yolks. Mix thoroughly and sift
together two cupfuls of flour, two tea­
spoonfuls of baking powder and one-
fourth teaspoonful of soda; add al­
ternately with one-half cup of sour
milk. Flavor with a teaspoonful of
vanilla and fold In the stiffly beaten
whites of the eggs. Bake In two
Alexander Frosting.—Boll two cup­
fuls of sugar with one-half cupful of
water until the sirup threads from
the spoon. Pour slowly onto two
well-beaten whites, beating until the
frosting holds Its shape. Now add
two cupfuls of fresh grated coconut.
Cover one of the layers with coconut
and with frosting; cover with another
layer, then cover top and sides and
sprinkle with grated coconut.
Prune whip is a most delightful des­
sert. Prunes In lemon Jello makes
another; stuffed with cheese and
served with an attractive sandwich or
cracker, they make a nice finish to a
meal. Figs, dates and raisins add to
any apple salad, or mixed with nuts
and bread crumbs, served with
whipped cream, makes another good
As tomato Juice now Is used very
freely, rivaling the much-liked orange,
the mother of little ones sees that
each has a small glass of one of these
vltamlne foods daily. Tomatoes may
be canned when plentiful, Just as
Juice, and It will always be ready for
a fruit drink or to be used us soup,
or In sauces.
Dates, raisins, figs and prunes are
all such good wholesome fruits that
when some of our fresh fruits are
high In price or not in market is the
time to cultivate them.
To David, Denmark seemed quite
■mall. Of course he knew It was made
email for his map adventure hut still,
In proportion to ether countries, It
was small.
To the right was the Baltic sea and
to the south Denmark was talking to
Germany, so that David could see that
Denmark was a peninsula, too. There
were many, many Islands.
After Wind had let him out of the
air ship he began to wander about
He saw many pastures with Map peo­
ple farming, and often he saw great
sandy beaches, and at one he stopped
and had a swim. There were sandy
stretches In which pine trees were
growing, but nowhere could he see
any rocks, or any mountains. H* saw
Little winding villages and many old
castles. And as he was wondering If
anyone was going to come and talk
to him here, or when he would hear
the song, all of a sudden It began.
He could not see the singers, but this
was the song that he heard:
(T h e .
Spring-Hatched Pullets Care­ Mechanical Milking Unit o:
Standard Make Praised.
fully Developed Are Best.
Milking cows Is being done In a new
way by experts of the United States
Department of Agriculture at the dulry
experiment farm in Maryland and the
plan being used may have several ad­
vantages for Minnesota dairymen. In
the opinion of Dr. C. H. Eckles, chief
of the dairy division. University Farm,
SL PauL This plan Involves driving
the cows to the milking machine. In-
stead of taking the machine to the
The man who wouldn’t drive his
motorcar half a mile when it’a out of
A mechanical milking anlt of stand­
order, will often drive his brain all
ard make Is used, but Instead of the
day with a head that’s throbbing.
usual portable receptacle for the milk.
It Is drawn Into a stationary contain
Such punishment isn’t very good
er located between two stalls. Cows
for one’s nerves! I t’s unwise, and
are driven Into the milking stalls from
it’s unnecessary. A tablet or two
the rear and Instead of being tied or
of Bayer Aspirin will relieve a head­
stanchioned they are detained by mov­
ache every time. So, remember
able gates placed In front of the stalls.
this accepted antidote for pain, and
These can be opened from the rear by
spare yourself a lot of needless suf­
the operator after each cow Is milked,
fering. Read the proven directions
allowing her to move on and unotlier
and you’ll discover many valuable answered that question years ago.
bossy to take ber place.
uses for these tablets. For head­ It is not. Some folks still wonder if
Doctor Eckles thinks tbe Idea Is
aches; to check colds. To ease a it really doea relieve pain. That’s
well worth considering for dairymen
sore throat and reduce the infection. settled! For millions of men and
who are contemplating building new
For relieving neuralgic, neuritic, women have found it does. To
barns and particularly so for farmers
cure the cause of ray pain you must
rheumatic pain.
who wish to go Into the dairy business,
consult your doctor; but you may
utilizing buildings which they ulready
People used to wonder if Bayer always turn to Bayer Aspirin for
have, but which are not equipped for
Aspirin was harmful. The doctors immediate relief.
