"»■ » •m m .* .™ ? * js- Visit our Used Furniture Department It Is Full of Bargains W e Carry a fnll line of used Furniture at the right price. N9RDALE FURNITURE CU. Caldwell Bldg. t t l ’SSA, OREGON y «^eg»s NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of the Estate of G. G. Hrown, Deceased. Notice is hereby given tha t Nora Daisy Ray, adm inistralrix of the estate of G. t*. Brown, deceased, has rendered and presented her filial accounting of her ad­ ministration of aid estate and petition for distribution and discharge as such administratrix, and that Monday, the2Cth day of January, 1930, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day in the county court room in the county court I house at Vale, Malheur county, Oregon, | has been appointed and fixed by the judge | of said cou rt as the time and place tor hearing objections to said account, forj settlement ther of, and hearing raid pe-1 tition, at which time and place all p e r ' sons interested in said estate may appear and object to said account and contest thej same, and all persons concerned therein • are notified to be present and show cause, if any there be, why sa;d account and report should not be approved and allowed and said estate settled and said administratrix discharged. Nora Daisy Ray, Administratrix of the Estate of G. G Brown, Deceased. First publication December 20. 1929. Last publication January 17. 1930. The time to store ICE is NYSSA PACKING CO. WANTED! Carpenter Work PHONE G Either by contract or by the day Licensed Oregon Meat Dealers No. 112 First-class work guaranteed No vexatious delays $ 6 . 0 0 T o n at Plant Better, safer and m ore sanitary then F iver Ice NYSSA OREGON I HON E Î4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. STATE OK OREGON. In the Matter of the Estate of George W. Wescott, Deceased. both Fresh and Cured, kept constantly on hand. The undersigned, having been appoint ed by the county court of Malhaur countyj Oregon, administratrix of the estate of George W Wescott, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having for your Sunday dinner. claims against the estate of said deceased, Don’t worry over what to buy. Just come in and look our stock to present them, duly verified, as required by law, within six months after the first over and make your selection. publication of this notice, to said admin­ istratrix, at the office of E, M. Rlodgett, iu the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Or egon, which said place is hereby desig nated as the place where said administra­ trix will receive said claims. F. N. SWAN, Phone 1 Administratrix of the estate of George W. Wescott, Deceased. Date of first publication, January 10, 1930 Date of last publication, February 7, 19.10 . t- - , . . , CHOICE MEATS all persons interested in said estate may appear and object to said account and con­ test the same, and all persons concerned therein are notifiod to be present and show cause, if any there be, why said ac­ count and report should not be approved and allowed and said estate settled and said administrator discharged. C. S. Skinner, Administrator of the Estate of George F. Skinner, Deceased. First publication, January 17, 1930 Last publication, Februaiy 14, 1930. ________________ $ 20 " f" "nitj for Gnu Copper Cent See me or leave orders at Journal Office D. F. Brown J. C. Martin of Richmond, Va., is the proud posse; jr of a ehcck for J200.CO paid him for an old copper cent. The Numismatic Company, Dept. 666, Fort Worth, Texas, who purchased this penny from Mr. Martin, savs there are numer­ ous old coins, bills and stamps in circula For Sale—Two 3-room houses, tion for which they will gladly pay big cash premiums. So that you will know [ with double garage; terms like the value of old coins and stamps and r ib & n 9 > a £ B i & t £ s e $ f $ !