For Instance, a man who Is raising
beef cattle might easily and cheaply
convert his place Into a dairy farm by
fitting up a mall milking plant along
Aspirin Is the trade merk of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacatlcaddaatar of SalleyUcadd
the lines described above, using the
With a Bau Purpose
Natural Deduction
regular sheds or shelters for dairy
Bobby—What ore you doing In that
Inspector—That new man will nevsrl
cows and driving them to the special
make a detective.
stalls for milking. Large henls of doorway?
Chief—How Is that?
Suspicious Looking Individual—Just
dairy cows muy be sheltered together
Inspector—There was a 50-pound
without stanchions providing they are carol singing, sergeant
“I didn’t hear anything.”
box of soap stolen from a railroad car
dehorned and the sheds kept well
“Well, you see, I’m a whispering and he arrested a tramp.—New York
Central Magazine.
Doctor Eckles would favor having barytone.”—Exchange.
enough milking stalls to permit the
cows to remain In them while eating
tlielr grain. Feeding the cows their
Caponizing Profitable
gruln Individually at milking time en­
the dairyman to adjust tbe
Way to Market Poultry ables
amount of grain to ndlk flow and also
Caponizing Is one of the most prof­ attracts the cows to the milking stalls.
itable ways of marketing late-hatched Beside being a relatively cheap wuy to
HEN a man who has been
cockerels. In nn experiment last year equip a farm for dairying, this new
mayor of a big city for twelve
fifty June hatched cockerels were ca- system would make It easier to keep
years finds out how to live, his words
ponized. The birds were of dual-pur­ the milking quarters clean because of
are worth listening to. Ex-Mayor
pose breeds and caponlzed when they their smuller size. Doctor Eckles says,
E. N. Kirby of Abilene, Texas, dis­
had reached a weight of 12 ounces to
covered the simple way to health
2% pounds. These birds were sold the
about ten years ago (he is now 64.)
following April and averaged six
“I am now a new man, and as
pounds each, dressed for market. They
active as a boy," says Mr. Kirby.
Ration for Dairy Cows
brought 35 cents a pound, or an aver­
feel fine all the time and rarely
Cows may be pastured on sweet
have an ache or a pain, although for
age of $2.10 per bird. The feed cost clover as readily as on clover or al­
twenty-five years I suffered with
of producing these birds wns 84 cents falfa. Care must be taken at first to
rheumatism, and sometimes was un­
each, and with an additional charge turn them on only when the clover Is
to stand or walk. I would not
of 10 cents for dressing and picking, dry and only for an hour or two for
give up my simple health discovery
the net profit was $1.16 per bird.
—no, not for five thousand dollars
the first few days until the cows are
Another poultryman caponlzed 191 accustomed to the clover.
in gold!” That discovery was Nujoll
barred Plymouth Rocks last summer
That’s the wonderful thing about
Sweet clover Is best seeded In the
When sold their average weight was
Nujol. Although it is not a medicine
7.7 pounds each, and they brought 43 spring with outs or barley. The
contains absolutely no drugs, its
cents per pound. The total cost of growth Is slow at first, but In favor­
harmless internal lubrication seems
to make people feel better and look
growing these capons—chicks, feed and
on the brighter side of life, whether
labor—was placed at $360.14. There pastured lightly the first fall after the
are old or young.
were 176 birds at selling time, which
brought a total of $501.14, leaving a
Of course you can understand why
Hon. E. N. Kirby, for twelve years
second year, when It should be pas­
this is so: we ail of us have natural
net profit of 85 cents per bird.