& a ft rent. Will consider trade. what to watch for in your change, the j Bott’s Music Co. jlOtf Numismatic Company w ill send for only j 4c to any reader of this paper who writes them, a large illustrated coin folder For Sale—Coal water heater describing some of these wanted articles plant complete, cheap. Roy and the big profits to be made. Better write them today for this large folder so d27-tf. Pounds. you can post yourself and know just what to look for. Remember that Mr. Martin’s; knowing the value of his penny meant a NOTICE TO CREDITORS l difference of $199.99 to him. Without IN THE COUNTY CCURT OF THE ! hnowing its value that penny might still NOTICE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE he in circulation, passing through the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF MALHETR, STATE OF hands of thousands until someoqe like Be w ise as Byrd, who took a large STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN­ l Mr Martin, who knows old coins, recog. OREGON. TY OF MALHEUR, | nizes its value. It pays to be posted. Send supply of honey on his south pole In the Matter of the Estate of Geòrgie L. Nyssa, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of George E. i 4 q now for the illustrated coin folder. You 8^ Wescott, Deceased. expedition. Skinner, Deceased The undersigned, having been appoint- 1 have nothing to lose, everything to gain. n u T T r n jr p f l a s h l ig h t a n d c a r Notice is hereby given that C. S. Skin­ ed by the county court of Malheur coun­ ner, administrator of the estate of George L T iifO L l I X T SHOTS ty, Oregon, admsnistratrix, with the will E. Skinner, Deceased, his rendered and ann-xe.l, of the estate of Geòrgie L. Wes­ Easy! Quick! Glycerin presented his final account of his admin­ L’qu d X Prestore Car Mats Rim Nuts and Lugs Anti cott, deceased, and having qualified, no­ Mix fer Constipation istration of said estate and petition for R- tilers Shinny Tops Car Jacks Ford Gaskets and Parts tice is hereby given to the creditors of, Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, distribution and discharge as such admin­ and all persons having claims against the TIRE etc , as mixed in Adlerika, relieves consti­ istrator, and that February 24, 1930, at estate of said deceased, to present them, pation in TWO hours! Most medicines the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon duly verified, as required by law, within TU BE at your grocery act on only loW-r bowel, but Adlerika » i of that day, in the county court room in six months after the first publication of acts on B'JTH upper and lower bowel, re­ the county court house at Vale, Malheur this notice, to said administretrix, at the Everything you ordinarly need for the car. moving poisons yea never thought were connty, Oregon, has been appointed and office of E M. Blodgett, in the City of in your sy tem. Just ONE spoonful re­ fixed by the judge of said court as the time Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, which lieves GAS, sour stomrch and sick head­ and place for hearing objections to said said place is hereby designated as the for limited time, Tube FREE with any sizes in stock and 24 hour account, for settlement thereof and hear­ ache. Let Adlerika give stomach and service out of the complete stock at Boise. Truck or passenger cars. ing said petition, at which time and place place where said administratrix will re- i bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good ceive said claims. you feci! Nyssa Pharmacy. ; F N. SWAN, j E is a m ra ff a«Æ ï»afrVf-i>gan Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Geòrgie L. Wesco t, de- ! Subscribe for the Jourm ceased Date of first publication, January 10, 1930 Date of last publication, February 7, 1930 Fill TURKEYS, CHICKENS AND DUCKS EON « « «2 »2 »2 4 ‘2 OREGON MEAT MARKET Licensed O regon Meat Dealers Hoxie Service Station âkJHalîM: Protect Your Skin From Winter Wind »2 HONEY FOSTER’S HONEY V V v »¿s ■£■ V W W V I & V & & * & 2» » 2» « fKE GATE CITY JOURNAL PHONE 19 A nock in the motor says Gas­ oline Ike, "Is something that automobilists dislike; It's apt to cause trouble upon the turnpike — So bring us your carbon—the noise we'll spike." 35c The drying chapping effects of winter mean nothing to a skin that is kept smooth and moist by means of McCoy’s Alomond and Benzoin Lotion. It ab­ sorbs readily and does not clog the pores. You Tell ’Em! Nobody loves a knocker, for knockers bring trouble with them. If your car is noisy, bring it in. We can smooth it out with any one of our many effi­ cient methods, and make it as quiet as a mouse. Nyssa Pharmacy Phone 14 A Concentrated Energy Food I Nyssa, Oregon With McCoyi Almond and Benzoin Lotion Nyssa $ »2 »2 »2 »2 ► 2 ÿV Guaranteed Goodrich Tires BE PREPARED FOR COLD I » Oregon Park your pet peeve in the Ike hou*e LARSEN & HUNTER FORD G A R A G E Nyssa - - Oregon Subscription s'"Si,s '. S17ic Largest Paper in Malheur County FINE JOB PRINTING