Mayor of Abilene, Texas, who
tured off closely, ns the plant then
ioisons in our bodies that make us
eel headachy,
has discovered secret of success.
ny. sick and low in our
e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dies. The best practice Is. of course,
minds. Nujol, which is as tasteless
to hnve two pieces, seeding one each
year, and plowing up the lund after
as any other machine. After a
Poultry Notes
absorb these and carry them away, much
few days you will be surprised at the
a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the main crop has been pastured off.
easily, regularly as clock work.
difference in the way you feel. You
Unless It grows wild In your neigh­
Instead of drugging and irritating can get Nujol in a sealed package in
Winter egg profits will depend large- borhood, seed Inoculation will un­
any drug store. Nujol may change
'y on the care given pullets.
doubtedly be a benefit. It Is doubtful
axatives, and other habit-forming your whole outlook on life. Get a
• • *
If sweet clover that Is sown in the
drug[8, give your body the internal bottle today and give yourself a
Hatch the chicks early so that the full with rye or wheat would moke
lubrication which it needs, just as chance to be well I
pullets are mature for winter egg pro­ sufficient growth to carry It through
the winter and be Btrong enough to
• * •
Keep It That Way
Watted Energy
make a vigorous growth In the spring.
Scientists announce tlipt the Influ­
Don’t forget the Importance of fresh,
The chief fault of a single-track
enza germ has been Isolated, and our mind Is that It uses up so much energy y
Juicy greens for both the baby chicks
Idea Is that It would be a dandy hauling empties.—Capper's Weekly.
and old hens.
• • •
scheme to keep him Isolated.—Judge.
The first half of April Is the Ideal
People who shrink from public no­
Wise Judges are we of each other.— tice themselves revel In the publicity
time to hatch chicks of smaller breeds
such as the Leghorns.
of their friends.
Cows like to breathe fresh air. Richelieu.
* • *
Bnrns need to he properly ventilated.
Giving hens 12 hours of light In­
creases egg production at the season
Cows will eat three pounds of sllnge
when the prices are high.
per day for every 100 pounds live
• • •
• • •
When calcium enrhonate Is not
available In sufficient quantities, hens
Milk, from a cow properly fed. con­
lay soft-shelled eggs or no eggs nt all. tains vltamlnes which nre essential to
human health.
• • •
Making it easier for the hens to con­
sume large quantities of mash aids In
Cows will eat from one to two
the production of eggs. At least 10 pounds of alfalfa hay per day for ev­
linear feet of double hopper space ery 100 pounds live welghL
• • •
should be provided for 100 hens.
• • •
Alfalfa or clover hay should be In­
Culling should not he considered ns cluded In the ration of calves or year­
n substitute for correct management lings being fattened for the tnarkeL
of n flock of hens. Even the good
• • •
producers may cense laying In the
Don’t turn cows on pasture until the
summer If proper enre Is neglected.
grass has developed substance and has
a good sta rt I'tit them out for only
To carry on henvy production hens a short time at first that they mav
must have strong bodies and a good gradually become accustomed to the
supply of nourishing feeds.
Baby Ills ant! ailments seem
• • *
* • •
twice as serious at night. A sud­
Hood producing hens may become
den cry may mean colic. Or m
Let the calf suck the fingers and
thin If not fed sufficiently. Total feed gradually draw Its nose Into the milk,
sudden attack of diarrhea—a con­
consumption can be Increased usually when the fingers should he removed
dition it is always important to
by giving a moistened mash once n day gradually as soon as the calf gets a
check quickly. How would you
throughout the summer months.
meet this em ergency—tonight? tion always on hand. But don’*
taste of the milk. This method may
• • •
Have you a bottle of Castoria keep it just for emergencies; let
hnve to be repeated several times be­
Give free range to the birds which fore tbe calf will drink alone.
ready? There is nothing that can it be an everyday aid. Its gentle
are to be used as breeders this spring.
• • •
take the place of this harmless influence will ease and soothe the
They should also be fed an abundance
Cowt may eat and may also use for
but effective remedy for children; infant who cannot sleep. Its mild
of whole yellow com.
bedding, timothy hay, quark grass, etc.
nothing that acts quite the same, regulation will help an older child
• • •
These roughages require from 18 per
or has quite the same comforting whose tongue is coated because of
Breeding, selection, and poultry cul­ cent to 20 per cent digestible protein
effect on them.
sluggish bowels. All druggists
ture nre employed by alert poultry-men In the grain mixture. Such mixtures
For the protection of your wee have Castoria; the genuine liars
to meet the shifting market demands nre more expensive than when alfalfa
one—for your own neaee of mind Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on
for poultry and eggs.
—keep this old, reliable prepara­ the wrapper.
or clover 1« fed.
Developing the spring-hatched pul­
lets from the time the chicks leave the
Incubator until the pullets are placed
in the laying house Is the pathway to
profits In the poultry Industry.
“The object of this development Is
to have pullets of stamina, bone and
vigor and fully up to the standard
weight of the breed.” says R. S. Dear-
styne, poultryman at State college. “At
first the proper mashes are needed
until finally the laying mash contain­
ing 20 per cent of protein Is given.
The young pullets must have an abun­
dance of succulent green feed especial­
ly, as the grass on the range gets old
and tough. When placing birds In the
laying house, do this about two weeks
before they start laying so that they
may become accustomed to their sur­
Nesting material should be changed
often, runs cleured of litter, perch
You r e a lly c a n s a y m u ch
poles scraped and freed of mites, and
A b o u t th e D a n e s a n d th e D u tc h ,
the birds examined for Internal para­
T h e y ’r e fa m o u s f o r t h e i r f a r m i n g
A re th e D a n e s a n d th e D u tc h .
sites. A minimum of four feet of floor
space to each bird is needed In the
T h e y r e a lly d o ta k e p a in s
house, and at least two feet of perch
T h e D u tc h a n d th e D a n e s
A n d f a im w ith g r e a t e s t c a re ,
pole for each three birds. Dampness
D o th e D u tc h a n d th e D a n es.
in the house and damp litter is to be
avoided If the birds are not to have
T h e y 'r e fe w w h o r e a lly to u c h
roup and colds. Fresh, clean water
T h e D a n e s a n d th e D u tc h
In t h e i r s k ill a t r u n n in g fa rm s
Is necessary and the mash hoppers are
T h e D a n e s a n d th e D u tc h .
to be kept tilled at all times. Oyster
shell and grit needs to be kept before
T h e y 'v e a g r i c u l t u r a l b ra in s ,
T h e D u tc h a n d th e D a n e s
the birds, and grain fed twice each
A n d th e y fe e d a lo t o f p e o p le
day with the heaviest amount at eve­
D o th e D u tc h a n d th e D a n e s .
Mr. Dearstyne says that the poultry-
The singing stopped and now David
wondered what he would do next. He man will do well to spend about ten
did enjoy this way the Map people minutes each day In general observa­
had of leaving him alone every once tion* of his flock. This will help him
In awhile. He could wander then and to find any lack of thriftiness or any
indication of disease. Birds roughly
handled, irregularly fed and watered.
Infested with parasites or neglected In
other ways will not prove profitable.
Y ee< /
Twelve Years Mayor and
Going Strong!
The following are some of the foods
served In Hawaiian homes and also In
other warm coun-
t r i e s : however,
with fresh coco­
nuts, a v o c a d o
pears, the pine­
Famous for Their Farming.
apple and other
f r e s h fruits In see what he wanted to see, and yet
the market, one I they always came around, somehow,
may serve these I when he wanted them. It wns fun to
same foods with banks of snow out-
I side and the chill winds of winter, do as he pleased without having any­
making with an open lire a tropical one tell him he must see any place
feast, a most delightful occasion.
He saw Wind In the distance and
Chicken With Spinach and Coconut.
—Disjoint one large chicken, dredge waved to him. “I think I’d like an­
| with salt and pepper and saute in other ride,” he suggested, when Wind
three tablespoonfuls of butter until came along. “Not so much of a one, as
nicely browned on all sides. Cover I’ve seen such a lot, but a little one.”
So Wind took him across the Baltic
with water and simmer over very low
heat until each piece Is well done. sea and up over the Gulf of Bethnta
Remove to a hot place, make a brown where Just to the west he could see
sauce In the pan, using three table­ Sweden, and to the right Finland, with
spoonfuls of flour and the same a sign pointing to the south of Fin­
amount of fat. When the flour Is land which said: “This way to the
brown and well blended with the but­ Gulf of Finland.” It was In Finland
ter add two cupfuls of coconut milk, that Wind stopped, and David again
and when smooth and thick add a wandered.
He saw forests and countless lakes
peck of spinach, cooked, boiled and
chopped. Simmer ten minutes and connected by rivers and canals. He
felt that he could go anywhere In this
, serve with the chicken.
Salmon Loml.—Cover a pound of country by water. He saw logs float­
j kippered salmon with boiling water ing down to sawmills, and now and
| and let stand a few minutes before again farms divided by water and for­
draining; repeat twice and then flake, ests. He wandered south so that he
; removing all the bones and pieces of could see over the sign marking the
I membrane. Add one-half of a green Gulf of Finland, east of the Baltic
pepper and two onions finely chopped, sea, that Esthonla, Latvia and Lithu­
and chill. Serve between two half- ania were at home. He remembered
Europe having spoken of them before
j Inch slices of ripe tomato.
Pineapple Water Ice.—Boll one cup- the pageant.
As he wns looking about him Com­
j ful of water and two cupfuls of sugar
for five minutes, stirring only until pass stopped by for a moment. “You’re
the sugar Is dissolved. Add three not forgetting me or your directions,
and one-half cupfuls of pineapple juice are you?” Compass nsked.
"I’m keeping them pretty straight.”
and put Into the Ice box to chill. When
cold pack In a mold using equal parts answered David, "thanks to your help
of Ice and salt to cover the mold and my own bump of locality.”
"Goodness me. what’s that?” asked
stand two hours, then add a stiffly
beaten egg white; mix well, re pack Compass, but did not wait for nn an­
and leave an hour and a half longer. swer. “I see you're looking at the trio
Avocado Pear Salad.—Pare two avo­ In the distance. There's a Joke I must
cados and remove the pits, then slice tell you that they played on Russia.
Into thin rings. Marinate In a snappy Maybe It's not such a Joke from Rus­
french dressing with two Sliced cu­ sia’s way of looking at it—and I’ve
cumbers added Just before serving. nothing against Russia—I love Rus­
Serve on lettuce with ripe tomato as sia. But I think this Is funny. They
a garnish. Do not let the cucumbers used to be a part of Russia hut now
stand after the dressing has heen add­ they’re not and they’ve almost shut
Russia off from the Baltic sea They
ed or they will lose their crispness.
Grape Juice Punch.—Mix two cup­ just stand against Russia as though
fuls each of grape Juice, sweet eider ' standing against a door and they say:
and grapefruit Juice with one cupful ‘The Baltic Is at the other side and
of sugar, one-half teaspeonful of nut we’ll keep you separated.'
meg and one large orange shredded, j “But I do like Russia. Why don’t
Chill well for several hours then add you go over and have a look at It?
It would take a big look for It’s »
two quarts of cream soda water.
Scrambled Eggs.—Allowing one ta- ; mighty big country. You’re right In
neighborhood so you might as well
blespoonful of butter and four table­ the
make a call.”
spoonfuls of milk to each egg. Beat
eggs lightly, add sa lt pepper, a little | So David followed the right arm of
chopped onion—or scrappd onion Is \ Compass which was pointing east
better—three or four slices of cooked j Just where Russia stood.
bacon broken Into bits to half a dozen
Not All Profit
eggs. Cook, stirring In a dish over
Teacher—.Johnny. If I buy a pair of
water until creamy throughout. Serve
shoes for $4.87 anr! sell them for
at once.
$9/ j 0. do I make money?
Johnny—Well, yoo make on the dot
lars but you lose on the rents.
W h en
are upset